Added Sp3 - Very Slow To Open An Application

Nov 1, 2009

I recently reloaded windows xp from scratch in a 2004 dell inspiron laptop using Dell cd's. It was working fine with sp2, but later I added sp3 and now computer takes about 5 minutes to open an application (anything from MSOffice apps to web browsers to anything else. After it finally comes up, it works slow but doable.
I would like to know what are the things I should be looking at that could be slowing the process so much. Is sp3 related? I'd rater not remove sp3 since all the applications were loaded after sp3 was installed

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Added RAM Still So Slow To Response To Tasks

Sep 12, 2007

Could someone please help look to see what is making this computer so slow to respond to commands. I added RAM and it still seems busy doing something most of the time.It is my Mom's computer and I'm trying to help her with it. Just got it on high speed hoping that would help by letting the programs update in the background.

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Running Slow / Added The Drivers And Just A Couple Of Applications

Apr 26, 2005

I completely reformatted my HD and reinstalled windows. I added the drivers and just a couple of aps. Now my computer is SO slow. Aps take a good 30 seconds to open as do web pages. There is the odd time where something will open quickly (seems random) but not too often. I ran Hijack this, spybot and adaware and found nothing nothing to find.

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System Slow/Unable To Connect After Added Wireless Card

Nov 16, 2006

Recently added a wireless card and put it on my home network. It ran fine for a couple of weeks, but now it is running painfully slow. Just booting the machine and getting the start menu to come up takes forever. Every application is painfully slow and I am unable to connect to my network.

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Slow Boot-up - Slow Application Start-ups!

Dec 6, 2007

My Toshiba Tecra laptop 8100 with XP is Slow/Slow/Slow!

When turning on, it takes 5 to 10 minutes to settle down. Once it stops grinding and I try to start any application -- such as Internet Exployer, it takes another 5 to 10 minutes. I have Nortons 360 and another anti-virus application that gives me the indication that all is O.K. How can I speed this machine up

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Application Cannot Open From A Debugger?

Dec 6, 2007

I am having problems whenever I leave my computer for more than a couple of hours.When I come back to it, it is sluggish or completely frozen and has to be rebooted.Then I am having trouble with only certain web sites running extremely slowly while most others run normally in IE7.As for my computer, it is 2 1/2 years old.It is a Gateway 3 GHz with 1 GB RAM, running XP Media Center.I also have an HP 3GHz with 2GB RAM with XP Media Center that I try to keep running for my husband, and a whole room full of ancient obsolete machines dating all the way back to windows 95.The HP is only 6 months old refurb.The two are networked together with a Netgear wireless router using the wired ports and Cox broadband access.They are firewalled behind the router and additionally, using Zone Alarm Pro.I am running the full suite of Zone Alarm security products including firewall virus protection and spyware removal tool on both.In addition I am running Webroot spyware removal tool on both and AOL spyware removal tool (which is due to expire soon.)All utilities run daily on both machines separately.Automatic updates for Windows is enabled on the HP because my husband can't be bothered with updates.On the Gateway I have the alerts enabled with the option to download and install windows updates at my discretion.

About two months ago, despite all the security software I have in place, two Trojans were discovered in the Gateway machine.Stupid me, instead of leaving them in quarantine, I deleted them, taking out a piece of my boot sector where they must have embedded themselves.It was telling me that the NTLDR file was missing among other things.I had been guilty of not doing regular backups and had an enormous amount of data on my hard drive.I had already purchased a large external storage unit including auto backup software with good intentions and then put it in the closet unopened for several months to be dealt with at a later date.At the first hint of trouble before deleting the Trojans I quickly dumped my documents and photos into my husbands computer, and just in time because I could not even boot into safe mode after I lost boot capability, and the machine was stuck in a continuous restart cycle.

I disabled the restart on boot failure option in setup and tried the System Restore option to try and repair the windows files, but it would not allow me to choose the non destructive restore option. It kept warning me that all my files would be deleted and gave me no other option than to say OK. Then at that point I would have to shut down the machine to get out of that screen and avoid starting the restore. I have an XP pro upgrade version disk that I purchased a few years back, but I can never get the files to all copy correctly for a clean windows install and I didn't know if it would repair a windows installation that had a restore partition loaded on the same hard drive.

