Icon Just Vanished - No Antivirus Software

Oct 11, 2005

I am facing an unusual problem in my PC. Well first of all I tell you the specs of my PC. Its a P4 2.4 Ghz machine with 512MB Ram and 80G HD. I have dual boot with 98 and XP as my 2 OSs. Most of the times I am on XP but for using DOS i need 98.

The symptoms of the problem/virus in my PC are as follows:When I right click on any icon; say drive, file, folder etc. The first option is displayed as 'blank' instead of 'open'. I clicked on that option on CD-Rom drive letter by mistake and the CD Rom was not being detected since then. The icon just vanished. No Antivirus software has detected it yet (Ive tried 2)

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IE Icon And My Computer Icon Vanished From Desktop

Jan 14, 2009

I don't know what i did but my "IE" icon and "My Computer" Icon vanished from my desktop and start menue.

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Right Click On Icon Or Desktop - Systemac Antivirus Installation Windows

Oct 17, 2009

I decided to get rid of my "Symantec Antivirus" program, but I couldn't find a way to uninstall it, so I deleted the program folder (with included files) and the related shortcuts and left it up to my registry cleaners to get the rest. However, whenever I right-click on an icon or the desktop, it gives me a couple of Systemac Antivirus installation windows that I have to cancel out of before I get my right-click menu. My registry cleaners, anti-spyware, and anti-virus programs can't find anything. Searching for "Symantec" provides no results. How do I fix this?

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Volume/audio System Tray Icon Vanished - "no Audio Device"

Apr 16, 2005

my audio/volume system tray icon has vanished and device manager says that all sound devices/drivers are working properly and are up to date, BUT - Sounds and Audio Devices Properties says I have no audio device installed. If I try to open volume controls

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Cursor Vanished While Typing

Jan 25, 2005

I recently upgraded my Intellimouse Optical's drivers to version 5.2. After doing this, however, I noticed that the software is automatically hiding my cursor when I begin typing. I definitely do not want this happening, and I was a bit mad to find out that the option to "hide cursor while typing" is unchecked. I tried rolling back the drivers with no luck. Microsoft's knowledgebase is of no help as usual and I am running out of options. Does anyone know why this behavior would be occurring?

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My Documents Folder Has Vanished

Jul 12, 2005

There are 4 user profiles on my computer, which runs XP Pro. For some reason, the 'My Documents' folder for my own profile no longer appears, but it's contents seem to have migrated into my daughter's 'My
Documents' folder.this possibly happened when I had the Beta version of Microsoft Spyware running, as my daughter mentioned some messages coming up to do with changing the path for 'my documents'

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Right-click Menu Vanished

Aug 13, 2005

I used to be able to right click on a picture and rotate (either left or right) and save the picture to desktop.Now, I can't do any of that- it has cut that out of the menu. What do I do?

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My Disk Partition Vanished

Feb 27, 2007

I have an Acer laptop, this was originally partitioned as 50% (50gB) C: and 50% (50gB) D: and DVD E:I think the D: drive was completely empty.The first time I plugged in a memory stick it was assigned as E: and now after removing the stick my C: is 100 gB. and my DVD is D:Can I now get my original partitions back ... and how?And will this happen again if I plug in a memory stick

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MS-Paint Vanished From Start Menu

Jan 23, 2006

I can't find MS-paint anymore.When I type 'mspaint.exe' in 'run' window it returns no result.I can't find it in strat menu either

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All Devices Have Vanished From The Device Manager

Oct 7, 2005

I changed the system boot in "MsConfig" and now my sound, scanner and my printer don't work. I looked at the device manager to see if there was an error with the soundcard or something, but all devices have vanished from the device manager. I just tried to connect my ipod to the computer, and it said the software can't communicate with the ipod.

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System Restore Has Vanished - Properties Box

Jul 31, 2009

When I try to restore from tools or help I get no response and the System Restore tab has vanished from my Properties box.

