System Restart After Desktop Screen Shown

Jan 25, 2007

The PC will turn on and go through start up when it gets to the desktop it restarts. You can only see the desktop a split second. Then right before it restarts a blue screen flashes with alot of stuff typed on it but it doesn't stay on long enough to read it. There are very few times when the desktop does stay up. When this happens i get a error that says Missing C/Programs.

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System Shutdown/Restart Shown Error

Jul 28, 2009

Getting an error message that goes STOP: 0x0000008E. Everytime i try to shut down or restart. I was also getting alot of Buffer Overflow Blocked warnings from mcafee before i uninstalled and used SpyBot Search And Destroy which has cleaned a couple trojans off of my comp that mcafee did not find.? Also everytime i open a program or even I.E. A seperate window opens up thats all text, And if i close that window the whole program closes.

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System Restart Automatically Without No Error Shown

Jun 19, 2006

I notice i have had this problem for the past 2 weeks and today by pc restarted itself out of no where.Can anyone explain why cause i ran virus scans and i'm pretty sure i'm clean.

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System Reboot After Welcome Screen Shown

Oct 4, 2006

Installed some software vinyl audio and did a restart as requested. Pc now boots up but straight after it says welcome it reboots over and over again. Not seen this before and its on a pc that have sensitive info on that the user does not want to lose it. Is there a way to make it boot up so we can get the info off and backed up to a usb hard disc. The PC appears to reboot at the same point exactly again and again.

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Blue Screen Shown After Boot UP System

Sep 23, 2006

System will freeze and require restart in the morning it will randomly restart and then say that it's recovered from a serious error and get blue screens but usually has various different filenames or doesn't have one at all just those addresses i'm not sure how to read the files windows puts in mini dump or how to use them.

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Blue Screen Shown After Start Up System

Dec 8, 2005

For some strange reason I am starting to get a blue screen with all kinds of stuff on it that I do not understand. The only way that I could show it is by taking a picture of it.

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Blue Screen Shown After Start System

Oct 15, 2009

Computer sudenly shut down, and after trying to restart I received the Blue screen with this error message: Stop: 0x0000007E (0x80000003, 0x805c49B8, 0xf79e02b4, 0xf79dffb0). I tryed to start in Safe Mode, Last Known Good Config. when I attempt to start inn safe mode I receive this message: PAGE _FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA. Stop: 0X00000050 (0xc4b12174, 0x00000001, 0x80537009, 0x00000000). I have Windows XP, and have not installed any new software or hardware anytime recently.

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System Shown Error Message After Welcome Screen

Jun 28, 2007

When i turn on my pc,when the welcome screen shows up b4 entering windows 2 pop sounds come up and i get a msg saying windows can't open C:PROGRA~1INSTAL~1{ACE66~1 setup.exe -rebootC:PROGRA~1INSTAL~1{ACE66~1 eboot.ini l0x9 then another same msg saying windows cant open C:PROGRA~1INSTAL~1{D5068~1setup.exe -rebootC:PROGRA~ 1INSTAL ~1 {D5068~1) eboot.ini -l0x9 this never happend with and i didnt erase anything or remove any program.

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Blue Screen Error Shown After Start System

Sep 9, 2008

I have a dell laptop inspiron8600 with Windows XP and SP2. I recently get the same blue screen error every time i start my computer.IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL STOP: 0*0000000A(0*F89181C0, 0*00000002, 0*00000001, 0*804D9BBA) I ran the dell dianostic test for blue screen errors but everything was fine. Does anyone know the reason for that problem and/or a solution for it.

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Restart System Appear Blue Screen

Sep 24, 2008

I have an older computer running XP, no new hardware. Today I was viewing a site when all of a sudden I got a request from my antivirus (norton) and made a big mistake by doing a one time authorization. Some Program for scaning your system for errors or something like that came up. Almost immediately after that a message from norton came up to close all programs and do a quick scan (not full scan) for problems. I did this and was then told to restart the computer. When the computer tries to restart I get a blue screen that says among other things, problem probably caused by file: Beep.SYS Page fault in nonpaged area Stop: 0x00000050 (0x81000078, 0x00000000, 0xF77802FF,0x00000002) . I can't get the computer to boot into safe mode, debugging mode, or last good configuration.

