Need Guideline For Hibernation And Pause Or Stick?
Dec 18, 2007
not sure what forum i should be in so will try here.
what makes a computer go into hibernation?
how do i get it out?
sorry i'm not very computer literate.
also why does my computer "pause or stick" every few seconds when watching a video such as on Internet?
Occasionally when I'm typing out something in a text box, program, whatever, my cursor will just pause and several keystrokes might be dropped if I'm typing fast. This seems to happen randomly in spurts, like some days it's really bad and other days the problem doesn't occur. However, something related happens frequently in games, where I might press a key to go forward and it'll register as being continually pressed until I press the key once again. Specific keys don't do this, it seems like all of them do!
I have a MSI ms-7369 1.0 board with a ami v2.4 bios and at boot up I get 2 beeps a pause and then another 1 all of the same duration. what they mean and how to check and fix it
In explorer I select a long list of files (i.e. 50+ files apx 15MB each) the selection process is fast. But after all the files are selected I want to del them or copy them or whatever... so I right click my mouse to get to the 'right click menu' but at this point there is a LONG pause. This pause can be between 10-20 seconds depending on how many files I have highlighted
Every time I try to open a file (whether it be an .mp3 or .txt or whatever) my computer pauses for about 7 seconds and then opens the file. I know it's not a problem with a specific program because it happens to virtually all the files on my computer.
In XP, as far as I know, the system has to restart in order to allow chkdsk to work on the drive. Well, it takes a while and I miss the messages at the end of the test. I have no idea whether it corrected anything or whether everything turned up fine.How can I have it wait for me to view the results? Or where can I find the results at?Is there a way to run chkdsk in XP without rebooting? What happens if I attempt this in safe mode?
Every once in a while when viewing an HTML email or some web pages, upon accessing the page the program (IE or Outlook 2003) will pause while there is vigorous access of the hard disk for 5 to 10 seconds, then the HTML file will be displayed. It is as if the computer is loading a viewer or pagefile or something.
It takes about 15 seconds for me to open a folder in XP Pro SP2. This is on a fast machine. It used to take a second. I've wracked my brains trying to think of what I did to cause this, but I can't think of a thing. Maybe an automatic update?
when running chkdsk /f at command prompt in windows, i get the message about drive being in use, would you like to run chkdsk after next restart. I choose yes and restart the computer. But, after chkdsk runs, I dont have time to read the results as it quickly continues to load the OS when it is finished. Chkdsk (without /f) in cmd in windows tells me there is a problem with my file system although I do not have any bad sectors. I have run chkdsk /f (after restart) twice and it still has not fixed whatever the error is.
I use WinXP SP3. This problem concerns my USB stick (a 1GB SanDisk).Whenever I stick it into the USB slot on my machine some noxiously helpful program launches itself (the U3 Launchpad), I always close it, but it still adders some folders to my stick (which I really don't need, and am tired of deleting after each use). In addition, in my file explorer it shows an additional drive (named U3) with its own drive letter.
I have a new laptop, the old one died. Now I notice that when I open a window of a web site such as TSG, the window is minimized to about 1/4 of the screen.I have tried the following, and none seem to make the maximized window "stick"1. I re-sized the window and closed itdidn't stick.2. I re-sized the window and closed it holding down CTRL didn't stick3. I re-sized the window and closed it using the file option + exit didn't stick.
my pc has 512 ram on 1 stickif I put in another 512 do I have to alter anything in bios setting - or will the pc see it straight away with no adjustments needed
Somehow over the last couple of days my Control Panel/Fonts folder has forgotten it's supposed to display Details view and every time I open it.I get that awful useless icon view.This is true whether I open the folder from Control Panel, My Computer or Explorer.I have all my other folders set to Details view and I've tried several methods to make the Fonts setting stick Closing the Fonts folder by various desperate shift-clicking and control-clicking of the Close icon in the top right;Running the "increase remembered folder settings to 8000" Registry script from Kellys Korner.Nothing has worked so far.
I have a graphics editing program that won't save to My Pictures folder because it can't overwrite an older version of the same file name claiming that the folder is read only. I've change the attributes over and over and it defaults back to that immediately so I can't edit my pictures and get rid of the old version without deleting it first. How can I get the attribute change to stick?
I followed instructions to edit the registry for a program (Foxit PDF Reader), changing 0's to 1's to disable a certain feature, then exiting from regedit. When I reopened it, the changes hadn't stuck. Is this a peculiarity of the program i.e., it has some way of preventing changes to its features or have I failed in some way to save registry edits before exiting?
Immediately after purchasing an 8 GB USB flash drive with the intention of running portable applications off it on the various Windows XP machines I have to use, I had installed the Portable Apps Base ( and then through it, several applications, including OpenOffice Portable, Firefox portable and Tucan Portable. Probably after using the drive on one of my office computers, some files and folders seemed to become corrupted. After trying unsuccessfully to delete mysterious, un-openable files with special characters in their names that appeared seemingly from nowhere, I formated the drive.
