Possible To Add A Shortcut Where Control Pannel Is Listed?

Mar 23, 2007

in the picture below where the bluetooth and the control panel are listed... is it possible to add a shortcut there somehow?

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Possible To Get Red In Control Pannel?

Aug 27, 2005

When you are under the control panel and you can change the color (blue, olive green, silver) is it possible to get red?

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Change User Name - Tried Control Pannel?

Jul 30, 2008

I have just installed Windows Xp Pro Sp2 on my computer. I see after everything is completed I have Administrator as my user name what I would like to know is if there is a way to change the user name safely. I have tried to change the name through the control panel but when I click the user account the option to change account name is not listed .

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Ad/remove Won't Open - Tried Using Control Pannel

Jan 2, 2006

I'm on my son's XP. He's been dealing with a hacker. Don't know if we got rid of him yet, but now the Ad/Remove program won't open. I've tried using the Control Pane; from the Start button and from the Computer button. Every other button in the Control Panel Works. And yes we've rebooted many times.

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Uninstall Software - Control Pannel

Mar 2, 2008

I have a HP computer running Windows XP and trying to uninstall software. When i go to the control pannel -- add or remove programs, the change/remove button is missing for almost all items. Only a few have it, and they have been recently installed. I have never created the things where you can roll your system back to a specific time inthe past to undo possible problems. Any suggestion on what I might do?

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Control Pannel Icons Not Running.

Sep 22, 2007

when I click on any windows icon in "Control pannel" I get the following message "windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item."The date has also changed back to january 07 which I cannot change as I cannot access its settings. I corrected the Bios clock which was also wrong but this did not change the date in windows.Programs seem to run OK but some are complaning about the wrong date!

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Java Control Pannel And Plugins?

Apr 22, 2006

When I open my Windows XP Control Panel, there is a Java Control Panel (Version 2 1.50) and a Java Plugin Control Panel 1.3.1_04. Are both updated seperately? Do they operate independently? The first looks relatively modern and the former looks relatively basic?

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Add/Remove Programs Won't Open In Control Pannel

Jun 10, 2005

Using Windows 2000pro.. Add/Remove Programs will not open in control panel..Tried the fix suggested by Microsoft to no avail.. Also tried letting Windows Setup repair itself. Still no go

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System32 Error On Opening Control Pannel

Dec 5, 2004

Running windows xp. Every time I am in my control panel, I get a error message,C:windowssystem32. After the error message system gets stuck and I need to restart my computer. When I am try opening files on my desk top, my screen goes black, then flashes and closes the files.

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Deleted Everything Listed - Cant Bootup Now

Jan 4, 2009

I just finished reinstalling XP Pro SP2 (original recovery from Dell) on an Optiplex 330. Now at bootup it is showing 2 "Windows XP Pro" and is asking which one to run. I followed the directions when I started and I thought I had deleted everything listed. Can I solve this without Zeroing out the HDD and starting over?

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Viewpoint Is Not Listed As A Program

Mar 19, 2005

I have an entry in the Control Panel called "Viewpoint." Also under Add/Remove Programs I have a "Viewpoint Manager" and "Viewpoint Media Player." Viewpoint is not listed as a program. Can someone put me onto a reference that will give me a good explanation of this so I know what I have? So far I've learned that it's an intrusive piece of software put on my computer by something I've downloaded.

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2nd Hard Drive Not Listed

May 30, 2005

Recently I had to replace my primary (master) HD, my 2nd (slave) worked fine and has data on it. I reinstalled windows XP home and the master HD seems ok but my slave doesn't appear under "my computer". If I use "device manager" it is listed, and says it is working properly: however, the "device usage" area at the bottom of the window is grey and has nothing in it. When I look at my master, the "device usage" area gives me a choice: [1] use this device (enabled), [2] do not use this device (disabled). I have tried everything I can think of, I might even try reformatting the drive if I could sellect it.

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Not Listed In Recovery Console

Jan 3, 2008

I have tried to use the Repair in the Windows recovery console, but everything says when you get to /windows, you enter your password yada yada yada.In the recovery console, under repair, I only have C:/>, there is no C:/>Windows at all.I ran fixboot anyway, now I am getting a NTLDR is missing message when I try to start. Before all of this I was stuck trying to boot up and it would not even let me into safe mode.

