Disabling Service/device In Hardware Profile ?

Jan 1, 2010

how to disable service/device in hardware profile that not coincide with current one w/o rebooting to target profile?

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Disabling The Guest Profile From Computer

Apr 23, 2005

We have 3 computers all running Xp, just did a buncha windows updates.Now when I turn on my pc I get the Amin login screen, I do not need to type in a password, I just hit enter or login and it's fine.I never uses to have this screen start up, now I do though. There's only the 'admin' profile to choose, no others, I even tried disabling my 'guest' profile but this made no difference.It's not the end of the world, but just like to avoid this extra step.

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Disabling The Firewall Service In SP2?

Dec 25, 2007

Does anyone know how to disable the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing service in Windows XP SP2 in the registry? I know how to manually disable the service under Computer Management -->Services, but I would like to see if I can add/modify a registry key to do the trick.

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Disabling The Firewall Service In SP2?

Jul 16, 2005

Does anyone know how to disable the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing service in Windows XP SP2 in the registry? I know how to manually disable the service under Computer Management -->Services, but I would like to see if I can add/modify a registry key to do the trick.

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Disabling The Firewall Service In SP2 Registry?

Jul 20, 2005

Does anyone know how to disable the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing service in Windows XP SP2 in the registry? I know how to manually disable the service under Computer Management -->Services, but I would like to see if I can add/modify a registry key to do the trick.

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Disabling The Firewall Service In SP2 Registry?

Jul 20, 2005

Does anyone know how to disable the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing service in Windows XP SP2 in the registry? I know how to manually disable the service under Computer Management -->Services, but I would like to see if I can add/modify a registry key to do the trick.

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Disabling ITunes Ping Service Of Social Networks?

Sep 29, 2010

Apple introduced a new social network in the latest version of iTunes called Ping that allows you to "follow your favorite artists and friends to discover the music they're talking about." If you are a music junkie that does not use Facebook you will love the service, for everyone else, almost all of the features already exist in the Facebook world. Although using Facebook may not be as elegant as using Ping, it is worth the few extra clicks to avoid another separate list of friends and likes.

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Disabling Bluetooth Stack Service In Vista Without Errors?

Sep 20, 2009

How do I disable Bluetooth Stack Service in Windows Vista without errors?

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Removing Default User Profile And Keeping All Users Profile?

Oct 13, 2010

At my job we have about 500 networked users on WinXP 32 bit. Each user has an individual log in - there are no roaming profiles. We're in the process of creating a new image andI'm having a disagreement with a new tech here. He says we should get rid of the Default User Profile and only use the All Users Profile. Every time I've created an image I've set up the image the way I want and then copied that over to the default profile - so that when new users log in - they see exactly what i've set up in terms of the standard desktop shortcuts we use. This new tech thinks the default user's profile redundant and not really needed. I'm having a hard time finding information the default users profile and if it's needed or not.

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Cannot Load The User's Profile But Has Logged On With The Default Profile?

Mar 7, 2008

i shut down my Pc normally at my work and when i started today morning and put my user name and login , a windows apears with the following message. WINDOWS CANNOT LOAD THE USER'S PROFILE BUT HAS LOGGED ON WITH THE DEFAULT PROFILE FOR THE SYSTEM DETAIL- THE SYSTEN CANNOT FINE THE PATH SPECIFIED how can i get my profile back to work normally as before.

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Installing Network Adapter - Name In Use As Device Name Or Service Name?

Jul 15, 2005

Im trying to install a LinkSys network card, and it doesn't work after I do. When I try to reinstall in device manager, the error I get is "name is already in use as either a device name or service name"I've tried all the obvious... uninstall, reinstall stuff. I know I have to play with the registry to fix this but I dont know where to start. Can anyone help me, because as of now, my mother's computer doesn't get the internet!

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Router Service Not Found On Device / Bluetooth May Be Disabled

Aug 18, 2005

After Service pack 2 was installed my bluetooth went mad(basicly)But i now got all the main features working with the Bluetooth.Before the installation of sp2 i had a mrouter that shared my internet connection with my phone via bluetooth.Now after that when i try to conect i get "error message 80042000"The router service could not be found on the device or bluetooth may be disabled"..Iv searched the net but no luck. Any tips at all would be great.The Bluetooth software is Widcomm.

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Corrupt User Profile: Uncorrupt My Regular User Profile?

