Maxtor Hard Drive Keep Rebooting - Blue Screen C000221
Jul 27, 2005
I just installed a new hard drive then I installed windows XP SP2 on the disk and the computer keeps rebooting and I'm getting a blue screen c000221 unknown hard error. Then I re-install windows 2000 it works Ok. Then I installed windows XP SP1 it work OK, then I installed the SP2 and the computer started to reboot again. I used drive jujitsu and it was OK. So what is the issue with SP2 and the Maxtor drive anyone knows or has seeing this issue?
A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps.Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard disks or hard drive controllers.Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.
My Maxtor External Drive became corrupted and I needed to re-format the drive. Unfortunately, while Working in Windows XP I accidentally deleted the partition and the drive. Now I can't get Windows XP to recognize the Maxtor Drive. I tried re-booting the PC and plugging in the Maxtor USB Cable, but this did not work. The Maxtor Drive was my H: Drive. Can get Windows to recognize my Maxtor Drive? When I deleted the drive I was working in the "Computer Management" Screen. I navigated to this screen through the following path: Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Computer Management.
I have all of our digital photo's on this external hard drive & now I can't access it. When I try I get an I/O device error message. Can anyone tell me how to get back in even once to copy the photo's to my internal hard drive & then burn them?
Microsoft did an upgrade to my desktop automatically, called a service pack 3, after which my Maxtor 3200 external hard drive stopped being recognized by my Windows XP system. A code 10 error appeared every time I tried to access through my device manager, and I cannot find a driver to operate this hard drive, I will many songs and pictures if I cannot access this external hard drive. I went on the Maxtor site and they said, it is an internal driver that operates off of my system, what can I do to access the data on this external hard drive.
I have a Computer which operates on XP Service Pack 2 and has a Maxtor 1TB external Hard Drive hooked up. We do a lot of Video Editing (programs such as DV Storm, Vegas etc.) and up until yesterday the external came up as Local Disk E, but it became unplugged whilst the Editing programs were running.It now it comes up as Local Disk (I) but the problem is the Edit programs doesn't recognise any of the files (avi., mpg etc.) that are on the drive (comes up as 'invalid path'), and nor does it show them in their previous format.
I am having an issue with a Maxtor Model Number 92739U6 hard drive. I have just finished formatting and installing windows xp home edition. Everything was going ok until I restarted the computer. First right after I restarted the computer I got an error message A Disk Read Error Occurred. Press CTRL+ALT+Del. I was unsure what caused this error message so I started to research this issue on Maxtor?s website and they advised me to use fdisk /mbr to repair the error. I did that and restarted the computer. Same Error?. The thing I can?t figure out is why I am able to boot right to windows using a boot disk.
I have a maxtor hard drive SATA 200GB as my main drive and a second drive D. Very recently when I have noticed that my computer took longer to boot into windows. Applications seem to take a bit longer than usual to load. I have XP SP2 installed. I defragment my drive every few weeks so its not a defragment problem however when I try to defrag it now, it takes many times longer to do so. Also for a scan disk of C: (chkdsk on boot) it took 6 hours to get to about 25%. So there must be a problem. I can hear the hard drive loading sound for a few seconds and then there is a very long pause maybe about 10-20 minutes. It should only take a few hours the last time i did it maybe about 5 hours. Something is wrong.
When I transfer a large file like 1gb into my drive D it takes 15 minutes. Which is a bit long for a SATA enabled hard drive. I have had this drive for about 2 years now and it has never gone this slow before. I have downloaded the seatools from the maxtor website which diagnoses the drive. The tool ran slow but my hard drive passed the tests. Also when I ran that scan disk, it did say there was a mirror copy of something and also some other things. I think it had the word security in it so it deleted somethings. It mentioned indexes and some files. I forgot most of it.
I have checked my D drive and it is running fine and unaffected. Also I noticed during bootup that on the windows logo screen, the one with the bar moving from left to right that it freezes for about 5 seconds somewhere near the end of its loading. Then my keyboard lights come on (recognises keyboard). Later after the logo disappears, the screen is black for about 1-2 minutes and the hard drive periodically stops loading then starts loading something. This also happens when the welcome blue background screen comes on which is making boot times slow. Also happens when I shut down. There are some periods of hard disk inactivity.
