Installing - Disable Data In Bios?

Aug 28, 2009

i have currently windows vista home premium sp1 running here... i wanted to install xp as my printer is not supported by vista and some more reasons intially the xp cd was not at all loaded, right after "the setup is inspecting your hardware configuration" it went blank...

then i followed this link,

it asked to disable sata in bios. after doing so, the xp got loaded but after loading when i entered to install xp, got the message " no harddisk detected"... this is because my hard disk is sata and not ide

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Disable Bios Shadowing And Caching

Mar 14, 2006

How to disable Bios Shadowing and caching am using an HP Pavilion a1112n.

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Blue Screen Memory Dump? Disable BIOS

Dec 13, 2007

Have a Dell Dimension 2350 at home with XP as the OS. Rarely use the PC because it is on NetZero's free dial-up. Has current CA Internet Security Suite too.

Getting the blue screen occasionally when I start NetZero's free dial-up program. The blue screen will appear right as the PC is trying to open up a Internet Explorer window, after the dial-up connection has been made successfully. The blue screen states to disable BIOS, but I don't have a clue how to do that

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Disable BIOS Memory Options Such As Caching Or Shadowing

Jan 12, 2006

I keep getting a message that reads"A problem has been detected and windows has shut down to prevevt damage to your computer. FLTMGR_FILE_SYSTEM." it then says if i have added any hardware or software to try removing them. i did fit a tv/video pci card and this problem only started after i fitted it. i have removed the card and uninstalled the software via programs.but this hasnt solved it. the message i get also says to "disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing" but i dont know what this means.

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How Do I Disable Data Execution Prevention?

Feb 1, 2009

The Data Execution Prevention program is a real annoyance. Is there anyway to disable it?

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Playing Games - Shut Down Damage Computer - Disable Bios Memory Options

Sep 16, 2007

I have this problem and i really don't know what to always happens except when i am playing some games in full screen...A Problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, follow these steps. Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates. Try changing video adapters. Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced Startup Options, and then select Safe Mode.

Technical Information:
*** STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x806FF94F, 0xB59E33C8, 0x00000000)
Beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complete. Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance.

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Installing Softwares: Corrupt

Mar 26, 2006

I recieved my new PC today. Something obviously went wrong when I was installing drivers and necessary software. It was either during ZoneAlarm or ATI's display drivers (from the CD, until I could download the latest off the site). After that things have been a bit unstable. I managed to uninstall ZoneAlarm. I turned off auto-rebooting and tried launching GAIM as it was affected by the ... mess. gaim.dll wouldn't launch, and I got the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL blue screen. I scanned with NOD32 and I didn't find any viruses, but everything inside is, well, see for yourself.

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Installing 64 Bit With 2 Drives - Applications And Data

Mar 13, 2010

what's the best way to do a new xp 64 bit install and manage os applications and data between one 128 gb ssd and a 300 gb hdd

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Re-installing A Genuine Copy Without Losing Data

May 29, 2006

I got my PC from someone with Windows XP already installed, now there is a pop up which says that my copy of Windows is not genuine. I am a student and have gotten a Windows XP Professional with SP2 (Single User) ISO Image which allows me install a copy on my PC. I would like to reinstall with this new product without losing all my data and software

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Installing Xp Sp2, Error Message "the Data Is Invalid"

Apr 20, 2005

When i try to install xp sp2, I keep getting "the data is invalid. xp sp2 could not be installed" error message.
I have re-installed windows and tried installing sp2 from CD, and tried the downlooad from the microsoft website, both with the same result.

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Changed BIOS Password: PC Shut Downs & Reboot BIOS Keep Coming?

Aug 14, 2008

once the on button was pushed, it came up with the BIOS screen asking for the password.I removed the CMOS battery, which allowed me to change the Password so I can get onto BIOS now. However, when I boot now it just comes up with the BIOS screen.I set HD to boot first, aswell as setting the clock and date. I then ask it to save and quit, after which it shut's down, and reboots, only, BIOS keeps coming up. And I need to get this sorted asap

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Repair Bios Installation / Hanging On Parts Of The Bios POST Screen

Oct 21, 2009

I have had windows XP Pro installed, updated and running fine until about a week ago. I was away from home for about a week and left the machine plugged into the mains but powered down. When I returned home to boot up, it kept doing things like constantly hanging on parts of the bios POST screen, eventually booting up after thirty or so complete restarts. It finally booted into windows but after the last shutting down, it will now not boot up at all. I have replaced the bios battery and reset the bios several times.

