Operatig System Won't Refresh My Desktop

Dec 20, 2007

this is a bizarre problem - all of a sudden any activity on my xp pro desktop has to be manually refreshed in order to be visible!! I can place a file there but it won't show uintil i rict click and refresh - any ideas or solutions any one?

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System / Equipment Refresh

May 13, 2003

For simple systems/ setups, some may find the following ‘completist’ procedure most useful for refreshing their systems. Stark beginners may, however, wish to steer clear. Those with more complicated systems may wish to steer clear, or carefully modify approach. Simple as it may appear to some, it needs to be followed in strict order/sequence. Setting a System Restore point is advisable oh, come on, you can turn Sys Restore back on for this, at least for a week or two!) I particularly like it, as a system refresher. This is because I like to keep my setup on all the time although I don’t recommend abusing one’s monitor this way – powering the monitor off before going to bed, or when away for a time, is the best advice there.

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Compaq 2000 Operatig Disk

Dec 10, 2005

If its possible to get a compaq operating disk with win. 2000on it, to install on a compaq deskpro evan though it was created for a compaq evo ,got to get away from windows 98 now microsoft dont support it. thanks in advance for ant responce

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Page Expired, Hit Refresh, Then Hit Try Again.

Mar 14, 2005

"Page has Expired" so I hit "Refresh" DING , then hit Retry and it reloads the page. This is a relatively new issue and have not installed any software recently.

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Explorer - Refresh - Browser CD

Aug 1, 2005

My annoyance of the monthI browse a CD, and all is fine. I remove the CD and insert another one but explorer will not refresh the contents. It sounds like this is not unique to my system, as others are experiencing the same thing. Are there any solutions out there so that I do not have to use windows to eject (via rt
click >eject) to refresh it

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Mouse Refresh Rate

Jul 3, 2006

I am using Logitech standard optical mouse connected to the PS/2 port. Although the Trails option is disabled I still get some trails. While not a [problem] after 6 or so years it's becoming rather annoying.I also understand that while the mouse is connected to the PS/2 prt the refresh or Sample rate can be reg tweaked to 200Hz which I have done, but it seems to have had no effect.I understand that the refresh rate could be increased to 500Hz by connecting it to a USB port, but that this can cause severe resources problems. Does anyone know if this is correct. Or if the Sample rate can be safely increased above 200 w/o blowing up my cute little mouse?I am using a Logitech standard optical mouse with XP Hone. I had to remove the manufacturers mouse driver has it was causing the options to freak-out, in particular the wheel that would constantly appear on the screen and entrap and lock-up the mouse.

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Refresh Error In Browser?

Jun 25, 2007

Whenever I open a web page it must be pulling the image from a temporary folder. For example, if I opened a news page a week ago and then went to open it again today, it would display the page from a week ago. This is driving me crazy as I have to go to the desired page and then hit the refresh button to get the updated page to display.

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Explorer Address Bar Refresh Too Fast

Nov 28, 2005

I was hit with a spyware which I just cleaned. Anyway, my problem now is that under Internet Explorer or Explorer itself, when I start typing in a path, it doesn't let me finish and revert back to the current path.

Eg. current path is c:windows

If I want to go say c:program files, while typing C:pro it will refresh the address bar and revert back to c:windows. I have to type pretty fast to be able to reach the desired path.

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Explorer Address Bar - Refresh Itself Automatically

May 20, 2008

My address bar in windows explorer refreshing himself automatically.I'm tring to to write some text into address bat and after 3 sec the text return to My Computer

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Refresh Rate In DirectX Applications - Playing Games

Aug 12, 2002

Have you ever had headache while playing a game? Did you ever noticed a low refresh rate in your game? Here is a solution how to change it.1. Select Start > Run, and type "dxdiag".2. When the dialog appears find the last tab, and click "Override" (or somthing similar).2. Just type your Value (be careful, dont type a value that your graphics card or monitor can't do!). Click Ok, and that is it!Remember you changed the refresh rate only for DirectX Applications, not for OpenGL.

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Right Click On Desktop Causes System Freeze - Desktop Menue

Apr 21, 2006

i am runnings windows xp sp2 with an amd 1200 . all of a sudden when i right click the desktop my system freezes up. Right click work and everything else works the freeze only happens when right click the desktop for the menu.

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Use Other System With Remote Desktop

Apr 4, 2008

Just discovered the joys of remote desktop in my home network. I am regularly tasked with fixing my father-in-laws PC for very minor things. I was wondering what it would take to be able to use RD to access his system? I need to run adware and clean up and stuff like that.

