Installed Net Framework: Asking For Windows Logon?

Nov 12, 2006

I had to install net framework for a program to work.Now I have to log on to windows.Is their any way around the log on?

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Installed .NET Framework 2.0 Results In Stuttering ?

Mar 24, 2008

i would like to know how to or if its possible to uninstall microsoft .net framework. Also what exactly does it even do? I noticed that after installing .net framework 2.0 SP1 cod4 seemed to get odd stuttering issues. I installed .net framework 2.0 SP2 and the stuttering reduced however still more than before i ever installed SP1. Is it possible to uninstall it? and do i need more than just .net framework 3.0?

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Installed MS .NET Framework 3.0 / Card Space Freezes The Computer?

Nov 1, 2007

I Installed the Microsoft .NET Framework because it was listed as a high priority update and it appears that Windows Cardspace was installed with it. Windows Cardspace shows up in control panel as a vertical file such as are in Windows Vista. Also cardspace freezes the computer and keeps it from restarting. Should I uninstall the .NET framework 3.0?The freezing and restarting problems only happens when I'm trying to use cardspace(actually cardspace never loads.)
Another thought-I've seen links to windows xp help forums off the microsoft website but now I can't find them. Does anyone else know where they are?

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Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 - Updates Not Installed

Jul 25, 2010

I did a full HP system restore and the Computer guy who came to my house installed the Service Pack 3, the latest version. I used to have Service Pack 1. I have had quite a few problems since then because of the full system restore and having to re-install alot of my programs, etc. But anyway I noticed today, that down in my system tray (or whatever you call it) on the bottom right of my computer where all the little icons are, there is this Microsoft Updates Automatic Updater with the yellow shield and it said that an update ready to install so I tried installing it. And this is what it said:

Automatic Updates Some updates could not be installed The following updates were not installed: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update for .NET versions 2.0 through 3.5 (KB951847) x86 ....SO- that seems like a conflict since my computer had Service Pack 3 and the Microsoft Updates is trying to install this Service Pack 1 thing. What should I do? Do I have to get it all in sync somehow and is this messing up things on my computer? Also does this mean I am missing out on all the correct updates for my computer?

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Windows Service Net Framework

Oct 1, 2009

I would like to know with which version of Windows XP Service will I get .NET Framework. Please give me the Service Pack # and .NET Framework version that will be bundled along with that.

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Installing Net Framework Windows Hangs At Log In

Jul 14, 2005

First of all, hello everyone! I'm happy to have joined your community. I feel sort of bad for joining only to ask a question, but the boards just seemed so helpful I couldn't resist. Anyway, I recently installed the .net framework to a stable build of windows XP SP2, and now I'm having some problems. I deleted the account and checked the "don't use welcome screen" box in user profiles because I don't really like the login etc... that comes with it.

That was two days ago. This morning I turn on my computer only to have it take a long time at the windows loading screen, and hang at the off-blue loging screen without bringing up the login box. Now, I wanted to somehow get rid of the .net framework after I realised I didn't really need it, but now it's not even possible. I tried both entering in safe mode (hanging black screen with "safe mode" in the usual places) and using the last known working setting (and got the same off-blue login screen.) I don't mind reverting to a saved state, but I can't even access the desktop to be able to.

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Cannot Logon To Windows

Aug 13, 2007

yesterday i dl logonloader to change my logon screen. i went to deviantart to dl a new picture. it was a zip file and i used winrar to extract it. i logged off my computer and a black screen with a box popped up. it asked where to extract the file to and it automatically gave c:/windows/system32 as the location. i hit install and now i get an error message saying incorrect path. i cannot get back into my computer. i've tried extracting to other locations. windows support had me install another windows on my now i have 2 operating systems. but i still cannot access the other system to retrieve any files. is there anything i can do short of allowing everything to be erased and have the computer restored?

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Getting Around Windows Logon ID

Jan 27, 2008

I need to find a way to get into one of our computers, the individual who was using it is no longer with us and everytime we try to to use it. THE windows logon window comes up. it has a USER ID in it but no password..the password that the individual left us does not work I have tried so many ways I cannot seem to get in.

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Cannot Logon To Windows

May 30, 2008

I'm new here and have no idea what I'm doing with computers.
But I need help because my laptop isn't working. The problem is that when I get to the login screen there is no user account to click on and instead shows me just a blank spot where the button should be. I have tried using control-alt-del and it pops up as a different login screen, but when I try to login it says "cannot log in interactively".

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Cant Logon To Windows

Aug 24, 2007

I am facing difficulties to logon to my laptop. It runs on Windows XP SP2 and it has been working fine for the last 9 months. I have installed a software called "cnbtech" which is used to installed drivers for a camera.I restarted my laptop and the laptop stops in the Logon page. The weird part is that the user icon is not displayed on the screen.So the pressed "ctrl+alt+del" to open a page which shows my name as the user and it request for a password, but i do not have any idea about the password as i did not set any password before. I tried to enter the administrator mode but it request for a password as well, and i even tried to run on safe mode but the password is still being asked.There are so many important documents saved in it so i cannot afford to reformat my laptop. So i have removed my hardisk and connected it as an external hardisk to another laptop. Here i can view all the softwares and docoments stored in my hard disk.My opinion is that the "dll files" which are assigned to the Windows Logon might have been corrupted. I want to replace the dll files with a new one from another laptop. Now my problem is i don't know which dll files are assigned to the windows Logon.

