"Windows-No Disk"-Continued To Pop Up Every Time?

Nov 14, 2006

The subject thread refers to the pop-up advisory during Start-Up:Windows-No Disk There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive.[Cancel] [Try Again][Continue]This infection affects one or more of a legion of Start-Up programs currently burdening Windows-XP causing an annoying distraction. It does not appear in Safe Mode boot and subsequent Start-Up. I have appended a Logfile from a System Scan produced by HijackThis. Advice your experts offer will, I am sure, aid in keeping me out of trouble while rummaging in the Registry.

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Error Pups Up Every Time "Windows-No Disk" ?

Mar 30, 2007

As many others have experienced here, I too am having the no-disk error.

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Need Space Continued From Wacky CD-ROM

Oct 8, 2007

Noticing that a few PCs are getting down to 1 GB empty space on the drive, I need to find space. I have removed all programs that we don't need for classes, but there seems to still be too much space taken up somewhere.I found huge files named "hiberfil.sys" and "pagefile.sys" on two machines. By disengaging hibernation (thanks to archived posts) I gain lots of space on one machine (both aforementioned files disappeared), however the "pagefile" file remained on the other machine.Can I delete this file another way? Also, are there any other space-robbing files that I can look for?

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Screen Went Dark, While Continued To Loading

Jul 10, 2005

I have Windows XP and SP2 installed on a computer. I didn't use it for a couple of months. Today, I turned it on, the Windows started to load (3 blue dots made about 20 runs), but after that the screen went dark, while Windows continued to load (I could hear all the sounds associated with starting different programs). Moreover, when I started Windows in a Safe mode, the screen was fine and I was able to use computer. The same monitor I used with another computer and it worked fine, too. May someone please tell me what could be wrong? Keep in mind, when screen goes dark, the Windows continue to load and works. I just cannot see it. So, I presume, the computer is OK. The monitor is OK too: it works in the Safe mode and with another computer. Why this monitor became incompatible with this computer? They worked fine before.

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Continued BSOD, Computer Running Very Slowly

Nov 5, 2008

I bought my dell M4300 only in July of this year off the internet!Since then i have had approx 20 BSOD, i have installed off the internet normal registry checks and i seemed to be on top of things. This is a little over my head though!Last week after a BSOD my computer started to run incrediably slowly. On loading, turning off, opening progs and even simple comands. Sometimes it runs smoother (like now) but that it worse case which is approx 80% of the time.Also sometimes on starting up it opens to a blank desktop with no icons or task bar so i have to restart.

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Removing OS's From Boot Loader: Have Windows XP And A Windows XP Setup Same Time?

Apr 19, 2006

I went to try to install windows xp onto a computer that already had windows on it. I did not boot from the cd. To do it without using the cd it has to copy the installation files to the computer and then run them. When setup does this it creates a new choice of an operating system to boot from called "Windows XP Setup." So now I have a Windows XP and a Windows XP setup. I've been in msconfig and looked at boot.ini but that didn't help

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How To Two Windows At The Same Time?

Dec 14, 2004

how can i install 2 seperate hard drives on my pc 1 with XP and the other with Me? i already have 1 HD with XP i want to add another with Me running on it. i have a DVD and CDRW.

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Disk Space Error Comes Every Time

Mar 31, 2007

I have a 100GB hard drive and windows XP keeps recognizing it as being full. When I view drive C it says that it has all of its 88GB filled. The interesting thing is that when I do a CTRL A of all of its contents, the size is only 20GB. My computer is free of movies and music with the exception of a few gigs of photos and small programs. System speed is fine and I do not believe that my system has any sort of malicious files on it.

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Windows Is Starting ' Wait Time

Dec 8, 2005

Im running windows XP Pro. upon starting the computer, when it gets to 'Windows is starting' screen, I'm made to wait at least some 3 minutes before I get to the Logon screen.

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Dragging Small Windows Every Time

Aug 23, 2005

The ability to drag any small window with all the contents. Not just the outline of the window. I have tried again and again to get it to stay on and checked, all to no avail. I don't understand why. At the desk top I right click anywhere to get to very small window with (properties) at the very bottom. I then click on Properties and get (Appearance). Next I click on appearance tab to get to the window that has the (Effects) button. Next, I click on the effects tab and look to see if the little bitty square next to (Show Window Contents While Dragging) is checked. And it is never checked. So I check it to get the effect of dragging the contents with the window as I move it around the screen.

