Hal.dll Missing Or Corrupt - Can Get One Of These Onto A Thumbdrive

Apr 22, 2007

Any way I can get one of these onto a thumbdrive from a laptop to reload into my computer?

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Wont Start Missing Or Corrupt File-Not Telling Which File Is Missing?

Dec 2, 2004

I have fixed this problem in the past in repair mode and i want to do the same with this, but, there is no filename at the end of the statement see below Windows could not start because the following file is corrupt or missing windowssystem32configsystem Can this be fixed in repair mode without having to be reformated or reimaged.

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Hal Missing Or Corrupt With New RAM

Jul 7, 2005

I've had the familiar hal.dll missing or corrupt on starting XP SP1 on a mainboard NameMSI KM2M Combo (MS-6738).All I did was to take out the 1 Gig of SDRAM I've used OK for months and fit a new 1 Gig DDR module. A year or two back I had STOP errors through merely changing a RAM module, the simplest upgrade usually, so I kept switching RAM until it went with no STOPs. I resent having to reinstall an OS for a five-minute RAM refit! Obviously the hal error is caused by the new DDR module, since I'm now using the old SDRAM. Is there a way around this apart from the dreaded reinstall of OS? In the rare event the DDR could be faulty does anyone know a non-windows DDR test utility please?

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Missing/corrupt: C:windowssystem32 Tfs.sys?

Jan 12, 2006

I restarted my computer today and right after it started booting from my C: drive, an error came up that said something like "Windows cannot find the file C:windowssystem32tfs.sys because it is missing or corrupted." It suggests that I use the recovery disk to fix it, but I don't have the recovery disk, so I'm kind of in trouble. Luckily, I had some Linux LiveCDs laying around, so I used one to boot up my system.I think that this might have something to do with me trying to change my boot screen, but I didn't mess with that particular file, so I'm not sure. Also, I haven't done anything to the RAM lately.

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Hal.dll Missing Or Corrupt - Tried A Fixboot

Oct 9, 2005

This is not your typical Hal.dll file is missing or corrupt. I've tried all the fixes, and am getting nowhere. This is a Windows XP Pro install.I tried chkdsk /R in the Windows XP Recovery Console first, and while it did complete, it reported that "the disk contains one or more unrecoverable problems." I also should note that Recovery Console did not ask me to identify the windows install, nor did it ask me to enter the Administrator password.Next, I tried bootcfg /rebuild and got "Error: failed to successfully scan disks for windows installations. This error may be caused by a corrut file system, which could prevent bootcfg from scanning.Use chkdsk to detact any errors."

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Oct 9, 2010

I had problems right out of the gate...after typing out the first command line: tmpsystem.bak and hitting enter, I got the message that said could not find file...so I tried again and was extra diligent with my typing, but the same disappointing message came up.I decided to use some imagination and initiative and, started with the last command line first: tmpdefault.bak This worked for this line and then the next one too: tmpsecurity.bak and so on. When I got back to the tmpsystem.bak line, it even worked for that one too.

Then I moved on to the delete commands and that worked out OK...as far as I could tell?But, when I got to the repair lines and, in particular, the: repairsystem C:windowssystem32configsystem I then got the same message saying that the file could not be found...back to square one.Then I went back to the start...typing out the copy lines, and I got the same message for the system line again. So, I started from the default line again and it worked--I was asked if I wanted to re-write the first file copied and I chose Y (yes) then the same brick wall when I got to the system line.

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System32 Drivers Tfs.sys Missing Or Corrupt?

Feb 23, 2005

My Hewlett Packard Pavilion ZT3000 notebook was running fine but then Windows wouldn't load and the message, "system32driverstfs.sys is missing or corrupt" came up. I'm using Windows XP.Only two things happened prior to this occurring, the lid got shut a little hard but no damage and I downloaded Servicepack 2.