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URL Wont Open When Other Application Is Opened

Aug 3, 2009

I'm using windows XP and if I'm in an application (ie outlook express checking email, and I click on a URL, Windows thinks the URL is a file and wants me to associate an application with the URL. However, if I check my email using a browser (web based) the URL will open a new tab

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Getting Each Application Window To Always Open A Set Size

Dec 6, 2008

Is there a way to get each newly opened window, regardless of the program, to always open centered & 1244 x 700 in size? From what I can tell, there's no global setting for this in XP.

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Can't Open A Program / 16 Byte Application

Dec 6, 2005

I can't open a program I always use. I am told it is a 16 byte application.

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Change Program To Open Application

Aug 19, 2008

When I right click on a file and go to properties and go to "opens with" and click "change": The option box at the bottom that states: "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" - is faded out and cannot be unchecked. How do you change this so this option is available?

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Program Won't Open - Faulting Application Fs9.exe

Dec 30, 2005

I have Flight Sim 2004 and it will start to the first open of TITLE PAGE then get Error screen. I got back to the ERROR LISTS and this is what appears. "Faulting Application fs9.exe, version, Faulting module fsui dll, version, fault address 0x00032ef0. Cannot get anywhere with M/Soft Help. I have a massive amount of added planes,scenery,textures gauges etc and would hate to loose it all and have to reload the original. The files are to big to backup so I hope that there is a way to repair the fault address item.

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Internet Explorer Cant Open Due Some Application Inteference

Mar 23, 2010

I am no longer able to open Internet Explorer due some application inteference.The problem is not a connection problem.How do I determine the inteference and remove it so I can connect to Internet Explorer?

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Media Center Application Keeps Crashing As Soon As I Open It?

Aug 6, 2005

i'm having an issue in Windows XP MCE 2005. the media center application keeps crashing as soon as i open it.

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Error Installing SP3 - File Open Or In Use By Another Application

Dec 12, 2008

When trying to install SP3 I get the error "The file c:windowssystem32driversusbstor.sys is open or in use by another application." I know that usbstor.sys is something like the service that prevents USB drives from auto-installing or auto-running, but isn't that completely irrevelent if I'm just trying to install SP3?Anyway, I've pretty much tried closing all other apps, and even tried to install in safe mode;

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Address Book File Locked By Another Application While Open

Jul 21, 2005

I am trying to reinstall Address Book from a backup CD. I get the following message when I click on Address Book in the backup CD. "The Address Book file has been locked by another application. Please close other application and try again." I don't know what application the note os refering to.

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Too Many Errors In Application - Slow Booting

Mar 4, 2005

I have Windows XP. I have over 300 errors in Applications & System. What does this cause and how can I fix them?

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Computer Crashing - Open Program - Application Failed To Initialize

Apr 23, 2008

I'm using Windows XP on a home computer. My computer keeps crashing. It locks up and I have to pull the plug. If I'm in a forum, lines of type start disappearing. If I'm trying to open a program I get an error message like "application failed to initialize." Yesterday I got a Runtime error message: "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information."

I ran Trend antivirus program and Webroot spysweeper, but no problems identified. I keep getting messages from Bigfix that a problem was encountered but by then I can't get Bigfix to open because it's locked up. I ran a dxdiag but it showed no problems either. The problem started when I ran the Uniblue registry sweeper which I thought was free. It identified some old stuff but charged a fee to fix it, so I deleted Uniblue. I went into regedit and removed Uniblue and while I was there I removed several old games from Gamehouse that had been uninstalled over the past year. I swear I didn't touch anything else in the registry! Please keep responses simple and specific as I don't know much about computers.

I just tried to open Incredimail and got the following message: IncMail.exe Application Error: The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000044). Click on OK to terminate the application. Surprisingly, my computer didn't lock up yet and I was able to return here to edit my post, but a crash is coming....

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Spooler - Slow File Open - Slow Properties

Dec 7, 2004

I'm working with a four computer 100 Mbps TCP/IP network with three fairly new 98SE computers and one brand new XP Pro computer (SP2, all current updates) machine. These share a LaserJet 4050 off one of the 98SE computers. Printing works fine.

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My Computer Very Slow To Open?

Sep 26, 2006

Win XP Pro Sp2.1.4Ghz P4 Processor with 1.25 Gb RAM. 130 Gb Maxtor disk. New install. When clicking on My Computer it takes over 1 min to open. Other programs very slow also.

