I have windows xp. Somehow I inadvertedly put an image from space.com on top of my regular background picture. I've tried everything I can think of to get rid of it like restore computer to earlier time...changing background..etc. nothing works. It ruins the beautiful background picture having this smaller picture overlapping it.
I saved an image on my desktop and now I can't get rid of it. It covers about 8/10th of my screen, the rest is my wallpaper, which is fine. Can anybody help me. I use XP Home, IE6 sp2, OE6. I checked Properties on my wallpaper and it does not appear there.I have right clicked on everything and nothing seems to help.
One of the best features of Win XP is to use any image from any image folder as your desktop background, wallpaper. For some reason this feature has stopped working and of course I have no idea why. I haven't changed any folder options or made any changes for that matter.
It seems that I am the likely victim of an exploit of some sort, but I have been unable to find any information on it.The hardware is an IBM desktop, running Windows 2000.Somewhere along the line, I discovered that when I do a ctrl-alt-delete, the "background image" that appears has been replaced with a porn image. This is also the same background that appears during the Windows start and shutdown sequence, before/after the desktop appears.
Now, I removed every program off my computer at the moment. The internet is up and everything, and i am on Internet explorer 6.0. I am having some problems with my computer.Can't choose a background image for my desktop, but the colors change fine. Computer says at start up unable to find accounts, but then it logs me into the only account I do have. I cannot view pictures / images / icons on Administrater on safemode. Just shows text.
Is there a way (short of editing the registry) to configure the desktop background so that an image occupies only a portion of the screen other than the center. I would liike to place a personal photo in, say, the right upper quadrant of the screen and leave the rest of the screen a simple solid color?
When I used win98 I used to be able to put a primary image, usually centered, on my desktop and then was able to put a background pattern (eg. triangles or bricks) around the primary image I am having difficulty doing this with XP. Can anyone tell me how to get the background image pattern to work.I have SP2 and Plus.
I noticed that my Windows' "Desktop background (wallpaper) image" no longer displays correctly. After selecting any image (normally, I use one of my .jpg's), and setting it to "stretch," it will not display the "stretched" version to fit the image dimensions fully. It no longer "shrinks or expands" to fit the horizontal, actual size of the image to the width of my monitor's display area.
When I turn my laptop, after entering my password, I get a picture on my screen which appears then disappears just before the desktop screen loads up. This picture used to be my desktop picture many months ago. I have changed the desktop photo several times and this same old picture keeps showing up. I have even deleted it from my laptop. How do I get rid of it as I cant find the picture anywhere on my pc. I have tried System restore also. I am using windows XP Home edition on a Sony Vaio, Intel Pentium 4 Processor. I don't know any of the other spec's of my laptop.
I have searched on google, but can't find the answer, so I post it here. The problem is:How can I set an image as the background for a folder (eg, when open this folder in Windows Explorer, the image appear as the background on the right pane). I saw that in some machines (WinXP), the desktop has a portion that I think is an HTML file (because it has hyperlinks and other content in it). When I change the desktop background picture, the picture changed, but the HTML portion is still there
i go to change my packground image by going to the properties menu then display and here is where the problem begins. Normally you would find the images that come with the PC and the image you already have on the screen, well on my PC it used to show that now it is showing all of the pics in the "My Pictures" folder. What could be the problem, i went to the desktopicon in my System32 folder and there is nothing on the notepad?
When I would use the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer to look at pictures,I was able to right click on them and select them to be Set as DesktopBackground. Now the selection is gone!
At my current job we are looking to create a background image with the company logo on the welcome screen before a user logs in. We use the following registry entry to do that
Several unwanted desktop icons appeared recently (I think they come via Search2000 when IE is used). They won't right-click for deletion, nor will they allow themselves to be drop-dragged to the recycle bin. They don't appear in the desktop icon list when using the desktop cleanup feature.