I ran a HHD self test and it tested ok, all the help screens, etc. come up fine but not Windows.I have an operating disk and a recovery disk but neither seems to help

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Missing / Corrupt Driver File

Aug 22, 2005

I just boot up my computer and a black screen (which i've seen before and has only led to re-install XP) came up saying the following file is missing or corrupt: /system/ntfs32(I don't recall the exact file name - next time I will write it down). But i'm sure many have experience with this.Now somehow I was still able to enter Windows after reboot and F8 (never happened before - i've always had to re-install). What can I do NOW to prevent this next time from happening and perhaps (almost certain actually) having to re-install Windows XP? Can I get that file from somwhere? Am I missing a service Pack? I have SP2 for Windows XP Professional version 2002. (I double checked My Computer>Properties).

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System32config System Missing Or Corrupt

Sep 21, 2008

I'm on an older computer with Windows 2000 which has been working fine. Today, in the middle of doing nothing out of the ordinary, I got a blank screen. So I rebooted and was served up this error message: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair. I don't have the Setup disc but I do have the original program disc - but it wouldn't read it and keeps giving me the same error. I can't even start is Safe Mode.

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Could Not Start - Windowssystem32configsystem Corrupt Or Missing

Jan 5, 2005

I have xp and when i start my cmputer i get this Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt windowssystem32configsystem,I don't seam to be able to enter safe mode with f8 pressed.

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Could Not Start Missing Or Corrupt File

Mar 27, 2007

When trying to turn on my computer i get the following message: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: Windowssystem32configsystem You can attempts top repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair. i have done endless searches on my desktop to try to find a step by step out of this problem. i have followed such things as: >>Problem: You turn off your computer one day and then go to restart to find an error message that says: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt C:windowssystem32configsystem You can attempt to repair this file by starting windows setup using the original setup CD-Rom. Select "r" at the first screen to start repair.

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File 32configsystem Is Corrupt / Missing

Aug 24, 2005

Winows says file windowssystems32configsystem is corrupt or missing. It says that I can attempt repair using the original setup CD Rom and typing "R" at the first screen. I have an Emachine 4160. It was loaded at time of purchase and only recovery disc were supplied. I can reboot with the recovery disc but " how can I save my pictures "? Attempts to enter safe mode have been unsuccessful.

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Could Not Start Because The File Is Missing Or Corrupt

Sep 21, 2009

I shut down my laptop before I left last night and when I hope, my system didnt shut down all the way and there was a blue screen saying an error had occurred and if this was the first time I had seen the message to shut the ocmputer down and restart it.I did as instructed. When I powered it back up, I recieved a message saying Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:<Windows root"system32
toskrnl.exe. Please reinstall a copy of the above file.The problem is, I don't have the XP cd as my laptop came pre-installed. A friend suggested I go into the safe mode and do a system restore to the last saved date.

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Repair - File Is Missing Or Corrupt

Sep 15, 2006

I have a big problem. My CFOs computer has been messed up with the uninstallation of Norton. The computer will not boot after trying to run Autocheck (file is missing or corrupt) and the gives an error. I tried to use the Windows XP disc and the setup sees the partition but cannot recognise the format.Unfortunatley I don't know any commands in command line / repair console. Does anyone know commands to get the machine to run checks / get the machine to install XP? Formatting is the last option as there are some data on the machine that is not backed up.

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Getting Message For Missing Or Corrupt Ntoskrnl.exe?

Sep 4, 2009

I have a system that operates on Windows NT 4.0 Workstation.It's a fairly old computer, more than 5 years. During the night the fan in the powersupply stopped working, so the computer over heated. When I came to work in the morning it had the blue death screen of gibberish.I rebooted and it doesn't go through the whole boot up sequence but gives the following message:Windows NT could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <winnt root>system32 toskrnl.exe Please re-install a copy of the above file.

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Can Not Boot - Ntfs.sys Missing Or Corrupt

May 10, 2008

Here goes, the other day I booted up my PC and it showed "windows can not boot, ntfs.sys is missing or corrupt" so I did this. Microsoft support. I replaced the file in the recovery console and everything copied over fine. Then I booted up again and I received an error message before windows displayed my login screen --lsass.exe "endpoint is invalid" click ok and my computer reboots. Windows at that time was booting all the way up though. I found this support article but did not help Microsoft support This error does not allow me to boot into safe mode or regular windows but I can get into the recovery console.

