What Happened To The "MOVE" Option?

Jun 12, 2009

Three weeks ago I purchased an Acer Aspire x1700 with the Vista x64 OS. I sort and catalog 20 to 30 pictures a day downloaded from digital cameras. In the XP system you were able to right click on the pic, in the drop down menu is an option to MOVE. Left click on MOVE and the drop down menu lets you select exactly where you want to put the picture. With the Vista x64 OS there is no MOVE option. You have to COPY the picture, search for the destination folder through many sub folders, PASTE the picture in the folder. Then you have to remember to GO BACK TO THE ORIGINAL FOLDER AND DELETE THE PICTURE you just cataloged! WHY!!! This takes twice as long. If you want to move more than one pic you have to highlite the pictures you want to move, right click on the task bar, left click on side-by-side and hope you have the right folder minimized in the task bar, then slide the pictures you want to move across to the other folder next to it. Then you have to GO BACK TO THE ORIGINAL FOLDER AND DELETE THE PICTURES you have just sorted or cataloged.

Would it have been too expensive to add a MOVE option to the drop down menu like there was in the XP OS or maybe Microsoft needs more "pay as you call" to tech support!

Does everyone like being asked for "Permission to continue" when you want to open something? Seems to me if you didn't want to do that operation you wouldn't have clicked on it in the first place.

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Move Files And Folers Option

Feb 22, 2010

I had to perform recovery on my computer and after doing so, when I right click on a file or folder the option to move or copy to is gone. I cannot move files or folders from another location. Also cannot transfer from cd or flash drive to computer.

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Upgraded 2 Gb Nothing Happened

Oct 9, 2009

I had 1 gb of ram in my computer and I just upgraded to 2 gb. I tried to start it up, and nothing happened. All the lights and fan came on, but nothing happened.

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I Guess A Lot Of This Happened When Was Being Built

May 15, 2008

Arrogance from MS's part, lack of true leadership & vision, and plain
stupidity seems to plague the software giant...just read below and weep about how bad Microsoft handles some software developing.. Now multiply this by a factor of about a million,and you can imagine how bad things were with vista......

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What Happened To The Old Temporary Internet Files

May 26, 2009

I am fairly new to Vista but noticed that there are relatively few files in
the Temporary Internet Files folder compared to when I was running XP. I
subscribe to an internet based business messaging system (GoSolo) and used
to be able to drag the audio messages I had listened to from that temp
folder into an archive folder. But now they don't show up at all. I can
still "save" those messages from GoSolo but the process is a lot more
tedious. Are there IE settings that will allow them to be saved to disk and
show up in the Temporary Internet Files folder in Vista?

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Installing Software, Download And Nothing Happened

May 15, 2010

I'm having problems installing any software onto my computer. When I try to install something off a site eg; itunes, the download box will come up, it'll run through and as soon as the download is complete the box will close and nothing else comes up with no trace of the program I just waited two hours to download to be found on my computer anywhere.

when I try to install things from a disk like my new scanner software the omputer doesn't even read the disk, I dont get an error or a popup, it doesn't even say that anythings in the disk drive. I've tried other sorts of disks like CDs and it does the same thing.

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What Happened To This Group: Kill File In Such A Short Time?

Apr 1, 2008

I've never seen a discussion group like this one? I know threads break down and take a turn but I've never seen so many people in my kill file in such a short time. Hardly any help is offered here just a bunch of people saying this and that about each other, or defending Ubuntu in a windows group?

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Sleeping" Nothing Happened The Screen Stayed Blank

Sep 22, 2009

my desktop as usual, its a dell XPS 630I and Ive had it maybe 4 months total. I just checked my email and logged back off to the user screen. While I was gone it kicked into hibernation mode like it always does when noones using it. When I got home like 4 hours later I moved the mouse to bring it out of sleeping and nothing happened the screen stayed blank. So I waited and waited and it never kicked back on so I manually restarted it with the power button and it loaded to the dell screen which took alot longer than normal to load, right after that it popped up "Error Loading OS". I tried restarting and hitting the F8 button... no luck.... I hit F12 and tried running the diagnostics... nothing came up...

I put the dell cd in that has vista on it and hit the repair button near the bottom of the install screen and ran the different tests and nothing came up wrong. However I tried the memory test and it started I needed to reboot in order to use it. however when I did that it kicked back to the "Error Loading OS" screen. So thats where I am right now and I have no clue what to do, I am going to just do a clean install but theres stuff Id really like to get off this drive before I wipe it clean.

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Starting To Like When This Happened: Open Certain Control Panel Functions From The RUN Command Line Or Through The MMC Console Itself

Jan 18, 2009

I've been getting this error message when I try to open certain control panel functions from the RUN command line or through the MMC console itself. Other functions like performance information, user accounts and parental controls don't respond when clicked. Windows update might flash up the beginnings of a window for a split second but wont load. I've got the update icon on my task bar saying it cant update. Other than some key function being inaccessible the PC runs fine (apart form Firefox has started crashing out every now again) I can install software ok.