I have a hardrive( Maxtor 6Y200P0) wich have got corrupted and bad segments. (this seme to be a common problem with Maxtor drives) Im almmost sure this drive have psychical damaged clusters, cause i have tested alot & alots of tools that should fix this has failing in repairing this damaged clusters and segments. this includes Maxtor official PoweMax v 1.21, wich fails to complete the surface test. i have got an Error Diagnostic Code=de676679. a code with a 8 numeral should indicate that a Maxtor Drive drive is broken,and is in need of replacement. thats all i know where should i send this code for a real analyz?, cant find anything on Maxtor Website, Another question, there is allso an option to do a Low ore High level formatation of the drive. I have heard that this could fix corrupted segments, If so,this must only be possible on logical damaged hardrives, not psycial damaged drives right? i have waiting with reformatation cause im unsure what type damage the drive have, and this is my last alternative to do.? should i do a low/high level formatation anyway?
Alright, im new to the forums and such so im not sure what the correct format for this is, so ill just post what feels right. Heres what happened, i was playing warcraft 3, closed it and opened My Computer and my computer restarted, when it loaded windows (after i logged in) it started loading all the stuff i have in the startup, but it rebooted again in that process, it did this 2 more times before i loaded windows in safe mode and disabled all the programs that are loaded in the beginning. now i can load windows normally, but i cant use windows Search, or open My Computer because it restarts. And I do have sufficient space on all my drives.
1.I have a dell digital jukebox mp3 player that allows for storage of data or music. I tried to copy a 600mb file from the mp3 player onto my hard drive. I had a little over 600 mb of space left on my hard drive (a total storage capacity of 6GB). It said i had run out of space. So i deleted some files, move some things around and i had 1.1 GB of space free for this transfer. i tried again and this time again the message i got was not enough space on drive c:/. So i cancelled out and checked to see what i had on my hard drive, 500mb free!!!?? So i have lost hard drive space and not gain a file...So i investigated and found that i have 1.81 GB of data on c: documents settingsuser. but once i get into user, i have 6 folders none of which display nearly that much data. They are, favorites, start menu, cookies, desktop, my documents, and a file named ntuser. the ntuser file is 1mb, and my desktop has 700 or so mb on it. So my question is how can i get back this lost hd space,
2.Blue screen. Im on xp pro sp1, i use adaware, registry mechanic, and im generally tidy with my windows; note, reinstalling windows did not solve this. I never used to have this issue, but lately when i go to open or close certain programs i jump to blue screen. it references trixdp.dll i think it was, and then "begin physical dump of memory" i must reboot at this point. I use VLC media player, and exiting this program mandates a blue screen. Just now i exited mozilla browser and this was the first time i got blue screen from this program.
I want to downgrade the factory loaded Vista to XP pro on my Acer Aspire M5640 desktop. I found some detailed instructions on line for doing this, but I don't get very far before I get a blue screen error message while the computer is in the process of booting up from the XP disk and loading the files while in windows set-up mode. It reads as follows: "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
"If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps: "Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer. Technical information: STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF78D6524, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
I have a HP pavillion laptop windows xp.I think i got a virus back and tried to remove them with some anti spyware stuff but in the end i tried to reformat and this is what happens. I have my set up disk in, i start up my computer. Blank black screen with blinking _ in the top left corner. After a bit of loading in this screen it says Press any key to boot from CDa blue screen with Windows Setup is in the top right. At the bottom it says "Setup is loading files" etc etc. Text flashes in the space beside.a screen tha tsays "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this so and so" I think this is the blue screen "of death"?
having my laptop returned from service I found my Bios messed with where when I would start my computer but Bios wouldn't find my hard drive or an OS I found that my system was set to RAID instead of ATA. After resetting it back to ATA it boots up fine. However I wanted to reformat and start clean.I placed my XP disk in, reset my BIOS to read my optical drive first and no problems.However every time I get to partition drive all I see is "Unknown Device" If I press any key I get a blue screen of death. Most times it's the 0X0000008E.
I recently installed a new Seagate 120 GB hard drive as a slave. I also installed iTunes and am importing songs from my CD collection. Since doing this I am frequently getting a blue screen on Windows XP w/ Service Pack 2. It also seems as though my system is a little sluggish.
I was given an older machine that had win me installed. It was full of junk and would crash often. So I downloaded a startup disk for formating Win-Me. I ran thru the process - formated the hard drive or so it seemed but when I tried to install winxp it would go thru the process and then get a blue screen stop message. When I restarted the machine I got the message "hard drive capable but disabled". There are ways to enable the drive but you need an operating system to do that. The cd rom on this machine is scsi and I am not familiar with that process. Is there a way to enable a hard drive with out the operating system? The drive is an ultra DMA-mode 4.
