Unknown Program Auto Playing And Keeps Popping Up ?

Jun 13, 2010

okay i have scanned for viruses using asquared, spybot and trend micro housecall, so i dont think its viral, but that blooming autoplay box keeps poping up, wont tell me what its trying to autoplay but will pop up every five seconds making it impossible to do anything.

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Cannot Get Rig Of HDD Regenerator Program Popping Up At Startup

Jun 1, 2010

After running HDD Regenerator on an external drive with some bad sectors, it seemed to fix thatdrive & is usable.But Now.i cannot get rig of the HDD Regenerator program popping up at startup & every time I turn on or pluggin an external drive.I have un-installed it, Run CCleaner, deleted everything I can find related to it in the registry, tried.disabling it in the start up menu.but nothing seems to stop this Beast from popping up its "Install Wizard" & blocking my Hard Drives from opening properly.Any ideas?Also, Since I used this app.none of my hard drive are accessible via "My Computer"every time I try to open them.I get the "Command Prompt Window"The particular PC I am having the problems with is not virus infected & has Never seen a second on the internet & has been running perfectly until I installed this HDD Regenerator.

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Message - Kept Popping Program Couldn't Initialize

Nov 6, 2005

I recently ran into some CD-Rom problems and the hp website recommended that I uninstall and re-install Record now, which is a CD burning program that comes standard with Windows XP.I did uninstall it, but when I reinstalled it, an error message kept popping up when I tried to use it saying that the program couldn't initialize and that I would have to restart the computer or re-install the software.I need the following: a way to redownload the file from a different source in an EXE form, or I need a free program that can Make exact copies of CDs, create my own music cds or create data discs.

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Newly Installed Program Folders Popping Up At Startup?

Oct 27, 2006

I've just had to install my machine after a major malfunction. It's running fine now, but everytime I install a new program, when I restart the machine, all the newly installed programs' folders pop up (e.g. showing the uninstall and help links in the program's particular folder; it usually happens with new software just the once) - and it's getting ridiculous. I have to close each folder one by one.

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Program Files - Common - Borland Shared Popping Up Upon Boot Up

Aug 8, 2007

I have a brand new Dell Inspirion 1501 Windows XP SP2 laptop.I installed a few programs like Word Perfect 2002, Microsoft Office 2003 and a few other things just for some history. Well today out of nowhere, upon booting up my laptop this morning, this window pops up that says BORLAND SHARED...and I go back and find out that it is in the Program Files/Common folder. I did some searching on the web and it sounds like it could be some kind fo registry thing?? Thought the solutions some described seemed too complicated for me.

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Halts By Unknown Program

Sep 16, 2006

Upon startup on XP I get a pop up message (photo below) which halts the system until I press eith YES, NO or close the box. I've done Ad-aware, AVG, Panda, and Ewido scans on the PC but everything appears clean. The box itself contains no dialogue, simply two buttons (Yes, No), so its difficult to ascertain what the program (if any) is

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Unknown Program Is Using COM1

Feb 8, 2006

A Palm device stopped syncing. When I called up the manufacturer they had me use Hyper Terminal on the PC to try to connect to a diagnostics program on the Palm. Hyper Terminal says that another program has control of COM1. How can I find out what program is accessing COM1? The OS is XP Pro.

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Unknown Program On Task Bar

Jul 30, 2005

I noticed that my screen saver was never running ever after I left my computer unattended for several hours. This is not the problem, but a sympton of what I believe is the main issue. Every couple of minutes a box pops up on my task bar for about a second and then disappears. There is no text in the box so I have no idea what it is. I assume it is some application that is either trying to run or set to check for something periodically. That's why the screen saver is not running I guess. I there anyway to find out what is causing this. I've run Norton Antivirus (clean) and Microsoft Anti-Spyware and Spybot (also OK). I've look at my Task Manager and didn't see anything unusual there. I ran MSCONFIG and disabled any applications (other than system apps and ones that I was familiar with). I cleared out my "Startup" folder. I don't know what else to do to track down this rouge application.

