Keeps Booting From Net Has To Redial - Programme Does Not Have JVM

Dec 27, 2004

1..Keeps booting him off the net so has to redial,unable to get broadband in his area at present,but it is costing a fortune on numerous times he has to dial up .2..His XP programme does not have JVM and he needs this to play games etc for example on Pogo,where does he download it from,and what is the simplest way for him to do this as he is very very new to computers ? If there is a link,please advise what exactly to download once he gets to the page,and is it necessary to activate it in any way ?

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Choosing A Programme When Downloading

May 23, 2010

So just recently whenever i try downloading anything, when i click run it asks me to choose a program and i dont know what to do. For instance i tried to download the Photoshop free trial but once it tells me to choose a program i don't know what to do.

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Batch File Programme To Kill The Process

Nov 6, 2009

I have been working on a batch file where in I want to perform few operations like install, configure and stop the process. I was able to start the processes. Now I am looking to end/stop/kill the process. I want to write a batch file for that in win xp. Has anyone worked on this by any chance? I would welcome suggestions at the earliest.

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Add/remove Programme Has Not Removed McAfee Completely

Aug 20, 2007

I have a Dell Inspiron 6400 less than a year old. It came installed with McAfee. When the subscription ended I removed it and installed AVG. Apparently the add/remove programme has not removed McAfee completely and it is now conflicting with AVG giving me start up freezing.

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Recommend Good Programme To Increase Boot Time?

May 13, 2008

I've defraged C and cleaned up my start up programmes in msconfig and also tried bootvist but that seems to have slowed boot time down not speeded it up? When I boot up and go into task manager my CPU is going like crazy at around 90% for about 5 minutes it finally boots up at around 7 minutes.I'm on windows xp home SP3, 80gb HDD, Intel Pentium Dual Core 1.73 ghz and my laptop is only 6 months old.Does anyone know a good programme to speed things up?

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Not Booting Up Normally

Nov 29, 2007

I have a Toshiba laptop and when I restart or turn it on, it hangs on the Toshiba screen. I then have to manually hold down the power button to turn it off, then press it again to turn on. This last time, it took about 12 times of doing this just to get windows to run. This started a few days ago when I suddenly got the BSOD, I think because of a driver. However, I haven't installed any drivers in a long time...the blue screen just popped up out of nowhere and now it seems my computer is messed up.

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Booting From CD Rom

Sep 5, 2009

I am trying to wipe my hard drive due to a nasty virus. I was in use then when I try to force a dismount that does not work either. So I tried to change the boot sequence from the BIOS screen and when I restart it it comes up and says press any key to boot from cd and when I do you can hear the disk do something for a mintue or two then nothing. so then I tried to put in the original XP cd and try to re-install and I click the link, and then you can hear the disk make noise for a few minutes then the light goes out and does nothing.

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Not Booting Right

Nov 6, 2008

so I was on the net and the computer just frozed up. So I turned it off and then turned it back on and it would only start up under Safe Mode Networking option. Just regular Safe Mode, Start Windows Normally, and Start When Last Known Settings Work do not work. Safe Mode just freezes up, and the other 2 will go to the windows loading screen and a blue page will come up.

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Booting USB DVD

Mar 22, 2010

So I have this Asus netbook with Win7 RC (ultimate) and its been fine. But the time has come. I bought an upgrade edition of W7Home back in the day from Amazon for $50. So I connected a usb DVD drive to the unit, popped an XP disk in and set the BIOS to boot from that drive. It loads all the files but when it gets to the setup screen, 3 choices, Enter to install XP (pro), F3 to exit and R to repair. None of these choices work, Its just frozen, I have an AC brick plugged in so thats not it. I tried 3 times with the same results.
Then I got a Vista Home disk and tried it and it worked just like it was supposed to. After that, from within Vista, I popped in the Win7 Home Disk and proceeded to install Win7. Perfect. I'm wondering why the xp failed at that point. in the W7 box it gave instructions to upgrade from XP which was basically, back everything up, then boot from the DVD.

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Not Booting From Cd Drive

Jan 25, 2008

it now wont go past the windows loading screen. I have tried to boot from his windows xp disc (to perform a repair) via changing the boot order in the bios but it wont do it. I even set all the boot orders to go from the cd and still nothing. I have tried multiple xp discs to no avail. If I get into safe mode the drive seems to be working fine. Windows recognizes the drive and that a disc is in there.

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HP Laptop Not Booting ?