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Yes / No Box On Windows Logon

Mar 29, 2004

Turned on the computer this afternoon, clicked my identity to log on to windows, entered my password and the logon process proceeded. However, at this point a strange little Windows-like box pops up withe a yellow triangle, a "yes" button and a "no" button. There is no other text in the box. Not being sure what the heck it was, I clicked NO and the computer booted up as normal. This box has appeared on each subsequent reboot. I have run AdAware, but Spybot S&D fails to respond each time I try to launch it (related?).

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Eliminate Windows Logon

Oct 14, 2006

My laptop Pentium III windows XP home originally had win98. I did a fresh install of Win XP home with no logon. I use a bios level password so no further password is desired. I had someone enter some data into a database for me, and while they were using the computer they decided to create a guest account. Now I am stuck with a logon prompt. I have tried to eliminate the guest account but can only disable it. The logon prompt is annoying, how can I eliminate it?

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Windows Logon Wants A Password

Oct 10, 2005

when i restart my pc windows asks for a password .i dont put one in and it starts up when i tried to change this in user acounts i get a message client services for netware has disabled the welcome screen and fast user switching. to restore these features you must uninstall client services for netware. how do i do this. i cant find clients for net ware.

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Forgot Windows 2000 Logon

Jan 28, 2006

cannot access my PC. Running windows 2000 pro PC as it is not taking what I thought the logon password is. I am locked out. I am not super technical and would like a shortcut. I did receive a tip, but it was for XP and is only good if you are already in. I need to retrieve a critical word doc.

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Windows Auto-logon To Account

Sep 7, 2006

I used to auto-logon to an account (the computer would automatically log on to the accoun t, entering the password and everything), but now I have deleted the account, I want it to auto-logon to my account, now. Every time a switch on my PC, that annoyintg bleep sound in windows goes off and a message appears saying it could not login to that account, well, obviously it cant because it has been deleted, how can I make it auto-login to my account?

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Windows Xp Welcome Screen / User Logon

Jul 26, 2007

I recently upgraded to windows xp professional from windows me. I was not having any problems when I started the pc until after I installed the .net framework updates from the windows update site. Now when I start or restart my pc it starts with the administrator setup instead of the way it had been. I need to go to start/log off and select switch user in order for it to switch to the way that it had been prior to the .net framework updates.I tried going to the control panel and selecting the user account and selecting to change the way users log on or off and both the "use welcome screen and use fast user switching" are checked off. I am listed as a computer administrator but there is also a user account titled administrator which is also listed as a computer administrator.The administrator account is the one that is automatically opening now when I start the pc but I want it to open to the user which is me (and that is how it was opening prior to the install of .net framework).

I also tried going to start / run / control user passwords2 on the user accounts I removed the check mark from the box for "users must enter a password to use this computer". I then selected okay to the automatically logon box that popped up with my user name. I did not enter a password since I never entered or had one to begin with. I then clicked on okay..I then tried going to control panel / user accounts and then to change the way users log on and off and unchecked the box for both "use the welcome screen" and "use fast user switching". However when I clicked on okay I get a screen that states that "fast users switching cannot be turned off while multiple users are logged on. Make sure all other users are logged off, then try again." Does anyone know how I can get Windows XP to open/start that way again without having to always go to start /log off and selecting to switch users all the time?

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How To Configure Windows Media Player 10 To Work / Installed When Updated To Windows Service Pack2?

Jan 5, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to configure windows media player 10 to work from behind the windows firewall which was installed when i updated to windows service pack2? I am using windows xp and explorer6.0 with verizon dsl 3.0 internet connection.

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Prevent Windows From Reverting To Logon Screen

Oct 8, 2005

How can I prevent windows from reverting to the logon screen after a period of inactivity? I am using Windows XP Professional SP-2 in a Work group. After logging in with a password, the screen comes up again after a few minutes of inactivity and I have to provide the password again. This happens continuously throughout the day.

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Update Failure For - Loaded A New Framework

Jun 15, 2010

I have been installing each and every update from microsoft. I now get the Windows Update to install a security patch for It fails to install every time and comes back again and again to install. I did a very quick search on this problem and it seems there are problems concerning how Framework was loaded and what versions youo have.First of all, as far as I know, I have only loaded a new Framework version because a program I downloaded informed me I need this new version. I do not keep track of how I loaded Framework, what versions or anything. Looking as some of these proposed solutions require knowing a lot more about how you loaded them and what versions you have.

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Infinite Logon Loop / Immediatley Logs Off To The Logon Screen

Sep 22, 2004

My computer starts up normally.It always just autologs on since I'm the only one using my windows xp computer. However, before anything can be displayed it immediatley logs off to the logon screen. I click my username and start the login process (i have no password and before even switching to my wallpaper or anything it says stuff like logging out and saving your settings.

