Unattach AOL IM From Startup Menu

Nov 13, 2009

I've been trying to get rid of AOL IM because it's startup is really slowing down my pc. Does anyone out there know a quick way to get it out of my startup menu. Or, better yet, how to get rid of it completely? .

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Run Option Missing From Startup Menu: Restoring It To My Startup?

Sep 3, 2005

The run link is missing from my startup menu...can anyone help me find it? I know this sounds dumb, but I really need to restore it to my startup so I
can take care of some other problems I'm having.

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F8 Key Does Not Bring Up Startup Menu

Sep 4, 2006

I have had my PC for about 4 years. It is an AMD athlon and was custom built. I have never been able to use any of the F keys to get into safe mode. I always use xp configuration utility. I downloaded a file that puts a screen up when booting, offering me the option of booting into safe mode. However today I needed to boot into safe mode and the PC did not get as far as the option screen due to a missing NTLDR file (which I have sorted out thanks to my sisters PC and google!!) My Del key gives the setup menu F8 gives a boot option menu (i.e. boot from floppy, CD etc) . Is there any EASY way to make an Fkey offer me the option to boot into safe mode please?

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Startup Menu In Msconfig

Apr 12, 2006

I have got windows xp.I don't seem to have all the necessary things in my startup menu. In fact I've only got 4 things in there and they are programmes I have installed. This I think has resulted in me having "no audio devices" in the control panel.

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Blank Entries In Startup Menu

Mar 17, 2008

Is it normal to have blank entries in my startup menu? How do I find out what they are?

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Startup Menu/taskbar Not On Screen?

Nov 6, 2007

After installing Windows XP Pro from XP Home my computer does not display the startup taskbar. I don't know if I have a virus or not Also, when I type, the cursor randomly lets the last letter/number to go ahead of the cursor so that the next letter is behind the one I just typed.

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Configure At Startup / Find The Menu

Feb 20, 2005

In windows Xp pro where do i find the menu to eid t which programs i want to run at start up?

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Windows Advanced Options Menu On Startup

Apr 16, 2007

when computer turn it on it boots directly into

"Windows Advanced Options Menu"

all option are available for me to access, although the keyboard is non responsive (yes it works) & i am unable to select anything

after the timed countdown it starts to boot and get to the windows welcome screen and then hangs. no further progression from that point.

specs as i know are
win xp 2
512 ram
motherboard (asus i think)
rest is all on board

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Music Folder In Startup Menu Is Slow

Mar 2, 2008

I have about 7.5g (1400 songs) of music in my music folder. Lately when i try to open up My music from the startup menu it takes around 5 mins for it to open up, cpu usage goes thru the roof and almost locks up. On the other hand if i go to my computer and go to my documents and open up My music thru there it opens up just fine.

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Dual Boot 2K/98 - Get Run Startup Menu Automatically

Apr 25, 2006

I have my Windows 2K and Windows 98 PC running fine. It brings up a startup option and I select the option that I want. My problem is that the software that I am running needs to run from the Windows 98 start menu option number - 5. command prompt. At present when I want to run the software I need to firstly choose the Windows 98 option from the menu and then try to hit F8 really quickly so that I can run the command prompt. Is there any option that I can write in the boot.ini that will force the Windows 98 Boot Partition to show me the startup menu instead of having to hit F8 really quickly.

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How To Delete Startup Folder In Start Menu?

Dec 10, 2005

I accidentally made a duplicate? startup folder? on my desktop from my start menu to the desktop. The copy on my desktop works the other (in the drop menu) does not. If you load a program in the start menu? startup folder? upon re-boot it will not start the selected program. My question is how do I delete the? startup?folder in my start menu? When I try it will not allow me to do so. This whole thing isn?t causing any problem. It?s just starting to grate on me.

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Press F8 But No Boot Menu/ Short Beeps On Startup?

Aug 8, 2010

When I restart the computer it POSTs fine (counts the memory, displays "the" table... etc). When It's about to start Windows it starts beeping. Continuous short beeps. The cursor just blinks on the screen and it beeps. When I press F8 to get to the boot menu, nothing happens. No boot menu appears.I did a repair install from my XP install CD - same thing happens, nothing has changed. I tried to restore MBR record through recovery console but again same thing, no change.

