Wont Start After New Installation Of Windows?

Dec 29, 2006

I have a old pc, after formatting and installing windows on it successfully, only to restart half way and freezes up. someone help me out, about what to do, every help will be highly appreciated. thxsUpdate: Just tried to put winxp disc in and start a reformat but again nothing happens and it just goes back to the same screen mentioned above.

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Can Only Start In Safe Mode - Windows Was Unable To Start Successfully"

Dec 14, 2006

I recieved the following message after a forced restart after windows updates were installed: "We are sorry for any inconvenience but Windows was unable to start successfully" My options are to start in Safe Mode , Last known config or normal. Safe Mode is the only thing that works. Also System Restore would not work Also System Recovery from Sony Vaio Recovery Wizard would not work

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Start Cmd Command Error Message >Windows Cannot Find Or Start

Aug 6, 2005

In a not updated Version of Windows XP you can run (Start-run) "start"command at the Run dialog just typing it, when you update windows andwrite the same "start" into Run dialog Windows shows a error message >Windows cannot find `start`. Make sure you typed the name correctly,and then try again. To search for the file, click the Start button, andthen click Search.If you are in CMD the `start` command works fine but the problem is thein Run dialog windows doesn’t recognize it ?

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Windows Installation Would You Like To Log On To?

Sep 21, 2009

1:C:\windows which windows Installation would you like to log on to

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Windows Wont Start:did Start In Safe Mode Now Cant Even Do That?

Mar 6, 2008

It never would start windows normal but would in safe mode,so now i did a diskcheck and restarted now it gets hung up on the system32driversagp440.sys...at least thats the last one that pops up before it freezes.

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Does Not Start Up Properly - Power Failure Start Windows Normally

Aug 18, 2008

We are trying to start a laptop but windows is not starting up properly. As the boot begins, it takes you to a screen that says, :"if a previous start up attempt was inturrupted due to a power failure, then choose Start Windows Normally". We follow the directions, takes us the Window XP screen trying to boot it up and then takes us to the Gateway screen and then back to the screen where it asks the same question again.The cycles continues without any other options.

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New Installation Of Windows: Hangs On If Cd In Cd Rom?

Jul 24, 2005

when you boot up, if there is a cd in the cd-rom drive, it seems to 'hang' during windows startup for about 30-60 seconds. During that time it doesn't seem to be accessing the drive. After the 30-60 second delay, it boots up fine. Point me in the direction I need to go.

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Installation - Still Have To Do My Windows Updates

Feb 1, 2009

I started having issues with IE8 although I do use Firefox for browsing, but still have to do my Windows updates and such. Then I ran a utility download to clean up PC and registry and lost the ability to do updates, and can't install Windows products, and my disk drives have driver issues. No, I did not backup or do restore point and I have tried my restore points to no avail.

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Multiple Installation Of Windows

Apr 5, 2006

I have reinstalled windows for the 3th or 4th time and I am in the process of reinstalling all my programs, I have a few questions:
1) can I erase the directories the programs previously installed in the old version of windows?
As you can see in the attachments, I have installed my windows under the partition D: , so can I just go and erase all the folders of the utilities of my previously installed windows in C: ?
2) just out of curiosity, I tried to run some utilities previously installed and some of them work, other dont work. what does this mean?
3) at the system startup, how can I erase the choice between the 4 windows? I just want to leave this present working version.
4) I noticed a general slowing down of the memory when I run an application, can it be because of this new installation? how can I improve this problem?

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Repairing Windows Installation Without Cd

Dec 10, 2008

i am living in costa rica and just recently purchased what i believe to be a refurbished hp nc6000. in downloading some items from microsoft, i confirmed that i have authentic xp professional installed. however, the previous owner could not provide me with the original cd, hense my dilema. in deleting some previously loaded software, i believe i inadvertantly deleted some shared files for other programs. is there anyway without the original disk to repair the installation or operating system. i have read about hidden partitions and the like, but am not confident enough to try this. i have the serial numbers and whatnot for my xp professional software, so i am not sure if having that info allows me to do anything without the actual cd. one of the problems is i have downloaded internet explorer 7 but it fails to completely install. i have gotten the most recent service packs and updates from microsoft but still no progress. i would go out to the local best buy and get the appropriate software new if i wasnt living in the middle of a third world country. there are computer repair shops close to me, but everyone has spanish operating systems and mine is xp in english and i cant afford to chance losing it. is there any way to recreate the software or operating system back to its original format with all original folders and files intact?

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Formatted Old Installation Of Windows

May 27, 2010

I formatted a computer with NTFS (not quick) which reached 100% which had a hal.dll error on it when trying to boot. All seemed well and it let me install a new copy of XP on it.The only thing is now when the computer is turned on it asks which install of windows I want to boot from but I already formatted it so can't understand why the old one is showing up at all - the computer is running fine now as long as when it's booting I don't pick the original install of XP which has the hal.dll error on it.

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Windows Cant Start:windows Rootsystem32hal.dll Is Missing?

