Laptop Lagging And Disconnecting From Internet Randomly?

Dec 16, 2007

My laptop has recently been lagging severely and randomly disconnecting from the internet. It hasn't done this before and when I scan with my antivirus it doesn't find anything. But when I run my computer in safe mode I have no problems at all, so its probably a virus.

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Internet Started Disconnecting Itself - Randomly Generated Number.

Dec 19, 2005

just the other day my internet started disconnecting itself then my modem would dial another number after maybe 45 mins to an hour of being connected. i thought it might be a dialer so i scanned with norton antivirus, spybot search and destroy and adaware but not one seamed to find anything related to my problem. the thing that confuses me is that every time it makes a new connection in my network settings labeled with user followed by what i assume is a randomly generated number.

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Enable To Connect: Computer Keeps Randomly Disconnecting/losing Internet Connection?

Jan 14, 2009

I use wireless device which connects to my Desktop downstairs,which in turn connects to the router upstairs. So I've been randomly disconnecting when playing games like WoW, and CoH & losing connection on the internet as well. It can't be the router I assume since the laptop upstairs which connects to the same thing never disconnects. I have a D-Link router and a D-link gaming router which connects to the PC. Any help?

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Disconnecting From The Internet

Aug 29, 2005

As a safety precaution, I want to be able to temporarily disconnect my WinXP Home computer from the internet while leaving it active for other uses.

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Disconnecting From Internet

Aug 29, 2005

As a safety precaution, I want to be able to temporarily disconnect my WinXP Home computer from the internet while leaving it active for other uses.

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Disconnecting From The Internet!

Sep 15, 2006

After a while I began to notice that my PC was running slowly. I decided to reinstall Windows XP like i do every September. Now my network connection to my WRT54g v6 goes out about every 20 minutes or so. So I go into my network panel and repair the connection and eveything is fine for about another 20 minutes. I have tried 3 different routers all with the same result. I have also tried 2 different network cards. What in the world is wrong?

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BSOD - Internet Connection Keeps Mysteriously Dropping Or Disconnecting

Jan 25, 2007

He describes the symptoms as his internet connection keeps mysteriously dropping or disconnecting, and he randomly gets Blue Screens. I'm no real expert on computers, but he's had the 'downloader', 'fake alert' and 'taskdir' viruses lately, and i'm guessing that they could be what is causing it. He's tried tonnes of scanners and stuff, but none seem to get rid of them.....

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Laptop Is Heating Up/lagging

May 10, 2007

it should be noted that last night I was experiencing the same symptoms. Under orders of Dell customer support, I had to use the XP install disc to recover and fix some files. I'm not sure which files were corrupted, but the fix did work.

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HP Laptop Randomly Shuts Down

Dec 26, 2007

sometimes it will spontaneously shut itself off. First, the screen will go out. Next, the computer itself will shut down. This always occurs when I am doing something that requires a lot of resources, such as playing a game or watching a video (but only when the video is streamed, it handles DVD and avi files just fine). In retrospect, it's 99% game related.

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Pictures Lagging Constantly: Internet Pages Loading Slow Too?

Aug 7, 2009

I'm getting this perpetual lag issue. Windows folders and internet pages load slowly load slowly, and the mouse cursor responds to clicks when it feels like it. I've checked the mouse, and that's not the problem. I checked Task Manager and downloaded Process Explorer, but I never see more than 15% usage at a time. I've also run AVG for viruses/malware, but nothing comes up. I've had similar problems before, when a piece of hardware died, but so far I can't find any conflicts.

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Acer Laptop Randomly Freezes

Sep 22, 2008

It's about my Acer laptop (model 5672) with Windows XP Pro SP3.

The problem with the laptop is that he randomly freezes. It can happened each two days or each 5 minutes. It doesn�t matter what program I�m using. When he freezes, I need to turn him off by pushing the onbutton.
When I want to reboot he refuses. He powers on, but when he should be showing the white Acerlogo screen (splash screen?), before the booting of Windows, nothing happens and the screen stays black.
The only thing I can do is power him off and start over again. But when I power him off, I noticed that at the end, the dvdwriter makes a lot of noise.
Only after a while or a lot of trying (on and off pushing on the button) he boots.
The not appearance of the white Acerlogo screen (splash?) at the beginning of the boot process tells me this isn�t a software problem.

I also have to mention that he went back to the factory 3 times in 3 weeks. The first time the hdd was changed, second time the RAM memory was faulty. The third time, they said they "tested complete system=>system OK No trouble found".
how can i fix this problem?