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Log Into Computer - Unknown Program Running

Apr 8, 2008

When I log into my computer it says that I have 1 program running. It just started doing this and as far as I know, I haven't installed anything new. I ran hijackthis and this is the log:

Running processes:

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Unknown Program Changes Color Scheme

Jun 13, 2005

Some unknown application is running which causes the Taskbar and window buttons to appear with a mottled green and gray pattern. Changing Windows desktop themes and colors can reset the colors, but then when I start a new application, the screen goes black (indicating the display settings are changing), then comes back with the mottled pattern. I have used various tools to try diagnose what the culprit application
is to no avail. I'm sure its some dumb thing my daughter downloaded knowingly or knowingly. I've used msconfig to stop some programs from loading that I thought would be the cause, but that didn't work.

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Unknown Program - Not Responding To The Shutdown Command

Oct 28, 2009

Recently I've noticed that when I shut down and reboot my desktop computer, there is a program that is not responding to the shutdown command and I have no idea what this program is, where it came from, whether it is spyware, virus, trojan, etc. I am running Windows XP Home edition and the name of the program is this: 7801a2f0-bfbd-40f4-9a8c-06b91134573d I have tried to Google it without any success. If anyone knows what this program is or where it came from, whether or not it is needed on my computer, etc., I would be interested to hear about it.

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Unknown Program Running On The Background Of Computer

Apr 17, 2007

I have some sort of program running on the background of my computer that seems to be disturbing any kind of task I try to accomplish on my cpu. It seems to be running every 30 seconds or so for a brief moment and then repeats over and over again. Whenever I try to type, this program or virus clicks off the current window, in which I have to reposition my cursor again back to where it was originally. Even as I type now, I am having to click back onto this editor every 6 or 7 words. I have checked my task manager and cannot find any processes that are running since the only happens and causes a disruption for a brief second. This is very odd and seems to make any task that much more aggravating.

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Explorer Opens Install Unknown Program?

Aug 25, 2005

Every time an explorer window opens, be it internet or windows, the install program for Money starts up. Any ideas how to stop this?

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Every 15 Minutes Or So An Unknown Program Opens Itself And Then Closes?

Jan 31, 2006

I am running Win XP Pro SP2. Every 15 minutes or so an unknown program opens itself and then closes. The only thing displayed on the screen is on the start bar. Right next to my currently open programs (or at the beginning if nothing is open) there appears what looks like an open program except with just the white box that is standard for windows when the program (or .exe file) doesn't have an icon. I have searched my PC with AVG antivirus and with both Windows Antispyware and Adaware SE. Nothing was found. I don't notice any other problems with the pc. It's just a very annoying thing that I would like to resolve.

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Add/Remove Programs Containing Unknown Program Listed?

Mar 19, 2005

I found something in my Add/Remove Programs called "My Way Search Assistant", which I removed - evidently successfully,as there is no trace of it in registry or programs. My problem is, however, the entry in Add/Remove remains but only with the name "My Way Search Assistant" and when I click on it all that shows is "Used Rarely"It has no size and no longer has any option to change or remove.I have looked for registry entries there are none is there a program listed.

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Auto Run Will Not Open And The Program

Sep 23, 2007

Trying to install NHL 08 on my machine. 975x mobo, XP home edition, x1950 ati card, the autorun will not open and the program will not install. When i search for the install.exe and click it, I get g:install.exe not a valid win32 application.

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Unknown Program (DivX) Discovered - Site And Downloaded

Oct 21, 2005

I just noticed a DivX entry in the Add/Remove Programs list and in the C:Program Files folder. I have not been to the site and downloaded and installed any codecs. How would it have gotten there? The only programs that I have recently installed are Webroot Spy Sweeper Sony Picture Package 1.5 (the software that allows me to view and copy video from my new Sony Handycam DCR-TRV480 camcorder to my computer) The Divx.dll file shows version and a modified date of 07-15-2005 and shows it to be associated with DivXNetworks.

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Computer Running Slow And Getting Unknown Program In MSCONFIG?

Mar 29, 2005

my work colleagues is having trouble with a slow-running computer i thought I'd look at her startup options and make sure there isn't something running that doesn't need to be. I ran msconfig and looked at what she had going at startup, but only the necessary items were checked there. So I took a look at the services panel, using a list from blackviper.com to make sure her computer's settings matched up with those recommendation. However, one of the services listed isn't on the blackviper.com list: Winkcpw. Nor did I get any hits for the name of the service on either Google or using Yahoo search. I'm wondering if anyone here knows what the program is and whether it should be running at all.

