Lost The Internet Explorer And Outlook Express Entries From START?
Aug 19, 2006
I lost the Internet Explorer and Outlook express entries from START, ALL PROGRAMS. Don't know why. System Restore from yesterday could not restore anything.
I also lost these 2 entries from the quick launch bar on the left, beside the START button. Obviously IE is still on the system because I'm here.
I am unable to activate threads in emails as with trying to register with this forum this morning.I have window xp pro.Internet explorer and outlook express.I have done several System Restore and tried updating Internet explorer and still can't get to a site by clicking the thread in my emails.
Having trouble printing from Internet Explorer 6.0 and Outlook Express 6.0. Word and Acrobat Reader are printing fine. I can also cut and paste from IE or OE to Word and print, but that become a little annoying and time-consuming. When I try to print I do get the print menu, but when I clip on "Print" I don't get any error messages - just. nothing. Also, the print icon doesn't come up or even flash.
I accidently downloaded auto windows updates of SP2 which I did not want to do. My problems with IE and OE(Have windows XP HOme edition) constantly freezing and closing out with error reports started then. It's getting MUCH WORSE AND MORE FREQUENT. I have resisted and not downloaded any more SP2 auto updates since.I do virus and spy checks daily--no problems there; no new software recently installed.
Suddenly I can no longer print from either Internet Explorer or Outlook Express. Hdwr. and sftwr. are: Compaq Pesario 2100, AMD, Win XP SP2. I can print fine from all other applications including Outlook. I get abolulutely nothing when I attempt to print from file > print, menu bar icon, or <ctrl> P. No print properties window, no error message, nothing goes to the spooler.
Suddenly I can no longer print from either Internet Explorer or Outlook Express. Hdwr. and sftwr. are: Compaq Pesario 2100, AMD, Win XP SP2. I can print fine from all other applications including Outlook. I get abolulutely nothing when I attempt to print from file >print, menu bar icon, or <ctrl> P. No print properties window, no error message, nothing goes to the spooler
I have windows XP HOme Edition; Outlook Express 6.0.Awhile ago, I accidently downloaded windows auto updates of SP2 which I did not want to do. My problems with Inter. Exp. and OUtlook Express closing out with error messages started then but is getting MUCH WORSE AND MORE FREQUENT. I have resisted downloading ANY MORE auto SP2 updates since.I do virus and spycheck daily--no problems there. No new software recently installed. Do I need to be doing these persistant SP2 updates now?
I recently 'upgraded' the family computer (running XP pro) with SP2.we've had a number of problems with programs no longer working after the upgrade. More specifically, Internet Explorer, Outlook, Norton, and HP Precisionscan Pro 3.1 (to name a few) are causing us grief.Outlook will load, but as soon as you try and view a new message, the program crashes.Internet Explorer will open, but immediately closes before any page can load. (I've installed Firefox in the meantime, so I'm sure it's not the internet connection).
Get an Internet Explorer Script Error when I open Outlook Express. It reads: An error has occurred in the script on this page. Line 229, Char 1, Error: Object doesn't support this property or method. Code:0.
Old system had many .dbx files but zero .pst files - no export/backup had ever been done on it. Tried to copy over the .dbx files, and appeared to work, but then somehow outlook clobbered old and copied .dbx files, or rendered them invisible.
When I turned my computer back on, I had lost all of my inbox, and many of my saved folders in outlook. I looked in the recycle bin, but it appears to be empty. Where did my stuff go?
I have ended up with DBX files on"Windows XP service pack 3"but cannot read them or change them. Is there a way to save them elsewhere on my hard drive
My Windows 98 basically crashed and i have now loaded XP onto one drive and my info from 98 is on another drive ( c/d ) I have gotten access to all my files,documents ect....however I have not been able to get into my outlook express old file which contains 1000,s of emails that I desparatley need.
created an identity on Windows XP for each of my parents. Tried to set it up where Outlook Express could be used identically from both identities,but could not. Used the Import/Export from OE to attempt to send the address book and messages to other identity, and now they aren't found in either identity's OE program. When I tried to import the address book back into main identity's OE, an error message stated that it won't retrieve that folder
I just downloaded IE7 to my Dell XPS400. Everything appears to have gone well thus far with one exception. I have either lost or can't identify the Outlook Express Icon on the new toolbar.
I have updated my system from win98 to winxppro. It was my understanding that it would not lose my contacts or favorites, but would simply update the program. I lost everything. Unfortunately, I didn't follow procedure and export the info to a disk. Is there any way to get my contacts back?
my computer Seems it ran and ran behind the scenes when I booted up and would take 10 minutes to hit another key and wait again. I went to MSCONFIG and removed the x from most ot the start up programs. It now works but some where I lost my ability to get on line or onto Outlook express. I have highspeed cable, with a backup computer, my backup computer works I have tried the hookup wizzards several times but in vain
I had a complete computer failure & got a new one. Qwest-MSN helped w/ reloading all my preveous emails. Then I began having error messages that "OE has encountered unknown problems & has to shut down" or it would just freeze up for no reason. Emails were coming in in duplicats. (2 of every email in the inbox) (*This problem is still happening)
They had me delete my account & start over several times. Then they forwarded me all my emails they had on their system. OVER 1,000 BEGAN COMING IN! NONE TO THE INBOX! (hidden file) We put a stop to it and began searching where these were being hidden. Since getting the new computer I have not been able to get Spell Check in my OE 6.0 I am told 6.0 does not have this. I had it before changing computers and I used 6.0 then also.
I'm running XP Professional SP2 preinstalled. For some reason, outlook express wont start anymore, just says it needs to close. It did this 2 months ago, and I had to reformat/reinstall. I dont want to do that again. My understanding is that OE is build into IE. I cant reinstall IE because it says its already installed. I followed some advice on the MS site about editing the registry, it didnt help. I then found out that IE6 is part of sp2, I cant uninstall and reinstall sp2 because it came preinstalled. long story short, how can I get OE6 to work again?
I am using outlook express to check my email but i want to use microsoft out look, and i want all my last emails to be transfered to micosoft out look. help me how to transfer my inbox, sent items and address book from outlook Express to microsoft out look.
I know procedure for backup and restore my email messages from outlook express. Now I want to switch to Microsoft outlook and I wonder if it is possible to transfer messages from outlook express to MS outlook 2003?
After installing Windows XP Home it disabled my Outlook & Outlook Express. When I try to open either program, a message states that it is an out-of-date version, then the windows installer comes up, then an error saying it cannot find 'omint.dll' cannot be found. I have tried to reinstall Outlook from XP, then from Office 2003 disks (original and a second copy with service packs), but I cannot get installer to install the programs
I intend to import express emails to outlook. what will i loose if anything, i have heard that i may loose the dates that the emails arrived in outlook, is this correct. i am transferring as i prefer to us outlook for the 'contacts' information which express does not have or does it?
I lost my connection to IE 2 nites ago. I could search anywhere on the web thru Google, just not thru IE dellnet. I also have a shortcut to dell solutions that connects to the web- it also wouldn't work. I downloaded Mozilla, and RIGHT after that IE was up and running again. However, my direct link to Dell is still missing The error message is the typical IE message: the page cannot be displayed cannot find server or DNS error. Does anyone have any ideas? Is Dell trying to tell me something?
hope I'm in the right place.... When I log on my home PC (Window XP with Office 2003), I'd like Outlook and Explorer to open automatically, rather than having to select them from the Start menu.
the other day email (outlook express) were coming in with pictures and now I get red X what might have happened. The only thing I loaded was AVG and I did notice after that the Windows firewall got turned back on again.