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System Reboots Every Startup - Cant Get To Desktop

Apr 7, 2008

Now my computer is experiencing worse problems. I can't get to my desktop or anything. When I turn the computer on, and it goes to the WIndows XP screen loading, it restarts every time it gets there. I can't even get to safe mode or anything. I'm currently using someone else's computer to report this problem.

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System Starts Well - There Are No Icons On Desktop

Jun 11, 2008

Every time I start up my computer and goes to the desktop, there are no icons, toolbars, or even the "Start" button, it only shows the desktop background, and all I can use is the Task Manager to access a couple of programs. I tried using Norton Antivirus, but did not find anything, so I uninstalled it. My "CPU Usage" is at 0 and 1% almost dead, I saw that the explorer.exe is missing. I ran it with the Task Manager, and it made the computer reboot the wrong way. When it did, it did not go to the desktop it just showed black screen with the little "-" on the top left and couldn't do anything and the buffer is barely doing anything, you know, when you open a program, the light flashes rapidly and making noises,

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Fix Operating System Blinking On Desktop

Jan 25, 2010

Have this problem that the web page blinks into a small page on desktop uncontrollably. If I have multiple windows on taskbar they all appear in a smaller version all together. Can't seem to keep one page fixed on desktop. I have Windows XP.

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System Desktop Icons Moves

Feb 8, 2009

I have a client who is experiencing a strange issue that I thought I'd see if anyone else has faced. About 30% of the time when he boots his PC, his desktop is different. The icons are moved, and a different size. But if he then reboots, they'll return to their normal positions. This has happened many times. It seems like a weird profile thing, but I'm stumped.

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Can't Get System Past Desktop Page

Feb 21, 2005

I am running my computer with windows XP. I cannot get it to get past the main page (desktop) when I go down to the task bar where it says START i get an hour glass. I cannot click on any of my desk top Icons and have them do anything and I cannot go into the start menu. I have tried control, shift, escape to see if I can run off a cd this could be of help if a cd is needed to fix the problem. I did try to boot the computer off of a disk thinking perhaps I had a virus (I still think that might be the problem) but I was unable to do this. I reset the boot to start from disk and when it started in dos and gave me my 4 choices I chose boot from disk then it said press f1 or f2 to continue. I pressed F1. when I had the Norton anti-virus disk in there it gave me the choice for normal startup or start up from disk. I tried to choose start up from disk but it wouldn't let me. I tried this several times with 2 different versions all with the same result. My 30 seconds ran out and it started up normally and then got stuck on the desk top page. I tried the same boot with the windows XP disk hoping that it might have a diagnostic bit to it, but no luck I chose boot form disk and it still went to the desk top page and got stuck.

Anyone with any information or suggestions on what I might do would be greatly appreciated. I would hate to think that I will have to take it in somewhere only to have them wipe my drive. I have e-mails on there that are very precious to me and if for nothing else I would like to keep those besides have a computer I can use!! I do have some sense as to how things work even though I don't always understand how it happens or what I actually did. So, if you could explain in not too techie language I should be able to get it!

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System Stsrts Adding Different Hardwares On Desktop

Dec 18, 2004

now i have 3 new problems:
1. when the computer finally went ot the desktop it starting adding all the hardware: usb, cd-rw, microsoft speaker something, EVERYTHING...yet when i pressedok, i got another box that said something like it might not be compatible or something and to clikc either continue installing or stop...i did continue installing for like 20 hardware installations. is that a problem???

2. i was installing xp pro from mycd and this error message came up:
E:i386WINNT32U.DLL could not be loaded or is corrupted. setup cannot continue. I have used this cd before and everything worked well...what is wrong with it now? Also, when i was trying to install/copy the antivirus program from my cd to the desktop, it would get stuck and have a (non responding) error in the title bar...wussup?

3. when i was seraching for updates on netscap ei go tthe following werror message:
Netscape.exe entry point not found (title bar)
The procedure entry point ?assign@nsSubstring@@QAEXPBGI@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library xpcom.dll

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Windows/System32/Config/System On My Desktop

Apr 27, 2005

I am having big big trouble and I need help bad.. This is what Im getting /windows/system32/config/system This is on my desktop Its a Dell 2350
My boss told me to press F8 and take it where it says Use last known good configuration....I did that but Im still getting a message windows could not start ref missing or corrupt file It said for me to start windows set up by using the original CD-Rom.... The only CD roms I can find for my desktop is this one.

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System 32 Folder Opens On Startup On Desktop

Oct 1, 2006

When I start my computer system 32 folder opens on my desktop, why? How can I get rid of it?