I've run the SVG /scannow thing and it found no problem Its my home PC sp I am setup as administrator. This problem is effecting another vanilla admin account AND the hidden Admin account. I've virus scanned in safe mode. System restore went through the motions but after it had restarted the PC it said it couldn't actually restore........

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Blue Screen: "if This Is The First Time It Has Happened To You, Just Restart Normally"

Mar 2, 2010

i m using PC, when suddenly my computer just closed and went to a blue screen with loads of text and stuff, it said stuff like "if this is the first time it has happened to you, just restart normally" and "if you recently installed a software try system restore" something like that.. it didn't say a location from where the error was... like normal "blue screen of deaths", so i wondering if this is just a 1 off kinda thing or something more severe?

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When Is A Move Not A Move?

Mar 28, 2009

All I'm trying to do is move files from one drive to another, andVista refuses to do it. It goes through the process of discoveringfiles and calculates the number of items / size. It then just sitsthere. When I click on the 'More Information' button, it does showthe 'Items remaining' decreasing, but the speed is always 0 bytes /sec and it doesn't actually do anything, there are still files in the 'Itemsremaining' count and the files I wanted moved, are still in their original location.

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Move To Different Partition

Mar 23, 2008

I installed Vista in partition H: so I could dual-boot to XP Pro on C:. Now I'm ready to dump XP and I'd like to move Vista to C:. how to do this without losing anything?

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How Move From Old Machine To New?

Mar 26, 2008

how move of an old machine to a new one

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Not Move A Folder In Win XP

Oct 20, 2009

It used to be when I wanted to move a folder in Win XP I'd "cut" the file, click the new location, and "paste". The folder would move to the new place and leave nothing behind. I now have a new Vista computer. I do the same thing and it copies the falls, but it leaves some or all of the old copies behind. How do I do a "move" not a "copy" ?

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Cannot Move Taskbar

Apr 3, 2009

I moved the taskbar to the left edge several months ago, and now I want to move it back. Unfortunately the taskbar seems locked on that edge. I have unlocked the taskbar, and I can resize the quick launch toolbar. The taskbar cannot move or resize. However, the taskbar CAN move and resize in the Safe Mode. I wonder if I changed some registry entry or policy that I don't aware.

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Won't Delete And Won't Move

Mar 23, 2008

I have been reading the other posts in regards to this problem and they are way over my head, I just need to get rid of this problem some things delete just fine, others won't delete and won't move. This is just my home computer, I'm not networked with any other computer. I put the items on the computer I should be able to remove them!

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Move, But Keep Both Files

Apr 24, 2009

I no longer have the option: "Move, but keep both files" when i drag a picture from a web site to my desktop. how do i get this option back in the copy file dialog box? i should say i still have the option when i move a file from a folder on my desk top to another on my desk top.

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Move Documents Folder

Jun 26, 2008

I tried to move the "My Documents" folder in my Widows Vista Ultimate and clicked wrongly. After cacelling the move of files, something went wrong. I have made a folder named Docs to hold all my documents. But when I right click on the documents folder, which now is pointing at C:USERS, there is no location tab.

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Copy And Move Paralysis

Mar 23, 2008

So what's the deal with the interminable copies and moves with Vista? Can't MS get anything right? There's something going on in the background someplace that hoses file and directory transfers *-on the same computer-*. I turned off the ridiculous indexing for searches, no luck there. I even tried an external command (mv in Cygwin) and it still took too long. I suspect that the files I think are available for plain old copy and move operations are really some demented abstraction - the "files" and "Folders" are merely representations of some bizarre MS database scheme. Rather than just talk to the disk sector in the usual way, a disk request has to first navigate some convoluted maze of really useless internal dependencies. Bet it's related to Microsoft's version of security.

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Task Bar Wont Move

May 15, 2009

i have a laptop on vista home basic, the other day my task bar moved to the right of the screen, i have un locked it and tried to drag it back but it wont budge, it stretches left to right but wont go past middle of the screen, i have checked the reg to see the size and tried to make it go back to 0 from (1) this doesnt work. i use selective start up and have reg mech and pctools spy doc i checked and no virus found. the machine is a highgrade 32 bit 1.60 ghz and a gig of ram its a few months old.

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How Move Boot MANAGER?

Mar 24, 2008

I ran XP, I installed Vista to the next partition, I want to eliminate XP,but the Vista boot MANAGER is on the XP partition. I tried hiding the XP partition, booting the Vista CD and doing a repair (twice) but when it boots, it tells me NTLDR is missing.

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How Do I Move Items Within A Folder?