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System Rebooted - Missing Or Corrupt Hal.dll

May 8, 2006

i'm running windows xp home, on an emachine m6805 laptop. at some point yesterday my computer died and rebooted and now the hal.dll driver is missing or corrupted. i've tried various things from other threads such as safemode, last known configuration, recovery, etc. nothing worked. i've tried booting from cd with my xp discs but i think the problem i have is that my discs are recovery cds from emachines and i cant press "R" like everyone says to do. reformatting is not an option unless i take it to a computer repair shop to get all my info off that i need. what can i do? i read the kelly link that people always link to but it makes no sense. can anyone help? if you need more info just let me know.

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Missing Or Corrupt HAL.DLL - Boot Failed

Sep 15, 2008

Dell Inspiron 9100, 1 GB mem, 60 GB HD, Win XP Home 2002 SP3. Kept clean with TE Pro, cseraser, syswiper, Adaware, Spybot S&D, AWC V2, Regcure, RegscrubXP. McAfee current. Win XP SP's and updates current.

Boot failed after POST with (as near as I can remember, sorry!) "missing or corrupt HAL.DLL"

This has happened twice. The first time it happened (a year or so ago), I reinstalled XP. I also installed
a second installation of Win XP in a WINDOWS2 dir. Set up boot.ini to allow me to select WINDOWS or WINDOWS2 to boot from. Figured this would help if it happened again.

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Missing/Corrupt Hal.dll - Cannot Get A Chance To Load

Jan 16, 2009

I have a missing/corrupt hal.dll on an older emachines desktop. Window's doesn't get a chance to load and the computer won't boot CD's. The issue came up after I tried installing a chinese version of windows - the cd seems to simply inject a norton ghost image - but there was an error in norton and the install crashed. Now the computer boots, loads the bios, and displays the error. Is there a way to fix the file without loading a restore disk?

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Missing Or Corrupt HAL.DLL - Dual Boot On Two HD

Jan 9, 2008

i have dual boot on two HD, both XP Pro SP2 suddenly one of them (drive C can not boot. "Missing or corrupt HAL.DLL" i have google & see Microsoft Knowledge and try some advice but still no work.

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System32 Corrupt Or Missing File

Oct 3, 2005

Last night while watching the news, my computer rebooted all on it's own way over on the other side of the room and now I have the following error message. Windows could not start because the folowing file is missing or corrupt System32/drivers/ntfs.sys. I will boot up if I try several times but even after doing a system restore I get the same message plus sometimes I get Windows could not start because the folowing file is missing or corrupt System32/drivers/pci.sys

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Corrupt Or Missing System32 File

Jul 28, 2005

I have been getting Norton (Corporate, installed by someone else) notificatons for a few weeks about a Trojan (cache.cachekit) and Norton could not get rid of it. Now I cant boot up and it tells me my file(System32/system/config) is missing or corrupt. I was thinking it was my Trojan I couldnt get rid of, what do you think? Also, my OS was installed by someone else so I didnt have my own disk, however I have ordered one and it should come in a week. If it is my elusive Trojan, for one, how do I get rid of it for good, and also, when I get my disk I dont know exactly what to do to fix the computer. I cant bring it up in safemode either. I have never installed a OS, but I have installed other software-on a properly functoning computer that is. Do I absolutely have to wipe my hardrive clean, and if so, how do I do it?

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Aug 3, 2005

I've just turned my notebook on this morning and a screen came up "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM" It then tells me that I can fix the problem using the original Setup CD-ROM... The problem is, in the last couple of years that I've had it we've moved twice and are about to move again and I can't find it anywhere! And, I need the computer for work. Is there any way I can do this without the CD?

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Missing Or Corrupt File And Quot

May 9, 2008

My hard drive crashed on my laptop. I had a running dual boot environment of Win2K and XP. Both the Win2K and XP were backed up with Acronis Ver11. After replacing the hard drive I created the partitions needed for Win2K and XP using a Win2K CD. Formatted and installed Win2k on the first partition. Did a restore of Win2K via Acronics. I used the restore because of the other software I had installed/running on the first partition (Win2K). The XP/OS application I have needs three partitions. The three were created by the Win2K CD and then formatted via Disk Management (Win2K). Next I restored my XP/OS via Acronics on the second partition. Modified the Boot.ini file for both Win2K and XP. The Win2K boots no problem. Selecting XP I get the following error: Missing or corrupt file Windows system32 configsystemd. I did copy in the NTldr and NTDetect from the i386 folder (XP CD), to the XP OS no change.