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No Desktop Icons-taskbar Vanished - Only Wallpaper

Aug 12, 2005

Yesterday I got onto my computer which was already on everything seeming fine, and I clicked on internet explorer to check my email then the window locked up or something and then my taskbar vanished. Then I closed the window out and my icons were gone. So I restarted my comp and now its just wallpaper. No icons or taskbar. Ive seen a few other posts on a problem like mine and tried a few of the fixes they said but none worked.
I've tried a system restore to I beleive a week earlier, some shellfix download from ftp://ftp.f-secure.com/anti-virus/tools/shellfix.reg, hitting f8 and doing a boot to when settings worked(sorry cant think of whats its actually called) and a couple other things I believe. I noticed alot of times a request for a hijackthis file is asked for so I went ahead and got that and will post. Also Im positive I have the aurora virus cuz I get all the popups that say aurora on there and I havent been able to get rid of it

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Default Themes Vanished From Pulldown Menu?

May 23, 2005

How can I get my XP theme and Classic theme options to return to the pull-down menu in the themes tab of the display properties window.I don't know what I did but my pc went all funny and they just vanished in a blink of an eye. Could someone experienced in this type of problem please help me find where they are and help me return them as an option.

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Start Menu Has Vanished And Msconfig Is Missing In Action

Aug 12, 2007

as i turned on my laptop today i realized that there is no start menu. All my desktop icons are there, though they take longer than normal to load and taskmanager works fine and i have all my navigation menus as well. I am also unable to run msconfig, even in Command Prompt. When i type in msconfig, i get the following message.msconfig is not a recognized command. Another problem that i have been having is that if i click on a window, and taskmanager was infront of it, taskmanager does not move behind my active window. I am running windows XP, on a Presario V2000 with a 60 gig hd, and a 512. i have tried everything to get it to come back, i have booted in safe mode and tried that way, i have also used StartUp Mechanic to disable everything that i do not recognize in hopes that something is blocking the start menu from loading. I am okay with a computer, but the simpler the instructions the better.

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All Program And Quot / List Vanished From Start Menu

Sep 6, 2008

I recently deleted a Trojan virus from my computer, and thought I was all smart for being able to do so, but to my dismay, I opened my Start Menu to find that The "All Programs" button had somehow been removed from the start menu.Any ideas on how to get it back would be greatly appreciated. My English teacher doesn't seem like the type I could use the "My computer broke " excuse on.

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Vanished Data From Harddrive - System Restore In Normal - Safe Mode

Dec 25, 2007

After starting my pc i noticed what 99% of data in my hard disk has vanished. it used to be only a 1GB free space there and now it shows 38,8 out of 39 GB. I tried system restore in normal and safe mode. .Thorough description of situation:
PC runs on Windows Xp SP2. It has 2 hard drives where the biggest one is paritioned into three drives: one for Windows installation, second was used for installation files of other programs (I kept Program Files folder there) and the alst one was dedicated for data storage. So the problem occured with the second drive. and as a result i do not have most of my programs running.

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Control Panel Has Vanished From Start Menu And System Access Restricted

Sep 10, 2007

I've seen similar recent threads opened detailing similar problems you've looked into. My control panel icon has vanished from my start menu, the link to it in My Computer has gone too and when I try to access it via the Run function using control.exe I am greeted with the message of "This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer, please contact your administrator".I'm sure this is a malware problem I've picked up off the web but I've got no idea of how to fix the problem. Your help would be very gratefully received.

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Internet Explorer Icon - Shows Up As An Unknown File Icon

Aug 28, 2007

I was wondering how to fix this problem, the icon for internet explorer in the start menu shows up as an unknown file icon. The icon on the desktop for IE shows fine but when i try to click on it, it creates a shortcut for internet explorer. if click on IE from the start menu, it opens IE with no problems.

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Adding Own Icon To The Existing File And Folder Icon?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm going to ask a question which is something related to programming in windows.. Is there a way that i can add my own icon to the existing file and folder icon like dropbox.Changing desktop.ini is the only way for changing folder icons??How can i add my own icon to the existing file icon(like a tick on below every file icon).