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Computer No Longer Auto Runs Program / Game

Oct 19, 2008

I got some help on removing maleware and after running combofix my computer no longer auto runs program/game cd,dvd. My computer has no other problems.

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Making A BATCH File To Auto Restart A Program

May 25, 2010

I use XP Home and would like a simple batch file to automatically restart a program after 5 minutes, but I don't have any knowledge in this.

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Auto Check Program Not Found-skipping Autocheck

Mar 13, 2005

I seemed to have run into a problem. I'm running xp pro w/ sp2. I usually keep my computer on all the time but yesterday I turned it off. When I turned it back on this morning, I got a message "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem". I followed some advise online which told me to use the recovery option using my win xp cd. When I rebooted it seemed to work ok but then came another message, "Autochk program not found- skipping Autocheck" then it reboots. It keeps doing this over and over again. I found some more advise online which told me to copy the program from my win xp cd to the harddrive using the recovery option.

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Freezing While Playing Games And Playing AVI Files

Jun 24, 2006

my computer freezes when I play some video games and also when I play AVI files (if I play mpeg files they work just fine, no freezing at all) But the thing is when I play games or AVI files my computer will freeze randomly (5 minutes, 30 minutes, just randomly sometimes it won't freeze at all) I don't know if it's the memory or not.

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AOL Keeps Popping Up

Sep 17, 2007

I have WinXP Media Center, am using yahoo DSL internet at a rate of 1.5 mbps, and use firefox as my default browser. In the past few days, I've noticed that every once and a while AOL will start and ask for me to put in my password when I didn't start it or ask for it to start. It usually happens when I open a webpage, like every 5 pages I open AOL will pop up randomly. I'm not subscribed to their service, it came with the computer. When I close it after it pops up I can't open a webpage in firefox and need to close and re-start a firefox browser for me to open a webpage again.

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Getting Popping Noises With A USB DAC?

Jan 14, 2009

Here is my problem: I am trying to stream FLAC files from my laptop or desktop running XP and foobar2000 via usb to a Bryston BDA1 DAC then on to a preamp and 2 channel amp.I get these little popping noises at irregular intervals. Same thing happens with both my laptop and destop, but not with my wife's laptop. Did some research and others were saying to disable other usb devices on the usb bus, I went in the Device manager section and did that, plus killed some processes to no avail. Even disabled all wireless cards, etc..

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Auto Run / Auto Start

Sep 1, 2005

I have a problem with a laptop running XP pro SP2. Problem is, if I load a CD or DVD into the Drive they dont auto run they just spin up, and to launch I have to do it through explorer, Similarly with my Digital Camera, when I plug it in its supose to ask me what i want to do with the files but the same happens the Nikon program does not auto run, have tried the solutions mentioned here bon this board but still no go.

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Explorer Message Keeps Popping Up

Jan 15, 2005

"Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
If you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost.

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Hi-speed USB Controllers Popping Up

Sep 8, 2005

I'm having lots of troubles with USB 2.0 support. My mother board is a ASUS P5GD2 Premium, which only has USB 2.0 ports but my Windows XP SP2 keeps popping up this error! I have some drivers, but they don't install because XP SP2 should already support USB 2.0. Maybe the cables that connect the USB ports are the problem.

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Installer Window Keeps Popping Up

Oct 6, 2008

I keep getting a windows installer popup window whenever I open ANY program. It says that �The feature you are trying to use is on a CD-Rom or other removable disk that is not available. Insert the disk and click OK. There is nothing listed in �Use Source�. I can�t tie it to anything I have done recently. I have Windows XP SP2.

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Login Box Is Popping Up All The Time

Jun 28, 2005

What's this login box that is popping up now? I've never had this before and I've seen it on a couple of computers now.A login box pops up in the middle of anything - nice Windows colors with two keys in upper left.. asking for password and login "connecting to sc.msn.com"? Where the heck is this coming from?

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Messenger Service - Keep Popping Up

May 6, 2005

I have some I need to post to find some help on how to get rid the Messenger
Service messages that keep popping up, they have just ablocked me out on line.

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On Screen Calculator Keeps Popping Up

Mar 6, 2008

I'm babbled as to why the on screen calculator pops up every time we hit the letter 'p' on my sons pc? It didn't used to do it & i have no idea how to stop it.

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