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Laptop Reinstall - Power Randomly Cuts Off

Oct 15, 2007

I have recently deleted my XP partition and attempted reinstalling XP due to degrading performance. Yes I took that way out. While installing, or often before, the power randomly cuts off with no warning at random places. Last time I did this I just had to keep trying all night until one time it worked long enough to install.

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Internet Searches Randomly

Mar 9, 2006

i seem can't find the answer to. When browsing the internet usually in a website when i go to click on something on the site (IE clicking on NFL News)I am brought to a Yahoo Search page. It started about 2 weeks ago and first the search page brought back results for UNDETERMINED, then a couple days ago it brought back results for BLLOCKEDDEFFERED. Now it is bringing back results for UNDETERMINED again. Nothing to my knowledge has been changed on the computer in terms of programs.

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Internet Is Cutting Off Randomly

Dec 21, 2004

My internet has been randomly cutting off (modems completely resetting) randomly. When I right click the "Local Area Connection" in Network Connections it freezes and takes about 5 minutes for that window to unfreeze.It does however say I'm connected and working yet the modem can't connect.I tried my modem on my Xbox (don't have another computer to try) and it works just like normal, no problems in any games online.

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Computer Reboots Itself Randomly When On Internet

Oct 24, 2006

When connected to the internet, the computer randomly reboots itself. It appears to dislike some sites more than others. I have tried running anti virus and anti spyware but this semms to just alleviate but not cure the problem. If a message is sent to Microsoft it claims that te Webstar has the solution, but this does not appear to work either.or I am not applying it correctly.I have an HP 200GB Pavilion with pentium 4 processor, XP, using blueyonder broadband.

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Computer Started Randomly - Internet Connection Drops

Jan 19, 2005

My computer recently started randomly having this window come up. I took a couple of print screens.There is also one to do with System32. I don't know what it means and why it's popping up! My computer has been running very slow since this has started to happen, and my virus scanner comes up clean. My internet connection also randomly drops.

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System Locking Up Randomly / Unable To Connect To Internet?

Feb 25, 2007

computer would randomly lock up or say no signal on my monitor screen..I bought a new video card thinking that was the problem, it was not. I then had my brother look at it, people told me I had a virus from Limewire or and that I should do a full reformat right away, it would only do a quick one and it still didn't help it and when I tried to do a full one I would get an error that says I should put it in safe mode and disable components or something along those lines.I got a new hard drive, but then I had no mouse or internet. I installed my mother board CD. I restarted it thinking it would say new hardware found. I have reinstalled Windows and reinstalled my mother board CD, I tried my mouse on another PC and it worked fine.

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Disconnecting From Neighbors Wireless

Sep 1, 2005

this is opposite from those who try to piggy-back on a neighbor's wireless. I want to -stop- connecting to a neighbor. We have a wireless setup and just a couple days ago a neighbor apparently installed one. Zone Alarm popped up and told me about it. All was fine until I tried to download headers in my Agent newsreader and it told me I was connected on two computers. Low and behold my laptop had decided to switch to the neighbors wireless connection. How can I tell my laptop to only connect to our wireless router and stop latching onto the neighbor? The SSID's are different. I named ours Marconi (Cute huh?) and theirs is called "Default" (Yeah, they have not secured it). At the moment I just use MAC addressing to keep out casual snoopers and do not want to switch to WEP if it can be helped. Any settings I can do to make my wandering laptop stay home?

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Dial Up Connection Connecting And Disconnecting

Sep 3, 2005

I have a Gateway 560GE 3.0 GHZ Windows XP. I don't understand what is going on with my computer connecting to the internet. It will usually connect ok in the morning but in the afternoon it won't connect at all, I use AOL or People PC to connect & neither one will connect. With People PC I get the error #721. I have McAfee spyware and Norton Internet Security 2005 on my computer

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Dial Up Modem Frequently Disconnecting

Nov 12, 2005

My system (GenuineIntel Pentium III Processor, RAM 312 MB) has dual boot system with Win ME and Win XP Professional. The dial-up modem (Motorola sm56 Speakerphone, Voice/Data/Fax)works well on Win ME without any disconnections, but it frequently disconnects from the line at will, on Win XP, particularly when there is a slight delay in receiving bytes. I've not found anything in configuration that should lead it to delink.

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PC Too Slow/internet Explorer Crashes Randomly/ Explorer Service Quits?

Sep 28, 2006

My pc is so slow that it takes ages to play a song in wmp11. Ive used tools like ad-aware and registry mechanic, tune up utilities. But still no improvement. It used to be just fine, until I installed some pay-for-viewing add program. I have uninstalled it since then, but the slowness remains. And the processor is hogged, at the highest level, even though i killed many a startup processes.

