Uninstalled Cannot Continue Unless Exit All Programs

Jul 27, 2005

I have been trying to remove quicktime but the message comes up a program or control panel appears to be running. Uninstallation cannot continue unless you exit all programs using quicktime. As far as I know quicktime is not being used

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Processes Running: Uninstalled Programs Never Used?

Jan 31, 2008

My windows xp has been freezing lately and before I do a clean install I uninstalled programs I never use.. did a disc clean-up Defrag

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No Free Space - Uninstalled Some Programs

Apr 16, 2005

my c drive is 4 gig i have 2.4 gig installed on it yet xp tells me i only have 250 meg of free space not the 1 plus gig i should have have deleted temp files, rubbish, uninstalled programes no longer needed still get the same answer

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Computer Is Filling Up Quickly - Uninstalled Programs

Aug 9, 2008

I have 18.4 GB on the C drive.About a year ago, I needed more space so Iuninstalled programs that I hadn't used for awhile, and it cleared enough several gigs of space for me to do stuff again.Afew months later, although i hadn't added any programs, I was out of space again. This time, I got rid of even programs I did use. I cleared a few gigs again, but a month later, it was gone again. I moved all my picture and text files onto external drives.

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Clean Registry Of ALL The Uninstalled Removed Programs

Feb 18, 2006

Running XP Pro,And wondering how do I clean my registry of ALL the old uninstalled removed programs folders that were long, long ago removed but still remaining in software areas of the various HKeys?

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CPU Usage Idle - Uninstalled Dell Junk Programs

Jun 15, 2006

this problem has been pissing me off so much. I recently got my new laptop. Straight out of the box, the cpu usage when idle was at around 3%, then i uninstalled all the dell junk programs. Somewhere down the line, the cpu idle shot to 35%. The programs that are causing this are csrss.exe and spoolsv.exe, each taking up about 17 cpu each. When i end spoolsv.exe, I notice that my csrss.exe cpu usage will increase. I reinstalled my windows OS and it seemed fine until the next day, these two processes started acting up again. I don't know what else to do, and i'm sure these processes aren't viruses.

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How To Remove Uninstalled Programs From Add/remove Program?

Jan 24, 2006

I have a amd 2400 processor and i'm using windows mediacentre xp2002. I had uninstalled some programs from my system but they are still in the add-and-remove utility in the control panel. How should i remove them from there?

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Outlook Express Exit Error

Aug 13, 2005

Every time I exit OE I get this error on my screen:msmsgs.exe - Application Error..The instruction at "0x00e1b2c6" referenced memory at "0x10004234". The memory could not be "read".Click OK to terminate the program..Then I have to click OK twice to get this to go.

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Check Disk Won't Exit In Computer

Jul 18, 2005

I scheduled a checkdisk when I turn on the computer. Now I can't get it off. It ran and said everything was fine. I can't get out of it. ctrl,alt & delete doesn't even do anything.

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My Computer Restarts Whenever Exit A Game

Apr 8, 2005

I own a computer with a Pentium Presccot 3.20 Mhz and 1024 RAM Megas.I am using Windows XP with Service Packs 1 and 2. My motherboard is an Abit AI7 and my graphic card is a Gigabyte Radeon 800X. Everytime I exit one of my games after everything went OK with the game, for instance: Far Cry or Lock On, my computer crashes and restarts. Could it be that directX or the graphic card are not totally compatible with Servicepack 2?

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Start Outlook Express - Doesn't Exit

Jul 6, 2005

Why does Windows Messenger start every time Outlook Express starts ? Why doesnt it exit when OE exits ?

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Warning: Out Of Video Memory This Program Will Exit

Aug 15, 2005

I'm attempting to open the 'Google Earth' program, which I've downloaded. I've got a video card: SiS 650_740 but whenever I try to open the program in 'OpenGL' mode it comes up with an error notice saying 'SISGL Warning: Out of video memory. This program will exit'. I tried opening Google Earth with the alternate DirectX mode, but it froze.I've only got a couple of video emails on my computer, but not many.

