Slow To Open - Print Commands

Oct 21, 2007

when I choose "print" it takes a long time for the printer info window to open. then it takes even longer to choose and activate any further command. whether I want to choose another printer I have installed or even if I simply click "ok" for it to print the <ocument. every step is very slow, the pc almost looks, feels frozen. eventually printing starts and the printer prints just fine.

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Slow Responding To Commands

Aug 7, 2005

My pc is very slow to respond to prompts & commands, this only occurs on one user account when they are logged on, all other user accounts perform ok.

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Very Slow Start And To Respond To Commands?

Aug 5, 2010

System recently began taking a long time to load, and to execute commands.. Also some unusual responses. Slow to load browsers. Whether I.E., Chrome or Firefox. When logged onto the internet, responses, page changes and other commands are very fast, and links connect with very little delay. The problem is with trying to start up and log on, and do other work on the system. Sloooow. Also I have Skype 4.0 installed, and wanted to Uninstall it in order to add the latest Skype. However when I try to uninstall via Add/Remove in Control Panel I get an Error message " Network Error occurred while trying to read file C:\WindowsinstallerSkype.msi" I get this even if I try to install the new Skype over the old (4.0). What seems to be the problem?

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Find Out If Certain Files / Commands Are Legitimate Commands

Feb 13, 2005

Is there some place that I can search to see if windows files/commands are legitimate? I have Zone Alarm and it has programs on it trying to access the Internet that I do not recognize. Another one was: Microsoft Out of Bounds. I have Windows XP Home Edition with all updates.I have ZoneAlarm free and McAffee AntiVirus.Nothing has been detected.

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Internet Shortcuts Open Print Dialogue Box?

Jan 18, 2007

copied the url, desktop > right click > properties > new > shortcut which brings up the new shortcut box. Paste url > next > named it b&b, clicked finish, thought I was done. and clicks on the link. It promptly opens up the printer dialogue box. That was in Firefox, our default browser. Tried it in IE, same thing. All other icons work fine. Only when I create an internet shortcut do I get this issue, and I don't even know how to begin to google for it.

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Cant Print/open Attachements/start On A New Doc In Microsoft Excel

Jan 11, 2005

I go into Word, Excel, etc. after about 15 seconds it tells me that Word has encountered a problem and that it needs to close. I can't do anything. Print, open attachments, start on a new doc, anything

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How To Open Up List Keyboard Shortcuts Home And Print ?

Aug 12, 2002

You can open up a list of all the keyboard shortcuts for XP Home and print them out for an instant reference.Start/Runtype in: C:(your windows dir)Helpkeyshort.chmclick OKQuick and convenient.

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Checking Print Preview: Blank Box And The Printer Wont Print?

Jul 21, 2005

I write a file in Word and then save it.Before I print it I usually go into Print Preview just to check things out.This time however it just showed me a blank box and the printer would not print.Everything was OK for a complete day and then the problem happened again - blank preview and no printing. This time switching off for 10 minutes and then back on had no effect.I have been trying most of today to correct things without success. I then copied it onto a floppy, put the floppy in my friends PC - same result as before

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Black Ink Wont Print/No Pages In Previous Printer Would Print?

Dec 28, 2006

I previously owned a Lexmark Z25 printer and up to a certain point, it was printing ok. Then it abruptly stopped printing any pages. It sounded as if it was getting the signal from the computer, but nothing would print. Rather than buy new cartridges, which would have cost more than a new printer, I bought a Dell 720. Now, the color prints fine, but I cannot get the black to print. The cartridges are just about full with only a small amount out of the black cartridge.

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Spooler - Slow File Open - Slow Properties

Dec 7, 2004

I'm working with a four computer 100 Mbps TCP/IP network with three fairly new 98SE computers and one brand new XP Pro computer (SP2, all current updates) machine. These share a LaserJet 4050 off one of the 98SE computers. Printing works fine.

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Unable To Print Envelopes: Print Coming Blank?

Jul 3, 2010

Walk me through printing an envelope on my Lexmark X125. I have clicked on envelopes, then options for the envelope size, then print. The envelope comes out blank.

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Print Icon Brings Up Print Properties Box?

