Cannot Get Rig Of HDD Regenerator Program Popping Up At Startup

Jun 1, 2010

After running HDD Regenerator on an external drive with some bad sectors, it seemed to fix thatdrive & is usable.But Now.i cannot get rig of the HDD Regenerator program popping up at startup & every time I turn on or pluggin an external drive.I have un-installed it, Run CCleaner, deleted everything I can find related to it in the registry, tried.disabling it in the start up menu.but nothing seems to stop this Beast from popping up its "Install Wizard" & blocking my Hard Drives from opening properly.Any ideas?Also, Since I used this app.none of my hard drive are accessible via "My Computer"every time I try to open them.I get the "Command Prompt Window"The particular PC I am having the problems with is not virus infected & has Never seen a second on the internet & has been running perfectly until I installed this HDD Regenerator.

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Newly Installed Program Folders Popping Up At Startup?

Oct 27, 2006

I've just had to install my machine after a major malfunction. It's running fine now, but everytime I install a new program, when I restart the machine, all the newly installed programs' folders pop up (e.g. showing the uninstall and help links in the program's particular folder; it usually happens with new software just the once) - and it's getting ridiculous. I have to close each folder one by one.

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HpqSTE08.exe Error Message Popping Up During Startup

Aug 14, 2009

I need immediate help on a problem I am facing these days at my WinXP ProSP3 32bit OS startup. A message pops up with an error sound showing the following details: hpqSTE08.exe The instruction at "0x14a02807" referenced memory at "0x000000a1" could not be read. Click OK to terminate the program. Click Cancel to debug the program.Almost simultaneously a Microsoft Send Error Report Dialog Box pops up talking of sending a report on HP Cue error.I usually have to click OK to continue the startup. I have sent the error reports to MS several times. The message keeps popping up nevertheless. My reinstalling SP3 has not solved this problem. Using Speedbit's Memomory Optimiser has also not helped me.Please send me you kind guidance in fixing my startup. I use Windows XP Professional 32bit OS with SP3. I have this OS on my desktop PC using Pentium P4 3Ghz 2MB L2 Cache 800Mhz FSB, Intel D945GCCR mainboard and 4GB DDR2 667Mhz RAM.

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Message - Kept Popping Program Couldn't Initialize

Nov 6, 2005

I recently ran into some CD-Rom problems and the hp website recommended that I uninstall and re-install Record now, which is a CD burning program that comes standard with Windows XP.I did uninstall it, but when I reinstalled it, an error message kept popping up when I tried to use it saying that the program couldn't initialize and that I would have to restart the computer or re-install the software.I need the following: a way to redownload the file from a different source in an EXE form, or I need a free program that can Make exact copies of CDs, create my own music cds or create data discs.

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Unknown Program Auto Playing And Keeps Popping Up ?

Jun 13, 2010

okay i have scanned for viruses using asquared, spybot and trend micro housecall, so i dont think its viral, but that blooming autoplay box keeps poping up, wont tell me what its trying to autoplay but will pop up every five seconds making it impossible to do anything.

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Program Files - Common - Borland Shared Popping Up Upon Boot Up

Aug 8, 2007

I have a brand new Dell Inspirion 1501 Windows XP SP2 laptop.I installed a few programs like Word Perfect 2002, Microsoft Office 2003 and a few other things just for some history. Well today out of nowhere, upon booting up my laptop this morning, this window pops up that says BORLAND SHARED...and I go back and find out that it is in the Program Files/Common folder. I did some searching on the web and it sounds like it could be some kind fo registry thing?? Thought the solutions some described seemed too complicated for me.

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Set On Startup Program Window Always On Top

Aug 7, 2005

How can I start a program on Windows startup and set the window of the programm always on top. That means that no other program which starts as well on startup, can set his window activ. Just my program should always be on top.Is that possible with a VBScript?

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Program Window Comes Up At StartUp

Oct 14, 2007

When i start my computer up, it will come up with the screen C:ProgramFilesYahooSearch and i have looked in msconfig in Startup to see if it's labled there but it isn't. Is there anyway i can get this to quit coming up?

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Removed A Program / Can't Startup

Apr 4, 2007

I have a Dimension 4700 and I was recently going through my add/remove programs list trying to clean up and get rid of some programs I didn't use anymore(like google earth, partypoker, etc) and I came across Yahoo Download Manager and figured I didn't need it and right when I clicked remove my computer shuts down, I am not sure how anything in this would have that kind of effect on my computer from removing, or if it was just a coincidence. I go to reboot it and get the blue screen error message Stop C000021a and below gives me another error- f 0xc0000135.