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Lost IE Icon And Sound Controls Icon From Taskbar?

Nov 7, 2006

no IE icon on desktop or in programs. i have internet access through verizon. i recently got windows update to install IE7 in the hope that would restore the icon/program but the only way i can access the internet is via the verizon browser. i clearly installed IE7 because now the "sidebar" of my verizon browser says that "sidebar i currently not compatible with IE7...". so why can't i get the IE7 icon in my program list or desktop?

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System Showing Strange Icon In Icon Tray?

Aug 2, 2008

i had attached a snapshot of the icons in my icon tray..pass few days back i found this "X" icon in my tray and i cant remove it and also it doesnt display anything..

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Second Hard Drive Vanished / Disappeared From "my Computer"?

Oct 7, 2006

I added another 150G hard drive last year to my computer...it worked just fine for almost a year and then when I was defragmenting I got a message saying a file was corrupted and since then that drive has vanished from my computer It was labeled G and I had it almost filled and now no matter what I try computer doesn't acknowledge the drive anywhere I look...if I run the defragment program it doesn't even show the G drive and in Windows Explorer nothing shows for that drive either

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Missing Display Icon In Control Icon?

Aug 30, 2005

After looking at the display settings and closing them, my icon disappeared. A file search on all *.cpl files show that the display.cpl file still exists
and I can create a shortcut to the desktop and run the program.But, I'd like my icon back.I believe the problem was created by having all my icons underlined so I only have to do a single Left click to bring up the program.

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Partition Icon Missing : System Placed An Other Icon By Itself?

Aug 30, 2007

I've winxp Home with SP2 system, yesterday my daughter had installed the program 'MS Plus' from the XP Installation CD which was not installed earlier in the machine. My OS is original, but to-day on opening the system I'm seeing that the icon of Hard Drive(E : Drive)to which the program was installed went missing and in its place another icon (which generally represents for any unidentified file) has taken its place.

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Audio CD Icon Will Not Return To CD/DVD Icon

Aug 19, 2005

problem setting the CD/DVD icon to return to it's normal icon in My Computer. It currently has the Audio CD icon. I've played an audio CD awhile ago and since then, the icon has remained. This icon is causing problems when I open a Data CD. When the Data CD is inserted the Audio icon emains. When I click on the icon, Media Player starts. I have disabled the auto-run or auto-play setting prior to this problem. I would have to right-click and select Open to get to the data files.

Under Windows Explorer, when I click on the icon, it shows the contents of
the data CD but the Audio icon is still present.

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Desktop Icon Not Using The Site Icon For IE?

Dec 6, 2004

Just wondering why when you drag an IE http short cut to the desktop, it does not display the site logo icon. Sometimes, they will show and others not. I have had them even come and go after different sessions. I log on to Internet both through work firewall and at home on network through firewall and in motels through open and firewall protected isps.

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The "Network Tasks" And "Other Places" Sidebar Vanished?

Aug 27, 2005

When I open My Network Places on XP Pro, The left side options "Network Tasks" and "Other Places" (The blue and white sidebar) is not there.

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Avg Antivirus Free 9.0

Sep 24, 2010

When running a full scan it stalls at E:SMRTNTKYDEVICE The magnifying glass still runs, but the files stop. Any idea why ?

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Antivirus Not Detected

Feb 18, 2009

i have windows xo sp3.i had avira antivir premium installed on my PC. then i installed mcafee 8.5i. i updated the same to the latest version but my windows security alert keeps on telling me that you have no antivirus installed on your pc.it doesnt detect it at all.then again i removed it and again installed avira but still the system is showing the same security alert.

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Don't Want To Get Another Antivirus Subscription

Jan 25, 2006

I am stingy and don't want to get another antivirus subscription for my gaming set up that i just built. How can i configure so that antivirus software in my current computer will reliably protect my gaming set up when logged on the net.

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Best Antivirus For Laptop

Oct 25, 2009

please help me find a best antivirus for my laptop

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