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Reinstalling Windows For The 3rd Time This Week

Nov 28, 2008

I just got a new gaming rig last week and with in the first day I had to down load a virus that trashed windows, so I reinstalled...... on the 10GB shared network partition! If I reinstall on the 950GB side of the disk can I some how move what ever file tells windows that programs are installed to the new install? because now I'm out of space at first I thought that the 10GB would work if I didnt install anything on the windows partition but now I'm F-ed!

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Web Pages Opens In A New Windows Every Time

Nov 29, 2005

Using IE6, is there anyway I can stop a new web page opening up everytime I click on a link? For example, when i was browsing this forum, every different thread i clicked on opened a new window instead of just opening in the exisiting one.

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Disk Cleanup Taking Long Time

Jun 24, 2005

I am planning to download and install Office service pack 3 and Windows service pack 2. It was recommended, that before I do, to resolve any computer issues. So I ran virus, spyware, and adware programs. Then, I decided to use the desk cleanup program. After ten mins... there is still only 3 green "chiclets". "Disk Cleanup is calculating how much space you will be able to free on (C. This may take a few minutes to complete. Calculating... Scanning: Compress old files".

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Restore Hard Disk To Earlier Time

Mar 23, 2006

utilitiy that could help me to restore the system (WinXP Home) to an earlier time, app. bofore one hour. Accedentaly we deleted word documents from shared documents. When the documents are deleted from the shared documents in a network, they are immediately deleted, not sent to recycle bin. What utility can I use?!?

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Windows Xp Crashes Every Time Launch Video

Sep 6, 2006

windows xp crashes every time i launch video. i'm thinking it's some kind of plug-in problem...maybe java? any ideas to fix? maybe reinstall internet explorer or can someone give me some kind of idea which plug-in to load?

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Login On Another Pc It Takes Like Too Much Time - Windows Server

Sep 7, 2005

Hi i am using windows server and when i got active users directory and when i login on another pc it takes like 10 mins. I also set the group policy up and that dosnt work, i got told it was the dns and i dont know how to set the DNS up.

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Loading Check Disk At Boot Time Automatically?

Oct 29, 2007

How can i load at boot-time xp's checkdisk (chkdsk)?What does the OS modifies so that disk check can start when I reboot. (the same when you right click on partition -> props -> tools -> check disk)?

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DISK CHECK Runs Every Time Boot And Wont Go Any Further

Jun 5, 2008

Each reboot starts with scan of fat32 and checks for errors on file system c:/says Removing trailing entries from system volume - restore It then says entries have been checked and fixed ,says windows will now start up then does the acer screen, then windows xp screen loads then it cuts back to scandisk again. I could reformat with the original installation disk, but the owner of this computer wants heaps of files and photos and things off the harddrive first, so i want to see if i can fix without loosing her data.

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Lock Windows Clock To Make Sure That Nobody Will Change The Time

Jul 26, 2005

How can I lock windows clock to make sure that nobody will change the time?

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Wireless Conection Breaks All Time / Windows Defender Cannot Update

May 31, 2006

Im haveing multiple problems with my laptop and its pretty bad.First of all the wireless conection breaks all the time and it says that Wireless zero configuration utility needs to be restarted. So i have to go to Run; %SystemRoot%/system32/services.msc s and restart it. But it just goes out again after a few hours.Windows Firewall will not open. It says; "Windows firewall setting cannot be displayed becasue the associated service is not running." I click ok and it says" Windows cannot start the widows firewall/Internet connection sharing (ICS) service.Windows defender cannot update. It says its trying but then fails and it dosnt display the problem long enough to write it down here. My sound is no longer working. Im about to just give up and reformat and re instal everything. Unless anyone thinks i have a hardware problem

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Cannot Start Windows / Reboots To Boot Selection Screen Each Time

Dec 24, 2006

I am trying to help out a neighbor today who has computer related problems. He boots up his computer, to go to the screen where it gives him 5 choices to start his computer: start windows normally, safe mode, safe mode with command prompt, last good known configuration, etc. No matter which one he chooses though, they all give him the same result. He sees the windows logo with the bars loading up XP but shortly after that he gets a Blue Screen of Death for about a second (not long enough for me to see the error), then it goes back to the Boot options I listed above. Not exactly sure where to go when I am trying to help him at the moment. Usually, I can get the BSOD error and go from there, but this time I'm stuck because I can't see the error in time. At the moment, I have limited computer specs. from him (pretty sure its a dell) but other than that, not much else.