Jul 9, 2008

I have a corrupt user profile. A program would not work (Avery DesignPro 3.5) and their support told me to create a new user profile.I did, and the program works under the new profile. The problem is that nothing that I use all the time is under the new profile. How can I uncorrupt my regular user profile, or do I need to switch back and forth when I want to use that program?

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Restore User Account Profile/copy User Profile?

Sep 19, 2005

I had a user account, However, for some reason, I have done something wrong and reboot the machine, that user account had gone, only Administrator is left. Then I created an account with the same name: John Smith. I noted under the Documents and Settings, there are 2 John Smith, they are: 1)John Smith and 2)John Smith.JS I think the first one is the original one because the date modified was a couple of months ago. The second one is the one that I just created.Can I recover my original one ?

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Insert USB Device To Computer / Keeps Restarting Wont Stop Doing / Until Remove Usb Device

Nov 22, 2008

Insert any USB device to this computer, Computer keeps restarting and it wont stop doing that until I remove the usb device. I tried with all the usb ports on this computer and problem is the same. Even by hooking up a usb keyboard or mouse, computer wont get to the login screen. it keeps on restarting. It wont even go into 'safe mode'.Anyone have any clue whats going on and the solution to fix it?

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Device Can't Start (CODE 10) - C-MEDIA AC97 Audio Device ?

Oct 1, 2005

I have an AMD 2.1 athlon, i try and re-install my C-MEDIA AC97 Audio Device, i dont have the CD and i dont know how to fix this

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Microsoft Denial Of Service - Service Pack 3 Setup Access Denied

Nov 7, 2008

I have had Windows XP on my computer for 3 years, during that time I have had no problems with updates. A couple of days ago updates were running when I got the following message box. Service pack 3 setup. Access denied1! Microsoft will now un-install the current updates. At this point I was in a hurry to leave and shut off my computer thinking that when I started up again, the updates would resume their activity.......

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Device Manager Reports Unknown Device Found?

Jul 15, 2005

I have installed a targus 7 port powered USB HUB on my computer. Device manager reports unknown device. I have deleted and it restalled the drived after the system rebooted. Device manager still saying unknown device. Their is not driver needed according to the manufacture. When the PC is booting it does see the IPOD mini and the Flash drive. But once the PC is fully out and login and I look a the device manager is still reporting unlnown device error (code 10).

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Audio Device Not Found / Listed In Device Manager

Aug 4, 2010

I had some trouble last night and today with getting rid of a virus. Now that it is gone, I am having sound problems (maybe related, maybe not). This morning, when I opened iTunes I got a message that there was no audio device detected. After trying several things, I rebooted. Magically, I could play music again. However, a short while later, I again got an error message telling me that there is no audio device found, even though it shows up in Device Manager as working properly. The problem goes away for a short time after I reboot, but returns. It is Realtek AC 97. Why won't my computer keep recognizing it? (It tried going to Realtek's site to download an update. It has updates for Windows 98, 95, etc., but not for XP. Or at least I couldn't find it.)

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Yellow Exclamation Point On Pci Device In Device Manager

May 12, 2010

Running Windows XP on Emachines ET1161-07. Installed all drivers that I could find, since EMachines does not represent XP. Tried Realtek audio and HD audio, tried Intel, didn't work. Tried NVidia, as it has an NVidia motherboard. Spent too much time on this computer. Can anyone lend a hand? I know it's got something to do with Audio, as there's no audio device detected in Sounds, under Control Panel.Customer has to have computer today.

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Device Manager Not Working - On Boot Up Sound Device

Dec 17, 2005

I gotta a XP Home SP2 Machine was running fine then on boot up sound device not found. went to device mng and no items displayed. System restore had been didabled and Norton disabled as well. Done a spyware scan pull nout so did virus

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This Device Cannot Start Code 10 USB Mass Storage Device

Jul 21, 2005

I've been using a Buslink 40G disk-to-go for about 2 years and love it. Today I plugged it into the USB port and the drive did not display. I've searched forums half the night since this drive contains financial data that hasn't been backed up for a month (yes, bad practice, I know) and I need to get it working. I've uninstalled, reinstalled, updated drivers, removed and reinstalled drivers, rolled back drivers and tried everything short of bios changes I've seen recommended.