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Closing Outlook 2000 Using Exit As Opposed To X Failures

Nov 13, 2009

Closing Outlook 2000 Using "Exit" as Opposed to "X" on reopen norton spam addin buttons disappear and deleted folder does NOT empty even if settings to do so are correct.
all is well if u do a file>exit....if u close with X and reopen no norton buttons and when deleted files remain?

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Running About 30 Processes At Time Exit Out All Program - Reinstalling

Jan 21, 2008

Dell XPS laptop filled with junk software and is running an average of 72 process which is crazy since most of the pc's are tweaked out so their only running about 30 processes at a time. Even if you exit out of all of the programs in the system tray, there's still like 69 processes going. And besides that lately he's been having tons of network issues so we're just going with a clean install. Besides, it was never reinstalled to begin with so it still has all of the Dell crap that came with it from the start.

the Dell Media Direct thingy. I'm not sure if my dad still has any of the disks that came with the laptop. We have plenty of XP Pro cds. I can find places on the web for instructions for doing this, but I'm open to suggestions because I've never installed any of Dell's crap. I'm not using an XP cd that has SP2 installed. But I don't think it's a problem since I'll be loading SATA drivers, right? Should just be plug and pray after that right? I'll get updates immediately. Also, is there anything special that I need to be warned about before I do this? Hopefully someone has reinstalled XP on an XPS before to help guide me through this. I've installed windows so many times but this seems like a different kind of project...

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Exit Internet Explorer And Load It Back Again / Cookies Are Deleted

May 12, 2006

I've got a problem with Internet Explorer (thought this question belongs to this forum). Well, everytime I exit Internet Explorer, then open it back again - I see that all my cookies were deleted. Why does that happen? Is it some wrong configuration in IE? If so, how and where can I change it?

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System Crashed - Cant Find Hard Drive And Exit Setup

Apr 9, 2005

my system crashed for no reason. when i started it back up, it was in dos with the menu of 4 boot options. hard drive, cd rom etc.. it wont boot from hard drive so i put the windows disc in and tried to boot from it. it tried to setup but it said it cant find a hard drive and to exit setup.

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BSOD Saying Can't Continue Installing

Apr 29, 2009

I've been trying to reinstall XP Pro sp2 for the past several days. I have:

1. Used the XP Pro CD, but after it loads the XP tools, I get a BSOD saying can't continue, check for viruses & rund Scandisk.
2. Went to My Computer/disk management, left click on drive I want formatted, but "format" is grayed out.
3. Ran Kaspersky internet security 2009 and eliminated any malware detected plus ran scandisk with no consequences.
4. Tried 1 & 2 again with the same results.

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Reinstalled Pro - Get Pop Up On Restart To Hit F4 To Continue

Oct 2, 2006

Put in new HD and installed XP Pro. Now get pop up on restart to hit f4 to continue. How can I remove this pop up.

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Strike F1 To Continue F2 To Run Setup

Sep 9, 2008

I am running window xp home edition, Dell 8200 1.75GHz 256MB with the latest service pac=sp3 Everytime I turn my computer on, I get this message Strike F1 to continue F2 to run setup. This has been happening for the past few months..not sure when it started,other than that everything seems to run okay. Anyone know how to remove this message from running during start up?

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Cannot Continue Past This Screen

Apr 28, 2008

I have tried repeatedly to download Webroot Window washer ver 6.5 to my wife's computer. For some reason the download arrives with the select language menu vacant. When you click on the dropdown menu, it is also blank. You cannot continue past this screen. My wife has McAfee Virus Scan and Spybot Search and Destroy plus the firewall that Microsoft supplies. Could these interfere with the download? If so, how do I temporarily disable them so I can download Window Washer.As an alternative, can someone suggest another program which will function like Window Washer?

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Set Up And Installation Cannot Continue - Partmgr.sys

Aug 26, 2005

I am trying to install xp on it and having nothing but problems. It runs through the set up and then gets so far and says that there is a problem with the set up and installation cannot continue. It says that it
could be a damaged disk. The disk is not damaged, as it is brand new. I called the manuf. of the hdd and they said it is a windows problem. I am getting a stop error screen with the following information:

Problem caused by the following file: partmgr.sys

Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. Tech Information: *** STOP: 0x000000CE (0xF87CD667, 0x00000000, 0xF87CD667, 0x00000000) partmgr.sys

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Must Press F1 To Continue At Bios?

