System32 Directory Is No Longer Visable?

Jun 27, 2005

following a recent virus infection (WIN32.P2P-WORM.ALCAN.A) the system32 directory is no longer visable.

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Winchat - System32 Directory

Aug 12, 2002

There is an application in XP that allows networked users to to communicate with each other. It is a very simple program located in the Windows System32 directory. A search for "winchat" will also bring it up. This program can be very usefull to users that work in large office complexes and need to deliver a message to another individual quickly and efficiently. This application also has a real time chat screen, so you can see the other person typing. I have tested this program on 2 computers running XP Pro, not XP Home.1 start, search, "winchat" (or find in Windows, System 32 directory)2 right click and select send to desktop (for easy opening)3 run the program4 choose dial button at the top5 choose the computer of the person on the network who you wish to talk to. 6 both users must agree to connect to each other to talk.

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CTRL-ALT-DELETE Screen Not Fully Visable

Aug 30, 2007

When I press control, alt, delete, the screen that comes up looks like this:Why can't I see the rest of the control, alt, delete screen? (I'm running windows xp home edition version 5.1.2600)

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System32 And Ntdll.dll

Jul 29, 2009

I am trying to copy/paste a clean ntdll.dll into the Windows/System32 folder and to no surprise I cannot as the message I get is another resource is using that file. How can I determine what resource(s) and if so, am I able to disable it in order to replace that file?

I'm doing so as per Windows explorer errors that nobody can seem to resolve and I really dont want to reinstall Windows, I just did it about 7 or 8 months ago.

XP Pro SP3

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Cannot Run Commands In System32

Nov 21, 2007

Well, I have windows XP SP2 machine, with 1 gb ram, and 75 gb of HDD. The problem I am facing is: I cannot run DOS Commands like:IPCONFIG, MORE (etc) I have suspected that system32 might have not been added to the PATH, environment variable, but I have checked the PATH environment variable, and my PATH environment variable is s follows:
%SystemRoot%system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%Sy stem32Wbem;What I need to do so that commands like ( IPCONIFIG /ALL) RUNS.When i run the IPCONFIG /ALL command, then the error message which is produced is as follows: 'ipconfig' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

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Directory Doesn't Have Name

Feb 7, 2006

Weirdly the directory doesn't have name. Is there any other way to delete the empty directory w/o explorer?

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System32 Folder Is Huge

Aug 11, 2008

I happen to notice the size of the WindowsSystem32 folder to be a surprising 892 MB. Checking the size of the Windows folder showed a 383 GB size on disk. Aren't these numbers a tad on the large side? Is my system failing to purge trash and temp files by attaching some strange extention on files? Are log files ever labled as anything other than .log? Or temp files ever something besides .tmp? Fellow tech freaks, I await thy wisdom. If I'm just being paranoid, and my OS folders aren't bloated, please pass on anything I can do to keep an eye out for commonly overlooked bad habits of windows xp sp2 including file and folder build-up, leading to sluggish start-up and general degrading of simple operations.

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CMD Prompt Won't Let Me Access C:/ Directory

Jan 15, 2006

Whenever I use CMD in Windows XP, it automatically goes to C:/Windows when I need to do something specifically in C:/ When I go "cd c:/", it'll just take me to C:/Windows. Is there a way so I can access C:/

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The File Or Directory C: Is Corrupt?

Jan 13, 2008

when accessing any application or programme from my hard drive I get the following error message "The file or directory c: is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility." I then click to get rid of the error message and the utility works fine. I have run chkdsk several times but it does not shift this error message.

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Change Home Directory Name

Aug 21, 2005

Somehow my home directory (C:Documents and Settingsuck.DELLBOOK) ended up with a DELLBOOK extension, my computer name. Is there a way I can rename this buck, without the DELLBOOK extension? I have an app that complains about the path being too long.

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16 Bit Subsystem - File To System32

Apr 16, 2005

I've tried to reload a couple pieces of software that used to run fine. I get this error message In top left hand corner of error window it says 16 bit Windows Subsystem Then lower down it says: C:windowssystem32autoexec.nt. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose "Close" to terminate the application. I have Windows XP and both programs (Microsoft Home Publishing and Canon Zoombrowser) had worked fine for a couple years. For the heck of it I even dragged a copy of the above name file to system32 to see if that would help. It didn't.

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System32 Files Recover

Feb 12, 2010

<Windows root>system32 toskrnl.exe is missing or corrupt.