Feb 19, 2008

I decided to uninstall COLDFUSION from my system I confirmed yes to all those popups that say "this file is no longer needed want to delete"? during the uninstall process. Turns out I wiped out some important .dlls that windows needs to start up correctly. I am hung up on a DOS screen that reads:
"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windows rootsystem32hal.dll Please re-install a copy of the above file. Where do I find the above dll and if its on the xp CD...where on the XP CD would it be?

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Merging Partitions - Windows Installation

Sep 7, 2008

My friend recently gave me his computer after buying a new one. It's actually pretty decent by totally crippled by viruses and stuff. When he gave it to me, he had Ubuntu and XP installed on it. The XP would no longer start (blue screen) and I couldn't use Ubuntu for what I wanted to do. I reinstalled windows, however I didn't know which partition was Ubuntu and which was the broken Windows. It didn't really matter to me at the time, so I just picked one and overwrote it.Now, I've realized that I made the wrong choice. It claims I have two hard drives in my now working version of Windows: C: and D:. D: is the one I'm acutally using, but it's only 20 GB large while the C: with the bad version of Windows is 150 GB. I don't need any information off of C:, so is there some way I can just delete it and add the extra hard drive space to the partition I actually use?

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Xp Installation Cd Not Detected On Start Up?

Jun 8, 2010

I am getting the following error message:"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: Isapnp.sys" error message at startup"
I have tried to repair it by booting off the original XP setup CD but when the computer starts up the CD is not read and the error message pops up again. Any suugetstion?

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Trying To Install Ethernet Card: Installation Need Windows Xp Cd?

Oct 21, 2005

I'm running windows xp pro...i'm trying to install an ethernet card and a box comes up asking for the windows cdrom to look for drivers it needs...problem is i don't have my copy of windows xp...is there a place on the computer that i can browse to find what it's looking for...i guess i'm asking if when windows xp pro is installed does it copy everything to the computer in a file somewhere. otherwise i don't know if it would be better just to buy another ethernet card or if i would have the same problem. i do have the floppy that came with the ethernet card but it says the file i need is not on the floppy...?

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Installed Windows Corrupt Within 24 Hours Of Installation?

Dec 28, 2007

I have Windows XP in my system and the problem is that after installation of Windows within 24 hours corrupt...how it comes... during working suddenly system restart and afterthat windows unable to boot again...Few days before I found virus in my system FUNNY UST SCANDAL.AVI.EXE so I clean my drives with Antivirus and virus deleted ..may be this because of Virus so I scan my PC with Antivir ...and with Mcafee too but now nothing I found..

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CD Wont Boot Up With Windows Xp Installation Disc?

Apr 15, 2006

I was overclocking my cpu cause i replaced the stock fan with a cooling system and while i was overclocking i got a blue screen. So, i rebooted my comp and it says a file is missing or corrupt ( forgot what file something windows/system/config) and told me to repair it. and it wont let me use my windows xp disc. I set my cd-rom to 1st priority, im posititve my cd drives work, and the cd has only been used twice so im pretty sure it cant be that.

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Re-installation / Removed Windows Vista From The Boot

Jun 13, 2010

I have started to rebuild my desktop as it has become slow. I purchased the PC with windows XP professional and have the sticker in on the box with the license key. However, I used a Windows Genuine Advantage Kit for Windows XP professional disk to rebuild. When it asked me for the Product Key I entered the code on the chassis but it says this is not valid. I received an email with the Product Key for WGA disk but I do not have the email anymore with the yellow product key although the WGA box does have the Certificate of Authentication on it.c, how do I get another copy of the email with the Product key or get to a point where the product key.


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Repair Windows Installation Without Losing ANY Files

Apr 28, 2005

I want to know how to repair windows installation without losing ANY files.

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Windows Installation Interupted Due To Root Kit Virus

Sep 25, 2006

I have been having trouble with a potential virus ever since I visited a google link where instead of a page loading IE crashed. Spybots teatime gave me a bunch of popups about changed entries which I was forced to accept. Since then I've had adspyware reappear over and over. Ad-aware detected it and removed it, but clearly not the underlying problem. System been running slow. I was in a game where I shut down a bunch of background programs including avg antivirus,teatime & zonealarm to free up resources. When I shut down teatime it gave me a bunch of messages about blocked changes. These set of popups had to be forceably closed. Then my system was running at a crawl. So I exited the game and restarted my PC. Now after the XP loading screen I get a black screen with no hdd light/activity. No save mode variation works either.(or previous working configeration etc) Fortunately I had win98 duel booted for older games. If a virus has caused this problem, its undetectable by many a antivirus program. Maybe some rootkit thing? What do I do? Hijackthis only checks the OS it runs under and I can only run win98. BTW, can't reinstall XP because I lost the CD. Assuming what ever rootkit virus wouldnt still be there to prevent loading anyways.

