Delete Programs That Start During Boot Up?

Dec 5, 2007

I have reached that point where I have way to many programs that boot up when I start my PC. I have Windows XP and it takes a day and a half to boot up. Can anyone tell me how I can review all the programs that boot up and delete the ones that I don't want?

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Delete Start Up Programs: Dont Want To Run Automatically?

Jul 5, 2005

I have a basic problem with many programs running at start up, how do I stop the ones I don't want to run automatically?

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Programs Reload Themselves And Start Up Again On Boot Up

Dec 8, 2005

I frequently use the MSconfig file to uncheck programs to keep them from starting up automatically at windows boot up. However, its not too long before the programs reload themselves and start up again on boot up. Im guessing that using these programs for some reason they load themselves up at startup. Most notably is the yahoo messenger and quicktime programs. I dont want them loading at start up but everytime i do use them, they put themselves back in the start up routine. Is there anyway to stop them from doing this?

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Start Programs Dont Open - Freezes Up - Programs Unstable

Jun 5, 2005

I was checking my daughters pc for some usual maintenance. The start programs on list suddenly dont open, computer freezes up, did the error-checking but I cannot seem to get some vital prgrams to open up. I am running a couple of recent worm tools from Symantec and so far, nothing. Could this be a hardware problem or can someone tell me something I am missing?

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Programs Not Listed In Start Menu Or Add/Remove Programs

Oct 6, 2008

I reinstalled Windows XP. For some reason, all of my old programs show up in Windows Explorer, but not in the Start Menu or in Control Panel/Add Remove Programs. Is there a way to fix this?

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Get Rid Of The Orange In Start-all Programs- When You Installed New Programs

Feb 5, 2005

I have Xp and i just installed a bunch of new programs and when i go into the start all programs menu there all highlighted in that orange tint and even after clicking the shortcuts they still stay like that is there a way how to get rid of it

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Moved Start Up Programs From C To D And Now System Doesn't Start

Jan 12, 2007

I admit it...I moved my startup folder from C drive to D and now I am dead in the water. The computer is a Sony PCV RS420 with Windows XP Home Edition with all the updates. When I start the comp. I get "SONY" on the screen and thats it. Unresponsive to all F commands.

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Programs Will Not Start Even Though Desktop Icons & Start Menu Appear

Jun 5, 2008

I have experienced a sudden problem starting programs. The computer boots correctly, and all desktop icons appear correctly. But when I double click a desktop icon, or start a program from the start menu, I get a popup window displaying a list of programs and asking me which program I want to use to start the application. I select the correct program (or browse to the appropriate .exe file), but still the application doesn't start. This includes IE and Windows Messenger. My virus scanner was about the only thing that I could start up, and I did a system scan with Panda Anti-Virus, but it didn't show anything substantial (just some cookies).Using my WinXP set up disk,I've tried to do a repair (I guess reinstallation without reformatting the hard disk), but after I entered the License Key, the computer did a reboot and then stopped. It is stuck on the XP splash screen and won't go any further (I once let it run over night, but it was still frozen on the splash screen). I even tried to repeat the repair process, but that didn't work.Automatic updates did download an update just before this problem started (I think it was the day before the problems began). I don't know what this update was and I'm not sure it was SP3 (system does have SP2 installed).Considering that the computer freezes now when booting up, is there anything that I can do short of reformatting the Hard Drive? I also have another hard drive that I can use to install XP onto. Is there any way that I can rescue the data from the old Hard Drive and transfer to new drive?

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Delete AOL With Add/Remove Programs

Apr 30, 2007

I deleted the AOL file from Add/Remove Programs (except for 'AOL Uninstaller', which can't uninstall apparently) and then did a Search for 'AOL' and got a few dozen files totaling about 300+ Mb. Problem is, I can't delete most of them. I get an error message saying: Quote :Cannot Delete File: Cannot Read from Source File or Disk

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How Do I Delete All Programs I Downloaded?

Dec 12, 2006

i downloaded a few programs from internet and now i want to delete them from my pc, i go to add-remove programs and i deleted them but when i try to see a photo or a video i see that the programs are still there (not in the remove option) i mean somewhere in the computer, how do i remove everything? where can i go to check that?

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How To Replace Master Boot Record On Dual Boot System & Delete Linux Drive

Mar 8, 2006

I have a dual boot system (2 hard drives) booting Suse and XP and boot up through Suse's built in boot manager which gives me the option of booting to Windows or Linux. But since I barely ever use Linux I want to delete it off the 2nd drive so I can use it for a storage drive, so I'm wondering how to replace the Windows Master Boot Record so I can just boot into my XP drive. I'm scared that once I delete/reformat the contents of the 2nd hard drive (I'll probably use Partition Magic to do this through my XP drive) that I won't be able to boot XP up anymore. So before I do anything I want to just be able to boot into XP and bypass the linux drive before I delete it to make sure everything is ok.

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Delete Programs From Control Panel But Not Appear

Jan 8, 2005

My daughters computer is so messed up I can't even get in to the control panel to delete programs or on to the internet to download spybot. How can I get in to clean up the garbage.

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Delete Temp Files - Install Software Programs

Apr 27, 2007

A folder lives in C:documents and settingsownerlocal settings emp.I need to know what these files and folders do, and if I may delete them safely? Had a friend who could not install any software on his pc and was advised by the geek squad at Best Buy to try and delete all the contents of this folder. he did and now is able to install software programs again. I am wondering if you don't need these files why are they there? Is it safe for everyone to just delete all these files and folders?

