Task Scheduler Run Automatically

May 7, 2008

I have a vbs script that I use to copy files from my local drive to a network drive as a backup. The script works fine on its own (by double-clicking it or by running it from the command prompt). I created a scheduled task to have it run automatically, but it doesn't seem to work. It says that it completed successfully, but it didn't really do anything. Even if I select it in the Task Scheduler and then click "Run" in the Actions pane, it says it's status is "Running", but nothing is happening.

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Cannot Delete Task In Task Scheduler

Mar 9, 2010

When I open task scheduler a pop up says "an error has occurred for task MCVsurveyReminder4 Error message the specified name is not vailid.". It repeats 4 time when i click OK and is followed by 4 of "an error has occurred for task MCVregistrationReminder4 Error message the specified name is not vailid". And finally by "an error occurred for task reminders - username Error message the specified account name is not valid"

I think it is something to do with a task to register my vaio or take part in a survey but I cannot get rid. It is in task scheduler local and there is no delete. I found a similar situation on the vaio site but cannot find now.Found it http://club.vaio.sony.eu/clubvaio/gb...7&lastpage=yes

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Task Scheduler Is NOT Available.

Feb 21, 2009

I'm trying to back up my file, but in the process I was asked to start the task scheduler. when I do start the task scheduler, I get the following message: Task Scheduler is not available. Verify that the service is running.! I tried command prompt as well but I get nothing.

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Task Scheduler Won't Run

Apr 16, 2009

I want to automatically log off user after idle for 10 minutes. The problem appears to be that Vista won't go into an idle state. Lots of stuff running in background, and even my time clock on desktop I suppose keeps the PC from not idling.

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Task Scheduler Failure

May 15, 2010

I've written a simple console application in Visual Studio 2010 (VB.Net) that I want to schedule with the task scheduler (in Vista Business). Everything looks ok when I schedule it. However, it ALWAYS returns the run-status of "Failure".

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Task Scheduler Will Not Start

Feb 8, 2010

i m not eable to start the cheduler wath i do wrong? the prog is: "C:Program Files (x86)PowerGUIScriptEditor_x86.exe" next line the file name: "C:UsersAdministrateurDocumentsPSf***3D********.ps1" and the cheduler can find any file

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Task Scheduler Corrupt

May 19, 2008

Whenever I open up the Task Scheduler, I get the following pop up windows,then, after clicking on the OK button, followed by,Everything seems to work OK and programmed things happen when they should as far as I can tell. I don't use Windows Media Centre very much as I do not have a TV tuner installed but otherwise it seems to work. No idea what the "Reminders - David" are - must be something I tried a while ago. I have a Dell desktop with OEM Vista Home Premium....

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Task Scheduler Greyed Out

Apr 29, 2009

Having noticed that some of the automated tasks I had scheduled were not running, I opened Services.msc and looked at Task Scheduler which hadn't started. Selecting properties showed all options greyed out. I can't select Automatic, Manual, Disabled or anything. The contents of all other tabs are also greyed out. All dependencies are running.

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Where Can Get 2.0 Version Of Task Scheduler?

Apr 20, 2009

I read in web that Task Scheduler version in Windows vista /W2k8 is version 2.0. I have a machine with W2k8 installed. I checked the Task Scheduler version in about dialog. It says 1.0. why is this so. Where can i see the 2.0 version of task scheduler?

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Can't Use Task Scheduler Vista

Apr 14, 2008

You can't use task scheduler in Vista due to bug/conflict with UAC. Any known cures/fixes/patches???

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Task Scheduler Doesn't Wake Up At

May 9, 2008

I have a problem in vista 64bit: If I set up a task in the Task Scheduler and I check the "Wake the computer to run this task", the computer wakes up (from hibernate) at the specified time but the task doesn't run.

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Task Scheduler Open 53 Error

May 23, 2010

I'm not sure where to post this question. Will start here and if it's not here that I should post it, please tell me. My problem is this: when I open Task Scheduler, I get 53 pop-up error messages that various scheduled tasks no longer exist, and to get them back click on refresh. When I click on refresh, I get the same pop-up that it no longer exists. I identified all the folders that have the pop-up error messages, checked in
c:WindowsSystem32TasksMicrosoftWindows and then opened one of the folders that's generating the error message and verified that the file named in the task that is failing is indeed there. I went back into Task Scheduler and attempted to import the task, and then it tells me, "An error has occurred for task. Error Message. A task or folder with this name already exists." Someone's advice was then to just delete the
task. Why would I do that? These are default Windows tasks and I'm having problems with Windows Calendar's alerts not working, and I believe it's coming from the fact that Window's default tasks "no longer exist", even though they do! Can anyone stear me in the right direction? I've been all over the Internet for answers.

