Remove Entries From Start Foldersystem Config Utility?

Jun 4, 2006

Was wanting to know, as I have come across many who know, but what is the best way to remove entries from the start up folder in system conf. utility ? Have some entries I know belong to programs that no longer are hanging around .

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System Config Utility To Make Changes The Window Start ?

Jul 8, 2005

Small irritating issue here, I have a pc running WindowsXP Pro and every time the system is rebooted I get the System Configuration Utility box come up, the one saying, "You have used the System Config Utility to make changes to the way windows starts.etc." I have seen this before and am use to it as I use the utility to stop alot of apps. The difference this time is that I cannot get the box from appearing after each startup. I have checked the box that says "Don't show this message or launch the system configuration utility when windows starts", but it shows up every time. I have also tried to remove this from the registry.

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System Config Utility Won't Go Away ?

Oct 14, 2006

When booting up, the Sys Config Util comes up with the usual canned statement. He has not made any changes. Clicks Don't show this again then clicks OK. Reboots and again it comes up. He is the only user and administrator.

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Registry Backup Utility To Reinstall Individual Entries

Apr 27, 2008

I use acronis as a restore tool and have never had a problem restoring the entire operating system. I had this individual program that was corrupted and I reinstalled it from the image I made using acronis. However, the program failed to appear in the add/remove section of windows. I beleive that I have to manually reinstall the registry entry of the program in order for it to appear in the add/remove section. My question is: is there a registry backup utility that'll let me reinstall individual entries? Something that's a no-brainer also as I'm not completely comfortable fooling around with the registry.

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Startup Items Don't Appear In Sys Config Utility

Feb 27, 2008

when I went to MISCONFIG/System Config Utility, under the startup items, there are a lot of items, but few, if any, of the items I, in fact, have in my startup. My items still startup when I boot, but the list is not in Sys Conf Utility!

What happened to them? How do I get my working startup items bacK? I recently installed Process Explorer, a program which I found of no use to me. I have uninstalled it, and still the problem persists.

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Getting Unidentified Entries Located In System Configuration Utility Startup?

Jul 24, 2005

I have 2 unidentified entries located in my System Configuration Utility Startup...Unidentified ... meaning the Startup Item name and the Command names are
both blank...The Locations are:HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun & HKCUSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun Any one have any idea what they might be for & should it be safe to disable them?

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Usb Flash Used In Pc: Remove Registry Entries?

Mar 28, 2009

I am using XP on my PC. Somebody has used USB in my PC and I want to delete the entries from my regisrty. my system dont permit me to delete entries.

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Unable To Remove Corrupted Registry Entries

Oct 31, 2009

Hello, folks. I'm having a little trouble removing some corrupted registry entries found with the Uniblue RegistryBoost scanner. It was able to remove the other 667 entries, no problem, but these 3 just don't want to go away:

Quote: Scan subsection: System drivers
Entries found: 2
Entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesCreative Service for CDROM

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How Add And Remove Entries In Taskbar Toolbar Menu

Aug 28, 2005

When I right click the Task Bar at the bottom of the screen in XP and select Toolbars, then I get to see a menu listing of about 10 toolbar names.Some of these toolbar names are ticked and those toolbars are visble.
Such as Quick Launch.Others of these toolbar names are not ticked and are not visible. Such as Address, Links, Desktop Manager, Google Desktop, and Windows Media Player.How can I ADD or REMOVE entries in this menu of toolbar names?

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Odd Registry Entries: Empty Or Corrupt: Safe To Remove?

Jun 7, 2008

From time to time, I visit my registry. The following odd entries are new since I last looked. They appear to be empty and maybe even corrupt.Are they safe to remove? Is there any program that would identify these and mark them as removable? this is XP Sp2, if that matters. Only keys like this are in this hive.

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Unable To Clear Unwanted Entries From Add/Remove Programs?

Aug 12, 2002

Run the Registry Editor (REGEDIT)Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Uninstall,and remove any unwanted subkeys under Uninstall

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Removing Registry Entries: Removed Program But Entries Exists ?