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System Wont Allow To Change Desktop Background?

Aug 14, 2006

I got a toshiba laptop with some malware problems. I fixed everything but the desktop properties. I cannot change my desktop background and the browse and position buttons do not work when in display properties. The selection of pictures/backgrounds has been grayed out. I have tried using customize desktop and restarting my pc, and have also tried the reg file from kellyskorner website and this has not worked. I hope that there is a simple solution for this frustrating problem.

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System Unable To Get To Desktop: Goes Halfway And Then Restarts?

Oct 5, 2006

I'll get right to the point. When starting up my computer, it doesn't make it to the desktop anymore. It goes halfway and then restarts.I restarted the computer, and the mouse still didn't work. So instead, I flipped the swith in the back of the PC to completely shut it off. However, the computer was still starting up on the desktop, but I've done that before without problems.

I turn the computer back on, and all of a sudden I get to a screen that says this:We apologise for the inconvenience,but windows did not start successfully A recent hardware or software change might have caused this. (Note: The only changes I made recently were the unplugging/replugging of the internet cable, mouse, and keyboard).

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USB Ports On Desktop Not Working - System Freezes

Feb 26, 2010

the front two USB ports on my desktop are not working right. When I plug something into them, the system freezes and I have to turn the power off. This not happen to the two USB ports on the rear of the desktop.

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System Crash While Changing Desktop Icons

Dec 28, 2006

I have two problems the first, my system crashes every time that I try to change an icon on the desktop. If I want to rename or delete a icon I have to use explore to do so. Also some times when using the explore the system crashes. I have run virus scans, defrag, Norton Windows Utilities, and Spy Sweeper all come back clean. I go to the task list to check what processes are running but everything seems to low. The cpu shows 2% to 4% usage. My second problem is USB connections. I can no longer sync with my Dell Axim. I have disconnected and reconnected the USB connection and reinstalled the Microsoft 4.2 Activesync software but nothing helps. My USB printers still works.

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No Desktop Icons - Ctrl+alt+del - No System Restore?

Aug 6, 2008

I am working on an older Dell P4 with Win XP which is having some odd problems. First of all, when it loads up there are no desktop icons, only the background picture. I've tried hitting CAD to see what I could see but all that happens is that the hourglass comes on for a second and then goes away. Same thing happens with ctrl-shift-esc. You can not bring up the Task Manager menu. Clicking the right mouse button also does not bring up a menu. I figured that I might try to do a system restore in Safe Mode though when I restart and hit F8 and choose to go to the safe mode, I get the "Safe Mode" text around the outer edges of the screen, but still no desktop icons. I haven't found much in the CMOS which I can play around with, just standard settings options.

As far as I know, this computer was working ok until a few days ago when it started to intermittently have the no desktop icons problem. The user says that the problems seemed to correlate with their virus program, though I am not sure. I have tried all the startup under options under the F8 menu and booting with the XP sys disc to see if any rebuilding could be done though have made no progress.

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System Restart After Desktop Screen Shown

Jan 25, 2007

The PC will turn on and go through start up when it gets to the desktop it restarts. You can only see the desktop a split second. Then right before it restarts a blue screen flashes with alot of stuff typed on it but it doesn't stay on long enough to read it. There are very few times when the desktop does stay up. When this happens i get a error that says Missing C/Programs.

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Desktop Icon Black And Reboot System

Mar 16, 2006

I had a BLANK icon on my computer, and used "move on reboot" and I lost everything ,even the ability to restore to earlier time. When I go to tools, it's EMPTY. I don't know what to do.

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Can't Get A Desktop In Safe Mode / Administrator The System Freezes

Oct 10, 2005

I'm trying to fix a virus problem (trojan.vundo) and need to boot in safe mode. When I try to boot in safe mode I get the user icons, but when I log in using any of the user icons including administrator the system freezes and I don't get a desktop.

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System Wont Change Desktop Background But Only The Color?

May 28, 2010

When I right click on the desktop and select properties and click the desktop tab, I can't change the background picture (BTW, I just want a solid color background). I can click the color flydown and apply a new color, but that doesn't affect the current desktop. On reboot, the rebooting, the new background color appears until late in the boot process when the background whites out.

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System 32 File Opens On Desktop - Every Time Boot Up

Apr 23, 2006

Every time I boot up winxp I get system 32 folder open on my descktop.How can I stop this please?

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Desktop Icons Reloading - System Loose Data

Jul 26, 2008

For some odd reason my Icons on the desktop refresh after losing some programs.Is there some way the 'system' may have lost the data? can this be restored in some way?

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