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New PC Hangs On Program Startup

Aug 7, 2005

Im having a bit of an anoying problem with it, it will randomly hang completely requiring reboot when i open programs, there is no pattern to what programs it hangs on, they are all different types, and it only hangs on them sometimes (there are a few it hangs on every time) ... The computer is overclocked somewhat, however i tryed taking the processor back to its 'out of box' speed and it still happens (it happened a couple of times before i even overclocked i noticed) so it can't be anything to do with that, i don't think..

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F1 Or F2 Option Upon Startup Of Program - Reformatted HDD

Jan 26, 2007

Whenever i start up my dell 4600 I get the following:SATA Primary drive 0 not found
SATA Secondary drive 0 not found initializing Intel(R) Boot Agent Version 4.1.06
PXE 2.1 Build 083 (WfM 2.0), RPL V2.74 Strike the F1 key to continue, F2 to run the setup utility i just reformatted the HDD the other day and have been getting this message

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Program Running In Startup And Services

Feb 8, 2005

XP made it more confusing with what you can/should/don't need to run. what's the difference between what's in your Startup and what's in Services running and what would be safe/not safe to either delete or close?

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Program Files Open On Startup

Jun 28, 2005

Whenever I startup my computer C:Program Files opens on its own. I've seen other posts where others have a similar situation with the My Documents folder opening. I have tried the methods for correcting that issue but nothing has worked so far.

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Slow Startup - Access Any Program

Jul 9, 2005

How can I improve the startup speed pf Windows as it takes forever and a day to start and to access any programmes. I have run defragmenter but report tells me defragmenting not required.

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Detecting And Removing A Hidden StartUp-program?

Feb 5, 2009

How do you remove a hidden "StartUp program", like the one shown below? I need to remove it from my system. WinPatrol doesn't even detect it, so I can't remove that hidden program/file with WinPatrol. Is there a program that is made to detect hidden files like this (see below): I believe the program is actually part of the .NET Framework 2.0 (Service pack 1), which was installed on my computer, yesterday. I want to remove it & all of it's components if one of it's components is the exact same file I'm having trouble finding & removing from my list of StartUp programs. Is there a safe program that can detect & remove .NET Frameworks & other "hard to remove" files?

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Too Many Program Startup Groups Running Automatically?

Nov 3, 2006

Computer is all of a sudden very slow. When I did a computer check for information regarding software, I found that many strange software files run automatically at startup. When I checked "msconfig", I only found 24 programs starting at startup which were normal. How do I eliminate these strange files. I don't know which one of these are necessary and I don't know how to eliminate them. They appear as "unknown". One example of a startup file is "zipfldr". There are pages of other ones.

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C:Program FilesDell Folder Opens On Startup

Nov 11, 2007

Whenever I startup my laptop, the "C:Program FilesDell" folder opens automatically. I've had this pc for years but this started happening only recently. I don't know what could've changed, but it is very annoying and I need to find a way to make it stop. I've been searching various sites all over the net, and so far I have tried messing with "msconfig" and "Regedit.exe," among other things, and the problem still exists. Please contact me if anyone knows how to resolve this issue.

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Delay Startup Program Till OS Is Ready To Run

Aug 26, 2007

I'm not really fluent in M$. I have a couple of programs that load at boot time
that really should wait until the OS / Drivers / Support programs are loaded to
start. Is there any easy way to delay execution until the OS is ready to run?It curently is running from a registry entry and starts too early. It always fails,
and I have to terminate it, and restart it once the system is able to interact with appears that Windows XP logs in users before its really ready to
interact with them?

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Stop An Update Program From Running At Startup

Jun 7, 2005

I recently installed and then uninstalled Symantec PC Anywhere. However, when I start windows now I get an error message from Symantec PCAnywhere Update utility telling me that the program is not installed locally so the updater won't run.How do I remove this updater and stop it from trying to run at Windows startup? I've heard of running MSCONFIG from Start -> Run... but that doesn't seem to work on XP.

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Stopping A Program Upon Startup - Computer Bootsup

Jun 19, 2005

How do I prevent "Windows Messenger" from starting when my computer boots up?