Jul 30, 2005

i had Nero 6 ultra edition and removed it but have still got entries in the registry causing problems with the reinstalling of it. i made a mess the license key entry and it won't reinstall. is there a way of removing all traces of the prog so that i can do a clean reinstall?

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Clear Unwanted Entries From The Start Menu's Run Command?

Aug 12, 2002

Run the Registry Editor (REGEDIT). 1)Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer RunMRU. 2)Delete all of the values that you dont want in this key (everything in the right pane, except for (Default)). 3)Close the Registry Editor when finished. You'll probably have to refresh the Desktop or restart Windows for this change to take effect.

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Lost The Internet Explorer And Outlook Express Entries From START?

Aug 19, 2006

I lost the Internet Explorer and Outlook express entries from START, ALL PROGRAMS. Don't know why. System Restore from yesterday could not restore anything.
I also lost these 2 entries from the quick launch bar on the left, beside the START button. Obviously IE is still on the system because I'm here.

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Computer Wont Start Up - Reset WINSOCK Entries To Installation

Aug 20, 2007

I'm running a Dell Inspiron E1505. My wireless was having a problem. I followed the steps outlined in this post. :// Mainly I went into command prompt and did the following: Reset WINSOCK entries to installation defaults: netsh winsock reset catalog Reset TCP/IP stack to installation defaults. netsh int ip reset reset.log When I went to restart my computer wouldn't turn on! The power light is illuminated, the CD drive clicks once, but other than that nothing happens.

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Could Not Start - Missing Or Corrupt System32 / Config

Oct 4, 2009

I was playing Medieval II: Total War and the computer crashes. Then when I try to boot it up I get Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM. I've checked BIOS for the boot procedure, and everything seems to be in order. I then go through the regular procedure of putting in the CD to run the repair. I boot from the CD, it loads up fine... but there are no partitions and no option to enter the recovery console (which I've read so many wonderful things about).

So now I'm sort of stuck. There's no options other than install and delete the selected (none) partition. If I hit delete (b/c in anger sometimes I'm an idiot) it tells me it's a system partition and there could be VALUABLE system information like AN OS (I'm fuming at this point). NO... I did not delete it. If I hit install, I get a bunch of bogus about how "Setup cannot install to the selected partition.

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Restore Utility Does Not Start

Apr 19, 2006

I have a Dell Inspiron 1200! Before whenever I wanted to do a manufacturer restore (make it brand new like) I pressed CTRL+F11 and it would start a program by Symantec! A restore program! It would restore my computer to totaly brand new state. Like I just took it out of the box! Now I need to make it brand new like again, and me pressing CTRL+F11 does not start it no more! Skips it, like I never pressed it! I need to do a restore again and I can't! how to get it back up? How to make it work? Anybody knows exactly what do I need to do? May be some other program I can load up?

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Config System File Corrupted / Unable To Start OS?

Jan 19, 2008

I have a Toshiba Protege laptop, at boot up I get the error message'Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:windows system 32configsystem It suggests trying a repair from windows CD.When I boot to windows xp pro cd, there is no option to repair, only option is new install I also have bootable cd with a load of tools on, I have tried running chkdsk and it says the disk is RAW.

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Could Not Start - Corrupt / WINDOWS / SYSTEM32/CONFIG / SYSTEM File

Oct 5, 2005

while logged into Windows, the IDE cable that is connected to my HD went bad. I double checked this by replacing the cable and seeing if the BIOS could see it, which it could. When I tried to log back into Windows however I got this message. Code: Windows could not start becuase the following file is missing or corrupt:WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEMYou can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the orginal Setup CD-ROM.Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair.I'm not sure how this works. Do I hit 'r' at the blue screen after it loads all the drivers or do let it setup and I will get a chance to choose a repair option. The error only effects Windows. I know for sure because I have a Linux partition that works fine. I have my orgainl Windows XP CD- ROM. Does anyone know the steps to fix this? Windows XP SP2 (Fully upgraded)(CD-ROM is the orginal XP SP1 disk)

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Unknown Entries: Never Seen Before Registry Entries?