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No C Drive Listed In My Computer

Apr 6, 2005

I ran a program called trend micro[housecall] and it scanned only d drive,so I thought this was funny,so I opened my computer from the start menu,and no c drive is listed there. Thinking back I had noticed in downloading programs,there was no entry option for c/program files either?My P.C seems to be running fine,other than my OE often hangs on checking mail,and needs a reboot to function correctly. W/XP/Pro - I E 6. I have kaspersky running on my P.C and no virus problem detected? I am not very P.C literate,but hope this great site can assist as in the past.Dark.

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Removing Programs Not Listed In Add/remove?

Jan 31, 2009

I had a crash and felt like I had to reinstall XP. Obviously I didn't know what I was doing, but I did get the system installed and put programs back on that I had disks for. The problem is that I now have Norton, Nero and others on the hard drive that do not show up on the computer but when I do a scan I have to check through all those programs and they are taking up space on the drive. I cannot access any of them.

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Are Firefox Bookmarks Listed In Explorer

Jun 27, 2010

In WinXP Home SP3, I use Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3.In Windows Explorer, are my Firefox bookmarks listed anywhere? I've checked in multiple places, and have found only OwnerApplication DataMozillaFirefoxProfilesmi7len3s.defaultookmarkbackups.json files are listed.Are Firefox bookmarks listed as URLs in a Windows Explorer folder?

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Explorer.exe Crashes - Isn't Listed In Add / Remove

Dec 4, 2004

internet explorer sometimes isn't listed in add/remove. Try going to add/remove windows components and unclicking internet explorer then click next then go back and reclick internet explorer and click next again. If it is listed in add/remove than just click the hange/repair button

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Break In Emails Listed In Each Newsgroup

Jul 16, 2005

Why do I have a big break in dates of emails listed or displayed. I go from July 13th to the next being June 11th. Is there anyway I can display all posted emails from this date back to say the last 300 emails posted sequentially? I tried unsubscribing and then resubscribing, but still have the same problem.

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Phantom Drives Listed In Explorer

Jan 31, 2009

I understand that if I remove a USB drive without going through the process of using the "Safely Remove" icon I run the risk of getting a 'phantom' drive listed in Explorer. I have found this out the hard way! I have several partitions on the main drive and also other external hard drives - in getting these 'phantom' drives the drive letters somehow got reassigned without my intervention so now cause a problem accessing from my network. All my efforts to remove the entries have failed - I have tried through Device Manager but cannot figure out which entry would apply to the ones I have. I have one from a U3 drive which uses 2 drive letters and another single one. If I click on the "Safely Remove" icon I can get them to disappear until I reboot. I tried using those 'phantom' letters for other drives - again all goes well until I reboot and I am back to square one. I have searched the registry for the entries that set the drives but cannot figure that out either. Various trial deletions have no effect.

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Some Files Listed In Explorer Are Blue Font

Sep 21, 2009

I seem to have run out of room on a Windows XP Pro system. I tried to defrag but don't have but 7% room available. I looked in Windows Explorer to try to find some huge files that might be corrupt and I see a few that are listed in blue.I have not compressed anything on purpose.

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Service Listed In System Configuration Is Stopped?

Dec 23, 2007

ok i was wondering if a servie listed in the windows xp system configuration is stopped is it ok to uncheck it. an example being ati hotkey poller this service is listed as stopped on system configuration, and on services.msc it is listed as a startup item. so surely if its stopped is it ok to uncheck it on system config as well as disable it on services.msc?

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Reinstalling Notepad - Not Listed In Accessories Folder?

Jan 27, 2008

For whatever reason Notepad has started freezing whenever I try to save a document. This is incredible annoying as it's my favorite note writing program. Wordpad scrambles anything thats pasted into it. Control panel/add remove programs/Windows components doesn'twork. As Notepad is not listed in the accessories folder, even though it appears that way in program files/accessories. So, how can I fix this?

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Add/Remove Programs Containing Unknown Program Listed?

Mar 19, 2005

I found something in my Add/Remove Programs called "My Way Search Assistant", which I removed - evidently successfully,as there is no trace of it in registry or programs. My problem is, however, the entry in Add/Remove remains but only with the name "My Way Search Assistant" and when I click on it all that shows is "Used Rarely"It has no size and no longer has any option to change or remove.I have looked for registry entries there are none is there a program listed.

