Upgraded 2 Gb Nothing Happened

Oct 9, 2009

I had 1 gb of ram in my computer and I just upgraded to 2 gb. I tried to start it up, and nothing happened. All the lights and fan came on, but nothing happened.

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I Guess A Lot Of This Happened When Was Being Built

May 15, 2008

Arrogance from MS's part, lack of true leadership & vision, and plain
stupidity seems to plague the software giant...just read below and weep about how bad Microsoft handles some software developing.. Now multiply this by a factor of about a million,and you can imagine how bad things were with vista......

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What Happened To The Old Temporary Internet Files

May 26, 2009

I am fairly new to Vista but noticed that there are relatively few files in
the Temporary Internet Files folder compared to when I was running XP. I
subscribe to an internet based business messaging system (GoSolo) and used
to be able to drag the audio messages I had listened to from that temp
folder into an archive folder. But now they don't show up at all. I can
still "save" those messages from GoSolo but the process is a lot more
tedious. Are there IE settings that will allow them to be saved to disk and
show up in the Temporary Internet Files folder in Vista?

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Installing Software, Download And Nothing Happened

May 15, 2010

I'm having problems installing any software onto my computer. When I try to install something off a site eg; itunes, the download box will come up, it'll run through and as soon as the download is complete the box will close and nothing else comes up with no trace of the program I just waited two hours to download to be found on my computer anywhere.

when I try to install things from a disk like my new scanner software the omputer doesn't even read the disk, I dont get an error or a popup, it doesn't even say that anythings in the disk drive. I've tried other sorts of disks like CDs and it does the same thing.

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What Happened To This Group: Kill File In Such A Short Time?

Apr 1, 2008

I've never seen a discussion group like this one? I know threads break down and take a turn but I've never seen so many people in my kill file in such a short time. Hardly any help is offered here just a bunch of people saying this and that about each other, or defending Ubuntu in a windows group?

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Sleeping" Nothing Happened The Screen Stayed Blank

Sep 22, 2009

my desktop as usual, its a dell XPS 630I and Ive had it maybe 4 months total. I just checked my email and logged back off to the user screen. While I was gone it kicked into hibernation mode like it always does when noones using it. When I got home like 4 hours later I moved the mouse to bring it out of sleeping and nothing happened the screen stayed blank. So I waited and waited and it never kicked back on so I manually restarted it with the power button and it loaded to the dell screen which took alot longer than normal to load, right after that it popped up "Error Loading OS". I tried restarting and hitting the F8 button... no luck.... I hit F12 and tried running the diagnostics... nothing came up...

I put the dell cd in that has vista on it and hit the repair button near the bottom of the install screen and ran the different tests and nothing came up wrong. However I tried the memory test and it started I needed to reboot in order to use it. however when I did that it kicked back to the "Error Loading OS" screen. So thats where I am right now and I have no clue what to do, I am going to just do a clean install but theres stuff Id really like to get off this drive before I wipe it clean.

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Starting To Like When This Happened: Open Certain Control Panel Functions From The RUN Command Line Or Through The MMC Console Itself

Jan 18, 2009

I've been getting this error message when I try to open certain control panel functions from the RUN command line or through the MMC console itself. Other functions like performance information, user accounts and parental controls don't respond when clicked. Windows update might flash up the beginnings of a window for a split second but wont load. I've got the update icon on my task bar saying it cant update. Other than some key function being inaccessible the PC runs fine (apart form Firefox has started crashing out every now again) I can install software ok.

I've run the SVG /scannow thing and it found no problem Its my home PC sp I am setup as administrator. This problem is effecting another vanilla admin account AND the hidden Admin account. I've virus scanned in safe mode. System restore went through the motions but after it had restarted the PC it said it couldn't actually restore........

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Just Upgraded To SP1

Mar 26, 2008

I found and installed SP1 for Vista. However, now I have in the corner of my lower right screen, a new message showing:

Windows Vista (TM)

Evaluation copy. Build 6001

I have a registered version of Vista Home Premium, and of course, since I had installation problems when I first got it, I can't get help from Microsoft except here now.!

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I Upgraded My CPU

Apr 11, 2009

I up graded my CPU and the system freezs constantly, I have ruled outHeat, and PSU, and RAM. I dont get any freezing when in Safe boot mode,So far.

I get this error when it freezs and I have to reset button hard boot.Also All the USB power goes dead so no access to key board or mouse.

System Specs {Asus P5WDHDeluxlatest bios2801 || E8600Intel Core2
duo3.33ghz||PC64008004gb||ATIHD3870'sCrossfire9.3|| 850wAntectrqpower ||
CreativeX-F1 extrem5.1 latest || Vista64bitsp1 ||latest
TrackIr4Pro./irEnhancement || JoystickSaitekst290pro ||
SaitekRudderpedalsPro || X52ThrottleControler ||
G15Keyboard/RazerDiamondBackMouse || 28"Lcd HDMI iF281D I-INC}...............

