Does anyone know how to disable the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing service in Windows XP SP2 in the registry? I know how to manually disable the service under Computer Management -->Services, but I would like to see if I can add/modify a registry key to do the trick.
Does anyone know how to disable the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing service in Windows XP SP2 in the registry? I know how to manually disable the service under Computer Management -->Services, but I would like to see if I can add/modify a registry key to do the trick.
Does anyone know how to disable the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing service in Windows XP SP2 in the registry? I know how to manually disable the service under Computer Management -->Services, but I would like to see if I can add/modify a registry key to do the trick.
Does anyone know how to disable the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing service in Windows XP SP2 in the registry? I know how to manually disable the service under Computer Management -->Services, but I would like to see if I can add/modify a registry key to do the trick.
I think I've finally stopped procrastinating and I'm ready to risk installing windows xp home edition SP2. But before I do, I want to be sure I do all the "prepare your computer" things I'm supposed to do. I did a complete hard drive backup. I'm running Norton System Works 2006, which includes Norton Anti-Virus. I thought I also had Norton Internet Security but apparently I do not. So I don't know what if anything I'm running for a firewall!!! [big problem perhaps, but a different thread!]
One message on this forum says "disable anti-virus and firewall..." In my case, how should I do that? I've disabled NAV "auto-protect" using the icon in my system tray. Is that enough, for NAV? I will disconnect entirely from the internet before installing SP2. But once I do that, do I still have to disable a firewall?
Apple introduced a new social network in the latest version of iTunes called Ping that allows you to "follow your favorite artists and friends to discover the music they're talking about." If you are a music junkie that does not use Facebook you will love the service, for everyone else, almost all of the features already exist in the Facebook world. Although using Facebook may not be as elegant as using Ping, it is worth the few extra clicks to avoid another separate list of friends and likes.
Usb baloon pop up disabling using registry change without booting: I need to do changes in the registry to disable the pop ups shown on the screen whenever a USB device is plugged in. But at the same time, i also want to know if there is a way to bring into effect the changes without having to reboot/logoff my system.
I installed service pack 2 for my windows XP pro computer, and I am happy to say that I have not come across any problems after the installation. I am now using the service pack 2 firewall that is on by default as my primary firewall now because it seems to be improved from the original windows xp firewall (ICF).Before I installed SP2, I was using zone alarm as my firewall, and recently upgraded to version 6. After upgrading it, I noticed that it was accessing my hard drive a lot more than usual and taking up resources so I checked the zone alarm forums and noticed how a lot of other people were having issues with it so I got rid of it.
I've found the registry keys for the Windows XP ICF Firewall Configuration. It's located in Firewall Policy. That's for everyone's reference. However, I wasn't looking for that registry key. I was looking for the registry key that contains the same type of configuration, except specific to a adapter.
I've searched for this topic and am not able to find anything. I'm wondering why my Windows Firewall options are all greyed out and a message states that "for your security, some settings are controlled by a group policy" I also have a follow up question as to how to remove a service that appears to not be in the HJT log but shows when I check msconfig under services
i have a problem with my sp2 firewall option. i updated my xp sp1 to xp sp2. the setting is disable that is the radio button On(recommended),Dont allow exception and the off (not recommended) are disabled(unclickable). the services are fine the security center, and windows firewall/ICS are set as automatic and all started. did i miss other services to start. any hotfix i need to install first before updated to xp service pack 2.
I have a DSL connection, windows says the firewall is on but it is not. I keep getting this error message whenever I try to install it. "Windows Firewall settings can't be displayed because the associated service isn't running, do you want to start the Windows Firewall/Internet Connect Sharing (ICS) Service?". I click on yes. Then I get "Windows cannot start the ICS service. I recently installed a 30 McAfee free trial and it worked fine.
Should I turn off the Internet Firewall before Service Pack 2 is installed? After it is downloaded, then am I protected or do I have to go back and turn on Internet Firewall? Thanks! I don't quite understand what I should do about the Internet Firewall.
a virus entered my pc and blocked my firewallics service i tried everything i found online from starting my firewall service in services.smc to using the netsh commands and rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection Ndi-Steelhead 132 %windir%infetrass.inf command but it did not change anything. i fully scanned 3 times each with avira,spybot,malawarebyte and all viruses were deleted but i still have this problem.