Jul 20, 2005

I have a computer that I just put a new hard drive into with fresh install of Win XP home. It's an Intel board and the start up always pauses after the messages that it's detected a keyboard and mouse and
usb. Then it pauses and just says press F1 to continue. Pressing F1 makes it continue to start up normally.
I have reset the Bios values to defaults and tried to change several of them, with not effect at all. If I unplug the keyboard it sometimes skips the F1 pause. The intel website has not proved helpful. They don't have any discussion groups either.

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Copy The Folders To The Hd And Continue Using My Settings?

Jul 16, 2005

hey my server is running php mysql sqlyog i was woundering if i format the server if i can copy the folders to the hd and continue using my settings??

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System Getting Hung Up At Welcome Screen And Won't Continue?

Jul 6, 2005

I have Windows XP on a Compaq laptop. When I turn it on, it attempts to boot up. It starts out normally, flashing the Compaq logo, then the Microsoft logo but seems to get hung up there and won't continue. The MS logo stays on the screen. There are no error messages. Is this a virus?If it is, how do I remove a virus if I can't log on?

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Boot Up / Press Alt+Ctrl+Del For The Pc To Continue Start-up

Apr 13, 2006

I'm using a pentium3, micronpc. I'm running on xp pro. press alt+Ctrl+Del for the pc to continue start-up. I've already gone into the BIOS settings and changed the boot sequence around but it's still not conrected the problem.

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Uninstall File Cannot Continue - Some Program Failed

Jan 11, 2007

I have Windows XP Home installed on my computer as my OS. Recently, I've been cleaning out my computer by uninstalling programs that I haven't used for a while. However, the uninstallation of some programs fails. For example, I have a software called JapaneseNow! (to learn Japanese) installed on my computer. However, trying to uninstall it pops up the error message that "Uninst.isu" cannot be found and therefore the uninstallation cannot continue. I already cleared off a software called SpanishNow! beforehand, which may have caused Uninst.isu to be cleared....

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Need Intel Graphics Driver To Continue Reinstall

Jan 3, 2008

I'm reinstalling my XP Pro OS and I need a file for Extreme Graphics Controller Windows 2000/XP installation disk. The message states I need this file 'ialmnt5.sys'. I have searched google, been on intel, I can't find it. Anyone out there know where to get it? I was going to burn it on cd and put in drive to continue my install. I'm stopped right now for the fileDo I HAVE to have this? Last time I said no, cancel, it completely stopped my install.

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Cannot Continue On To The Application Data Microsoft Outlook

Dec 23, 2007

I am attempting to save an OUTLOOK.pst file that is located on My wifes laptop. An odd problem is occurring,,,If I do a search for outlook.pst, the search finds it and
Shows that it resides at C:Documents and SettingsGalLocal SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftOutlook When I attempt to follow the path using Windows Explorer I go to the C: drive, Navigate to Documents and Settings, then Gal, then no local settings folder is shown. I have made sure that in the search, all hidden folders are shown, but there is no local settings folder, so I cannot continue on to the Application Data Microsoft Outlook.pst location.

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Reinstalling Operating System - Setup Cannot Continue

Nov 8, 2007

I have a new hard drive and i am trying to reinstall my operating system and it stops half way and tells me that setup cannot continue? i have tried windows 98, xp, xp pro and vista? (all of which i legally own and have keys for)

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Can't Get Operating System - Backup Save Not Continue

Feb 25, 2009

I have received the disks from Dell but can't get the Operating System to Run...not sure what I should be doing. I have backed up all the info I want to save but can't continue.

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Wouldn't Connect To Internet / Program Cannot Safely Continue

Jan 26, 2009

I'm writing this on behalf of a friend. She has a pc that works on the OS XP Home. She used it on Saturday to fill in an application on line. She tried to go on line again yesterday and it wouldn't connect to the internet. A dialogue box appeared stating: Buffer Overrun: a buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the programs internal state. The program cannot safely continue.

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