Svchost.exe Dont Go Visiting Nasty Sites

Aug 22, 2007

i have 5 svchost.exe process running in task manager,,,,surelly this isnt right ?
am i infected i do use anti virus and spyware progs and i dont go visiting nasty sites

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Hosts File Not Blocking Sites Properly / Sites Blocked In Options?

Sep 9, 2005

Is there any reason the hosts file should not block sites properly?Certain sites I have put in there aren't being blocked, and this is a problem. Also, does it only block the major site (just the and not all subdomains of that? (for example "")

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Connected To The Internet, Can Ping Sites, But Can't Open Sites In Firefox

Apr 5, 2007

I'm really clueless as to my next, step possibly a re-install of windows, i have a laptop and another PC both networked to my PC using crossover cables. 2 network cards in my computer bridged and ICS shared over the bridge. Both can access the internet with no problems using internet explorer, MSN etc. open web pages using Internet Explorer or Firefox sign into msn has once or twice since this problem started I have scanned with ad-aware and norton 2007 both up to date, found some things and fixed them but still not working.

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Pc Won't Let Me Go To Certain Sites Like Paypal Or Anti-virus Sites, Malware?

Aug 2, 2009

when out of no where, I received those weird progams on my PC which are those fake Virus scanners and such. i then deleted it from the source, and ran my Nortan scan and my spysweeper, and they found nothing wrong with my pc. Now, the PC will NOT let me go to "important" sites. For example, Bank of America, Paypal, anti-virus sites, Ebay, etc. But will let me go to sites like Myspace or forums. I had my favs on my toolbar as tiles so its easier to access them, i had about 10 of them, and now only 5 remain after the whole thing happened, and the 5 that were removed were "important" sites. Almost every thing on my tool bar was removed, including File, Edit, View, Tools, and such. My search engine is still displayed though.

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Cannot Delete Multiple User Folders - Nasty Virus

Jan 8, 2009

I recently performed a system recovery after getting a rather nasty virus. Everything else seems fine apart from these multiple instances of my administrator folder:

I'd like to delete all these un-necessary folders but when I try it says they are necessary for windows to run properly.

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Can't Access Antivirus Sites - IE Switches To Ad Sites

Jan 3, 2009

One of the kids downloaded rapid antivirus and it's screwed everything up. I've managed to get rid of therapid AV, but it looks like I've got some malware/adware of some sort running. Attempts to get to symantec, mcaffee, avg, etc give site not available results in IE 7 - includes!!!!, but non-"fixit" sites like google and everything else in the world I can get to. Every few clicks, the url is redirected to an ad site. I've run adaware and trendmicro which found Troj_vg_fcx and removed it, but the problem persists.

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Fairly Nasty Virus - Downloaded Norton Anti-Virus

Sep 20, 2008

My PC recently got a fairly nasty virus (W32-Sinowal-based Maximus! or something along those lines) so we had to get it wiped. A few days later, my computer was all messed up again. I can only boot up in Safe Mode, my sound doesn't work, and it is running slower than normal. I need to find out if I have another virus (although the guy who fixed it downloaded Norton Anti-Virus and it seemed fine for a few days) or if maybe my computer is just dying. It's about three years old and apparently it was outdated before we even bought it. Is there any way the virus could have affected the computer's hard drive or whatever (yeah, I don't quite know what I'm talking about) or have I maybe gotten another virus?

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BLUE SCREEN SITES (links To Sites That Have Fixes For Blue Screen Errors)?

Jan 22, 2005

I need some links to some sites that will provide information and also fixes for blue screen errors in Win NT/2000/XP. I will be using them on my website, which in turn will be used at my workplace. Thanks for any help that you can offer.

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Dont Have Any Connetion After Formatting

Jun 2, 2008

I have a fast ADSL connection and a Windows XP Professional (version 2002) OS on my desktop PC. Due to a virus I caught I had to format the windows partition and reinstall all the drivers and stuff. Everything seems to work fine except for the internet. It's not that I don't have any connection but it is extremely slow, I cannot connect at all to some specific sites (such as and after a while it's completely lost. I tried updating all the drivers of my hardware, I installed the windows service pack 3, I intalled the newest java console, I checked my rooter settings (which of course are the same as they were before the format), I even turned windows firewall completely off

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Dont Seem To Have Microsoft Word

Jun 23, 2005

I dont seem to have microsoft word. Im running xp home edition, this is stopping me from scanning properly. I understand that i need office to do this. there is site called , but are not sure on whatto
download from it.

