Box Appearing At Startup And Showing Empty Program Files?

Feb 6, 2008

I have a Dell Dimension C521, running windows xp media center edition, for the last two days when I start it up, I have a box on my desktop with a program path C:ProgramFilesDell with nothing in the box. How can I get rid of this error on my desktop??? I can click on the red X and it will go away, until I start it up again.

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Program Files Open On Startup

Jun 28, 2005

Whenever I startup my computer C:Program Files opens on its own. I've seen other posts where others have a similar situation with the My Documents folder opening. I have tried the methods for correcting that issue but nothing has worked so far.

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C:Program Files Opens Up On Startup - Hide On Minimized

Oct 14, 2007

I have an issue with my new clean install on XP. Every time I boot, C:Program Files keps opening. Here is the stuff I have tried so far. I looked in msconfig, the startup folder and in Startup on my programs list and it doesn't show up in any of these places. It isn't a new program, so it's not because I installed it recently. Here is HiJack This log for reference. I dont have clue what's to look in this. But may be it will help you. Similarly I have copy-pasted contents from autoexec.bat,win.ini and sys.ini for debugging. You may notice that there is TaskMgr link in startup. But its just one of my app I need on startup in my taskbar. It startup as minimized and it has setting "Hide on Minimized" checked in TaskManager. So It remains in taskbar always.

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2
Scan saved at 8:44:33 PM, on 10/14/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16544)
Boot mode: Normal

Running processes:

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C: Program Files Corrupted / Message Pops Up At Every Startup?

Jun 14, 2005

I tried to open zone alarm and AIM and got a pop up saying that C:/Program Files is corrupt. What? Then I got a yellow pop up in the lower right of my toolbar saying that its corupt and to run a chkdsk...Would it fix this? If not what? Why did this happen?

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Folder Keeps Appearing On Startup

Jul 29, 2005

I seem to get a WINDOWS/SYSTEM32 folder appearing on the desktop everytime the computer starts up.

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Unwanted User Name Appearing Upon Every Startup?

Jul 31, 2005

when i log onto the computer it automaticly goes to the user admin which i don't want as all my work is on the other user which is also the computer admin. i put the log on screen on but it just goes stright to the admin one with out the log in screen, i tryed to delete it but it does not come up on the user part on control panel, only when i'am logged on, and it will not let me delete it.

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Prevent Login Box From Appearing At Startup

Jun 5, 2005

I cannot figure out how to prevent log on to window box from appearing during startup. I go to user accounts then to change the way users log on or off but I get an error message: Client services for netware has disabled the welcome screen and fast user switching. To restore these features you must uninstall client services for netware.

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Micro Bills Appearing On Startup

Oct 23, 2006

I am currently running Windows XP and keep getting this 'Micro Bill' appearing on start-up. Have tried various removal tools: Adaware SE 1.06; Spybot S&D 1.4 but it keeps coming back. Can anyone help with this problem.

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System Configuration Utility Appearing At Every Startup

Jan 9, 2008

My laptop has developed a problem where the System Configuration Utility dialog box appears at every boot. I'm running XP Home edition. This occurs even though I've selected "Normal" startup. Also, I can check the box to not show this dialog box again, yet it continues to appear. After appearing, it will tell me that I must reboot for the changes to become effective.

I've run spyware detectors and antivirus scanners but have come up with nothing. I downloaded a program Startup Monitor to see if it would identify anything. The message that I get upon boot with it is: "The program MSConfig has registered the executable C:WindowsPCHealthHelpCtrBinariesMSConfig.exe/auto to run at system startup"

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Turning Off PC Results In Appearing Program Named WMS.Ile ?

Oct 4, 2007

when i'm going to turn off pc i have a kind of end programm the name of this program is WMS.Ile

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Empty Error Message Box On Startup

Jun 14, 2006

Upon starting my computer, everything boots normally, but every time it does, a blank error message box appears (with that red X) with the only contents in the box an 'ok' button. When I hit the OK button, nothing happens (the system mostly runs fine, except for some random shut down issues (after about, say, 100 hours or so of being on). I am on Windows XP Home edition. Running Adaware, Spyware Doctor, and Norton A/V doesn't fix it.