Jan 12, 2006

I have an HP Pavilion ZV6000 laptop (AMD 64 3200+ 2.0 GHz, 80 gb Hdd, 8x Dual Layer DVD+/-RW drive, 128MB ATI Xpress 200m video dedicated memory). My Laptop has been having on & off problems booting to Windows, Some days it will boot to windows other days it won�t. The days it won�t I have to go thru the procedures listed below:

When I turn on my laptop it boots to the HP invent logo/intro & then that�s it, it doesn�t proceed to windows. Below in the left hand corner are a few instructions such as:ress <Esc> to change boot order
Press <F10> to enter Setup, <F12> to boot from LAN

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Booting Off New HDD After Pro Install

Nov 24, 2007

now windows recognizes the drive and it installed. now how do i boot off the hdd? it just installed windows and then rebooted without prompting me for anything. i went into bios and reset the order to hdd0 -> hdd1 -> cdrom. but it's still loading off windows. it says there is windows xp professional on the drive, but how do i get to it exactly?

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Booting And Logging On

Sep 10, 2007

I have recently reformatted my hard drive and i must say that everything is running fine. Everything, all my programs, all that good stuff.Im running Windows Xp, Media Center Edition, with fairly solid specs behind it.I just have one problem, when the system starts up. It does not stop at the log on screen, it just continues into my account without even asking for a password. Now i dont need other people being able to get on my computer simply by turning it on.

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Why Does Keeps Crashing And Re-Booting?

Feb 5, 2007

For about two weeks now my computer keeps crashing every time I turn it on. At first it wouldn't turn off when I go to shut down, then afterwards, it won't boot up normally. I turn it on and it freezes, every time, I have to hold down the power button, wait for a few seconds then try again. It will then boot up or ask to boot up from the Last Known Good. Either way, it will boot, get to the WIndows menu and sometimes crashes again and reboots automatically. I've reported this to Microsoft each time, and I've already re-formatted and re-installed Windows and the problem still persists.

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Cannot Repair Booting With CD

Apr 14, 2007

Right now I am having big problems with my PC. I cannot load Windows or boot in safe mode because I get this error message: MSVPC60.dll is missing, etc... .After that, the PC just hangs to a black screen. - I cannot repair Windows XP using traditional methods found on Google, such as booting with the Windows CD and going into setup and then repairing ( not using recovery console). Second, I have already tried one method in the recovery console :, This method has eliminated a few errors ( Im now down to only MSVPC60 ) but it is enough to prevent me from doing anything.

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XP Booting Keep Restar

Dec 6, 2003

I am using win xp pro and the problem is that when it come to the win xp logo loading page, the one with the blue loading bar and runs, it automatic restart after a few seconds. although some times it will start after a few restart. but this few days it take so much longer and i couldnt figure it out. It will prompt me a page that ask me to choose one of the boot up like start from safe mode, use recent worked system files, or start window normally and etc

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Trouble Booting From Cd

Dec 6, 2005

I had windows 2000 pro. I wanted to do a full format and completely wipe my hard disk, and install windows xp pro. I did it wrong though, and when my comp was on and i was on windows 2000 desktop, I inserted the windows xp cd and chose a new installation. Windows XP installed, however since I did it wrong and did not format, I now have both XP and 2000 on my hard drive. I tried to fix this problem by going into my BIOS and changing the boot order. Currently it is set to boot 1st from my cd rom. However, when I turn it on, it begins to start up, and says hit any key to boot from cd, but when I hit a key it just continues to load windows. the next screen asks me to chose an OS or press F8 to go into advanced setup. However, again it does not let me give it a command to change the highlighted OS, or go into F8. I can still go into my BIOS, and once windows loads up, my key board works fine, but for whatever reason when windows is starting it seems like it's not communicating with my keyboard. I do not have an A drive so I can not boot from there. I tried to reformat within windows, but since I'm asking it to reformat the drive I am already using, it will not do that. All I want to do is format my harddrive and wipe all OS's off and all info, then install XP. Can I do this without A drive, or without it recongizing when I hit a key to boot from cdrom.

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Freezing Up After Booting Up And Log In

Dec 24, 2006

When I start my computer it goes to a blue screen and states that Windows XP needs to check files. After I put in my user name and password the computer locks up shortly after is says it is loading my personal settings.

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PC Not Booting Up Properly

Jan 22, 2007

i know absolutley *nothing* about computers. but. my computer isnt booting up propery. i think thats the right word. when it loads when you turn it on? well it doesnt do that. i turn it on, and the screen is blak. nothing happens. i wait a few minutes, press the reset button, and *sometimes* the monitor button turns green, like its trying to boot-up, but then goes back to orange. i do this several times, sometimes it works, and stays green and boots up. but some nights im there for seven hours trying to turn it on to finnish coursework. and i think i need to try and fix it.

