Kill Off Windows Live OneCare

Nov 18, 2008

In a very surprising move, Microsoft has announced today that Windows Live OneCare customers will be getting the shaft next year. The software giant has decided to replace OneCare with a free security solution (codenamed "Morro") to be released in the second half of next year. The yet-to-be-announced product will be a realtime anti-malware protection solution, whereas OneCare offered that plus backup and management features. Sales of the Windows Live OneCare subscription service as well as Windows Live OneCare for Server on SBS 2008 will end on June 30, 2009.

If your subscription is about to run out, I'd suggest looking for an alternative instead of renewing a product that is on its way out the door. Sure, OneCare will continue to be available online until Morro is available and your subscription will still work until it ends, but Microsoft's decision makes the company look unreliable. Full Story: Microsoft to kill off Windows Live OneCare next year (Updated)

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Windows Live OneCare

May 7, 2008

I uninstalled (using the removal tool) Norton and installed OneCare on a trial basis. Do I need any additional spyware with this? Spybot, for example.

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Windows Live Onecare Installing Can't Continue

Nov 15, 2008

Having problems with installing Windows Live Onecare on Vista. Says that installation cannot continue. Any ideas? Installed fine on Windows XP Home Edition.

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Live OneCare Vs AVG ?

Mar 23, 2008

I've been given a new Windows Live OneCare subscription to try, and I
currently use AVG Internet Security, for 3 home computers, all running Vista.
I'd like to know if Onecare is something I should give up the AVG for. I have
a subscription with AVG through Feb of next year, (paid for) so I don't want
to give it up unless there is particulary good benefit from it.
Could someone give a review of these two programs?

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Live OneCare And SP1

May 25, 2008

I uninstalled Vista SP1 for several reasons. Live OneCare keeps telling me I need to "Install missing updates." Is there any way I can tell OneCare NOT to alert me about the SP1 update?

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Live OneCare, Unable To Update

Mar 23, 2008

Windows Live OneCare was ok last night when I turned my computer off, but today says it's out of date, and can't get update to work. Have Vista Home Premium. Saw an error, 0X0400407, haven't been able to find what that error means.

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Kill File In Windows Mail

Apr 14, 2008

I'm using Windows mail on Vista enterprise 32 bit. I can see there's a few posters in this group I've no interest in reading (I couldn't care less about some posters opinions of Windows contra Linux, I use both happily) and I'd like to skip over them. What's the best way to set up a kill file in Windows mail?

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Stop OneCare From Degragmenting During Tune-up?

Aug 16, 2009

How do i stop OneCare from degragmenting during a tune-up.

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32-bit Vista Home Premium: Services.msc + OneCare

Feb 26, 2010

32-bit Vista Home Premium. Have Windows Live OneCare installed, but am getting a msg that the service is disabled. I cannot get into services either through the start search box or through the control panel. If I use the box, the service never displays and I can no longer use the start menu unless I go to task manager and log off and then log back on. If I use the control panel, it just sits there with the revolving blue circle. If I open task manager and click on the services tab there is a service listed called OcHealthMon which is described as Window Live One Care Health Monitor and it says the status is stopped. If I right click and select start service I get the msg 'The operation could not be completed. Access is denied"

If I boot in safe mode I can go into services, but it says that OneCare has an Automatic startup type and is already started. I have MalwareBytes installed on the PC and it finds no malicious items in safe mode, but in normal startup the desktop icon has a litle security center emblem in the lower right hand corner. I cannot open the security center from the control panel - blue wheel again.

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Setup OneCare Properly To Restore Last Backup?

Feb 16, 2009

For some reason OneCare is not allowing me to restore to the latest backup (7 days ago). I can only select the main OneCare Backup folder, so I decided to allow this restore. It took quite a few hours and now I'm in shock! It actually restored everything from the beginning of 2008; there are thousands of files everywhere and some of my programs are not working correctly. How can I setup OneCare properly to restore to the last backup? I've spoken to Onecare support twice today. I guess my settings are messed up as well ecause we were not able to allow support to access my computer. It's wierd that at 8 a.m. both the phone agent and later the chat agent said they would send me a step-by-step 'how to' email but I've not received either of them.