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Windows No Disk Error

Jun 15, 2006

I'm getting the Windows No Disk error everytime I load up. I have downloaded and run Highjack this as advised in other threads and this is the log.

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Run Disk Check Not Working Windows Xp

Jan 3, 2009

My computer every now and again makes a churnign sound, freezes and the ngives me a blue screen which says that it is dumping physical memory. I tried to run check disk on the c: drive but a box tells me that 'windows was unable to complete the disk check'.I also noticed that I tried to analyze the disk for defragmenting but nothing happens it simply says that 'disk defragmenter could not start' - I have 23% disk space left (if that means anything).

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WIndows Update - Not Enough Disk Space On F

Feb 8, 2009

I have just installed a new hard drive (80G), installed windows XP Home Edition on it, and activated it. Went to the windows update to get the latest updates, First is the SP3 update. So it downloads, and then I get the error message:

There is not enough disk space on F:/ (I have an external hard drive as well, so it put the C drive on the F spot, not a problem)WINDOWS$NtServicePackUninstall$ to install Service Pack 3. Setup requires a minimum of 1 additional megabytes of free space or if you also want to archive the files for uninstallation, Setup requires 1 additional megabytes of free space

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Load Windows Update To A Disk?

Jun 29, 2006

Is there a way to somehow load the windows updates to a disk and then install them on a different computer?

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When Install ,it Says Windows Could Not Load The Installer For Disk Dr

Mar 26, 2010

When i install windows,it says windows could not load the installer for disk dr

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Good Disk Utility Program For Windows

Oct 25, 2009

I'm looking for an all around good disk utility program that will monitor many different aspects of my harddrives etc. I'm only looking for free software though. If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them.

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Scary Check Disk Initiated By Windows

Apr 30, 2010

I'm running Windows XP Pro SP 3, Intel [R] Core[TM]2 Quad CPU, Q6600 @ 2.40GHz with 3.00 GB of RAM.When I booted up just now a Windows light blue screen came on suggesting I should let Windows run a 3 stage Check Disk. I clicked Okay and it started . It was running down the screen too fast for me to write any of it down but it found a whole lot of files that were unreadable. I think in the second stage it said it was (perhaps) correcting problems, and doing something with orphan files but I don't know what any of this means. Some of the code language would often refer to things that looked like $350 or $128 (approximately) along with other code I couldn't read. It took about maybe twelve minutes, or so, and when it was done everything seemed to be working. It didn't tell me anything is wrong with my computer but could it mean my C Drive is faulty? That's my main concern. It's a fairly new 300 Gig hard drive and I haven't backed it up yet, and I guess if it's already faulty there wouldn't be much point in backing it up now, or would there?

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Recovery Disk For Laptop Windows - Virus

Nov 7, 2008

I have a Fujitsu Lifebook N Series. I have a virus that freezes everything up. Nothing works and I would like to start fresh. However I can't find my recovery disk or Windows Disk. My labtop still has the Windows XP Home Edition sticker on the bottom with the code.

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Disk Boot Failure: Reinstalling New Copy Of Windows?

Jan 21, 2007

Just wiped my hard drive clean and am trying to reinstall OS but get a Disk Boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. When i add the cd it just repeats Disk Boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. Have wiped my hard drive before and haven't had this problem. The boot order is correct in the BIOS and i havent touched any cables.

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Windows Was Unable To Complete Disk Check From Computer

Mar 23, 2009

windows was unable to complete the disk check from My Computer.What cause this and how can I fix it? Apparently, this is the reason I am unable to perform a defrag.I ran a Chkdsk.exe and got the following msg: The type of the file system is NTFS. Cannot lock current drive.Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? y

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