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System Restart Repeatedly After Boot Screen Comes Up

Oct 18, 2005

Hey guys, i got a serious problem, i booted from the windows xp disc and started the installation process, then the computer restarts after all he bios stuff happens it restarts again before the windows boot screen comes up and keeps repeating over and over again.

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Blue Screen Flashes System Restart

Apr 6, 2008

My computer started being really slow and making a lot of noise so I turned it off but now it is not able to completely restart. Right now I'm using the IBM Rescue and Recovery browser so I can't do much besides check and see if I can get any possible help. I try to run Windows normally and it starts loading up then a blue window flashes and the computer restarts. I can't go to Safe Mode because it starts naming off a bunch of drivers then it just resets. I haven't done anything on BIOS because I'm afraid I'll just mess it up (all I really did was set it to default).

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On Starting Up Blue Screen And Then Restart - System Restore

Oct 31, 2006

When i open my Laptop , after for about 5 minutes there become a blue screen and then restart. It is about 2 days that is doing like this.

I use system Restore but it cant go to any before date.

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Log On To Xp My Desktop Is Not Shown

Sep 28, 2005

my computer is giving me problems once again. when i log on to xp my desktop is not shown. my background is there but no icons and no start menu or anything. when i go through the task manager then i can access my applications but that is crazy.

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Pressing Restart Option Twice For Making System Restart?

Sep 24, 2009

All of a sudden, in the last couple of days, I find that I have to go through my Start>Turn off Computer > Restart twice in order for the computer to restart. Unfortunately, I've made a LOT of changes in the past few days (new programs, a system restore, windows registry cleanup, startup configuration changes, etc.) so I have no idea what caused this.

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Desktop Icon Are Not Shown

Jan 19, 2006

Not to be seen. when I go to my computer and then to the desktop, ok it shows there so I have to move the item into a desktop folder. Close my computer, go to my desktop and move that item out of the folder back onto the desktop.... this has gone on for a long time and it's starting to get old...

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Desktop Wont Launch: Only Wallpaper Is Shown?

May 12, 2007

my problem is that when i start the computer and log on my desktop does not appear, so i just have my wallpaper showing, no start button no desktop icons, no ummm that bar at the bottom. The only way that i can do anything is by doing ctrl alt del and using the new task button to start the individual programs that i need to use. It is very frustrating and when my parents need to use the computer it is a huge program. I was wondering what could have caused

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Open Program Via Desktop Shortcut Shown Error Message

Jun 16, 2010

When try to open any program via the normal shortcuts, I see an error message reading Application Not Found. In order to use anything, I must go find the program on my hard drive and then choose the program responsible for running that program. I've tried creating new shortcuts, but to no avail. How can I get back to normal? I'm running Windows XP.

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Black Screen Shown Boot MGR

Apr 29, 2007

Vista on laptop and now want xp back on it. so i put this disc in that deletes everything and copys new files so i thought windows xp would of been back on as i have done it before. but i get a black screen saying BOOTMGR is missing. all i want to do is to get my xp back and it keeps saying ctrl alt delete.

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Blue Screen Shown After Start Up

Nov 9, 2007

Computer started running slow and then locked up for no reason. Upon trying to reboot, I got a boot disk error, then a ntldr error. After running my setup disks I get the blue screen Stop: 0x0000007f ( 0x00000)unexpected_kernel_mode_trap.