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OneCare Safety Scanner Doesn't Work

Jan 22, 2010

I am running windows vista home premium and IExplorer 8 ..I have used the windows live safety scanner many times in the last year..The last couple of times I tried running it I got the following message. We're sorry. This version of the Windows Live OneCare safety scanner doesn't work with your Web browser or operating system. It goes on to say that I need to have windows vista and internet explorer.

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Did X64 Ultimate Kill My Powersupply?

Nov 5, 2008

recently tried to install vista 32bit on my computer, it was successfull until i installed nvidia display drivers. The error i got was: Error: Display driver has stopped working and has recovered successfully. I even tried to get Omega drivers, and old archived nvidia drivers did not work. So i gave up, and asked my retailer if i could get the x64bit instead. they aggreed with that. So i installed that one also correctly. No problems with the GPU drivers there, however in games my computer kept restarting after playing ~20mins and two days later my Powersupply died. a 600W PSU from OCZ. I then removed vista from my computer and is now running xp x64 and i have no problems what so ever. But i want Vista! loved the functions. I want to try again soon, but im not sure if my computer will survive.

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Remove Or KILL KMS Server?

May 5, 2008

We have a vista PC that is regestered in DNS as a KMS server (nslookup -q=SRV _VLMCS._TCP shows this PC) How can we have the person who is running this PC kill the KMS service so we can create a valid KMS on a Server 2003 or 2008 box?

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Kill Vista And Go To XP Profassional

Mar 23, 2008

Is there ANY way to take my new computer, kill Vista and go to XP pro??

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Managed To Kill My Raid 0

Mar 21, 2009

Managed to kill my raid 0, 1 terabyte games drive today. Absolutely shattered. Maybe ten hours worth of installs on that drive. To say that I am upset is an understatement. You live and learn. Will be purchasing an extra backup drive exclusively for backing up this drive. Never will I feel this pain again

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Games Seem To Kill Audio In X64

Sep 25, 2009

I am running into a problem with my sound when playing games. For some reason my sound stops working completely after starting a game. It happens in games like COD4, L4D, TF2, and so on. Even when I close the game, I get no sound on anything. It is as if the audio service stops completely. I am using Vista Ultimate x64 on a Intel i5 750 with a Radeon 4890 XXX 1 gig card. My audio card is an onboard Realtek HD. My mobo is an Intel DP55WB. I only notice it when I play games, and the timing varies. Last night I played L4D for 10 minutes before it happened, and today it happened 10 seconds into COD4. It feels as if it is an intermittent conflict between something. I tried reinstalling new drivers, but it doesn't work. Does anyone know what to look for in a case like this?

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Kill Security Center Notifications

Jun 28, 2006

The new Windows Security Center in Windows Vista can be just as annoying as the security centers in previous versions of Windows. I am an advanced of a computer user to know that I do not have anti-virus software installed. I don't need the Windows Security Center to remind me that all the time.

Thankfully there is a new easy way to disable the security center messages.

Click on the Security Center/Windows Security Alerts logo in the system tray.

Click Change the way Security Center alerts me.

Select I do not want notification messages from Security Center.

It is now that easy.

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Kill Processes From Command Prompt

May 16, 2009

I'm sure you are familiar with the traditional way to kill or end a process in Windows using Task Manager.  This method is effective but not nearly as fun as killing a process in Command Prompt.  Additionally, killing processes in Command Prompt provides much more control and the ability to end multiple processes at once....

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Sleep Mode Restart Or Kill The Computer

Aug 27, 2008

whenever I put the computer to sleep mode and move the mouse while it's getting into sleep mode, it'll either restart or kill the computer. When it kills the computer, the fans still run but the lights on the front go out. There is also no picture on the monitor. To turn off the computer, I have to force a shutdown by holding the power button for around 4 seconds. Then, when I try to turn on the computer again, the fans turn on, the hard drive runs, but still no lights on the front of the case nor picutre on the screen. I fixed it by clearing the RTC RAM on the motherboard. After doing that, the computer would boot up, but if I did sleep mode and moved the mouse, then the computer would die again, and I'd have to clear the RTC RAM again. I'm wondering why this happens with sleep mode. I use Vista Home Premium 64-bit. Is there a solution to this problem or does anyone else have this problem?

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What Happened To This Group: Kill File In Such A Short Time?

Apr 1, 2008

I've never seen a discussion group like this one? I know threads break down and take a turn but I've never seen so many people in my kill file in such a short time. Hardly any help is offered here just a bunch of people saying this and that about each other, or defending Ubuntu in a windows group?