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Could Not Start / File Is Missing Or Corrupt

Jan 25, 2008

Well, I woke up this morning to turn on my computer, and I got an error like this. "windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem. You can try repairing by using the original windows xp setup cd, press r on the first screen." Well, after scrounging for the xp cd, I put it in and booted from the cd, tried to do a repair install, but the repair option was not available. I could only install another copy of xp (onto the current copy) which I didn't want to do if it means that all my data is lost (I really don't want to lose them again!).I exited and googled up on why repair was not an option (I'm using my laptop btw), and some random dude told another guy with a similar problem to do chkdsk and bootcfg in recovery console. I went into recovery console and kind of played around with bootcfg, and I used the /rebuild function thinking it was repair, and then it asked me to type something and I was confused, so i entered "n" (for no). Well, basically now when I restart I have the option of booting up "Xp Home Edition" or "n", both of which lead to the missing file message, but how did I make two windows? And can I get rid of this "n" windows I made?

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Missing Or Corrupt File In Windows

Jan 13, 2006

It worked fine for a few days, then I got this blue screen that said I have a system error and that I am missing a file or it is corrupt c:windowssystem32configsystem.Now, this was fine because I thought I knew the answer to this problem, which is incidentally the answer to another recent problem posted on this board, it can be found here:URL...I performed the operation, and again, it was all well and good for a few days.Then I got the same problem again. I used the same solution to make a fix.Then it happened again.So, my question is what's the problem? Do I have a hardware problem? I even used two different WinXp install discs to solve this problem on different occasions since I only needed the recovery console and I thought that the original disc might have become damaged or something.

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Could Not Start - Files Is Missing Or Corrupt

Feb 12, 2009

This happens every time.Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEMWhen I say every time, I mean every time.I just bought a new hard drive, so I know it works.When I try to install xp (full install), I go through the select drive and partition to installEverything looks good so far. Windows starts copying the installer files to the drive.
After its done, it reboots. I don't push a button because I know its going to start xp setup now.

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Reinstall Missing Or Corrupt File

Jun 3, 2008

When I started up my computer yesterday it said I had a missing or corrupt file and I needed to reinstall windows. So I put my disk in and it said loading files then it said setup is starting windows and then it said loading files. It kept doing this over and over and over. So I took the CD out and tried starting the computer. I got a disk read error. This is where I am now.

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.SIF Files Corrupt Or Missing During Windows XP Install

Mar 8, 2006

When trying to install Windows XP Home I get an error saying

The following value in the .SIF files is missing or corrupt.
Value 0 on the line in the section [SourceDisksFiles] with key "SP2.cab."

What is this?

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Wont Start Up: SYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM Corrupt Or Missing?

Dec 28, 2008

I start up my laptop I got this message (which only lasts for about 2 seconds): Please select the operating system to start: Microsoft Windows Recovery Console, Microsoft Windows XP Professional. If I don't choose anything in the two seconds, it automatically chooses Microsoft Windows XP Professional, and boots up regularly,previously . I booted it and this message same up after the previous screen, asking me to choose a way in which to start up my machine from the following options:

Safe Mode, Safe Mode w/ Networking, Safe Mode w/ Command Prompt Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked)Start Windows Normally No matter which I choose, I get this error message: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select "r" at the first screen to start repair. I don't have the original Windows Setup Disk

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Cannot Start Laptop -missing Or Corrupt:windowssystem32?

Aug 16, 2007

My laptop has corrupted registry, every time I boot up the computer I get the following message "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WindowsSystem32ConfigSystem".Followed by a restart only to lead to the same problem. I get a message saying something about cannot find the directory, I have tested which directory it meant and found out that it is the c:windows epairsystem that it cannot find, it also is not hidden nor anything. The other commands have worked fine.

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