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Computer Reboots But Dont Go Into Windows

Jan 15, 2007

On my comp, I could not reboot. Anyway I went(boot in safe mode,Last known...) the comp would just reboot and not go into Windows. I took the System diskl that came with it originally(2 years ago) and rep0aired the windows with the repair option instead of reinstalling windows completely. It worked fine, but i found windows to be XP service pack 1. I now updated service pack 1 completely and then updated to service Pack 2. Heres the prioblem. When Installing SP2 i kept getting Application errors for numerous Application stated below. On anyone of the Applications, the message was: instruction @ "ox5a00671a" referenced memory @ "oxff3fb084". The memory can not be "read".

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Large Number Of Software Dont Run Under X64?

Nov 25, 2006

i got a new machine. I've been looking around and pretty much the only processors being sold are 64bit ones. So i guess i'll be getting a 64bit processor. I've been have been reading around about windows xp x64 and i've picked up that a large amount of software will not run under windows x64. We have some windows xp 32bit disks but should we go for x64?

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Logon As Administrator - Dont Know The Password

May 3, 2009

I want to logon to my local computer as administrator but I don't remember the password,and Idon't like to reinstall XP OS.but I can logon as member of domain

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Startup Dont Have Video All The Time?

Feb 10, 2006

when i try and start it up, it doesnt have video all the time. the computer starts as if it is alright, but there is no video. if i leave it off, and unplug it for a few minutes, it will start up and have video. but it will only start up after being left alone and off for a few minutes. and i am wondering if the video card is now glitched.

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Reformat And Install - Dont Have Original Cd

Apr 1, 2005


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Key Strokes Dont Display At Startup

Jul 5, 2008

The SHIFT key was pressed too long and we got into the Swift Key feature somehow. We got out of it by exiting the application. However, now everytime we start the computer, key strokes don't appear on the screen. You have to hold down the SHIFT key until it makes a sound and then you can type characters and they are displayed on the screen. It is irritating to start the computer and not be able to type anything.
There is probably a switch that was set that I can't find. How can I get rid of this "feature?" PC is Laptop Dell 2600 Inspiron running XP Home.

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Keyboard - Ps2 Ports Dont Work

Sep 5, 2005

When I start up my computer it will not respond to anything that has to do with my keyboard and mouse. I couldn't figure out why, I mean they came with my computer. The mouse is not even optical and it has a cord. I tried booting into safemode but since the keyboard doesn't work I couldn't. I tried booting from a disk but I have to be able to press any key to be able to do that. I couldn't log onto the accounts because that requires both a mouse and a keyboard. I tried using a different and keyboard that plug into the same ports, which resulted in the same thing. So I used a keyboard for a playstation 2 because it uses USB and I used a mouse I found that hooks up to USB as well. They work fine. However, I want the PS/2 ports to work because I better things to be taking up my usb ports.

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USB Ports Dont Work Upon Startup

Jan 27, 2009

My computer doesn't recognize USB ports upon startup. When I turn it on, it says Floppy diskette seek failure, and I have to press F1 to continue or F2. It's always said that... and my mouse lights up and my key board lights up fine... but when I press F1 and it goes to the Windows loading screen, the lights powers off and the keyboard doesn't work.. and I can't use my mouse or keyboard when it reaches my login screen.

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Computer Got Stuck Dont Know The Command To Run

Mar 18, 2007

Daughter has Windows XP and her friend has a user ID on the computer. She said she was trying to fix the Administrator account so that when she saved files they wouldn't be on all user names. So I'm not exactly sure what she did, and she's 15 so of course she can't remember, but the thing won't exactly run. I can get into that safety boot mode but don't know what to do after that tried starting in safe mode and all that, but it just gets stuck. One user ID (the original administrator one) will appear as if Windows is going to start but it never does.I bought it at a pawn shop, so of course there are no restoration disks. I'm thinking it can't be anything too difficult, I just don't know the command to run.

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Internet Explorer Add-ons Dont Work

Dec 21, 2008

every time put uo internet explorer i get this up internet explorer is currently running with add-ons disabled but when i check in manager add-ons thay are all enabled.