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Windows Update, Windows Live Messenger 8.1 AND Sidebar Gadget

Oct 4, 2007

i'm using Vista Ultimate version and i'm having all sorts of problems with windows update, Windows live messenger 8.1 and my sidebar.

a) Windows Update- Windows update is failing to load any new updates available, after selecting "check for updates" i am responded with an immediate error; it states. Windows could not search for new updates. Error(s) found: Code 80040154. Get help I have googled my error code but not many responses. So thats my first concern

b)Live Messenger 8.1- Secondly, i was shocked to find my msn wasn't working (works on web based version, so cant be wrong login details) first the typing was slow then i get the error code: 800401f3 denying me login. I searched up the code and found i had to type up some things in cmd...........

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Windows Live Contacts Imported To Windows Mail

Apr 18, 2009

Could anyone tell me how to import the contacts that I have in windows live mail into plain windows mail.

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Importing From Windows Mail To Windows Live Failed

Jul 29, 2009

I had a problem with my Windows Mail, all of the sudden I could not get my mail to show up in the inbox so I signed up for Windows Live Mail to see if I could just export everything to it but it did not work. I now have a Windows Live import box stuck on my Desktop that I cannot get rid of and I cannot get into my Windows Mail anymore. The windows live is working well but I just want to get to my old e-mails and my contacts , is this possible?

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Conecting Windows Mail And Windows Live

Jan 4, 2010

i cant figure out what to type in the incoming and outgoing adresses (pop3) and (smtp)

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Windows 7 Live Mail

Dec 22, 2009

I have Windows Mail on my Vista machine. I did a clean install of Windows 7, and I now see that Windows Mail is not included. I must down from the Windows Live collection of 'Live' applications.

when I pressed the download button, I saw the file was named wlsetup-web.exe. Does this mean that to install Mail, I will first be installing the framework for installing any other Live applications I may want in the future? That is, is this like installing only Word from the Office suite?

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Windows Live Keeps Opening Itself Over

Jan 5, 2008

i have a hewlett packard computer thahas vista home edition in the motherboard. and windows live keeps opening itself over and over and over sometimes it tries to open 5 copies of itself at once. and i have done several spyware scans with several different pograms including norton, adaware, spybot, mcaffe and windows defender. i and spyware free on my hard drive yet this progran will not leave me alone!

if i play a game.. it closes out me gaming window every 3 seconds some times demading my attention if i am surfuing the internet it will over ride my keyboard and make itself the formost window. if i close the program out completley it restarts itself and will try to run 5 copies of itself at once.............

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Windows Live Mail In Win 7

Nov 6, 2009

Does anyone know if there is a way and if so how to have Windows Live Mail open by default to Newsgroups? I don't use it for Mail. I just use it for these newsgroups. Every time I open it, I have to click on Newsgroups. I would like to be able to open Windows Live Mail and have it directly open to Newsgroups.

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Windows Mail Set-up For Live

Jul 29, 2009

I can't seem to figure out how to set up Windows Mail for my windows live account. What information do I need too set it up for my email account. I have found some server info but it told me the server didn't exist. the info i have is:

PoP3 Server: (Port 995)
SMTP Server: (Port 587)

I have used this information exactly in the correct spots and i don't know what I've done wrong

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Ms Want Therefore Don't Fix Wm In Windows Live Mail

Mar 28, 2009

Windows Mail is so buggy I am beginning to feel I shall be forced to use Windows Live Mail, which I dislike imtensely. Almost wonder if that is what MS want and therefore dont fix WM. In Windows Live Mail, is there any way of sizing or moving the list of email accounts which dominates the whole of the left hand column? I have many accounts and having them take up so much space is just awful. It's the huge account headers that cause the problem - really bad design. Also, how does one get buttons for the common functions onto the menu bar? Or is this impossible and yet another bad design flaw? Why on earth don't MS provide OE for Vista? There was nothing wrong with it and the demand for it seems enormous.

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Windows Live And Its Advantage?

Mar 8, 2009

Is Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail the same program. If different what is the advantage of Windows Live Mail. What is the Windows Live and what is its advantage.

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Windows Live FolderShare

Mar 18, 2008

I was just wondering if anyone is using Windows Live FolderShare and what they thought of it. Is it any good?

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