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Cannot Access DOS Commands In System32

Nov 21, 2007

I have windows XP SP2 machine, with 1 gb ram, and 75 gb of HDD. The problem I am facing is:I cannot run DOS Commands like:IPCONFIG, MORE (etc)I have suspected that system32 might have not been added to the PATH, environment variable, but I have checked the PATH environment variable, and my PATH environment variable is s follows:
%SystemRoot%system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%System32Wbem;What I need to do so that commands like ( IPCONIFIG) RUNS.

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No Access To The Temp Directory

Nov 18, 2008

All aplications that use the temp directory are crashing on my computer. It only happens when I am logged into my account (so if logged in as another user the system works fine). If I try to view the temp directory then explorer crashes as soon as the mouse hovers over the folder icon. I have tried disk cleanup, it crashes. Using cmd prompt "dir %temp%" it crashes too. I have run NOD32 antivirus and it finds nothing. I have tried XoftSpy and Search and Destroy but they both crash. I have tried safe mode and that is no good either! I have logged into administrator and tried to view and delete the temp folder but that also fails!.Have you heard of this before, I did read a forum (not here) where someone had the exact same problem but it went unsolved. Could it be a virus that NOD32 can't detect?

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Meaning Of 32 In System32 Folder?

Jul 4, 2010

sometime i wonder with this "32"... what is the meaning of 32 in system32 folder?

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Directory Finishing Format

Jun 18, 2005

I've just finished formatting (full) a pre installed 120 Gig HD, from the CD, prior to installing WXP Pro to be told that there was already a windows directory on the drive and that installing to it could lead to
data loss. How can any directory still exist after a full format? I don't mean directories etc., that can be recovered by data recovery.

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C Directory Comes Up When I Turn On Computer

Sep 1, 2006

how to get rid of the C: Drive directory listing appearing every time I start my computer? I don't knw how it got set up to come up each time, but I would like to unset it. I have Windows XP and recently installed AOL's Security 9.0, which was an updated version of the old one I was using. Shortly thereafter, or as soon as this was done, the directory thing started. I think it was there virus scanning system, so I have a different one now.

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Cannot Delete Directory - External HD

Jan 28, 2007

I am having an Issue with deleting a file that I no longer want on my HD. It gives me the Cannot Delete directory error and I have no idea why. The folder says it has no information in it but I added the rest of the information up on my external HD and it does not add up right it is odd that I can not delete the folder

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System32 Folderopens On Start Up

Aug 16, 2005

The windows system32 folder automatically opens when i start up my computer why is this?

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Problem To Delete Directory

Feb 9, 2006

How does one post a JPG link so a person could show a screen shot of a problem? Like the link below.This is a COPY of forum post...I am having problems deleting a directory Weirdly the directory doesn't have name.
Is there any other way to delete the empty directory w/o explorer?

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How To Add The Print Directory Feature For Folders

May 8, 2006

I followed these instructions to print the contents of a directory...

Even modified the directory as instructed to eliminate the search companion glich mentioned in the article. While the MS support provided the functionality I wanted, it does not help clear up all the problems it creates.

Now, when I launch Windows Explorer, in the left hand frame I have folders show, and in the right hand frame I have details shown. This is fine. When I double click a folder in the right hand frame, a new Windows Explorer launches, and the folders in the left hand frame are gone. I can click the folders icon at the top and turn them back on, but this did not use to happen. What I had and want back is for the folder to open in the same window, an leave the format of the Windows Explorer screen alone.

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Sending Directory List To Printer?

Jul 14, 2005

Used to be able to send the directory list using DOS command like DIR > LPT1: How do you now send a directory list to the printer?? The printer is on a USB port and named HP750 and the port says it is DOT... Tried using DIR > HP750 and DIR > DOT... but no luck. Anybody know how to list the directory to the printer?

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Printing A Long Directory List In XP?

May 7, 2006

How can I print a page that is longer than the screen?For example, a page that has to be scrolled down to see its entire contents.I am referring,specifically ,to the left side or the right side of the Windows Explorer ''directory'' or ''folders'' or ''files'' pages, which are much longer than one screen. Is there any way, using only Windows XP, that I can print those long scrolling LISTS of folders, or program files, or data files that are two or three screens in length?

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File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable?!?

May 1, 2008

I recently reinstalled Windows XP Home w/SP2 on a system and everything worked well. I also installed a Seagate 500 GB HDD as a slave drive. I had no problems assigning a drive letter (D:) and mapping it as a network drive. Then yesterday, a Windows error message popped up saying there was "Delayed Write Failure" or something similar. It was at that point the the slave drive became inaccessible. I can still see the drive in My Computer but that is all. I went into disk management and click on properties, it says the file system is "RAW". I have no idea what that means.