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Reinstalling - Can't Booting From CD

Sep 7, 2005

I am trying to get rid of an installed XP Pro bootleg software and reinstalling a new copy of Windows XP Pro. I cannot seem to get my computer to boot from one of my CDs. The bios has ATPI CD as the primare boot witht he hard drive secondary and the 3.5 drive as third. My TDK RW drive is master and I have a Memorex as a slave. Is there another way to accomplish what I need to do?

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Computer Not Booting

Aug 20, 2006

My computer was freezing and I went thru the processes running on my computer and i saw that explorer was taking up a lot of memory, and I assumed that it was internet explorer which i wasn't using, so i ended the process. The desktop blanked out, so i turned off my computer and turned it back on. Here lies the problem, my computer won't start! All my monitor is getting is blackness, and if i turn off the monitor and reopen it says no signal.

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Not Booting No BSOD

Apr 17, 2008

On bootup, after selecting XP in the OS Selection Menu, it refuses to boot. There is not BSOD which i can see even after "Disabling Automatic System Restart on Failure".I cant boot into any of the Safe Modes and the "Use last known good configuration that worked" does not work.Some of the things i did before this started to happen are as follows:

1) Ran an online virus scanner, namely OneCare

2) Used gpedit.msc..Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System

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Installation/booting Help

Jun 14, 2005

Hi every one,
I have a problem with windows xp installation:
I need help with installing xp. I'm trying to install xp from a cd but it just keep re-booting from the cd instead of going to the hdd after the installation. The system dosesn't bring up the option to choose where to boot from. I have tried all the bios configurations. The installation completes properly but when it restarts the computer, it re-boots automatically again from the cd without me pressing any key. Please help.

regards, Sybella

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PRO Not Booting From Disk

Nov 27, 2006

i'm trying to format my hard drive as it is corrupt,i have put in the xp pro cd booted from it and dr dos appears i have never used dr dos before andd need some help of what to do next i need to format my hard drive thjen install xp but when i type format c:/ it says the drive i have entered is incorrect or the wrong name.

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Restarts Right After Booting

Dec 9, 2006

Well, my father told me this all started after he clicked yes on an error message that he had always pressed no on...he couldn't remember what the message said.I'm running Windows XP. So after pushing power, the computer passes POST, then goes to a screen saying Windows can not start normally and gives an option of going into Safe mode, trying to start normally, etc.If I select start normally, it goes to the black Windows Startup screen, showing a progress bar, then the screen goes black as if it's going to go to the blue welcome screen then just restarts, with the same loop over and over.In safe mode, it says what drivers it's loading, then quickly does a blue screen (too quick to read), then restarts.Do you guys think this is a software problem? Is there any way to fix it without reinstalling Windows?

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Dual Booting With And 7 Fine?

Feb 3, 2010

I currently have Windows 7 Ultimate (64Bit) installed on the primary hard drive but my question is will Windows XP work ok along with Windows 7 being installed as well like XP being on the same hard drive? Also could someone tell me what the limitations are for XP as I have 4GB RAM (Dual Channel) as I'll be installing the 32Bit of XP.

Also would XP crash at all with the high specs I'm running ? as I've overclocked my processor to 3.52GHz or doesn't the processor play a role in the stability of XP ?

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Dual Booting And Hibernation?

Apr 3, 2005

During a typical dual-boot start-up, Windows provides you with a menu that allows for the selection of the desired O/S. However, after hibernating and restarting, the boot sequence DOES NOT GIVE YOU THIS OPTION! You can force things using the F8 key, but that simply generates a screen with two choices - continue with restart from hibernation, or delete the hibernation data and go to the O/S selection menu

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Dual Booting 2000 And ME?

Dec 20, 2006

I am trying to figure out how to dual boot Windows 2000 and Windows ME? I know that you can partition your drive but is there a way to dual boot using a Master/ slave drive?

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Xp And Linux Dual Booting

Apr 7, 2007

I am thinking of running windows xp and linux on the same hard drive. I know I load windows first, but is there a boot loader that will allow me to choose which os I want to load up at start up?

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Dual Booting Performance?

Feb 1, 2007

I've gotten to where I can't stand windows for very long at all, and want to run Linux most of the time on my desktop. The catch being, my desktop is my gaming machine. So, is there any performance hit you take when dual booting a machine? Do the extra partitions hurt anything?

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Eliminating One OS On Dual-booting PC?

Sep 8, 2005

On my PC I can boot to an upgraded XP (which was 2000 and is on c:winnt)
and a new installation of XP (on c:windows). I'm having trouble with the XP
installation (that was upgraded from 2000) and I want to delete it. Do I
only need to delete the c:winnt directory and the entry from the boot

I don't want to refotmat the drive because I have lots of personal stuff
scattered everywhere and I don't want to do a backup.The new XP installation is working great, and I want to keep it. And I want to erase the old installation since it was Windows 2000 which I upgraded to XP.

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