Reduce All Progs Menu From Start Menu

Jul 25, 2005

can i create folders to put specific types of progs inside them as my all programs from the start menu is too long and needs tidying up i.e put photographic applications all together in one folder.

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CLASSIC Start Menu Display - Get Full Menu

Jan 16, 2006

Running XP with 'CLASSIC' style menus. When I display PROGRAMS in the START menu, it only displays 3 or 4 items and then it has two Down Arrorws at the bottom of the menu, which I have to click to get the full menu. Is there some setting causing this to happen?

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Start Menu/Programs Fly Out Menu List

Jul 28, 2005

I am using Windows XP/SP2 a newish computer and some things changed from how it used to be.From the *Start* Button, there is the further button *Programs*. This then has the fly-out menu which used to open only the most recently accessed programs. Typically, after a boot it would show the items which opened in *Start-Up*, the rest were accessible only by hovering the mouse cursor over a button showing downward pointing arrows (more chevron like). This would then open the entire sub menu of programs to choose from. However, in the past week it now opens in that expanded view all the time. There is no sign of the little arrows anymore, and I always end up with a screen full of program lists whenever I go to Start/Programs.

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Help And Support Menu Disappeared From Start Menu

Jun 28, 2008

Can anyone tell me if there is a way to (Restore this Function) to my Start Menu?

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Favorites Menu In Start Menu?

Jul 16, 2005

Is there a way to have the "favorites" menu in the start menu? Not just a shortcut to the "favorites" folder, but an actual menu that pops up and closes by itself, like in windows 98?

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Programs Will Not Start Even Though Desktop Icons & Start Menu Appear

Jun 5, 2008

I have experienced a sudden problem starting programs. The computer boots correctly, and all desktop icons appear correctly. But when I double click a desktop icon, or start a program from the start menu, I get a popup window displaying a list of programs and asking me which program I want to use to start the application. I select the correct program (or browse to the appropriate .exe file), but still the application doesn't start. This includes IE and Windows Messenger. My virus scanner was about the only thing that I could start up, and I did a system scan with Panda Anti-Virus, but it didn't show anything substantial (just some cookies).Using my WinXP set up disk,I've tried to do a repair (I guess reinstallation without reformatting the hard disk), but after I entered the License Key, the computer did a reboot and then stopped. It is stuck on the XP splash screen and won't go any further (I once let it run over night, but it was still frozen on the splash screen). I even tried to repeat the repair process, but that didn't work.Automatic updates did download an update just before this problem started (I think it was the day before the problems began). I don't know what this update was and I'm not sure it was SP3 (system does have SP2 installed).Considering that the computer freezes now when booting up, is there anything that I can do short of reformatting the Hard Drive? I also have another hard drive that I can use to install XP onto. Is there any way that I can rescue the data from the old Hard Drive and transfer to new drive?

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Removing Something From Start Menu?

Sep 2, 2006

I have a new Toshiba satellite A105-S4084, with an Intel centrino duo. I want to remove a "Buy" icon from the start menu. How can I do this? It's easier to remove windows icons.

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Start Menu Text Is Too Big

Apr 29, 2010

I can't get to "search" or "run." I changed the icon size to "small" in the properties>start menu>customize, but that isn't helping at all. In my other accounts the start menu text is fine.

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How To Add More Than 1 Folder / Under Run On START Menu?

Sep 13, 2005

I would like to add several folders under the Run command on the right of the START menu. I used this tweak (below) of Kelly's to add one folder there. But If I run this tweak again it replaces the first folder with the new one.I thought I might be able to make the changes by hand so I tried to understand the code of the tweak.

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Don't Have Any Icons Or Start Menu

Mar 21, 2005

I only have a backround nothing else, the only way i was able to get online was by following the link in the error report, the error report was about my computer crashing, which it happens alot and i have to reinstall the computer many times a week. I updated my computer just now with the windows updates, and i dont know what to do now.

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Where Did Task Bar And Start Menu Go?

Jul 17, 2005

My taskbar and start menu don't appear at the bottom of my desktop. How do I get them back?

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Too Many Things In Start Up Menu

Sep 20, 2005

Windows XP- I get a message I have to many things in my start up menu and all can't be show. I need to take some out or choose a smaller icon. I don't know what to remove.

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Start Menu All Programs Is Gone

Sep 29, 2005

Everything in the start menu all programs is gone. I can't find things like Paint anywhere. The recycle bin has disappered off my desktop. All I did was uninstall yahoo! mail, yahoo! toolbar, dell media experience, yahoo! extras, and mtv optimizer off my computer. And I tried to uninstall the sims 2, but it didn't uninstall and i can't figure out how to do that. Then i noticed that the recycle bin had disappered off my desktop. And so had everything in "all programs" on the start menu.

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Lost Start Up Menu

Sep 6, 2007

While cleaning up files on my computer, I deleted all the shortcuts on my start button. Can this be fixed easily?

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How Do I Add Folders To The Start Menu?