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Computer Starts To Bios Screen - Checked BIOS Settings

Apr 7, 2007

When I turn on my computer, it does the bios check, then goes into the bios screen on its own. I have checked all of the bios settings, and see nothing set wrong. The only way I can get itno my xp pro system, is to use "F8" during the bios check, the select my hd from there, then it seems only half of my programs work, and it also seems to be randomly changing the programs that do not work, when I do this.

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System Failing Before Bios / Occasionally Freezes In Bios

Aug 10, 2006

Got a bit of a problem with my housemates pc.A friend gave him some extra RAM, i checked it out and it was crucial 512mb pc2100 CL2.5, and although it didn't match his exsisting RAM it seemed to me that his mobo would only run the FSB at 200mhz anyway so i went ahead and fitted it.It worked fine I then noticed his system temp was running a little high (60-65 degrees), so i took his heatsink off and cleaned the dust and refitted it with some new thermal compound.I added too much and the temp went up. To nearly 90 degrees.I shut it dwon as i didn't want the cpu to pop, cleaned it off, reapplied less compound and figured this would work fine.Now we have the problem. Most of the time: Power on and nothing happens. No bios, no beeps. Occasionally: Power on, i jump into the bios, the temp looks fine (30-40 degrees) and then it freezes right there in the bios after about 30 seconds to a minute.This sounds like a heat issue, but the last temp reading before freeze is 33 degrees.?I've double and triple checked that the heatsink is on properly and thats fine. I followed the official guide on how much compound to use (a blob the size of an uncooked short grain of rice).

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Upgrading BIOS On Award Modular BIOS

Sep 10, 2005

Im new to PCs and since my motherboard is three years old is it a good idea to upgrade? I contacted the maker of my motherboard and they say an upgrade is available and sent it to me for { DON'T CRACKUP} $49.00. I already read that you can really mess up your PC if you do one thing wrong when upgrading. Am I a fool for buying the upgrade? Please let me know as I can send the Floppy discs back.

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System BIOS And Video BIOS Shadowed

Aug 18, 2008

I have ibm thinkpad R51 2887 nq2 series .My system has been crashed as it is not starting.The whole system gets hang after showing the first ibm screen. The bios utility setup is not getting opened through access ibm button . In safe mode it shows that system BIOS and video BIOS is not working and it has been shadowed.sometimes the system gets started ,but after one minute ,it stucks and the whole system paused and nothing happens.It may be the virus attack on BIOS and it also changes the time and date configuration of BIOS. so what should i do .And how i can install BIOS driver to the system.

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MBR2 After Flashing BIOS - Upgrade BIOS

Jan 23, 2007

I just flashed/upgraded my BIOS for my motherboard, and now XP doesn't even boot up.
After the BIOS load, I get a "MBR error 2" message and it just stays there.
My board is an Asus P5N32-SLI SE Deluxe. I used the Asus Update Utility to flash my BIOS.

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Recover Data From Corrupt HDD: Not Allowed To Copy Data?

Dec 31, 2006

I had a bad HDD failure which corrupted part of my WinXP OS with the result that I am unable to boot into Windows. I have reloaded Windows on another HDD and I will be able to recover most of my data from backups. However, there is still some recent data on the bad disk which I am frantic to recover. I am able to find the "Documents and Settings" folder where I believe the "Outlook Express" data is held

I am unable to get into the folder as my username on the computer was passworded (the password is known). Neither am I allowed to copy the folder to my new drive. I cannot access the folder from my new OS even when I password myself with the same username / password. I have attempted to repair the bad drive's copy of Windows but that wasn't successful. I don't want to replace the bad copy with a fresh as this would reformat the drive taking with it the folder I want (and can't copy). Any work on the folder would need to be on the bad drive, it seems. I have run out of ideas.

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Install On Hard Drive With Data Without Losing Data?

Jul 10, 2005

Can I install XP on a hard drive which has only one partition with data without destroying the data?

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Data Has Been Lost: Save All The Data For The File

Jul 14, 2010

was unable to save all the data for the file The Data has been lost

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DATA Error [47 0F 94 93 F4 K5] Data Recovery?