Jul 20, 2005

All worked as normal Printer icon would print automatically with default print settings; File -Print would bring up print properties dialogue box to select options.Unhooked printer from laptop. Since reconnecting printer, the print icon button reverts to bringing up the print properties box as happens with going File - print. There is only one printer attached - it is shown in "Printers and Faxes" with a tick. There is nowhere to check it as the default printer as it is the only printer.How can I make the print icon button just do straight default prints again?

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Print Jobs Don't Get Into Print Server Is Offline

Apr 25, 2010

I have an old Sony VAIO (running Win Xp) that I am using a print server. The VAIO is connected to a HP PSC. The VAIO is on a wireless network along with two other laptops. One laptop is running Win Xp and the other is running Vista. Everything was working fine as far as printing went until I reinstalled the OS on the Win Xp machine (same OS). Previously the VAIO would go offline due to hibernation and so if I tried to print something from the Xp machine, it would get in the queue and get printed when I turned the VAIO on. Now the print jobs are not getting in a queue when the VAIO is offline.I don't know what I did right before and so I don't know how to remedy the problem.

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Printer Wont Print: Getting Message "this Document Failed To Print"?

Aug 17, 2005

I installed a new modem the other day cause the old one got fried. Now I am trying to print and the printer keeps giving me an error message, "this document fail to print." I tried all possible troubleshooting techniques but nothing help. I don't know what to do.

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My Computer Very Slow To Open?

Sep 26, 2006

Win XP Pro Sp2.1.4Ghz P4 Processor with 1.25 Gb RAM. 130 Gb Maxtor disk. New install. When clicking on My Computer it takes over 1 min to open. Other programs very slow also.

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Added Sp3 - Very Slow To Open An Application

Nov 1, 2009

I recently reloaded windows xp from scratch in a 2004 dell inspiron laptop using Dell cd's. It was working fine with sp2, but later I added sp3 and now computer takes about 5 minutes to open an application (anything from MSOffice apps to web browsers to anything else. After it finally comes up, it works slow but doable.
I would like to know what are the things I should be looking at that could be slowing the process so much. Is sp3 related? I'd rater not remove sp3 since all the applications were loaded after sp3 was installed

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Can't Open Threads - Very Slow Computer

Apr 14, 2010

Dell 2350 XP rebuilt 120G HD 1G Ram, new CDRW/DVD. Why is my computer speed so slow. Always have about 50 systems running all the time. I open google- click news- try to open site -real slow, try to open thread--gets 4-5 green dots than stops or take 10 minutes to open. Sometimes won't open. I go to options and delete all.-- still slow. I've redownloaded IE 7. I defrag, redo registry--ch disk

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IE 8 Extremely Slow To Load Ond Open

Feb 26, 2009

Internet pages open extremely slow in IE8. When I open IE it takes about a full minute for my home page to load and open. Any quick fixes? Running XP home, 1.2 gig processor, 512 MB RAM

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Browser Really Slow When Open New Page

Apr 9, 2008

My computer is working fine other than the browser (IE6). It takes about 2 minutes to open a page. Once opened it works fine. My home page is google, I can see the page right away but it's frozen. It stays that way for about 2 minutes then it works fine. No other problems arise until it tries to open a new page. Then the same thing happens again. I emptied all the offline and temp Internet files. Also emptied cookies and history. Ran spybot and adaware but it had no effect.

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Explorer Slow To Open My Computer

Jun 25, 2010

I have tried preventing Automatic Folder and Icon Refresh, and still nothing works. It can take my system up to 2 minutes to open the MyComputer folder, every other folder is fast, weird.

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WIndows Really Slow / Will Not Open Control Panel

Jun 2, 2006

Glad to join the forum. Ancious to read replies from users regarding my problem. Win xp home laptop. and 2400xpm with 512 megs of ram. Looking for help with this frustration. Takes forever to Boot up, open files and programs. Cannot get to the control panel and i am getting and explorer error when i do. would like to get to Microsoft to install sp2 but i cannot.