I tried booting in safe mode too and the same infinite logon loop occured to, even with the default administrator account. The last thing I remember doing before this happened is I was playing City of Heroes when it crashed forcing me to restart my computer. This happens occasionally in certain programs but I've never had anything like this happen before. I tried unplugging my keyboard, mouse, usb devices, ethernet cable, no luck. Intel Pentium 4 1.7 ghz Geforce 5600 FX 256 mb windows xp home service pack 1, in case any of that matters

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Logon Error - Command Length Incorrect - (NO ONE CAN LOGON)

Jul 15, 2005

I've seen another post somewhere and someone else had this problem, but I haven't found a solution. We're using WXP Pro, SP2. After doing a repair install (the other person just had it after using Windows Update), at logon, after entering the correct, AND VALID, password either for a user Or the Administrator, Windows Logon displays the following Logon Message in a box: "!The system cannot log you on due to the following error: "The program issued a command but the command length is incorrect. "Please try again or consult your administrator."

No matter how many times logon is attempted, or with what account, the message continues to be issued. Thus, NO ONE can logon to the GUI. The Recovery Console can be used to logon as Administrator, but no password is requested even though there is one in place. I've searched the MSKB but didn't find any reference. Implementing "Last known good configuration" does not fix the problem.

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Installed Windows Xp The Sound Went Away

Aug 18, 2005

my computer was given to me, the program windows nt was programmed and i had sound out of my speakers, when i installed windows xp the sound went away and when i tried to solve the problem it told me i did not have a sound card,but before i installed windows xp i was able to play cd's and music was coming out of my speakers.

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Installed .net 2.0 From Windows Updat

Nov 10, 2005

I just installed .net 2.0 from windows update. After installing 2.0, windows update still says 1.1 to install. Does that mean 2.0 and 1.1 are seperate and I need to install both?There are a few programs I have that need .net 1.1, won't 2.0 be fine for them or do I really need to install both 1.1 and 2.0?

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Installed New Windows / Want To Use Old Programs

Aug 22, 2005

I failed to repair my older c:windows XP folder and installed new c:windows2 folder. I would like to use my installed programs in the older windows which i can see in the programs folder. What do i need to do to get them working on the new folder without reinstalling them. When done do I just delete the old windows folder to save space on my hard drive.

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SP2 Downgrade - Windows XP Home Installed

Nov 3, 2005

computer came with Windows XP Home installed. I have the disk to upgrade to Professional and did so. My automatic updater downloaded SP2. When SP2 was installed; my computer reverted back to XP Home. Should I re-install XP Pro or is the same thing going to happen again

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No Sound For Freshly Installed Windows

Aug 17, 2007

So I guess I should probably explain myself a little more throughly. Techniquely I had no sound before I reinstalled and thats because I updated my bios and then .(I have a dell dimension 9100 and sound blaster audigy ZS sound card.) Which, obviously, forced my to reinstall. after the reinstall I rolled back my bios from D9100A03 to A01. At this point, My computer said I had no sound card so I update my drivers to the latest version. My computer now recognizes the sound card, but there is no sound. The only time I ever here sound is at start up with the windows welcome jingle. But it plays for like 2 seconds and then just completely turns off. Its almost as if my sound card gets over taken by something else.

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Installed Windows Secrurity Updates

Dec 12, 2005

after having installed the windows secrurity updates and the windows xp hot fixes, can i uninstall the old ones because i just updated my computer and my computer is lagging a LOT and i think its because of the old updates (i have at least 10 old updates for each hotfix and security update)

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Windows Records Something - PM Installed KB821253

Aug 12, 2005

When XP Windows records something/anything in System Restore...for
example.9:33:52 PM Installed Windows XP KB821253..................
Is this restore point a copy of my system BEFORE I made the instillation or AFTER I made the instillation?

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Computer Came With Windows Xp Home Pre-installed

Dec 2, 2004

since then i have reformatted my hard drive and used other operating systems on my computer. if i reformat and install windows xp home again, will the key that came with my computer work?i won't be using the same disks that came with my system, i will be using a generic purchased version but i will use the serial that came with my system? is it going to work?

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Does Not Get To Welcome Logon Screen, Unable To Logon

Jun 7, 2005

When i boot up the system hangs at the blue 'Windows xp' screen, the 'Windows is starting' is missing and it goes no further, the logon screen does not appear so i can't get in. I have recovery console on and i can get into the drive by booting in from another drive/operating system

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Partition A Hdd With An OEM Version Of Windows XP Home Installed On It?

Aug 13, 2006

is it ok to partition a hdd with an OEM version of windows XP home installed on it? i want to buy this oem copy of XP home( for an existing PC, which already has another OS on it. I have to wipe the hard drive before I can install the OEM XP home, since this version was meant to be distributed with new PCs only. But after I've wiped it, and have installed XP home, I plan to partition the drive and install another OS, is that ok?

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