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Cleaning Up Startup: Msconfig Showing Startup Normal?

Feb 10, 2010

I think I might need to do this.It's now impossible to click or d/click on a programme or even an email and have it open I have to click 6-10 times before the little hourglass appears.I think I need to change my startup : what do you think? Msconfig shows my startup options to be -Normal Diagnostic Selective
Ought to to choose diag?Or Selective?because I can't decide which programmes I ought to remove and which to leave in, but I'm sure I have too many.

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Start Menu Frequently Used Program Shortcuts Not Appearing

Oct 18, 2007

The shortcut icons for frequently used programs that appear in the start menu below the Internet, Email, etc. shortcuts seem to have disappeared. I noticed it when I rebooted after having defragmented system files using PerfectDisk 8. I assumed the list just got cleared, but it seems no matter how many programs I open, no new shortcuts are ever created. The space just remains blank.I'm not sure if this has any bearing, but I'm also running WindowBlinds 6. I've had WindowBlinds for a long long time and have never run across this issue. Also disabling WB doesn't seem to fix anything.I'm sure the solution is something quite simple

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Files Options Shows Empty

Dec 20, 2005

Not sure how this file got here. Probably from downloading crap on Limewire. I came across a file in one of my folders that i tried to delete, but nothing happened. Theres no error message at all. It just doesn't delete or do anything. When i try to rename it it does nothing. When i try to move it it does nothing. I'm stumped. Also, when you right-click the file, there is no properties option. I tried one of those move on boot programs to delete it, but when i drag the file into the deleter box, it says the file cannot be found. I think i may have caught a virus.

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Delete & Remake Empty Text Files?

Aug 30, 2005

I have a Batch File that deletes some text files in some applications. These empty text files are remade when the application is started. This slows the application startup. I would like to have the empty text files remade by the batch file during bootup. Is this possible.

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Enable To Empty Recycle Bin: Its Shows Files In It?

Aug 27, 2007

I have a download accelerator called DAP. DAP has an option to send a file that you downloaded to the Recycle Bin. I used that today and then emptied the Recycle Bin. When I emptied it, the Recycle Bin icon stayed the same (it looked like the Recycle Bin was still full). When I opened the Recycle Bin, it was empty. But the "Empty Recycle Bin" button in the Recycle Bin box

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Enable To Empty Recycle Bin: Its Shows Files Every Time

Jan 8, 2005

It seems my recycle bin keeps saying I have 17 items, i keep emptying it but it always says the same thing. I open it up to look inside but there is nothing there. but it shows files in it every time.

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Enable To Empty Recycle Bin: Its Shows Files Every Time

Jul 2, 2008

I have not had a problem for a while regarding my desktop icons not refreshing, but have recently had my recycle bin display as the full icon when it has nothing in it? When I click refresh in the recycle bin menu,it remains "full"(I have even checked to see if its full by opening the "bin,but nothing shows up after opening it),and I was wondering if anyone familiar with this particular problem might have an easy solution?

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Msconfig Not Showing Startup Items

Dec 29, 2006

My OS: WinXP Home/SP2. How can I disable the following from loading at startup and appearing in my system tray: 'Vinyl Deck/S3tray plus utility/Windows Messenger' . Also how to disable 'Safely remove hardware' from startup. Msconfig does not show these items in Startup.

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Startup: Freezes After Showing My Wallpaper Of Desktop Items?

Mar 27, 2005

My computer is really slow and it takes hours just to get to the screen where the User names are. Also when i enter my password and try to log in. The computer usually freezes after showing my wallpaper of desktop items. This is probably because I had installed a few programs.Is there a program or something to that I can use to boot my computer faster? I'm desperate also I really need to keep all the files on my computer on my computer. I have been having problems with my cpu being overheated. The CPU fan makes alot of noise.

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Wallpaper Changer From Showing Configuration Screen At Startup

Nov 24, 2008

I have Windows XP SP2 and the Wallpaper Changer. When I boot up it shows me the configuration screen. I don't want to see the configuration screen, I just want it to change my wallpaper. Wallpaper never used to do this but when IT took my computer to fix it the removed Wallpaper Changer (they thought it might be causing a problem but it wasn't) so I am confident that there is some way to stop this annoying behavior.

