Recommend Good Programme To Increase Boot Time?

May 13, 2008

I've defraged C and cleaned up my start up programmes in msconfig and also tried bootvist but that seems to have slowed boot time down not speeded it up? When I boot up and go into task manager my CPU is going like crazy at around 90% for about 5 minutes it finally boots up at around 7 minutes.I'm on windows xp home SP3, 80gb HDD, Intel Pentium Dual Core 1.73 ghz and my laptop is only 6 months old.Does anyone know a good programme to speed things up?

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Can Anyone Recommend A Good Pop Up Blocker?

Aug 22, 2005

A very minor nuisance I know, but my pop up blocker requires me to hold control every time I want to open a new window. Is there an effective, free pop up blocker that doesn't require this effort (I sit at a funny angle to the right of my keyboard with my feet up!)I currently use Pop Up Stopper which is otherwise very, very good.

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Recommend Software / Allow To Copy Windows Onto Another Hard Drive / Be Able To Boot Up

Sep 1, 2005

Can anyone recommend software that will allow me to copy my Windows onto another hard drive and beable to boot up from there? I appreciate any help you can give me.

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Way To Increase The Bootup Time On My PC?

May 19, 2008

Is there a way to increase the bootup time on my PC? It's fairly new, too

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Increase Boot Speed?

Nov 29, 2007

My system is running on windows xp 2nd edition(it is uptodate with all new updates installed),160HD,1GB Ram,i have an 256kbps broadband net connection.i want my xp to boot fast.

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How To Increase Performance Slow Boot Up?

Mar 26, 2008

Does anybody have experience with Windows Lite? I have a lightweight laptop with limited 512mb ram running windows XP pro.To increase performance and slow boot up I was recommend download and install Windows Lite.

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Computer Date / Time And Year Change Each Time Boot Up

Oct 11, 2007

Each time I turn on my computer and as it is boots up it will delay for a time with a line that reads something like Automatic IDE Configuration and then a message that my date and time are incorrect. The date goes back to Nov. 2003. Once I correct the date, time and year things seem to perform ok.

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Computer Facing Slow Boot Up Time / Speeding Up Time?

Jan 15, 2009

How do I speed up the boot up time? It seems like it takes forever for my pc to boot up. Plus how do I find out what programs are loading at start-up? I'm currently running winxp and connected by cable to the internet

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Choosing A Programme When Downloading

May 23, 2010

So just recently whenever i try downloading anything, when i click run it asks me to choose a program and i dont know what to do. For instance i tried to download the Photoshop free trial but once it tells me to choose a program i don't know what to do.

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Keeps Booting From Net Has To Redial - Programme Does Not Have JVM

Dec 27, 2004

1..Keeps booting him off the net so has to redial,unable to get broadband in his area at present,but it is costing a fortune on numerous times he has to dial up .2..His XP programme does not have JVM and he needs this to play games etc for example on Pogo,where does he download it from,and what is the simplest way for him to do this as he is very very new to computers ? If there is a link,please advise what exactly to download once he gets to the page,and is it necessary to activate it in any way ?

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Batch File Programme To Kill The Process

Nov 6, 2009

I have been working on a batch file where in I want to perform few operations like install, configure and stop the process. I was able to start the processes. Now I am looking to end/stop/kill the process. I want to write a batch file for that in win xp. Has anyone worked on this by any chance? I would welcome suggestions at the earliest.

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Add/remove Programme Has Not Removed McAfee Completely

Aug 20, 2007

I have a Dell Inspiron 6400 less than a year old. It came installed with McAfee. When the subscription ended I removed it and installed AVG. Apparently the add/remove programme has not removed McAfee completely and it is now conflicting with AVG giving me start up freezing.

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Programs Recommend After A Reformat?

Oct 13, 2006

I plan on reformatting soon and I was wondering what you all think are the best programs to install on my computer afterwards. Any favorite programs you have that you recommend to me. (e.g. Adaware).

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Zone Alarm Not Recommend

Jun 21, 2005

Steve Gibson of does not recommend Zone Alarm. "I would not, could not, and do not recommend
ZoneAlarm today."

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Recommend Program To Recover Files

Nov 4, 2006

Can someone recommend a program to recover files that have been knowingly deleted and removed from the recycle bin?

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Boot Disk Failure But Disk Good?

Aug 29, 2006

I have 2 hdds on my system and windows xp crashed and would not recover from main drive so in an effort to save my data I loaded windows on secondary drive which worked, and gave me access to the old drive, all files were in tact and so I tryed to use windows recovery on winXP cd to no avail. When I try to boot from the original drive I get "boot disk failure, insert system disk and press enter" The thing that makes no sense is that I have rewritten the boot sector and mbr I also used the automatic recovery feature on the windows install disk and all looked like it went fine but still no boot

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Recommend Any Tutorials For Replacing Hard Drive?

May 19, 2010

I have a desktop PC with Windows XP.Have had problems with Blue Screen of Death and have run a diagnostics test on the hard drive (as suggested in a forum) which shows the hard drive is on its way out.I have a replacement hard drive, but before I start doing anything (I am pretty much a complete beginner compared to everyone else out there) - could anyone recommend any guides/tutorials on the internet which explains in simple and comprehensive terms, the best way to replace a hard drive and reinstall windows. I have spent some time googling, but not found anything yet.