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Fixing Task Scheduler Checkpoint

Mar 19, 2009

What is the difference between a 'Manual: Restore Point' and a 'System: Scheduled Checkpoint' if any? Because I just had to tinker with the task in Task Scheduler to make it more to my liking I no longer get scheduled checkpoints after midnight if the computer is on--I don't get any scheduled checkpoint. Before I get into more detail of what I recall changing--I know I deleted the default multiple task to also create a scheduled checkpoint at boot or logon--I want to test whether anyone will tackle this problem with me or if it has been handled so many times over the years that the post will just be ignored?

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System Restore Does Not Run Via Task Scheduler

Aug 21, 2009

System restore does not run via the Task Scheduler. I show that the triggers in Task Scheduler are set for:

1. At 12:00 AM every day
2. At sytem start up.

I have checked the history in the Task Scheduler and have the following error: Task Scheduler failed to start "MicrosoftWindowsSystemRestoreSR" task for user "NT AUTHORITYSystem". Additional Data: Error Value: 2147750691. If I go to the "Actions" tab in the Task Scheduler and then click on run, system restore runs.

The "Conditions" tab in the Task Scheduler is grayed out but shows the following are checked: Start the task only if the computer is idle for 10 minutes and Start the task only if the computer is on AC power.

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Task Scheduler Starting Run Backgound

May 15, 2008

I have a problem with the task scheduler. I have a stockpicking program (stockbrowser) that i want to run every hour from 8:00 till 18:00 on weekdays. So I defined a task as listed below, but the darn thing won't stop at 18:00. It keeps on running every hour weekdays, weekend, night and day. Now I know that Vista has good stamina, but I hate it when I am playing a game and it is starting to run in the background. what i am doing wrong? You would be forever in my mind. well at least a day or so.

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Task Scheduler And Send Email

Mar 24, 2009

I cannot get the task scheduler to send an email. I have used my outgoing pop3 and smtp server names but in neither case will an email get sent out. I think this is something simple but the solution is not obvious to me.

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Running Tasks In Task Scheduler

Aug 19, 2008

Task Scheduler Running Tasks in Task Scheduler Under Current Action there are several tasks running that I have neverscheduled:

AutoWake Task Handler Class
Microsoft PlaySoundService Class
Certificate Services Client Task Handler- there are 2 of these running
Transient Multi-Monitor Manager
Custom Experience Improvement Progress

Mobile PC- Launches application configured for windows Hot Start (I do not use a Mobile PC)Multi Media System Sounds- User mode Agent Shell- Index all Crawl type Start Addresses Does anyone know why these task are running all the time and whether I can delete or disable them?

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Task Scheduler Fails To Operate Before Login

Oct 25, 2008

I have been struggling with the task scheduler since upgrading to Vista. I used to have the XP task scheduler run Realplayer when my PC turned on via the bios RTC each morning, and play BBC Internet Radio. Worked fine, no problems. Vista however simply cannot do it. I have setup the Vista Task Scheduler to run a command line that I know works - I have tried dummy runs of the task scheduler when I have been logged in, and it goes no problem. I have also ticked "Run whether user is logged on or not" and entered my password when prompted.

When I login after Realplayer has failed to launch, the Task Scheduler history tab shows the following:Event 107, Task triggered on scheduler, etc, then above it, Error, event 101, Task Start Failed, Launch Failure.Most interestingly, in the failure details it reads:"Task Scheduler failed to start "Alarm Radio" task for user "ROTOMADave".

Additional Data: Error Value: 2147943726." What I find strange here is why the user is ROTOMADave (ROTOMA being the name of my Workgroup) when the user account is DAVES-DESKTOPDave.Could this be causing the problem, and if so how do I fix it? As an aside, the task will successfully run if I login to my PC before the scheduled task, then logout and wait at the login screen.

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At.exe (Task Scheduler) Running On Vista Enterprise

Jul 3, 2009

I've been reading a lot in the forum lately but now I have to post as well...I've been trying to get the old Task Scheduler (at.exe) running on Vista Enterprise to have scheduled jobs run indefinitively. Right now, I add a process via e.g.$> at 15:00 notepad.exe The job will start fine on the chosen time but will cease to run after 3 days (72 hours), killed by Vista/Task Scheduler. A look via Start -> All Programs -> Accessoires -> System Tools -> Task Scheduler reveals, that a flag is set "Stop the task if it runs longer than" to "3 days".

Googling for help, I found a KB entry from Microsoft, how to change the default ehaviour via a registry edit (A Task That Is Scheduled with the AT Command May Stop After 72 Hours Win XP/2000). This didn't do the trick on Vista Enterprise altough the registry section exists with the required parameter "AtTaskMaxHours"). Has anyone encountered similar issues on Vista or has anyone been able to overrule the default behaviour from 3 days to an "endless" job run?