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Mystery PCI Input Device In Device Manager

Aug 31, 2005

I had this problem last time when I fresh installed Windows XP Pro on my computer. I don't know the time, but it happens at least 30 days after I reinstall the OS and software. Today, my computer prompted me to install drivers for a PCI Input Device, but I haven't installed any new hardware for months. Basically, I haven't touched the inside of my computer for that long. So why is Device Manager prompting me to install this mystery device? Hardware ID shows that it is from vendor 1102, which is Creative, and I have an Audigy 1. Also, my FireWire port is Code 10, the device cannot start. So I'm thinking the mystery device is the same firewire port. But why show up as a separate device? I tried removing the devices and restarting the computer, but they return to haunt me again. The device properties for the PCI Input Device says PCI SLOT 7, AND I DONT HAVE A 7th slot! Can someone help me, please? Device manager shows my 1394 Net Adapter with a yellow exclamation, and it has code 10, device cannot start. There is an unknown device, the PCI Input Device, which doesn't allow me to install any drivers for it, yet it has the creative Vendor ID 1102. It shows itself as being PCI Slot 7.

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CD Device With Yellow Icon In Device Manager

Dec 8, 2004

I have a feeling that this is simply a case of some registry settings which need adding/modifying/deleting but exactly which ones and what values I do not know. No, I haven't tried re-installing XP.

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USB Device Bad Behavior / No USB Device Icon In Tray

Sep 19, 2006

The system seems to be very stable at this point in time. I run Norton Utilities and other maintenance sw as well as have a firewall/pest remover/anti-virus. Behavior - most things work fine on the USB ports, either the hub or direct connects. One digital camera will only work when direct connected(not thru the hub). I have a scanner that will only work on a 2003 Compaq Presario, but not on the whitebox on any port. Also, I have had two devices that won't work at all. I have noticed that the USB mass storage device icon doesn't seem to be present now when I attach a flash drive. This is recent behavior and doesn't predate every USB problem.

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Enabling And Disabling PIO / DMA

Nov 6, 2004

To enable or disable PIO/DMA modes simply follow these steps:Open Device Manager: Start - Run - DevMgmt.msc Expand the category "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers"Right click the desired IDE controller (Primary/Secondary) and choose Properties.Choose the "Advanced Settings" tab.Change "Transfer Mode" as necessary. Note: This option will only be available on hardware that supports this feature.

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Disabling Pop-Up Error Message With An OK Box

Feb 17, 2007

Windows pops up an error message box, with an "ok" box in it. The server app cannot be restarted until that silly box is clicked in. This is very irritating to me, because it only crashes when I go away from home, of course, when I need the watchdog most

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After Disabling / Bunch Of Services

Feb 18, 2008

I am having problems with my shared printer. I do not use a local area connection for anything except just printing, but it appears I disabled a service i shouldn't have to get it working.

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Disabling Of Remote Shutdown

Aug 8, 2007

I realize you can do a remote shutdown of a system by using the command line shutdown with -m. (Windows XP)
For security reasons is there any way to disable this from happening? Ie, some settings on computer X so that any other computer can't just randomly shut it down.I seem to have read somewhere that it's dependant on the Remote Proceedure Call service, but that can't be stopped.

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Disabling NAV And Firewall Before Install SP2

Jun 25, 2006

I think I've finally stopped procrastinating and I'm ready to risk installing windows xp home edition SP2. But before I do, I want to be sure I do all the "prepare your computer" things I'm supposed to do. I did a complete hard drive backup. I'm running Norton System Works 2006, which includes Norton Anti-Virus. I thought I also had Norton Internet Security but apparently I do not. So I don't know what if anything I'm running for a firewall!!! [big problem perhaps, but a different thread!]

One message on this forum says "disable anti-virus and firewall..." In my case, how should I do that? I've disabled NAV "auto-protect" using the icon in my system tray. Is that enough, for NAV? I will disconnect entirely from the internet before installing SP2. But once I do that, do I still have to disable a firewall?

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Automatic Updates Keeps Disabling Itself?

Aug 6, 2008

This problem just started occurring today. Whenever I lock the computer, then unlock it, automatic updates turns itself off and the red alert pops up in the taskbar. Same goes for when I restart the computer.

How can I fix this? I never turned them off and when I try to re-enable them, the security center tells me that it can't re-enable them for some reason, so I have to do it manually. However, the problem persists even after I turn them back on.

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