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Blue Screen: "if This Is The First Time It Has Happened To You, Just Restart Normally"

Mar 2, 2010

i m using PC, when suddenly my computer just closed and went to a blue screen with loads of text and stuff, it said stuff like "if this is the first time it has happened to you, just restart normally" and "if you recently installed a software try system restore" something like that.. it didn't say a location from where the error was... like normal "blue screen of deaths", so i wondering if this is just a 1 off kinda thing or something more severe?

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Upgraded From 2GB To 4GB But Doesn't See

Mar 23, 2008

I've upgraded my ram from 2GB to 4GB the bios reports 4096 but Vista
reports 2048 the exact same value before the upgrade. I'm aware of
why Vista doesn't report all of the add'l memory but in my case I see no
change at all does any one have any ideas?

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64 Upgraded Crashing

Sep 16, 2009

I bought my pc about a year and half ago. Had an x86 Vista Ultimate edition on it and it all worked fine. 4 GB RAM and a good CPU made it run smooth. I then decided to upgrade my RAM to 8 GB and also upgraded my Windows with it to an x64 Vista Ultimate. Ever since I upgraded, my pc has been crashing like mad. When I play games my pc crashes constantly in a timeframe ranging from 20mins to 2 hours.

I freezes completely and it ends up in me having to force hard reset my pc. I don't know what the problem is atm and in all fairness it's driving me mad. Sometimes I boot my pc, I check mails and whoops, frozen and have to reboot. Is it possible that there's a compatibility problem with the RAM and my x64 Vista?

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Display Upgraded RAM?

May 23, 2009

I purchased a laptop with Vista Home Basic that had only 894 MB RAM.(Two slots with 512 MB sticks). I have lots of speed issues and was told by someone that this was not enough RAM to operate Vista. My laptop maximum it 2 GB so I swapped out the two 512 MB sticks for two 1 GB sticks. Under Control Panel>System, it is still only displaying 894 MB RAM. How do I get this to display the upgraded RAM?

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System Has Upgraded Itself To SP1?

Mar 24, 2008

I received the Microsoft Download email and followed the link to read about SP1 for Vista. It recommends installing via the Windows Update site. Every time (and by whatever means) I try to access the Windows Update site the Vista Windows Update tool dives in and tells me that there are no updates available. I am sure I would know if a 65MB file had downloaded and installed but I could be wrong.

Two questions:

1) How can I tell if my system has upgraded itself to SP1 without my involvement?

2) As the first answer is almost certain to be that it cannot, how can I get the onboard Windows Update to let me through to the web site?

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Upgraded Standard VGA Adaptor

Aug 16, 2009

I recently upgraded my graphics card from a Radeon 9600 to 3650 and that is where I struck problems. The standard VGA adaptor isn't working or became corrupt and when I installed the Radeon driver, the system froze after a short while. I have tried deleting adaptor, but that also removes "Display Adaptors" from the Device Manager, so even if I install the 3650 driver, it won't appear as installed. I have tried doing a clean install of Vista but the same thing occurs. On the other hand I have no problem with Windows 7 RC1 where everything works perfectly. What purpose does the VGA serve anyway since I still have a display without it working?

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Just Upgraded To SP1, Lower Right Screen

Mar 23, 2008

I found and installed SP1 for Vista. However, now I have in the corner of my lower right screen, a new message showing: Windows Vista (TM) Evaluation copy. Build 6001. I have a registered version of Vista Home Premium, and of course, since I had installation problems when I first got it, I can't get help from Microsoft except here now.

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Upgraded RAM - System Failure

Mar 26, 2008

I'm running Vista Ultimate x64. I had 4GB of memory installed and just upgraded to 8GB. When I started the computer with the new memory sticks, I got this message: "The file is possibly corrupt. The file header checksum does not match the computed checksum." I booted from the Vista DVD and tried the Startup Repair but it says it did not detect any problems so it won't repair anything.

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Upgraded And Built In Mic Does Show Up?

Oct 30, 2008

I have a HP dv9000 with built in web and mic the camera works fine when i connect to skype but the computer doesn't even notice the mic is there. i went on control panel and recording devices and it doesn't list any. and there is no button to look for one or anything. what do i do?

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How Much Ram Would 32 Bit Pc Loose If Upgraded It With An Ati X2 Gfx Card?

Aug 18, 2008

How much ram would my 32 bit pc loose if i upgraded it with an ati x2 gfx card? Currently have 4gb ram & 512mb gfx card, with only 3.2mb ram recognised, ill assume it would be around 1.7gb?? If thats the case, a lot of users will be upgrading their vista to 64 bit. Dont know how many 64 bit users there are now, but looks like this card pretty much demands it.

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Upgraded To 64 Bit But Shows Running 32 Bit?

Sep 1, 2007

Have recently purchased the upgrade to 64 bit Vista, however, having installed the disc on boot up I expected some sort of instruction on the transfer to 64 Bit procedure. nothing. When I review the details of my PC in the System menu on the Control Panel it still shows me running with 32 Bit. I have even tried to run the set-up from the upgrade DVD but have been refused and told to run from boot-up.