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Sp3 Partition Deleted - Start Installation

Sep 27, 2010

installed linux on my hp mini 1010nr and erased the little partition that had sp 3 behind it. i bought an external drive to reinstall my win xp os but it says it can't install because it needs sp3, how do i fix this.

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Can't Download/Update Updates - Use The Windows Installation Disk

Jul 16, 2005

For several weeks now I haven't been able to download/update Windows updates. I have been working with Microsoft Tech Support (via the telephone)for several days now and we haven't been able to correct the problem(s). My question is... can I use the Windows Installation disk to "fix" any problems my machine is having with the downloads/updates? Is there a "fix" option on the Windows disk and am I at risk in using it? I don't want to lose anything on my desktop because it is the way I want it at this time.

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Booting A Windows Installation From An External Hard Drive

Jun 9, 2008

I have an external hard drive (150GB) which is partitioned into two parts. One partition , about 145gb, is data and files of my own. Then there is an extended partition at 5gb in size, which contains windows xp installation files. What I did was take my windows xp cd, make an ISO, and then extracted the iso and put the files into the extended partition of my external usb hard drive.The computer I want to install to has a cd drive that is not working and thus i cannot install windows xp from a cd. The BIOS of the computer DOES support booting from a USB device.I have partition magic software and have used it to create the 5gb extended partition on the usb external drive. However, I don't know how to configure anything so that it will acutally know to boot from this partition and what files to use to start the installation.

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WIndows USB Installation - After Loading Drivers System Stops

Jan 27, 2010

I have successfully created a USB installation routine for Windows XP using Multiboot.cmd. The problem i am having is that the installation works perfectly on evry machine i have tried it on apart from Dell machines.

It gets as far as Setup is Starting Windows (after loading in all the background drivers) and then Blue Screens with error 0x0000007b. I have scoured the internet and found nothing of any use on this error code.

It does state that when installing from USB to ensure that no other USB devices are plugged in but the mouse and keyboard themselves are USB devices.

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Right Click On Icon Or Desktop - Systemac Antivirus Installation Windows

Oct 17, 2009

I decided to get rid of my "Symantec Antivirus" program, but I couldn't find a way to uninstall it, so I deleted the program folder (with included files) and the related shortcuts and left it up to my registry cleaners to get the rest. However, whenever I right-click on an icon or the desktop, it gives me a couple of Systemac Antivirus installation windows that I have to cancel out of before I get my right-click menu. My registry cleaners, anti-spyware, and anti-virus programs can't find anything. Searching for "Symantec" provides no results. How do I fix this?

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On Start Up - Windows Or Windows Default?

Feb 27, 2006

I altered the boot up in boot.ini so that I could choose safe mode at start up,When I changed it back a screen came up that I`d never seen before asking
me to choose, WINDOWS or WINDOWS DEFAULT and I cant get rid of it.BY the way I am running XP Pro.

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Computer Wont Start Up - Reset WINSOCK Entries To Installation

Aug 20, 2007

I'm running a Dell Inspiron E1505. My wireless was having a problem. I followed the steps outlined in this post. ://forums.techguy.org/networking...-internet.html Mainly I went into command prompt and did the following: Reset WINSOCK entries to installation defaults: netsh winsock reset catalog Reset TCP/IP stack to installation defaults. netsh int ip reset reset.log When I went to restart my computer wouldn't turn on! The power light is illuminated, the CD drive clicks once, but other than that nothing happens.

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Windows Wont Start Missing Windows Root/system32/hal.dll Missing?

May 29, 2008

When I turn on comp. get the mssg: Windows couldn't start following file missing <Windows root>/system32/hal.dll Reinstall copy of file Recovery does not work. Tried to boot from a cd (changed BIOS to cd as 1st boot device) with win xp setup boot disk downloaded from MS site. Get same error mssg.

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Can't Start Windows Up Normally

Oct 11, 2007

I have a big virus problem. I have basically every type of virus there on my computer. The most recent problem that I have is that I have use safe mode, i can't start windows up normally (windows xp home edition). I get a blue screen saying that windows has been shut down to prevent dammage from happing to your pc.

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Windows Going To Shut Down Pop Up At The Start Up

Jan 30, 2005

My Uncle just got a Dell computer and installed a dsl modem, and after a couple of days the computer was running super slow, and a popup appeared a few minutes after startup with a 60 second timer saying that windows was going to shut down. I thought that it was Spyware/adware so I installed and ran Adaware, and I deleted over 380 infected files, and ran AVG 7 virus scan and detected trojan viruses. I saw that his internet security settings were set at the minimum level and the firewall was disabled, so I enabled the firewall and raised the bars on the security levels, but there's still a major problem.

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Windows Couldn't Start

Oct 16, 2005

I was working on my computer last night and everything was fine. This morning I turned it on and got a message saying windows couldn't start because the file windowssystem32configsystem was missing or corrupt. The only option that I seem to have is to reformat and reinstall all the software which will wipe out all of my files. It have weeks of work on that computer. I sometimes back up online but it's been a long time since I've done that. Is there someway that I can fix it without a total reinstall?

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