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Slow Computer Crashes Randomly - Slow Internet

Aug 30, 2007

I have an HP. Personally, I think it's a great computer but it's extremely slow and it crashes randomly. Also, I keep losing internet connection. My ISP is cox and I also have vonage so they're connected to each other

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Internet Problems On My Laptop

Aug 16, 2007

If I leave my laptop (wireless) unattended for more than 15 minutes.when I come back to it the internet will not work.I shutdown and restart and everything is fine.(I've run up to date Norton and Adware and it finds nothing wrong or nothing showing up).

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Cannot Connect To Internet With Wireless Laptop

Aug 23, 2007

i bought a new lapto 3rd person worked great first two days now icannot conect to the internet .it says my connections are either unplugged or disconnected what do i do to get this stuff working right?

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Problems With Accessing Internet On Laptop

Feb 21, 2006

I'm having problems with accessing internet on my laptop, on our home wireless network.It's so slow! We have the router downstairs, when i am sitting next to it, it's slower than the PC upstairs I'm typing this on! It's recent, with no hardware changes. And at least 1 PC on the network works's taking over 200s to load, but then only takes's really unreliable and main pages will load (slowly) but clicking on links yields nothing.It's not bandwidth issues either, we have a 3mb connection, and the problems are the same no matter the usage.The speed on the laptop is just so unreliable.

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Removing Internet Files From Laptop With Pro

Jul 10, 2005

I am about to leave a company. I will need to return their laptop, I would like to scrub all traces of my internet searches.I have admin access on this laptop but do not know how to make sure all traces of my searches have been removed and can not be retrieved.

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Turn On Laptop, Shows Not Connectedto The Internet

Aug 15, 2007

Everytime I turn on my laptop the wireless network connection thingy in the lower right hand tool bar has a big red x on it. Yet, I can connect to the internet. Would anyone know why this does this? I have tried going to "Wireless Network Connection Properties" and then "Wireless Networks" and actually removed my router name. I then reboot my computer, am asked for network key, enter it, and when I restart my computer the same thing happens. This is not a real "problem" but it certainly is very annoying.

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Laptop With Installation Internet Connection Issue

Jan 14, 2009

I have a PC and recently purchased a used laptop. The laptop was already running windows xp. I reinstalled xp in the hopes it would fix some glitches. Once I reinstalled it, I ran into an internet connection issue. I only have dialup access at my current location. The laptop has wireless capability as well as a dialup modem.

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Dell Inspiron Laptop Wireless Internet Locked Up

Jul 23, 2007

As fate would have it, the warranty expired on the 15th of July - The computer is a Dell Inspiron laptop - running windows XP. After being left online overnight in a hotel with wireless internet it locked up. Currently we get different results (but all results end in a lock up at the windows screen) - usually it comes up with a screen saying "we apologize for the inconvenience, but windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this" (no new hardware or software was installed prior to lockup) It gives you options to try to start - (I can't remember what all it said - but safe mode was a choice and going back to a prior time was a choice) Usually it is just locked up and you can't click on anything.

Once I did get it to go to safe mode and I tried to do a system restore - It did go through all the motions of doing a system restore - but when rebooted - the same "we apologize" error was there - WHen I can click on a starting option it goes to the windows screen - the blue line runs for a few seconds - then it just locks up. Dell wants a small fortune to help me over the phone. This is my son's college computer. I was thinking he probably picked up a virus when he was online in the hotel. Is that possible? It has let me get into set up by pressing F2 during boot - but I have no idea what to do there (if anything) F12 is another option it gives - but it wont do anything when I push that.

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2000 Pro - Toshiba Laptop Stop Error When Try To Go Internet

Mar 6, 2008

windows 2000 pro, seems to run ok until you try to get on the internet. you can get around on it ok going to control panel you can download programs etc but the min you plug in a network cable you really even need to doubleclick on the internet if you wait a few seconds after you plug in the network cable right away a blue box pops up with this stop error Stop 0x0000001E (0xC0000005) and then three more sets of all zero's

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Paint Is Lagging

Jan 6, 2005

Aside from Paint lagging, the rest of my computer is kinda slow lately, and there are a bunch of SVCHOST.exe's that seem to be running when i look at the task manager. I killed the one that was taking up the most memory usage and the computer was slightly better... in Paint, I could actually use the Pencil tool without lagging, but the scrolling and paintbucket was laggy still.

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