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Extra Read / Startup Items Listed In It's Database

Dec 13, 2006


Check it out, this website has over 16306 startup items listed in it's database and gives you in depth details about each file and if it is needed or not. I feel it's a valuable resource for the moderators and any user here at techguy.org. It also has a lot of other useful information as well. BTW, this is not advertisement. Just a reference guide for anyone here who wishes to continue their education with helping each other.

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Imaging Devices Listed As Unknown In Device Manager?

May 13, 2005

All of a sudden, the imaging devices attached to a computer with Windows XP Pro SP2 are showing up under the Unknown category in the Device Manager. The
devices are listed correctly by their names under Unknown, but the software won't communicate with them.Windows can see the devices, but it does not know what type of devices they are. It is only the imaging devices. One is a Canon 4200F Canoscan scanner, the other is a Sony Camcorder, and the third is a hardware capture device (Pinnacle Moviebox). The Canon scanner is a USB 2.0 device, while the other two are attached through firewire ports.

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Hard Drive Listed In Device Manager But Not Explorer

Nov 25, 2005

My primary hard drive crashed and my back up that holds all my pictures, mp3's and other important items is still ok. I reinstalled windows fine on a new hard drive with no problem. My back up hard drive is not showing in my explorer list though. Does anybody know how I may access it? I've installed all motherboard software and it still is not there. I don't wanna reformat that drive unless its the only thing i can do.

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Fresh Install - Sound Device Not Detected Or Listed

Aug 9, 2010

Did a fresh install of xp sp2, sp3Sound device not detected or listed.Went to dell dounloaded all drivers and installed Service tag JC3XDH1 Tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail Still nothing, Help

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Start Menu Is Bank - Checked Setting Still None Listed

Apr 10, 2010

Just noticed the list of most recent programs opened on my XP Home Start menu is blank. Checked the settings and it should be listing the last 9 programs. Changed the number to 4 and opened a few apps, still none listed. I've used this a number of times in the past, but not recently. See the thumbnail.

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Control Taskbar Auto Hide / Launch Control Panel Taskbar

Sep 1, 2005

I want a single desktop click to enable/disable windows XP taskbar auto hide.I can do this if I write a script for the AutoHotkey macro tool to open the relevant dialog box and then check or uncheck the appropriate check box.I'd like to open the dialog box with a command line from AutoHotkey, or a similar operation. Right-clicking the taskbar even in the program is uncool.The catch is, I can execute any CP dialog EXCEPT this one as a command line, either passing a dialog parameter to Control.exe or else using a *.cpl file name with Control.exe or directly. But I can't find "Taskbar and Start Menu".

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Wanting To Remove Unneeded Listed Items From The Msconfig Startup Tab

Mar 6, 2005

What I want to do is this:

When I go to START>RUN>"msconfig">startup tab I have many listed entries that I know are no longer needed on my computer, but have yet to find a way to delete them.

For example: My mom wanted me to download this TalkingBuddy program for my son, I did it, thought it was stupid so I uninstalled it. To me all components should be removed from the computer. However, when I go to START>RUN>"msconfig">startup tab I still see an entry for TalkingBuddy that can be checked to run at startup.

There are several other entries like this that I know I don't need and would like to know how to remove them. I also suspect that there might be some entries on there that look like they are needed but actually belong to other uninstalled or deleted programs.

Secondly, if anyone knows how to find and remove files that go to programs that linger around after you have uninstalled the program can you please tell me how to do that also. By this I mean for instance, that I have uninstalled Norton and now use Mcaffee, but there are still files that belong to symantec on my computer. I suspect that there are many other useless files from programs no longer on my computer that can also be deleted as well.

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Start Menu Expanding Options: Lots Of Folders Listed?

Apr 4, 2005

Using WinXP Home Sp2. On my start bar I have lots of folders listed, and as a result, Win shrinks the start bar down to my recently used folders. This is really annoying because I always have to click the expanding buttons at the bottom of the start menu - see bellow. Is there anyway to have the start menu contsantly expanded by default so I don't have to keep manually expanding it?

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