I managed to set the background image and the font color in a file system folder, when I was running WinME - I seem to remember it being an Active Desktop thing. OK, so I migrate to XP (SP2) and now I want to change the attributes of that folder back to standad - it's a legibility issue... :-) However... I can't for the life of me find where to change either the font color or the folder background image. Note: It's NOT the folder icon or the folder miniature I'm talking about, nor a mail folder.
when I open my Display Properties and move to the Desktop tab and choose Browse to choose a picture to set as my background, after I have selected Open and the box closes, the Apply button is unavailable and the image I chose does not appear in my list or in the preview. I've also taken notice that certain images that were once in the list of available backgrounds images, such as Ascent, Autumn and Azul no longer appear to be available. Right clicking on an image and choosing Set as desktop background does not work, and neither does choosing the same option from the Picture Tasks. Does anybody have any idea what has happened and how I can restore whatever settings I may have changed without applying a system restore?
I keep getting the same 6 icons popping up on my desktop at random. I have run Spy Bot and Ad Aware and neither one can get rid of these annoying icons. I delete them and they just come back within a short period of time.
I have an HP printer. After I open and work with HP Gallery, it causes strange icons to appear on my desktop--as many as 30 or more, sometimes. Some of them are labeled with a numeral; 1, 2, 3 etc. Others are labeled "Directory Map". One is labeled "last-write". When I open this one, my Notepad page appears, with the date and time showing the time I opened the HP Gallery. Most labeled with a number allow me to Preview them, but "No Preview Is Available" appears when I click on Preview. Others labeled with a number and all labeled Directory Map, allow me to Open them. When I do, a page appears, filled with words and short phrases; many of them relate to "gallery" and "documents and settings". Does anyone know what causes this, and how I can prevent it? It is a nuisance to send them to the recycle bin each time I leave the HP gallery.
Recently my father-in-law installed a program on to my computer. It set up a desktop icon, that did not get removed when it was uninstalled. I can't even right click on it and hit delete because it's not there, nor can I just hit delete. How can it be removed manually. It is a "share-to-web upload folder" from a hp digital camera. I aslo don't have access to the cd to reinstall it and uninstall again. Also I can't get task manager to work, I hit Ctrl, Alt, Delete and nothing. I right click on the task bar and click on task manager and nothing. Iwas working a few days ago, don't know what happened, anyway to get it back? I already tried system restore but only goes back a few days.
A friend has a Compaq laptop running Windows XP. When you power up the system, the Windows XP logo screen comes up and then the desktop background comes up but it stops there. You never get any desktop icons or taskbar so there is no way to navigate. If anyone has any suggestions on how to debug this it would be appreciated. Thanks.
I am running Windows XP on a Compaq Presario SR1300NX Desktop computer.My desktop no longer supports a background image. When I go into properties to select a picture, all the options are highlighted and I cannot deselct them. In Windows Explorer, when I right click, set picture as backround, nothing happens.I've tried restarting and setting the theme to default, but even then the default wall paper doesn't show up.However, when I try to restart my computer, or turn it off, right before the screen changes to the logoff display, the old background image I had set shows up, but only for less than a second.
Last nite, I picked up a worm or virus. It added doser.exe, and a dialer, and some others to my Windows/system32 folder. I went into safe mode and got them out.But now, I can't get any images on my desktop. It doesn't even show an option to do it from the properties window. The browse button is greyed out. However, it DOES show the background right after it boot up. At that time, there are no icons. Then the background becomes a solid color and the icons appear. Otherwise, the system SEEMS to be running fine.
I had an image from an email as my desktop image and accidentally changed it to the default. The email image I was using previously is not saved anywhere on my computer and I do not have the email anymore. For the first five or six times I turned the computer on or off the old image would flash for a brief second (this no longer happens). I am wondering if the email image might be saved somewhere that might be possible to retrieve or is it gone for good?
OK this problem just popup of nowhere it seems, when I try to change my back ground image for my desktop the tab simply refuses to open. It just close. I pretty much can play will all the other settings but not this one. I can change my desktop background if I use, '' use this image as desktop'' when right clicking on a photo but not with the right click propriety setups.Ok something new here, after a moment I get a message that rundll32.exe has add a problem.
I have two computers, both running XP Home SP 1. On the desktop at home, I use a JPG image as my Desktop Background. On the laptop at school, I can't use a JPG. I have to use a BMP. The BMP file is about 7 times larger than the JPG file. Question: How do I tweak the laptop to let me use a JPG file as a Desktop background?
Desktop preview screen is blank, however, the image does display on the desktop. Background images with bitmap icon will display in preview, but not those with what appears to be a film icon. Some of the regular Windows images, i.e. Azul, Windows XP, etc. have the film icon, and do not display in preview.