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Windows Can Search And Recommend Way Of Viewing Files With Unknown Extensions?

Jun 24, 2005

I've received a .brw file and don't know what to do with it. Is there a way windows can search and recommend a way of viewing files with unknown extensions? When I select the option to have microsoft find the extension on the web,it sends me to and then says I am unauthorized to access this site.

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Won't Boot The First Time

May 9, 2005

After I change a setting or install an application that needs a restart, i click yes restart my computer now, and it'll shut down windows, show the bios screen, then when windows should boot, it just sits there, screen black and nothing changes for ever. If I hit the restart button, and let it get to the windows boot screen, it tells me windows shut down improperly and asks me how i want to boot, safe mode/last working config/regularly. I choose any of them and it starts up windows fine. What could be causing this?

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Long Time To Boot?

Oct 6, 2007

my PC loads then goes to this screen and it takes about 5-10 minutes to get to log in. How can i fix it?

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Reduce Boot Time

Mar 19, 2007

I have a win xp comp

It takes 2mins 20secs to load up which is really annoying.

I need to know a good software o something i can do with my computer so my boot time reduces.

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Two Versions Of Trying To Boot At Same Time

Apr 12, 2006

In setting up my first home network, I decided to update to XP. My new computer had SP Home preinstalled and I bought and installed XP Pro SP2 on my older computer. I lost my way somehow in installing XP Pro on my older computer and in frustration tried to overwrite the first install with a new one. Unfortuantely, that didn't work and resulted in two versions of XP being active.On boot-up I was presented with a choice of "Windows XP Professional" or "Windows XP Professional". Despite the identical nomenclature, the first one in the boot sequence was my original attempt at XP and the second in the sequence was my second XP installation with which I had hoped to overwrite the first I decided to go into the Documents and Settings section (and anywhere else that seemed logical) of XP and delete any references that I could find to the first installation of XP.

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Startup Requires Xp Cd To Boot Every Time?

Dec 15, 2006

my HDD can't boot into XP by has to be booted from the CD-ROM with the XP CD which i can i make the hard drive boot in XP without booting from the CD-ROM or having to format, copy over setup files to the hard drive and re-install XP from the files on my hard drive and if i do that.will i be able to use XP after days y'know with the activation thing

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Boot Time Is Incredibly Slow

Jun 30, 2008

i'm not sure what i've done, but my boot times are incredibly slow. i was using diskeeper and they were fine but have switched to perfectdisk 08 not sure if this would have made a problem, i know dk8 boot dfrg is good. Also use ZA pro, but don't download product updates so this shouldn't have caused a problem. I tried a few things one was editing the boot.ini file, except stupid me forgot to save a backup so it is ruined.

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Very Long Boot Time - Indicates Not Responding

Jul 26, 2009

Recently this machine is taking an extraordinarily long time to boot (16 mins. this morning). When I go into msconfig and try to do a clean boot following the MS article kb310353, I click apply then ok and it indicates not responding on the top of the dialog box.............

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How Can Reduce Long Boot Up Time

Apr 21, 2008

How can I reduce my long boot up time (5 minutes) for a workstation running on Win XP.

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Extremely Long Boot Time

Jul 14, 2006

when I turn on my computer Windows take an extremely long time to finish loading. It seems to hang right at the end before explorer loads or finishes loading. I have Windows XP Pro SP2 with the latest versions of ZoneAlarm Security Suite and Spy Doctor and didn't find any spyware on my pc. I used CCleaner to look at my startup programs and removed any unneeded programs on the list. After Windows finishes loading, it runs fine. I'm just wondering if there is something wrong and how I can fix it.

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Making System Boot At A Certain Time?

Jul 1, 2005

I was wondering if anyone can help me to get the computer to boot at particular time, eg. 8:00a.m?

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Computer Lagging All The Time When Boot Up

Mar 4, 2006

When I click on a link or typing (it did it just then) it doesn't do anything for several seconds, up to a minute. It is slower than it once was. Could there be something running in the background? My system is a P4, 1.7 ghz with 512mb of ddr ram running XP Home with a dsl connection. I don't hink it should be that slow. Could you help me? Do I need to reformat and/or reinstall the OS? If so could you give me instructions on this procedure?

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Computer Taking Enough Time To Boot Up To OS?

Nov 13, 2007

i reinstalled my os wich is xp media centre edition, just becuse i wanted to clean up my hd sinse i have done this everything is fine and dandy except wen i boot up it takes like ages it never used to do this before, this is not a startup time problem it is a boot up time problem as in wen u boot up your computer and u have xp its a black screen with the white loading bars at the bottom this is when it takes its time, its wierd cuse wen i load up vista its fine, also i dont really have anything running at startup only explorer

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Takes A Long Time To Boot

Apr 11, 2005

Last week i turned my computer on and windows xp took so much longer to boot up. when the windows xp loading screen (with the blue progress bar) appears, its there for a few minutes, it used to be a few seconds. I scanned for viruses with Norton, scanned for spyware etc with Ad-Aware and Microsoft's Anti spyware, everything is all clean. All programs are up to date in definitions too. I cleaned my registry(registry mechanic), defragged my drives, done disc cleans, i have 2 programs in my start-up (norton and mcafee firewall) and still no joy. I have also used winxp manager and tried optimizing and xp still takes a long time to load.

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