My computer seems to work fine except when I try to do a copy in Casper XP to backup my hard drive to external HD. I also got this stop code last night when trying to do a disk check to correct errors. Stop 0X0000000A (0X00000188, 0X000000FF, 0X00000000, 0X804E35E9). I have located online page for stop 0X0000000A codes which states could be driver problem... that last one parimeter 4 -- 804E35E9 how/where would I find out which/if this is associated to a particular driver so I can possibly correct it?
After working for sometime with Maxtor One Touch II external drive, I have experienced the following problem: If the computer is left for some period of inactivity, for 1-2 or more hours (the light on the drive is on and not blinking) I cannot access the drive and the OS message is "One touch is not responding". The only remedy is to restart the computer. My System consists of: WindowsXP SP2 and 512 MB Ram The Maxtor OneTouch II drive is connected via a firewire inlet of the computer, the file system being NTFS. The drive is partitioned unto 2 logical drives (~150 GB each)
I have two computers (a PC and a Mac) and a Maxtor One Touch External Hard disk 250 GB. I would like to back up these two machines using a single external hard disk. So I have partitioned the hard disk into two and have NTFS and FAT32 as the file systems. The NTFS partition is around 163 GB and the FAT32 is around 75GB. I could successfully back up the PC into the NTFS part but have problems with the Mac.
When the hard disk is mounted on to the Mac, both the partitions appear on the desktop. The Mac OS is 10.3 and it identifies both partition correctly. It recognises the NTFS part as readonly and FAT32 part as "readable and writable". But when I tried to backup for the first time there was an error saying "insert a new disk". I tried to overwrite the contents of the FAT32 part as I didn’t need them any longer hence asked to proceed with the backup. The Mac started erasing. I thought it was erasing the files previously present in the FAT32 part but it continued erasing for some time and finally erased the FAT32 file system itself. So the icon representing the FAT32 part of the partition of the external hard disk disappeared from the Mac’s desktop......
I have a Maxtor internal 300gb drive that I've mounted in an external casing. The other day I knocked it over and ever since then when I turn it on it makes some kind of warning sound three times. The computer doesn't detect it anymore and I can't access any of the information on it
I installed the patch last night on my windows xp service pack one machine. Plugging in the drive causes the icon to appear in the system tray, but there is no drive letter assigned to the drive and going in to explorer shows the drive "locked".
I have video saved on a Maxtor 80GB external drive that is formated in fat32, from a Windows ME system. I need to move the video info to a newer PC w XP. I have read the forum comments on how to convert from fat 32 to NTFS. However when I connect the Maxtor firewire the PC will NOT RECOGNIZE the drive. Until recongized I can't convert. I have other larger external drives that are in NTFS and are recongized immediately.
I am running a AMD 64, 1 GIG memory, Asus motherboard, real nice computer.Everything has been working fine until last night. I received the BLUE SCREEN and now when I try to re-boot I get a message which reads NO HARD DISK DRIVE DETECTED.I dont want to lose all the family photos and such that I have loaded up on this machine.
when i tried to use existing HDD with another computer, it didn't boot and gave me BSOD and restarts. I couldn't read the error, plus i couldn't change the settings to cancel restarts after crash because i couldn't boot windows.I have no problem with formatting the HDD and do a clean install but my dad said he had done a lot of customization so he wants me to make backup settings and files. Windows has this great feature but this options is available under windows but i couldn't boot the windows.
hey good fellows out there. it seems the problem has struck again.
this is a error message: Error code 0000007a, parameter1 c03dcf3c, parameter2 c000000e, parameter3 f73cf642, parameter4 22808860.
started up then there was the error reporting to settle, so it's a hard disk error, but what exactly is still not known. here's what i was doing just BEFORE this error occured.
when I try to install XP onto a new hard drive it hangs on the first blue setup page with windows setup showing on the top line and nothing at the bottom to continue with. I updated the BIOS on the original motherboard and have now fitted a new MB but still the problem is the same. Everything was fine before the original drive went down with death rattles.
I am upgrading the hard drive for my pavilion ze5400 laptop the original has a smart error and at on point stopped working alltogether though is decent at the moment.The original drive is an ata-100 30gb, The replacement is a western digital scorpio blue 250 gb at first i was getting an error trying to load xp saying STOP: c0000221 Unknown Hard Error SystemRootSystem32 tdll.dll, I eventually tried a duplicate xp bootable setup cd and it worked fine up to the partition stage. I made two partitions and formatted them. When I got back to check the status on the second the computer was just black. Now when I boot off the xp cd I just see black and if I don't load and just let the comp try to start up it says ntldr not present (or something close to that) press ctrl alt del to restart.