Sep 26, 2006

i have a hard disk that has been recently affected by Win32/Mywife.E@mm virus and all the .doc and xls files have been reduced to 1kb irispective of their initial sizes and when you open the files you get this error; DATA Error [47 0F 94 93 F4 K5] I would like to recover the affected files to their original state, i have searched the internet over and no one seems to have the solution documented currently i am trying to download QuickView Plus (Version 8), i have tried all aplications i can come across, including recover my files, winhex, get data back for ntfs, and r-studio.

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Retrieve Cut Data - Transfer That Data In Another Pc?

Apr 7, 2010

to transfer that data in another pc. But some reason my usb hard disk not working detecting on both pc in this way lost my all data. I want ask you can i recover CUT data from original hard disk? and How?

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System BIOS Shadowed / Video BIOS Shadowed

Feb 26, 2010

i have a problem with my Acer Aspire 4732z. Press <F2> to enter SETUP).i must press anykey twice to load the window(i'm using window xp pro).i think it cause by System BIOS shadowed, i want to disable it..but there is no option.

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Installing Acting Weird - Installing Windows Server 2003

Dec 20, 2006

I install Server 2003 Standard SP1 downloaded and installed on a PII 400, 256Mb RAM with IIS, ASP.Net 2.0, SQL server 2000 SP4, Mysql 5, and PHP5, and all without a single hitch...too good to be true. I went ahead and tried on what will be my server PIII600, 512 MB RAM, First try, Server 2003 couldn't find a file when installing, retried and it worked. Downloaded SP1 and when I was extracting it said "file is corrupt", downloaded 4 more times with same result. reformatted and reinstalled 5 more times and cannot get past "file is corrupt" on SP1 and sometimes extracting the .Net 2.0 installer got the same error. I swap all hardware with PC from first try (except RAM, Mobo, CPU, CDROM) with no change. Win98 and XP installed fine on the second PC just can't get server 2003

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Installing XP: Go Into Setup And Change Boot Settings Without Re-installing?

Feb 19, 2005

I recently installed xp for the first time after replacing motherboard and CPU.I skipped setup because I didn't know what I was doing. Now I can't boot up (cold or warm) without using the original disk. Can I just go into setup and change boot settings without re-installing.Is there anything else I should know before I attempt to fix this problem? I am tired of using the disk every time I update something or install new program.

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Cant Open "temprorary Files" "aplication Data" "program Data"

Mar 27, 2007

on openinig any one of this folders a window appears with this content
cant have acces to C:Documents and Settings Mike Local Configuration{one of these folders} acces denied
this affects my IE i cant download nothing through IE all my files on that locations i cant set dispaly pictures on WINDOWS LIVE messenger and all thinks that has anything to do with those folders

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New Laptop - Installing Vista And Installing XP?

Apr 19, 2008

I've been casually looking for a new laptop for my Mom for her first computer. Now I am ready to get one, but just about the only choice is something pre-loaded with Vista. I have no experience with Vista and have heard more bad than good about it, therefore I think it would be easier to get her up and running if we're not both having to learn a new OS.

I upgraded my computer from ME to XP with few problems but wondered how difficult it would be to take a new laptop and go backwards. I know I'd most likely have to purchase a Full version of XP, but how much of a hassel is it to get all the drivers/XP versions of necessary pre-loaded software? Would a Vista compatible version of say Word work if I did this? Any other problems I haven't thought of?

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No Internet After Re-installing And Installing Drivers?

Mar 6, 2010

I re-formated my sisters computer yesterday, and after installing it i had no internet. As i hadn't installed any drivers yet, i understood that. But after heading over to dell's site, downloading all of the drivers for her computer and then installing them, i STILL do not have any internet. I don't see any connections on the computer either, it's just blank!

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Cannot Find Data Base File Or Data Base File Is Corrupt

Feb 17, 2005

I keep getting the following message errorloading C:winntsystem32msa64chk.dll. I tried to clear it by reloading windows xp but not only did it not change but now i have a corrupt file on some software. which says cannot find data base file or data base file is corrupt.

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Disable Ping

Apr 2, 2005

How can I disable incoming pings (without a firewall)? Whenever ping.exe in %systemroot%system32 is renamed a new copy is made when someone attempts to ping. Are there other files that need moving/renaming?

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Disable Sp2 Firewall

Aug 21, 2006

how do i disable this firewall to use my own

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