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Pro And DELL BIOS Dont See All Of 200GB HDD

May 29, 2007

Im running XP Pro SP2 on my DELL Dimension 3000. I just installed a 200Gb IDE Western Digital ATA drive. I cant get WIndows XP to see anything over 137Gb and I tried to enable LBA in the registry but the key to do so isn't there. I don't want to lose 63 Gb on this drive. I upgraded the DELL BIOS to A003 version from A000 version thinking that would help. It did not. Is there any utility out there that I can use to enable the LBA so that my PC sees the full 200 GB hard drive?

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Downloaded Update / Dont Want To Install

Feb 14, 2007

I have windows XP service pack 2. Yesterday I clicked my automatic update reminder and contemplated weather or not I wanted IE7, I ended up clicking yes, so it downloaded. I did not install the update yet. While talking to an associate on the phone I mentioned that I never get yahoo IMs from her anymore, she said she cant access yahoo messenger ever since she installed IE7 and had other problems with IE7, she uninstalled it but said her IE6 is now acting weird also. Bottom line, I do not want to install IE7 after doing some recent research on it. How do I remove it from my computer so that I dont accidentally install it?

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Updates Dont Seem To Install On Shutting Down The Computer

Sep 30, 2006

Everytime i shutdown my computer i get the message "Please turn off your computer to install updates" i turn the PC off and the updates don't seem to install as the message is there the next time

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Outlook Express Dont Remembers The Password

Jun 23, 2005

Everytime I check my email I have to enter my password in OE. I check the box to say save password and the tick stays in the box, but, next time I log on and try and get emails, I have to put in the password.

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Make My Computer Dont Remember My Password

Sep 7, 2010

how i can make my computer inorder not to remember my password?

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Computer Won't Reboot & Dont Run In Safe Mode

Mar 17, 2007

I have been having problems with restarting my Windows XP home media center. I was trying to install a second monitor to my desktop and decided to disable my NVIDIA GEFORCE 7300LE and also think I changed the video/ monitor settings to auto somewhere in the device manager. Ever since I did that my computer won't reboot past the dell and windows logos. I have the dimension E510.

The thing is that this version of the xp didn't come with an installation disk for me to reboot the sequence so it keeps asking me for a diskette. I can't even go into safe mode only the f2 setup. PLEASE help me! I really don't want to lose my files.

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Windows Dont Start Because Of Missing Files

Jun 19, 2009

windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

you can attempt to repair this file by starting windows setup using the original setup cd rom, select r at the first screen to start repair press 'r'

The problem is that this error already occurred and i cant access my windows at all. I have a mac computer with bootcamp (so it has both a mac and pc harddrives), the pc harddrive being the one that has this problem and that i cant access. Unfortunately, I do not have the original XP CD so that's probably not an option... Is there any way I can fix this problem without the CD, or is it absolutely necessary?

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Exporting The Address Book: Dont Have Permissions?

Sep 4, 2005

When I try to export my address book from OE to a cd I get the message: You do not have permission to save this directory.See the administrator for permission.Seeing that I am the recorded administrator, does anyone know of certain settings that prevent me from exporting the address book even though I am the administrator.

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Delete Start Up Programs: Dont Want To Run Automatically?

Jul 5, 2005

I have a basic problem with many programs running at start up, how do I stop the ones I don't want to run automatically?

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Stand By / Hibernate, Windows Dont Start

Sep 8, 2006

My computer got in stand by/hibernate mode, my dad dont know much about computers so he decide to turn off using the power botton while my windows xp sp2 was on stand by mode, now my computer is dead, when i turn it on my monitor ( xerox flat screen) says no signal , i cant make it come back from stand by/hibernate mode, my friend told me if i turn it off on this modes then my windows wont recognice the monitor, keyboard (usb) and mouse (usb),

when i turn it on the red ligh is always on, reset button dont work. Monitor dont recive signal.If i disconect the power cable, when i conect it back it turn on itself without clicking power boton.Only way to turn it off is holding the power Boton. i doubt the mouse/keyboard are recognized by windows.

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Bit Torrent Downloads - Dont Load Up The Installer

Jul 2, 2008

Have got bit torrent and the problems is that have recently downloaded the software for warrock an multi media massivley role playing game it says that its at 100 per cent but when click on it it dont load up the installer. The file says its 602 mb and its uploaded 207mb so how is this 100 per cent? Under status it has seeding?

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