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Blue Screen Shown On Boot

Nov 1, 2009

Pc blue screened and now blue screens on boot every time. this what i get, stop: 0x0000007E sfsync03.sys - Adress BA8C9A20 Base at BA8C8000, Datestamp 4395aa16. I can't boot at all, when i try safe mode a list of files appear but it never boot. I read online some other peoples similar issues and the mention of the game toca race driver 3. i installed that game 2 years ago and recall it never uninstalled properly.

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End Now Screen Shown After Click On Turn Off

Mar 11, 2006

Recently, my laptop hasn't been shutting down properly. Whenever I go to turn it off it doesn't respond, so you have to keep going to start-turn off-turn off over and over again. Either that happens or when I try to turn it off I get the 'End Now' program box coming up with something about ending ccAp, the odd thing is that yesterday it shut down without a problem, which is the first time in a few days that it's done that, and today it's gone funny again! Can anyone help me figure out what is wrong at all?

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Toshiba M35 Shown Blue Screen On Start Up

Feb 4, 2008

I tried to boot from the XP CD, and it does the whole blue screen thing until starting windows then it just hangs up. When I boot in safe mode, or attempt to, it gets stuck on system32driversagp440.sys.

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Toshiba Satellite A25-S307 Shown Welcome Screen

Apr 26, 2008

i have a toshiba satellite a25-s307 and when i turn it on it just keeps restarting it doesnt even get to the welcome screen before it restarts.

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Blue Screen Stop Error Shown

Nov 12, 2006

I get this almost everyday, I even restored the laptop to how it was out of box and it keeps crashing. Here is the error.MULTIPLE_COMPLETE_REQUESTS ***STOP: 0x00000044 (0x862df368, 0x00000D60, 0x00000000,0x00000000)

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Change Motherboard Shown Blue Screen

May 24, 2005

Get the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH if you change the motherboard. How to do it and boot into windows so that I don't lose any information on the hard drive?

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PC Won't Shutdown Or Restart - Stays At Desktop

Aug 1, 2005

I'm using XP home edition and for some reason my pc won't shutdown or restart. When i select turn off or restart nothing happens, it just stays at my desktop. I tried to bring up task manager and alt - F4 but still nothing happens. It just stays at my desktop. Everything else is working but it seems i cant shutdown or restart.

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Uninstall Internet Explorer Shown Blue Screen

Feb 11, 2009

System has been shutting down and restarting up on its own, it has done this three times, i looked back at anything new i have done recently and all the i can think of was i deleted Open Office, i received a error message saying if i delete it some programs may not operate correctly. Also i tried to delete Windows messenger Live in the the control panel under add remove windows components i deleted internet explorer by mistake and had to reinstall it. The last time it didn't shut down but i got a blue screen that said Windows has detected a software or hardware problem and has shut down to prevent damage,check any new hardware or software that have been recently installed, the error massage was " IRQL_NOT LESS_OR_ EQUAL. I am running IBM pentium 4 windows XP.

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Blue Screen After Startup Shown Deactivate BIOS

Aug 30, 2007

Computer upstairs every time i start it up after 2 mins i get the blue screen of death tells me something about deactivating bios chaching and shaowing or something and this is the STOP msg.*** STOP: 0x0000008E. I managed to get Registry Fix and i scanned my pc and cleaned it that but the problem is still happening.

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Icons Changed - Restart The Same Setting Desktop

Jul 20, 2009

was trying to free up HD space when my icons suddenly changed.. i uninstalled Alienguise ( DesktopX, IconPackager, Theme Manager, and WindowBlinds) then expected the desktop to change.. then with the change of the Desktop .. my icons changed as well.. i was expecting only icons of My Computer, Recycle Bin, My Docs.. Network Places to change.. not the icons of my *.exe's... as u can see on start menu... it changed as well.. can anyone pls help me out... ty btw.. as of now... i already have 7GB + HD space ... on C w/ Windows on it...

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Can Make Shutdown And Restart Icon On Desktop

Aug 22, 2005

Is there a way I can make a shutdown and log off button on my desktop so that when I double click on them it either shuts the computer off or restarts it intstead of going to the start menu?

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