Aug 15, 2005

How can I add links like the My Documents link to my start menu for other folders that I frequent often?

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Start-up Menu Management

Aug 7, 2008

how to reduce the programmes that automatically open up on my start-up menu?Because they are slowing me down, but I need to know how to ensure I don't end up deinstalling programmes that I need to keep on the start-up.I don't just want to go into add/remove until I know how to ensure I don't actuall lose any of the programmes.

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Modifying Start Menu

Jul 8, 2005

Is it possible to remove the "Documents" link from the start menu. I'm sure that Bill Gates thinks it's a good idea, but I really cannot think of a good reason for it being there.

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Programs On Start Menu Does Not Come Up

Oct 27, 2005

I just installed windows xp professional on a compaq desktop. The programs part of the start menu however refuses to come up. I know it is not empty because I can right click on it and view the contents. What might be the problem here?

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Start Menu Does Not Show Up

Dec 30, 2006

I tried cleaning a family computer that has been giving us problems for a long time.I finally got rid of the virus that kept causing problems.At least I thought I did.Now whenever I boot up the start menu does not show up.

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Start Menu Programs?

Sep 16, 2005

I'd like to modify my start menu. What I see is:Some of the programs I have recently run are at the bottom left of this menu. I have no idea what rules determine which programs get there, and which programs don't.
I can drag one of these programs above the line so it stays all the time. This is where my browser and e-mail program can be checked to appear when I modify properties.
How do I:Get a program that doesn't currently appear on these lists after I run
them to appear (or not to appear)?Move a folder that I use a lot to this menu?

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Can't Delete Items From The Start Menu

Dec 12, 2005

When I right-click, and choose "Remove from this list", nothing happens.

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MS-Paint Vanished From Start Menu

Jan 23, 2006

I can't find MS-paint anymore.When I type 'mspaint.exe' in 'run' window it returns no result.I can't find it in strat menu either

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No Msconfig/help And Support From Start Menu

Nov 2, 2007

I have been unable to access the help and support from the start menu, when I click on it I briefly get the hour glass but nothing else, also when typing msconfig in the run box it is not available. I have xp home edition sp2 "Windows cannot find "msconfig" make sure that you typed the name correctly,then try again. To search for a file click start and search.

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Change The Start Menu Text

Nov 29, 2006

guys im trying to change the text on the start menu from start to what i want
ive tried differrent things im wondering if theres a way to do it beside the application called resource hacker because i dont wanna touch the registry or explorer file.

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Remove Text From Start Menu

Jan 7, 2008

I've seen in a lot of windows blinds themes where there's no text and just icons in the side menu of the start bar (my computer, documents, control panel, run, etc) and was wondering how to remove the text.

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Start Menu Is Totally Blank....

Sep 2, 2008

as you can see from the picture my start menu has no "recent used" programs. you are probably thinking it is related to the theme i am running on my computer, but nope i had this problem before installing this theme. although previously i did have windowsblinds installed on my computer, and during this the problem occoured.

i have tried system restores and every one i try says its unable to do in properties for the start menu

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Delete Files In Start Up Menu?

Oct 29, 2006

Upon rebooting, I have a program that wants to start a program and I need to disable it or delete it.

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Getting 'RUN' Back Into The 'START" Pop-Up Menu?

Apr 7, 2006

The 'RUN' short cut has dissappeared from the 'START' pop-up menu. This Gateway laptop is using W2000-Pro. This has never happened before. I'd like to get the 'RUN' icon/shortcut back, because it's convenient to use.

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Changing The Start Menu Pop-up Delay?

Dec 29, 2006

I was wondering if there is a way to set how many (i'm guessing milliseconds) for the start menu to pop-up when you hover over "all programs"? Sense I upgraded to 1gb of ram anytime I even move my mouse over the All Programs it pops out the list (which is big). I'm wondering if I can change the delay on

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No Turn Off Computer In Start Menu

Aug 4, 2007

I saw a forum like this before, but considering the fact that I'm really dumb with computers, I'm hoping someone can run me through what I'm supposed to do to fix the problem.I'm having the same problem as I found here on this thread, The computer's just been reformatted with Windows XP Home Edition earlier this week and starting yesterday, I could not access the "Turn off Computer" in the Start Menu. I also do not have access to the "Run" option nor can I "Control+Atl+Del"

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No Turn Off Computer In Start Menu

Jul 7, 2007

To restore the Turn off Computer button in the start menu. I had a single user account and did not need to log in to the computer. One fine morning I find that the Turn off Computer icon has vanished from the start menu! Moreover, I cant press ctrl+alt+del to start the task manager, it says "Task Manager has been disabled by your Administrater". My account was an administrator account with full privileges, but it got changed to a debugger account. I created another user account with administrator rights, logged into that account and changed the properties of my original account to full administrative account, but when I logged back on to my old account, I still find that the situation is still the same. The only way I can switch off my computer is by logging off, and then selecting the Turn Off option in the logoff screen, which is tedious and of course irritating.

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