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Can't Open Threads - Very Slow Computer

Apr 14, 2010

Dell 2350 XP rebuilt 120G HD 1G Ram, new CDRW/DVD. Why is my computer speed so slow. Always have about 50 systems running all the time. I open google- click news- try to open site -real slow, try to open thread--gets 4-5 green dots than stops or take 10 minutes to open. Sometimes won't open. I go to options and delete all.-- still slow. I've redownloaded IE 7. I defrag, redo registry--ch disk

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IE 8 Extremely Slow To Load Ond Open

Feb 26, 2009

Internet pages open extremely slow in IE8. When I open IE it takes about a full minute for my home page to load and open. Any quick fixes? Running XP home, 1.2 gig processor, 512 MB RAM

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Browser Really Slow When Open New Page

Apr 9, 2008

My computer is working fine other than the browser (IE6). It takes about 2 minutes to open a page. Once opened it works fine. My home page is google, I can see the page right away but it's frozen. It stays that way for about 2 minutes then it works fine. No other problems arise until it tries to open a new page. Then the same thing happens again. I emptied all the offline and temp Internet files. Also emptied cookies and history. Ran spybot and adaware but it had no effect.

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Explorer Slow To Open My Computer

Jun 25, 2010

I have tried preventing Automatic Folder and Icon Refresh, and still nothing works. It can take my system up to 2 minutes to open the MyComputer folder, every other folder is fast, weird.

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Slow To Open - Print Commands

Oct 21, 2007

when I choose "print" it takes a long time for the printer info window to open. then it takes even longer to choose and activate any further command. whether I want to choose another printer I have installed or even if I simply click "ok" for it to print the <ocument. every step is very slow, the pc almost looks, feels frozen. eventually printing starts and the printer prints just fine.

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WIndows Really Slow / Will Not Open Control Panel

Jun 2, 2006

Glad to join the forum. Ancious to read replies from users regarding my problem. Win xp home laptop. and 2400xpm with 512 megs of ram. Looking for help with this frustration. Takes forever to Boot up, open files and programs. Cannot get to the control panel and i am getting and explorer error when i do. would like to get to Microsoft to install sp2 but i cannot.

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Can't Open Apps, Slow Response From Browser

Apr 13, 2007

This issue is occurring on 2 computers - In the past 2 weeks Windows updates cause MAJOR lag in operations - can't open apps, slow response from browser.Updates mostly hang in the 30% range and do not move forward for hours....I leave the computers on over night to complete and sometimes the operation is still not complete.Have disabled auto updates to no avail. It still activates on reboot.

Where is the location of the temp files for the updates so they can be deleted to start fresh without autoupdate?

I've read other threads recently regarding update problems but didn't want to hijack them with my own issue.

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Generally Slow - Takes Too Much Time To Open

Jan 15, 2006

I am a having a problem with my computer being slow, when i have one window open and i try to open another one with internet explorer, when i click the start icon it takes awhile for that window to close and another google to start

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Open File / Auruar Pop Up Very Slow Computer

Jun 11, 2005

I am looking for help with my pc. Over the past 3 months it has slowed to a crawl. I was wondering if the aurura pop up has anything to do with the slow down?

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Runs Slow - Open Folder Or IE Pc Hangs

Aug 21, 2008

how can I make my pc run better. For example~ upon weeks/a month upon a new reformat my pc runs great, programs, games, etc... but after a while it just runs slow. especially when my son tries to play a game. the game skips alot, the video plays in slow motion, etc. When I know that any other time it works fine. even when I open a folder or IE it hangs for 10-30 secs...

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Programs Open Very Slow IE 8 / Mozilla Firefox

Jun 2, 2009

I have a hp computer modle da193aaba754n I'm running windows xp home with 512mb ram 80 gig hard drive 2.53 processer i have a linksey network. It boots up ok but programs open vary slow (word xl) internet explorer8 is even slower i have tried mozilla firefox and its no better it takes me 2 to 5 minutes to get online. Shut down is pretty slow and I'll usually get a message that something is not responding latley when I boot up I get a box pop up for lela 3.1 saying it will fix my network i know its som kind of spyware i x out but how can i get rid of it? have run scan reg it finds problems fixes them but thay come back.

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Machine Is So Painfully Slow To Open - HDD Health

Jul 10, 2010

Toshiba M50 XP Machine is very slow to boot up, and it then takes at least 5 minutes for Firefox to open after that.Every scan I run gives the machine a clean bill of health, and often congratulates me on the machine being fully clean.Just today I added HDD Health, and that gives a report of excellent health, and a 100% rating, even though the machine is getting on for 5 years old.When I look at Task Manager Processes during the long boot up it says "not responding".I am with Eircom Broadband, and my Eircom Mail, using Thunderbird, says that it cannot contact server.I can get the mails on other machines - Win 7 or Vista

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