After formating, I was able to copy data and music files from my computer's hard drive to the flash drive correctly. However, I am now unable to properly re-install the PortableApps Base program on the flash drive. Thus, the main purpose of buying it is defeated. The PortableApps software does seem to install, but when I double-click on the StartPortableApps.exe icon on the flash drive (F:SoftwarePortableStartPortableApps.exe), I get various error messages. Sometimes the message says that only part of the read request could be executed, and sometimes I get "StartPortableApps.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close". I got the latter after scanning the drive with an antivirus (no virus detected) and then checking the drive for errors (F -> right clock -> Properties -> Tools -> Error checking).
As a lay person, my guess is that something necessary for properly installing the programs was lost when I formated the drive. However, I do not see why this should happen, because the hard drive on my home computer has been formated more than once when it became infected, but there was never any problem with installing software afterwards.
I currently have a few problems in that I can not use my CD drive or my DVD drive.I also am unable to place a memory stick into my usb port and not be asked to format it. My printer and mouse work fine in the other usb ports and I have also swap them in all 4 ports.This also might be connect to the problem in that I also can not defrag my c-drive as another application has exclusive use of it.
Immediately after purchasing an 8 GB USB flash drive with the intention of running portable applications off it on the various Windows XPmachines I have to use, I had installed the Portable Apps Base ( and then through it, several applications,including OpenOffice Portable, Firefox portable and Tucan Portable.
I have few files on a 128 MB my Flash memory stick. It won't allow me to ad or remove files from it.It says: Drive can't be written on. Please, remove write protection.According to problem solver there is nothing wrong with the memory stick, or HUBs. Memory stick's on utility program won't allow me to format it. Could it be so that it is jus broken (it's only 4 weeks old)?How do I remove write protection from the USB memory stick?
I added a 512mb stick and 500gb hard drive to an AMD 1.7mhz system that was running fine but just out of disk space (figured as long as the chassis was open to throw in the ram too). Now I can barely use the darn thing. Runs extremely slow. Audio and video and useless, responses are crazy - even the mouse is herky-jerky. Went into taskmanager and there is one program that seems to be using a lot of processor time but I alway have that one running even in the 'old' configuration. I can kill it and it helps a little bit but why should more resources make things worse. I have AVG running for virus checking and regularly run adaware and spybot for malware checking. Checked system settings and everything looks fine there as well - cache, VM, performance, etc. all set to normal levels (768mb by the way).
How to get the MS Scanner and Camera Wizard to see my camera's Flashstick when it's inserted into the flashstick drive after installing a MS critical update? This is from the MS camera.chm.lnk:To link a program to a digital camera event Right-click the camera, and then click Properties. # We did that and it said "the properties for this camera are not available." What now? All the software for this HP camera is installed and updated. We never had a problem with it before. How do we get the MS scanner and camera wizard to come up now when the flash stick is installed?
So I lost my hibernation function after going from 1GB of RAM to 4GB(dual channel). I've done plenty of research and found all the hot fixes and MS support articles, one catch...... They are all for x86 while I'm running' a 64x system. I want my hibernation back! Give me hibernation or give me death...well maybe not death but I'm considering downgrading back to 1GB just to get it back.
Every time you open an program or window in my wife's computer it immediately goes into hibernation mode. You can then go back into window/program out of hibernation, but then it immedaietly returns to hibernation.
I have recently hibernated my computer and now I cannot resume it. It comes up and says "Resuming Windows" to a black screen except for the white text.I cannot seem to find the hibernation file to delete it to see if that will fix it.
Right, got a Toshiba A30-151, had XP Home OEM installed on it when it left the factory (so no install disk), finally got round to doing a reinstall (been messing about with OSX, needed clearing off and starting from scratch anyway). Some time ago a copy of XP Pro (fully legal) was posted through my door addressed to someone else, with no return address, so i kept it. anyway, thought i'd finallly use this and installed it, but now i have no option to hibernate the laptop? The hibernate tab is not there in power management. I know it's supported, as i could hibernate it before i reformatted and reinstalled. any way round this, other than using my mate's Home OEM disk and my serial to reinstall?
I've seen very clear instructions on how to put a PC or laptop into 'standby' or 'hibernation'. but I can't find ANYWHERE how to bring the PC or laptop out of standby or hibernation. Can someone please tell me1. How to come out of 'standby'?2. How to come out of 'hibernation'?
i can't get my Dell Dimension 8100 (640MB RAM, 1.3 GHz P4) to go into standby or hibernation mode. When I manually put the computer in standby or hibernate, it wakes back up in about 5 minutes or so. I've looked/read the articles in the knowledge base, which mentioned that there was a problem with SP1 and USB mass storage devices. Well, I've got SP2 and there still is some problem going on!