Apr 27, 2008

Have got some registry entries in HKCU root folder that I have never seen before I have recently installed Net Framework 3.5 and Visual Basic 2008 Express, these entries may have something to do with one or both of these installs.

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Start Uo List Is Blank - System Configuration Utility?

Sep 7, 2008

im looking at the startup list here and i see that i have a blank. the start up item column is blank and the command column is blank, the location is specified but it has a... so i really cant see what it is. what could this be, adware,spyware?

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System Configuration Utility Currently In Diagnostic Or Start Up Mode?

Jan 15, 2007

When I boot up I get the following message after the desktop initializes:""You have used the system configuration utility to make changes to the way windows starts.The system configuration utility is currently in diagnostic or start up mode, causing this message to be displayed every time windows starts up.Choose the normal start up mode on the general tab to start windows normally and undo the changes you made using the system configuration utility.""

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Getting Error Config System Is Missing Or Corrupt / System Wont Start?

Jun 10, 2008

My computer, a dell dimension 8400 with windows xp home edition, keeps coming up with an error saying:Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32Configsystem.i ran boot utility and scanned the computer and the drives come up fine with the test(except the hard disk which popped up errors on a constant.)

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Getting Error Config System Missing Or Corrupt / System Wont Start?

Jun 8, 2006

i have windows xp pro installed on my pc along with linux mandrake 10.1 and one day while my dad was surfing the net the sreen turned blue and some type of error message came up and it said to do something if it happend again but i ignored it becuase i thought it wouldnt happen again so i restarted and when it came back on it went to a black sceen and i couldnt do anything but if i let it wait there it would come up with an error saying that windowssystem32config system was missing or corrupt

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Config System File Missing Or Corrupted /system Wont Start OS?

Oct 14, 2007

The system can be restored by using the Startup CD and pressing R for recover, but I do not have any cd. The only one I have it the recover cd, but it is my understanding that if I use the recovery cd that I will erase everything from my computer and I can not do this.I tried to read the other threads about the same problem, but to be honest I do not understand them and I just do not have the startup cd - maybe it is the same as the recovery cd?

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Config System Is Missing Or Corrupt / System Wont Start?

May 10, 2010

I'm running a Dell XPS 600 with Windows XP Professional Media Center Edition. Well, OK, it's not really running.I used System Restore to return my PC to a point about six weeks ago when the system was more stable. The PC rebooted, and now it won't boot any more due to a missing/corrupt CONFIGSYSTEM file.It won't boot from either of my CD drives, either. I've used the boot Setup to alter the boot sequence but that doesn't help, the system just doesnt recognize those drives during boot. For this same reason, I've been unable to access the Recovery Console.

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System32 Config System Missing / System Unable To Start?

Jul 26, 2005

Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM This is the error message i have. I have a copy of windows xp pro. i have no backup disk.

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Registry Clean Utility / Thing As Official Windows Registry Utility?

Dec 2, 2004

On my box at home, I have Norton System Works, which contains a registry diagnostic/sweeper.At work, where I run Windows 2000 Pro, I was wondering...I know there are various registry diagnostic & cleaner utilities out there on the web, but I thought I had heard that Windows itself either includes one on the OS disc or makes one available for download.Is there such a thing as an official Windows Registry utility?

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New Registry Entries: App That Finds New Registry Entries?

Nov 16, 2005

is there a way or an app that finds new registry entries. say,,,after i get off the internet and i want to see if there've been any changes to it.

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How Can Remove Off Computer When Can't Get To The Start Up?

Jan 30, 2008

How can I remove windows xp off my computer when I can't even get to the start up? Someone downloaded a dell windowsxp to my gateway computer the last I knew it was windows 98 .Now it comes up windows xp and ask for registering and etc I have no numbers to put in and if I say no it shuts down and I can't get to the main screen to go to start up?

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Add Or Remove Programs From Start-up

Aug 5, 2005

How do you add or remove specific programs at start-up? Is there a way to prevent new programs from being added automatically to start-up during installation process?

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