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Internet Explorer Is Not Upgraded Pc

Feb 27, 2008

Just curious as to why Vista 64bit has 2 sets of Program files on C Drive?

One is Program Files
One is Program Files (x86)

Everything I have installed loads into Program Files (x86)Also, I've noticed the same with Internet Exlporer and Internet Explorer 64 bit This isn't an upgraded pc, it came with Vista Premium 64 bit

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Upgraded Vista Has Not Worked Right

Mar 23, 2008

After I upgraded to Vista my computer has not worked right. It's slower, needs to be restarted every day, I have no sound and other low memory problems. I have noticed that the windows old file is 43 GB which is almost half of my total memory. Is the best thing to fix my computer to go back to XP or just get rid of large files like the windows old so Vista can run properly.

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What Happened To The "MOVE" Option?

Jun 12, 2009

Three weeks ago I purchased an Acer Aspire x1700 with the Vista x64 OS. I sort and catalog 20 to 30 pictures a day downloaded from digital cameras. In the XP system you were able to right click on the pic, in the drop down menu is an option to MOVE. Left click on MOVE and the drop down menu lets you select exactly where you want to put the picture. With the Vista x64 OS there is no MOVE option. You have to COPY the picture, search for the destination folder through many sub folders, PASTE the picture in the folder. Then you have to remember to GO BACK TO THE ORIGINAL FOLDER AND DELETE THE PICTURE you just cataloged! WHY!!! This takes twice as long. If you want to move more than one pic you have to highlite the pictures you want to move, right click on the task bar, left click on side-by-side and hope you have the right folder minimized in the task bar, then slide the pictures you want to move across to the other folder next to it. Then you have to GO BACK TO THE ORIGINAL FOLDER AND DELETE THE PICTURES you have just sorted or cataloged.

Would it have been too expensive to add a MOVE option to the drop down menu like there was in the XP OS or maybe Microsoft needs more "pay as you call" to tech support!

Does everyone like being asked for "Permission to continue" when you want to open something? Seems to me if you didn't want to do that operation you wouldn't have clicked on it in the first place.

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Upgraded On Vista Ultimate X64 From 2gb To 4gb Of Memory

Mar 19, 2008

Anyone upgraded on vista ultimate x64 from 2gb to 4gb of memory, whats the performance boost? id reckon quite good, but how good really? i play a lot of games..

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Vista Can Be Upgraded To Which Versions Of Windows 7

Oct 27, 2009

I know that there is a MS link out there, but I just cannot find it again. What versions of Windows XP and Vista can be upgraded to which versions of Windows 7?

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Upgraded To Vista, Software Not Working

Dec 14, 2007

I had this problem since I upgraded to Vista. All softwares I used before in Windows XP worked without any problem, but most of them now support Vista and they are giving me tons of problems everyday.

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Upgraded Vista: Sound Can Not Working

Apr 26, 2010

So this, has been by life for the past little while. I have a Gateway M520 laptop, wich had XP on it, and i upgraded to vista. When i did that, I lost my sound. I have spent hours on the net, on the manufacturers websites, in random forums, Only to not find an awnser, and be left without sound. Nothing is muted, All drivers are supposedly up to date, tried uninstalling/re-installing, Tried letting windows update do it.............no luck. Seriously about ready to take a slegehammer to my laptop, lol.

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Ram Upgraded: No Output Device Installed

Jun 14, 2008

I've recently upgraded the RAM on my Computer, turned the machine on and everything seemed fine, until I noticed that there was "No Output Device installed". I've noticed many topics about this subject but all seem to be occurring after installing Vista not RAM,

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Upgraded Vista 32bit Hung Up

Jan 13, 2009

I'm currently running my upgraded rig on Vista Ultimate 32 bit and would like to have 64 bit installed because I have 6 gigs of ram that I would like to be able to use. My problem is that when I boot from my DVD drive, it says it loads the windows files, but then when its like setting up the install or something (The green bar is scrolling across the screen), it gets hung up then, after a minute or two, becomes a BSOD. 32 bit did something similar, but never gave me blue screen just kept stopping and starting again. I'm stumped.

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Upgraded To Vista Ultimate Xp's Printer

Mar 23, 2008

Had two PC's one has just been upgraded to Vista Ultimate, the other remains XP Pro. When I browse the network on either system, they seem themselves but not the other. I can ping in either direction OK by IP only (not computer name) On the Vista system if I select 'Show Full Map' in the network center I can see the other PC I can print to the XP's printer from the Vista system (had to map it by IP. I have tried all the hints and tips I can find and for the life of me am stumped. I have set up probably 20-30 similar small networks for friends (though this is a first with Vista) and never had this problem.

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Upgraded To Vista Ultimate: Internet Explorer 8

Dec 15, 2009

I was using yista home premium and upgraded to vista ultimate however it is causing to many problems with other sofftware I use and the internet explorer 8. Is there a way to dowm grade or restore to the previous version without doing a complete system restore. I tried to restore to an earlier date, but it was not early enough.

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