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Unable To Run Any Program After Startup Only Getting Task Manager?

Dec 28, 2007

i have a problem that i cant open my windows as when i log on the desktop doesnt load up except task manager when i searched for explorer.exe it was missed i have restore it throug the win xp cd the windows back to live but there is some thing can be noticed in this photo!!:i cant open any folder or any thing

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C:Program Files Opens Up On Startup - Hide On Minimized

Oct 14, 2007

I have an issue with my new clean install on XP. Every time I boot, C:Program Files keps opening. Here is the stuff I have tried so far. I looked in msconfig, the startup folder and in Startup on my programs list and it doesn't show up in any of these places. It isn't a new program, so it's not because I installed it recently. Here is HiJack This log for reference. I dont have clue what's to look in this. But may be it will help you. Similarly I have copy-pasted contents from autoexec.bat,win.ini and sys.ini for debugging. You may notice that there is TaskMgr link in startup. But its just one of my app I need on startup in my taskbar. It startup as minimized and it has setting "Hide on Minimized" checked in TaskManager. So It remains in taskbar always.

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2
Scan saved at 8:44:33 PM, on 10/14/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16544)
Boot mode: Normal

Running processes:

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Blue Screen On Startup / Delete Program Not Found

Aug 31, 2008

When I start my computer I get a blue screen that says, Is delete program not found - skipping Autocheck. Not sure if it is a I or 7 in front of the delete but either way after that the system starts normally. How do I get rid of that blue screen warning?

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Box Appearing At Startup And Showing Empty Program Files?

Feb 6, 2008

I have a Dell Dimension C521, running windows xp media center edition, for the last two days when I start it up, I have a box on my desktop with a program path C:ProgramFilesDell with nothing in the box. How can I get rid of this error on my desktop??? I can click on the red X and it will go away, until I start it up again.

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C: Program Files Corrupted / Message Pops Up At Every Startup?

Jun 14, 2005

I tried to open zone alarm and AIM and got a pop up saying that C:/Program Files is corrupt. What? Then I got a yellow pop up in the lower right of my toolbar saying that its corupt and to run a chkdsk...Would it fix this? If not what? Why did this happen?

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Finding Program To Automatically Rotate Startup Sound?

Mar 30, 2005

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a freeware program or some sort of tweak that will allow me to automatically rotate the sounds I hear during Windows XP startup. Can't for the life of me find any advice on this anywhere.I don't want a whole Desktop Theme changer I just want to hear different wav files when I fire up the computer.

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Program Loads At Every Startup: Wont Delete Start Menu?

Jul 21, 2006

I am running Win XP on a HP laptop. When I boot up a program always tries to load but it is one that I don't have or have tried to load. It always asks for the disk which I do not have. It is not located in the start folder, so I do not know where to go to delete it.

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AOL Keeps Popping Up

Sep 17, 2007

I have WinXP Media Center, am using yahoo DSL internet at a rate of 1.5 mbps, and use firefox as my default browser. In the past few days, I've noticed that every once and a while AOL will start and ask for me to put in my password when I didn't start it or ask for it to start. It usually happens when I open a webpage, like every 5 pages I open AOL will pop up randomly. I'm not subscribed to their service, it came with the computer. When I close it after it pops up I can't open a webpage in firefox and need to close and re-start a firefox browser for me to open a webpage again.

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Getting Popping Noises With A USB DAC?

Jan 14, 2009

Here is my problem: I am trying to stream FLAC files from my laptop or desktop running XP and foobar2000 via usb to a Bryston BDA1 DAC then on to a preamp and 2 channel amp.I get these little popping noises at irregular intervals. Same thing happens with both my laptop and destop, but not with my wife's laptop. Did some research and others were saying to disable other usb devices on the usb bus, I went in the Device manager section and did that, plus killed some processes to no avail. Even disabled all wireless cards, etc..

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Explorer Message Keeps Popping Up

Jan 15, 2005

"Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
If you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost.

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Hi-speed USB Controllers Popping Up

Sep 8, 2005

I'm having lots of troubles with USB 2.0 support. My mother board is a ASUS P5GD2 Premium, which only has USB 2.0 ports but my Windows XP SP2 keeps popping up this error! I have some drivers, but they don't install because XP SP2 should already support USB 2.0. Maybe the cables that connect the USB ports are the problem.

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