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Start Menu / Task Bar And Desktop Icons Do Not Startup

Sep 7, 2005

Can anyone help? I ran Spybot and deleted all identified problems. Now when I reboot, and anytime I startup, I get to blank wallpaper with nothing else. I can run task manager to get to all apps OK, but this is not very useful.I tried running from a previous known good state, but nothing changed. I also tried starting up in safe mode, but only get a black screen.

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Unable To See Desktop Icons And Start Menu At Startup?

May 1, 2005

When I boot into windows XP, I login correctly but then nothing shows up. No start menu or any desktop icons. When I go to task manager, I don't see explorer .exe as a process running I know this has something to do with desktop

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Black Screen On Startup Cannot See Bios Menu Or Get To Safe Mode

Aug 22, 2010

as above, pentium 4 windoiws xp black screen on startup cannot see bios menu or get to safe mode.

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Program Loads At Every Startup: Wont Delete Start Menu?

Jul 21, 2006

I am running Win XP on a HP laptop. When I boot up a program always tries to load but it is one that I don't have or have tried to load. It always asks for the disk which I do not have. It is not located in the start folder, so I do not know where to go to delete it.

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Start Menu Is Open On Startup & Pinned Items Disappear

May 11, 2006

I recently restored my OS (Windows XP, SP2) and now the following happens;I "pin" items to the Start Menu, but when I reboot, they're no longer there (also, those items I removed from the Start Menu reappear) The Start Menu appears "open" everytime I reboot! It's as if I clicked "Start" and the menu gets opened.

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Accessing Master Boot List/System Startup Menu?

Oct 15, 2005

My Desktop screen seems to be booting twice. I want to check and see if that is true and if any other system programs are booting twice during initial bootup. How do I access the Master Boot List, or System Startup Menu, whatever you may call the list the OS uses to Start the system up when it boots.

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Cant Find "UXTheme.dll" Screen Stays On Wallpaper, No Startup Menu

Sep 10, 2007

I have a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X and I've instaled Windows XP with Bootcamp. I tend to run more often on XP than Mac OS X, I tryed looking for some new themes for XP and installed "UXTheme Multi-Patcher 5.0.exe" and copyed across a few new themes wich I liked. they all worked fine till I restarted the system. An error message apears saying that it cant locate the file "UXThemes.dll" so all i see in windows now is my wallpaper with no startup menu, the keyboard and mouse's right and left clik do not respond at all. I have tryed puting in the Windows instal CD but it wont even read the CD/DVD drive all is there is the wallpaper background.

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CLASSIC Start Menu Display - Get Full Menu

Jan 16, 2006

Running XP with 'CLASSIC' style menus. When I display PROGRAMS in the START menu, it only displays 3 or 4 items and then it has two Down Arrorws at the bottom of the menu, which I have to click to get the full menu. Is there some setting causing this to happen?

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Start Menu/Programs Fly Out Menu List

Jul 28, 2005

I am using Windows XP/SP2 a newish computer and some things changed from how it used to be.From the *Start* Button, there is the further button *Programs*. This then has the fly-out menu which used to open only the most recently accessed programs. Typically, after a boot it would show the items which opened in *Start-Up*, the rest were accessible only by hovering the mouse cursor over a button showing downward pointing arrows (more chevron like). This would then open the entire sub menu of programs to choose from. However, in the past week it now opens in that expanded view all the time. There is no sign of the little arrows anymore, and I always end up with a screen full of program lists whenever I go to Start/Programs.

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Reduce All Progs Menu From Start Menu

Jul 25, 2005

can i create folders to put specific types of progs inside them as my all programs from the start menu is too long and needs tidying up i.e put photographic applications all together in one folder.

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Help And Support Menu Disappeared From Start Menu

Jun 28, 2008

Can anyone tell me if there is a way to (Restore this Function) to my Start Menu?

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Favorites Menu In Start Menu?

Jul 16, 2005

Is there a way to have the "favorites" menu in the start menu? Not just a shortcut to the "favorites" folder, but an actual menu that pops up and closes by itself, like in windows 98?

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Msconfig Normal Startup, Stop Running At Startup, And Change Back

May 16, 2007

I want a program to run at startup and I want to be able to change what I have done at any time.

There are a number of unchecked entries in msconfig and I have to use Selective Startup all the time.