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Populating Delete/change Programs- Stops At Experience VAIO?

Jun 24, 2005

when i go to control panel to delete programs it only populates 18 programs it stops at experience VAIO

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Ctrl Alt Delete Show Processes From Users Instead Of Showing The Programs

Feb 24, 2008

My ctrl, alt, delete brings up a box that says show processes from all users instead of showing the programs that are running. If I click on yes or no, in regard to showing all users, I still can't get to the window that shows the programs running. I don't know how this happened, but I did install a new external hard drive. How can I get my task manager back to the normal viewing that I am used to?

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Boot Start Or System Start Drivers Failed To Load

Mar 10, 2006

My old system hasn't been powered on for about a year. Problem was the onboard video failed replaced it with a video card from another system (riva TNT) and bought some memory system wouldn't boot, determined that the memory was bad Now the system booted but win2K wouldn't work. No problem I have XP now. After multiple error during the xp install I finally got through it.only the computer will only boot in safe mode. Initially thought it was a hardare conflict so I booted in safe mode with networking and systematically cleared all the yellow.

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Used To Delete Commands In Start Run

Apr 26, 2008

Lost a program I used to delete commands in my start run . I know I can do it in the registry but this was a nifty little program that let you pick the ones you wanted to delete . Anyone know the name and place to dpwnload such a program ?

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When Go To Delete Really Slow & Does Not Start

Feb 7, 2008

When i go to delete lets say off of desktop. If i right click the thing and hit delete. It starts to delete but it realy does not start then like 5 or so mins later ill get the pop-up "do you want to delete this file" then i click ok and it will start to delete then. Then when i am trying to delete it is realy slow intill the pop-up come with the message.

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Can Delete The Option To Start?

Oct 7, 2010

i was using both window 7 and xp but now i have deleted the drive containing window 7 but still when i turn on my laptop there comes two options to start either window 7 or xp. so how can i delete the option to start window 7

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Start Menu All Programs Is Gone

Sep 29, 2005

Everything in the start menu all programs is gone. I can't find things like Paint anywhere. The recycle bin has disappered off my desktop. All I did was uninstall yahoo! mail, yahoo! toolbar, dell media experience, yahoo! extras, and mtv optimizer off my computer. And I tried to uninstall the sims 2, but it didn't uninstall and i can't figure out how to do that. Then i noticed that the recycle bin had disappered off my desktop. And so had everything in "all programs" on the start menu.

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Too Many Programs Running At Start Up

Sep 14, 2005

I have so many / too many programs running at Start up. Messenger, Winzip, winamp, etc, etc.How can a stop them from running at startup of my computer and also which ones are safe to stop running at the start up?

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Which Start Up Programs Can I Eliminate?

Sep 1, 2009

My computer does not run slow, but it sure takes for ever to boot up and shut down.How do I decipher which startup programs I can safely remove, but still keep the functionality of them.Also, it would helpful if you could instruct me on the correct process of removing these.

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Start / All Programs Freezes

Jan 25, 2007

I have been having a problem and nothing seems to fix it. This is a little hard to explain, but here goes:
When I uninstall something the folder is still in the All Programs Menu. It contains that generic type of icon that means the program is not there. If I attempt to click on these empty folders, the sound mutes and the computer freezes. This can also happen if I click something on the desk top a certain way (sort of too fast) but this is rare.

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How Do I Rearrange Start Programs?

Aug 11, 2010

I used to be able to click START, PROGRAMS, and right click and could put them in alpha order.In XP, I can't do that. Can someone tell me how to accomplish that another way?

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Add Or Remove Programs From Start-up

Aug 5, 2005

How do you add or remove specific programs at start-up? Is there a way to prevent new programs from being added automatically to start-up during installation process?

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Disable Start Up Programs

Apr 27, 2008

Where can I find a list of programs that must run when i start up my computer? Also is there a list of programs that i must disable at start up or delete from my computer.

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Programs On Start Menu Does Not Come Up

Oct 27, 2005

I just installed windows xp professional on a compaq desktop. The programs part of the start menu however refuses to come up. I know it is not empty because I can right click on it and view the contents. What might be the problem here?

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Start Menu Programs?

Sep 16, 2005

I'd like to modify my start menu. What I see is:Some of the programs I have recently run are at the bottom left of this menu. I have no idea what rules determine which programs get there, and which programs don't.
I can drag one of these programs above the line so it stays all the time. This is where my browser and e-mail program can be checked to appear when I modify properties.
How do I:Get a program that doesn't currently appear on these lists after I run
them to appear (or not to appear)?Move a folder that I use a lot to this menu?

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Can't Delete Items From The Start Menu

Dec 12, 2005

When I right-click, and choose "Remove from this list", nothing happens.

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Some Things Refuse To Delete From Start Up?

Jun 19, 2006

with XP - Pro SR on HP media centre. using msconfig and going to start up list I delete MS Messenger & Real audio update ( I NEVER use these) they are the only items that keep coming back even after several reboots etc.

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Delete Files In Start Up Menu?

Oct 29, 2006

Upon rebooting, I have a program that wants to start a program and I need to disable it or delete it.

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