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Task Scheduler, Backup Settings, Disable Greyed Out

Jan 14, 2009

i have a problem with Task Scheduler, i need it to work for my auto back ups, but i cannot turn it from manual to auto in the services panel as the box is greyed out, i can start it manually but if i turn my laptop of i have to restart it again manually. Also Windows loses all the backup settings and i have to do everything again. Everything is ok as long as i don't have to restart my laptop. i have checked all the uac settings i know all the other services that depend on it everything seems ok. No other services have there box for changing from manual, auto, or disable greyed out

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Task Scheduler (Local) Upon Opening TS..a Error Box Populates And No (Local) Data

Oct 12, 2009

Task Scheduler (Local) Upon opening TS..a error box populates and no (Local) data. Upon Xing close the error box...data populates.. Message in error box..The Task Image is Corrupt or has been Tampered with.mcupdate...I ran sfc..nothing reported

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Scheduled Task - States Task Ran - No Results

Mar 8, 2009

I have a bat file that runs without errors on the command line. Uses robocopy to back up document drectory. The scheduler history states it started, action completed with an error code 16 (don't know what this means) and task successfully completed? But I do not think it is actually executing the bat file.

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How Can Get Cap And Num Lock To Automatically

Mar 23, 2008

How Can I Get Cap And Num Lock To Automatically Be Set Upon Start Up On Windows Vista Home Premium Os

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Not All Contacts Come Up Automatically

Mar 3, 2009

I've imported my contacts file into Windows Mail but something funny is happening. When I am creating a message and am typing the first few letters of a contact's name, some names come up automatically just as they did in the Outlook but not all of them, although I those names are there on the contacts list. I can't figure out why. In order to add these names I have to go to Tools, Select Recipient and add their names to the TO field. Is there a way I can get Windows Mail to insert all contacts names automatically?

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Always Automatically Allow A Certain Program

Mar 23, 2008

Every time I boot up, User Account Control pops up and asks me if I want to allow this program to run "PSDiagnostic.exe". This program has to do with the functionality of my wireless print server and it needs to run or the printer on my print server will not function. If I allow the program to run everything is fine, but I would rather not have to be bothered with this during every boot up. I know I can disable User Account Control to avoid this, but is there a way I can leave User Account Control active and still allow this program to run automatically during boot up? Like is there a list of exceptions that I could add it to?

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Not Restarting Automatically

Oct 16, 2009

I have a multi boot system with XP, Vista, 7 (RC1) and Ubuntu. If I select "restart" in order to reboot, it just waits until I do a hard reset. If I select shutdown, then it does so. Neither XP or 7 has this problem. Any fix for this?

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IP Gets Changed Automatically

Mar 23, 2008

I am using window Vista OS. The IP address assigned to my PC by sify is 10.x.x.x. Usually when i connect the lan cable to my laptop and check uing ipcofig i get the same IP ,But every now and then the IP gets chaged to some other IP y.y.y.y .Now when i go and check using the IP config my y.y.y.y Ip becomes the prefereed IP and 169.x.x.x becomes the duplicate IP But if i check in the Manage Network pane where we set the IP address ,there it will be showing the correct IP only ( x.x.x.x assigned by sify ).

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Way Automatically Login?

May 15, 2010

im running a dell laptop with vista home. i recently reinstalled the os and am having login issues. there is one user account and when i startup or come back from sleep, i have to click on my user account before entering password. is there a way to make it automatically select this account and display enter password rather than me having to click account first? i do want to require a password.

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Can't Automatically Receive New Emails

Sep 6, 2009

My new emails are not coming into my inbox unless I exit out of Mail and then re-open Mail. If I hit Send/Receive, I get an error box with "Some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks. Please review the list of errors below for more details. But there's nothing in the Errors box.

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Automatically Log Onto Your User Account.

May 31, 2008

I want to be able to automatically log onto my user account after sleep or shutdown. I unchecked 'require password etc.' under 'control userpasswords2'. But it keeps logging on to an administrator account.Is there a way to make the computer open at the desktop of my standard account? I would like the administrator account to be password protected.

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Don't Want New Mail Automatically Selected

Jul 29, 2009

Using Vista Home and Windows Mail. Just d/l'd IE 8 and now in Windows Mail, the new mail is automatically selected and shows up in the Preview Pane. Before, I could select an old piece of mail and when new mail came in, it did not get selected until I chose to do this. I want this feature back, but don't know how to get it. The reason? It is my understanding that once a piece of mail is in the preview screen, the sender (spam or otherwise undesirable character), knows you have received it; or if in html format, it can open a virus. I know I can turn off the Preview and do have a button on the top menu to do this, but would prefer to not have to do this whenever going into the email program. Also, is it true that by looking at the Properties (instead of the Preview Pane) of an unopened email to view its content,

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