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Computer Hanging And Showing Black Screen At Every Startup?

Feb 10, 2006

my windows xp home edition hung and now shows a black screen everytime i start the computer. how do i cancel installation? do i have to access and the bios, and if so how do i do this

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System Tray Showing Unwanted Programs At Startup?

Aug 6, 2009

few programs began showing up in the System Tray that I didn't want to open.I went to msconfig/General and checked Selective Startup without knowing whether or not I needed to.Then, I went to Startup and deselected those programs.That worked for a while till I went back to misconfig and checked for Normal Startup Since the unwanted programs appeared again in my System Tray, I unchecked them in Normal Startup mode. But when I boot up my computer, I find that I am still in Selective Startup even though I checked for Normal.

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Program Font Size Showing Very Small / Unable To Read?

Jan 7, 2008

I turned it on and loaded up Simply Accounting.I noticed that the program window fonts were too small.I thought this had to be a simply accounting problem as i didn’t notice anything odd with my other Windows font in windows explorer.After doing some exploring i found that it was not only Simply Accounting, but other windows programs were affected as well.I looked in the typical windows appearance settings and saw that all was untouched.

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Install Service Pack 2?showing A List Of Program That Wont Work

Feb 23, 2005

I downloaded it and decided to install But the computer froze near the end and I had to crash it down

It took ages to re start and said it was unstable and to delete it from Add Remove programs
Went to do this and it showed me a long list of programs that would not work if I did

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Hidden Files Not Showing

Feb 28, 2008

So at the first "Hidden Files not showing" thread, I did download the file that devil_himself provided, and it worked for a little while, but now they are back to not showing. Devil, you asked me to start my own thread.

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Thumbs.db Files Are Showing Now?

Feb 7, 2006

I recently uninstalled Norton Antivirus and started using another anti virus program by Computer Associates. After my first scan these hidden files called thumbs.db started showing up in all my picture folders and the other folders that I have the view set to Thumbnails or Tiles. This happened after the first scan. By the way there are no virus' on my machine as far as I can tell. I have gone into the folder view options to make sure that hidden files and system files are still hidden, and they are. But these files are still showing. I have even set my computer to Do Not Cache Thumbnails to try and fix this and that didn't work. I tried to delete these files and I get an error message.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

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Recycle Bin Is Not Showing Deleted Files

Jul 2, 2005

My recycle bin won't show its contents. I can delete a file and it goes to the recycle bin but when I open the bin, nothing shows. Clicking on "Empty Recycle Bin" gives a message asking if I want to delete x items. The x increases everytime I delete another file.

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Recycle Bin Not Showing Deleted Files?

Sep 7, 2005

Recycle bin does not show any files that i have deleted, i need to restore
them. When i go to empty recycle bin it asks if i want to delete these 10
items, but nothing is shown. I really need to find these 10 files and
restore them. Any clues?

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Win Showing Error On Copying Files On 56%?

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to install Windows Xp on my computer but it doesnt install. I am having problem with the copying files. I formatted the root drive C: so viruses can be removed, but still it doesnt install. Whenever the setup is copying files it stucks on 56% and then gives an error that the file is missing press enter to retry or esc to skip. I pressed enter 5 or 6 times and then it gives error pfn_chk_list and my computer restarts. The problem was that my xp was running fine the other day but then i saw a error physical dump memory error. After that the windows was booting but wasnt showing any startup screen and kept constantly restarting. So i thought it would be best to format my 400gb western digital hard drive and try again, but the copying error came again. I have made four partitions of my hdd.Please give me a solution to this and reply as soon as possible.

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View Hidden Files And Folders Its Not Showing

Jun 3, 2008

I have a system with OS XP professional recently i am facing a problem, the problem is when i am trying to view hidden files and folders its not showing. As we go to Tools - Folder Options - Show Hidden Files and Folders when i click on the option show hidden files and folders desktop is getting refreshed but not showing the hidden files and folders.

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