The drive is still assigning a drive letter (d:) and it says is it is healthy (active). However, when I try exploring the drive it says "D: is not accessible. The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable"." I then tried using CHKDSK to check the drive for errors in the DOS prompt. But again, nothing happened. I used Seagate Diagnostic tools to scan the drive for errors. There is nothing physically wrong with the drive as it passed all the tests except for the file structure test.

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Open Exporer In Any Directory You Choose

Aug 12, 2002

To start your Windows-Explorer in any Directory that you want it to start.Most people start the Windows-Explorer by clicking on a shortcut to the Windows-Explorer program. Noramlly the Windows-Explorer starts in the "My Documents" Directory. If you want Windows-Explorer to start in a different Directory, just follow the steps below:1) Right-Click the shortcut to the Windows-Explorer2) Choose "Properties"3) On the "Shortcut" Tab, you see something like:"Target: %SystemRoot%explorer.exe"(without the quotes).4) You have to change this into: "%SystemRoot%explorer.exe /n, /e, D:" (without quotes). Instead of "D:" you can choose any path you like. In the example above, windows-explorer will start in "D:"

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System32 Folder Opens At Startup In XP

May 27, 2006

After recovering from a malware attack my windows xp machine now opens the C:WINDOWSSystem32 folder every time it starts. How can I prevent this?

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System32 Opens On Startup - Slows Down

Mar 18, 2010

which of these is causing it:

O4 - HKLM..Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:ProgramsQuickTimeQTTask.exe" -atboottime
O4 - HKLM..Run: [HotKeyz.exe Startup] C:ProgramsSkynergyHotKeyzHotKeyz.exe Startup
O4 - HKLM..Run: [Adobe ARM] "C:ProgramsCommon FilesAdobeARM1.0AdobeARM.exe"
O4 - HKLM..Run: [avgnt] "C:ProgramsAviraAntiVir Desktopavgnt.exe" /min
O4 - HKLM..Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] "C:ProgramsCommon FilesJavaJava Updatejusched.exe"
O4 - HKLM..Run: [WinPatrol] C:ProgramsBillP StudiosWinPatrolwinpatrol.exe -expressboot
O4 - HKCU..Run: [Wally] C:ProgramsWallyWally.exe
O4 - HKCU..Run: [ClocX] C:ProgramsClocXClocX.exe
O4 - HKCU..Run: [ViStart] C:ProgramsViStartViStart.exe..........

And yes, I do realise that having lots of things on startup slows down the startup. If I start to notice any problems, I will cut this down

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System32 Drivers Tfs.sys Missing Or Corrupt?

Feb 23, 2005

My Hewlett Packard Pavilion ZT3000 notebook was running fine but then Windows wouldn't load and the message, "system32driverstfs.sys is missing or corrupt" came up. I'm using Windows XP.Only two things happened prior to this occurring, the lid got shut a little hard but no damage and I downloaded Servicepack 2.

I ran a HHD self test and it tested ok, all the help screens, etc. come up fine but not Windows.I have an operating disk and a recovery disk but neither seems to help

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System32 / Cannot Access The Recovery Console

Jun 1, 2008

I cannot access the recovery console to do anything further. also, i do not own an Windows XP Professional CD as the computer came preloaded with it and was a hand-me-down. consequently, i cannot seem to do anything with it. i have gone into the BIOS settings and changed it to boot from cd as i burned a copy of what i thought was a windows xp professional disc (said it was legal to do as long as it was for private use). however, the computer wont boot from the disc, or any disc for that matter.

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A Folder Will Not Delete At All - Filename, Directory Name

Jul 8, 2005

Folder on my external hard drive will not delete at all. it says " the filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect". i have also entered the file an tried to delete the things inside but they say " cannot delete file: cannot read from the source file or disk". It happen wen i used the file(temp folder) for emule. it is a virus i suppose but the folders say it has no bytes to them but wen i see the size of the whole folder it's 24.5 GB of space.

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Cannot Delete Folder : The Directory Is Not Empty

Mar 30, 2005

On one of my hard disks there is a folder that wont delete. When I try to delete it, it says: "Cannot delete FOLDERNAME: The directory is not empty." if I try and open the folder it says: "F:Folderfolder is not accessible. The file or dicectory is corrupted and unreadable." I have loads of stuff on the hard disk so I don't fancy reformatting it. No O/S is stored on it.

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