Aug 29, 2008

I just got a Vista Premium computer, 64 bit with an AMD Phenom 9100 processor. I'm still not familiar with many of the basic functions in Vista, but I'm pretty good at figuring things out. However, I just installed 2 of my old hard drives from my old computer (which lost its motherboard), and so now I have 3 hard drives. When I was looking at my files in one of the old hard drives, let's call it J:, I found that items had been moved around. They were in a specific order and now things have been moved since opening the HD with Vista. I already tried dragging and dropping the items to put them back in order. Only 1/4 of them are out of order, but when I try to drag and drop, it appears I can drag, but not drop. The file does not move to the new place where I drop it in the same folder. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Does Vista not allow the flexibility of moving contents inside a folder? I really need these items to be put in the correct order. They are not in alphabetical. How do I do this very simple fuction? I will probably have figured it out by the time someone answers this, but then again I haven't yet, so I'm hoping for someone who can tell me how to do this very easy thing.

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Cannot Move Files Or Folders

Jun 18, 2008

I can't move files(or folders) from one folder to another. I can delete, rename, create, and edit files, but I cannot move them. i.e. I select a file, ctrl x or c or right click and copy or cut, then change directory and paste it, and windows beeps at me and no pasting is done. Drag and drop doesn't work either, as it is the same concept. Now, if I move a file via command prompt as administrator, the file can be moved between directories, but frankly, I don't want to be typing out file names all of the time. My User Account is listed as Administrator when I check via control panel.

I can copy/paste text, so the clipboard is working. The read only box is checked on the folders but as I understand it, that's normal? I am listed as the owner of the files and I have "full control" over them. This problem is persistent throughout my entire computer, including all drives, and even USB flash drives. I have tried booting with the windows cd and repairing the installation.

The problem began because of me trying to tweak my computer using a tutorial. I'm guessing the cause was either disabling UAC or executing the "Net user administrator activate:yes" command in command prompt (probably the latter). I undid all changes I made to try to fix theproblem

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64 Bit Keeps Freezing, Mouse Won't Move

Aug 24, 2008

I seem to have a problem. Vista HP 64 bit keeps freezing on me after just a few minutes, the mouse won't move and there is no keyboard response so I have to reboot. Everything is fine for a few minutes and then it happens again. I've been trying all sorts for the last two hours but have got nowhere. Luckily I dual boot Ubuntu so I'm writing this from it. When I tried to post in Vista I never got to finish my post before it froze. Yesterday I got a new monitor (Dell Ultrasharp 2408WFP) and it set up fine. I used it for about ten hours yesterday without a problem- both gaming and general use. So I don't think it's that.

Today I installed and purchased 3Dmark06 and ran that. I also ran Ntune. Therefore I suspect these programs are the problem. I have used System Restore. I took it back a couple of days but the problem remained even though 3Dmark06 seems to have disappeared from Programs. I have then taken the restore point back a week but still no luck. I tried to uninstall Ntune in Safe Mode but I can't, I get a message saying that Windows Installer must have not installed properly(?)......

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Can't Move Around The Internet Fast

Apr 3, 2009

1. I have the fastest cable connection possible and I just can't move around the Internet fast. I can download in a flash but moving from site to site is sloooooow.

2. And... after a year on Vista I am now getting popups. I thought it was supposed to stop them? I update all the time. I have Vista home edition.

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Transfer To 64 Bit Not Move Forward

May 28, 2008

I have tried to transfer from 32 bit vista business to 64 bit home premium with belkin F5U258 cable but just starts the transfer then stops and will not move forward. After researching the Belkin site it states that this cable does not support 64 bit version. how to easly transfer files from old laptop to new laptop?

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Cannot Copy/Move Files.

Aug 17, 2009

I have a folder with many, many files (.jpg, ..bmp, .png, etc.). I wish to copy or move the many .jpg files to another empty folder. So far I cannot do this as a batch but only individually. Is there a method for copying or moving hundreds of files to another folder in Vista?

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How To Move Mail Folders

Apr 29, 2010

I'd like to move my email folders and their contents from my Windows XP computer to my Vista Laptop. On XP I use Outlook Express and on Vista I use Windows Mail.

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Move Users Folder?

Mar 31, 2009

Is it possible to move c:Users folder to another drive for backup purposes?

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Cannot Move From Mouse To Keyboard

Jun 20, 2008

I process hundreds of photographs daily, and adding 'Select All' to the right click menu would be a wonderful time saver (vice cntrl A), I wouldn't have to move from the mouse to the keyboard

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Cant Move Mouse Or Do Anything: Freezes

May 29, 2008

For some reason my computer keep freezing for no reason. It has been working fine before. I am running windows vista 32 bit. When it freezes. I cant move my mouse or do anything so i have to turn it off from the mains and turn it back on. Currently i am using safe mode with networking. I tryed the system restore to restore it back to the last windows update which i thought might have been the problem since the computer was working fine until i installed it. But it didn't do anything, it says that the restore was successful but my computer still froze about 5-10 mins after startup.

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