If I want to revert to Normal Startup under the General tab instead of Selective Startup, the program's box automatically rechecks itself in Startup.

The Startup tab gives me a handy record of what I did and allows for an easy change of mind so long as I continue to use Selective Startup.

If I edit the Registry to stop programs running at startup, they won't show in msconfig and I lose the handy record of how it was and I may have to reinstall the program to go back to it running at startup.

I would like to accomplish this:

1. Use Normal Startup instead of Selective Startup.

2. Have some programs not run at startup, but be able to easily change back to having them run at startup.

3. Have a readily accessible list of those programs and the details as shown under the Startup tab as a reminder of how it was without having to manually enter it all into a text file or keep a notebook or reinstall.

Is there some way to use Normal Startup, stop programs running at startup, but retain or find a list of those programs (including the details under the headings Startup Item, Command, Location) that is shown when using Selective Startup with unchecked boxes under the Startup tab?

To put it another way, use Normal Startup but somehow retain the convenient flexibility of Selective Startup.

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Startup Problem, Already Disabled All Unnecessary Startup Items...

May 8, 2010

My startup time went up drastically.
I have disabled all but two of the automatic startup items using msconfig. My system used to start in less than two minutes, easily. Now it takes a more than a minute or two longer than that.
I know what the problem is; the only three items that show in the system tray after startup are:
1) The AVG Antivirus icon .
2) The Spybot SD Resident icon.
3) Local Area Connection (This is the icon which shows two computer monitors with screens that light up and go dark periodically)

Now, after the problem started, the last item, the Local Area Connection icon is the one that doesn't load, for VERY long. So it may be something to do with that. Also, just before the icon finally shows up(after which point the computer is fine to use) I've notice that a Windows security notification icon appears...it flashes, for just a second, and then is replaced by the Local Area Connection icon. For the record, these are the two icons I'm talking about:

I have had my automatic updates disabled for a while now, so you might think that that's the reason the notification is showing up but I've already disabled that notification using Windows Security Center.

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Msconfig Keeps Opening After Startup, Having Disabled Startup Items

Jun 10, 2010

Try making my laptop less slow and not freeze all the time when doing the simplest of tasks.

However, my problem happens after trying to disable the Startup Items from the MSconfig dialogue.

-After I have unchecked the boxes I don't want, I click OK or Apply;

-It then tells me I have to restart for the changes to take place, so I do this;

-Then after completing its restart a message says that "The System Configuration Utility is in Diagnostic or Selective Startup mode, causing this message to be displayed and the utility to run every time Windows starts up."

-it then opens the MSconfig dialogue box again.

If I just close the utility or click ok, sure enough it keeps on opening every time I startup. Or else, what it's trying to convince me to do is to start up in Normal Mode. But I won't do this because then all the Startup Items I'd disabled become enabled again and the whole lengthy task was a waist of time!

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Remove Common Startup Items From Startup List

Dec 25, 2005

How do you remove the "Common Startup" items from the startup list in msconfig for Windows XP? I did locate and remove the "Run" items that are located in HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionRun.

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Disable Startup Programs - Startup Programms Running

Jun 21, 2006

Win XP Home edition. I'm in the Speed Up Windows Startup class. I currently have a very long list of startup programs running. Is it safe for me to disable all except security programs (Symantec Norton,AdAware,Spyguard)?Charles

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Cleaning Up Startup: Msconfig Showing Startup Normal?

Feb 10, 2010

I think I might need to do this.It's now impossible to click or d/click on a programme or even an email and have it open I have to click 6-10 times before the little hourglass appears.I think I need to change my startup : what do you think? Msconfig shows my startup options to be -Normal Diagnostic Selective
Ought to to choose diag?Or Selective?because I can't decide which programmes I ought to remove and which to leave in, but I'm sure I have too many.

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Computer Slow On Startup - Particularly At Startup

Apr 27, 2006

My sister's computer is running very slowly, particularly at startup (which seems to take forever). I've got Panda antivirus software running and do reasonably regular spyware scans with AdAware, but am not sure if the problem is just that the computer is old with too little memory / overheating because it's on almost all the time / something else I haven't thought of. To help me determine what's going on, could someone much smarter than myself take a look at this HJT log and see if you see anything of concern?

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