It is possible to display the version of Windows in the lower right corner of your desktop. This requires a modification in the Windows Registry. Note: You cannot decide what text you want to appear; it's predefined, based on the version of Windows you are running. For example, the text for Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 will be along the lines of:
Windows XP Professional Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158 (Service Pack 2)
Procedure: 1) Click the Start button, click Run, type regedit and click OK 2) On the left-hand side, navigate to (and highlight) HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop 3) On the right-hand side, locate PaintDesktopVersion and double-click it 4) In the pop-up window, change the data to 1 and click OK Note: 0 = Hide Windows version from desktop 1 = Show Windows version on desktop 5) Close the Windows Registry Editor as well as your other programs and reboot (or log off and log back in).
i can't switch user it just cancels and doesn't do anything. I go to control panel and Fast User Switching is off, but i try to trun it on. i press Apply Option and i go back to it and its off again. I was tweaking the computer earlier and i think i by accidently messed up the the registry or turned off a service.
Windows ME then my daughter downloaded windows XP,so she could use her IPOD as she couldn't use it with Windows ME, now nothing seems to work and I keep getting messenger service messages saying my registry is corrupt and other similar messages. I had downloaded mozilla firefox to enable me to play mahjong but I am unable to log onto mozilla since downloading the XP. Is there something I have to do to get this right.
I am using eTRust EZ firewall and just recently started having problems with it and the effect on my pc. First, it wouldn't let me select allow or ask under the access internet or trusted column under the program control. Now, it won't let me access the internet if the program control is turned to low, medium, or high. The only way for anything to get to the internet is if the setting is turned off
My firewall settings are greyed out and a banner says some functions controlled by group policy but I have a home computer and no network administrator. I tried resetting the firewall setting and it didnt seem to work
I connect to the internet thru a router with a built in firewall.(turned on) I am also running a software firewall with comodo. Do I need the comodo firewall Every new update version of the comodo firewall seems to mess one thing or another up on my old winXP machine.
Windows XP Home running McAfee Security Center, which is not managing Security Center, and McAfee Personal Firewall is not installed.All Windows Critical Updates are applied.Windows Security Center says the Windows Firewall is off, Windows Firewall says it is on.
I have a new system at home which I am getting ready to roll out. I have always used Norton Security on all my PCs prior to using XP Pro. This new system has XP Pro. Should I , or maybe should I say can I run both Norton and XPs firewall with no problems Don't want to keep paying for annual subscription updates to Norton, if I don't have to
I have had Windows XP on my computer for 3 years, during that time I have had no problems with updates. A couple of days ago updates were running when I got the following message box. Service pack 3 setup. Access denied1! Microsoft will now un-install the current updates. At this point I was in a hurry to leave and shut off my computer thinking that when I started up again, the updates would resume their activity.......
I have Windows XP and have the windows firewall on. I also have Norton 2005 Systemworks. Funny thing happened, I turned off the windows firewall under control panel, windows firewall. But when I open control panel, security center, it says there is a firewall on. I don't beleive I have a firewall with Norton Systemworks
To enable or disable PIO/DMA modes simply follow these steps:Open Device Manager: Start - Run - DevMgmt.msc Expand the category "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers"Right click the desired IDE controller (Primary/Secondary) and choose Properties.Choose the "Advanced Settings" tab.Change "Transfer Mode" as necessary. Note: This option will only be available on hardware that supports this feature.
Windows pops up an error message box, with an "ok" box in it. The server app cannot be restarted until that silly box is clicked in. This is very irritating to me, because it only crashes when I go away from home, of course, when I need the watchdog most
I am having problems with my shared printer. I do not use a local area connection for anything except just printing, but it appears I disabled a service i shouldn't have to get it working.
I realize you can do a remote shutdown of a system by using the command line shutdown with -m. (Windows XP) For security reasons is there any way to disable this from happening? Ie, some settings on computer X so that any other computer can't just randomly shut it down.I seem to have read somewhere that it's dependant on the Remote Proceedure Call service, but that can't be stopped.