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Can't Open Apps, Slow Response From Browser

Apr 13, 2007

This issue is occurring on 2 computers - In the past 2 weeks Windows updates cause MAJOR lag in operations - can't open apps, slow response from browser.Updates mostly hang in the 30% range and do not move forward for hours....I leave the computers on over night to complete and sometimes the operation is still not complete.Have disabled auto updates to no avail. It still activates on reboot.

Where is the location of the temp files for the updates so they can be deleted to start fresh without autoupdate?

I've read other threads recently regarding update problems but didn't want to hijack them with my own issue.

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Generally Slow - Takes Too Much Time To Open

Jan 15, 2006

I am a having a problem with my computer being slow, when i have one window open and i try to open another one with internet explorer, when i click the start icon it takes awhile for that window to close and another google to start

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Open File / Auruar Pop Up Very Slow Computer

Jun 11, 2005

I am looking for help with my pc. Over the past 3 months it has slowed to a crawl. I was wondering if the aurura pop up has anything to do with the slow down?

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Runs Slow - Open Folder Or IE Pc Hangs

Aug 21, 2008

how can I make my pc run better. For example~ upon weeks/a month upon a new reformat my pc runs great, programs, games, etc... but after a while it just runs slow. especially when my son tries to play a game. the game skips alot, the video plays in slow motion, etc. When I know that any other time it works fine. even when I open a folder or IE it hangs for 10-30 secs...

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Programs Open Very Slow IE 8 / Mozilla Firefox

Jun 2, 2009

I have a hp computer modle da193aaba754n I'm running windows xp home with 512mb ram 80 gig hard drive 2.53 processer i have a linksey network. It boots up ok but programs open vary slow (word xl) internet explorer8 is even slower i have tried mozilla firefox and its no better it takes me 2 to 5 minutes to get online. Shut down is pretty slow and I'll usually get a message that something is not responding latley when I boot up I get a box pop up for lela 3.1 saying it will fix my network i know its som kind of spyware i x out but how can i get rid of it? have run scan reg it finds problems fixes them but thay come back.

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Machine Is So Painfully Slow To Open - HDD Health

Jul 10, 2010

Toshiba M50 XP Machine is very slow to boot up, and it then takes at least 5 minutes for Firefox to open after that.Every scan I run gives the machine a clean bill of health, and often congratulates me on the machine being fully clean.Just today I added HDD Health, and that gives a report of excellent health, and a 100% rating, even though the machine is getting on for 5 years old.When I look at Task Manager Processes during the long boot up it says "not responding".I am with Eircom Broadband, and my Eircom Mail, using Thunderbird, says that it cannot contact server.I can get the mails on other machines - Win 7 or Vista

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Laptop Slow To Open Everything After Clean Install

Dec 28, 2007

I just recently did a reformat and clean install of windows (to get rid of all the dell bloatware that came with my laptop, clean the registry, etc). Problem is, now programs are opening really really slowly. For example, photoshop is taking a super long time to open, it used to be much faster.Internet/Firefox seems to work fine, but in general I can tell something isn't right. I'm pretty confident it's not a virus/malware problem, as I just reformatted, did a new install of windows, and have had zonealarm running from the start (and yes, zonealarm was running all the time previous to the reformat).

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Open New Window Or Enter To A Some Link / Its Very Slow

Jun 18, 2007

When i open internet explorer i can see home page and explore it. But there is some problem when i open new window or enter to a some link. Its very slow. and after that there is iexplorer.exe error on display.

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Printer Wont Print: Wont Take Pages To Print?

Sep 5, 2008

Printer wont print THE printer normally prints fine but now it wont print atall the usb cable is in and the printer wont take the paper it just sits there
CONTROL PANEL> PRINTERS> OPEN and it says its printing just fine but it isnt Its in the front usb hub and tried the rear it dont make any differnence. The printer is on and its got paper etc etc.

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Word Documents Very Slow: Takes Apx 30 Seconds To Open?

Sep 7, 2005

When I attempt to open a microsoft word doc (or excel) from windows explorer it takes apx. 30 seconds to open ..but if I open the program first , then click on the open icon it comes up instantly.Also movie files from cd take apx 30 seconds to a minute to open even if I have media player already open.This never happened on my old computer ..This new computer is a Gateway purchased in May 2005..I already tried removing unused programs and defragmenting.

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