Feb 18, 2008

I have a Dell computer with Win/XP Home on it and now it will not bootup, all I get is the following message:PXE-E61 MADIA TEST FAILURE, CHECK CABLEPXE-MOF: EXITING BROADCOM PXE ROM NO BOOT DEVICE DETECTED INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS F1 TO CONTINUE OR PRESS F2 TO SETUP MENU.

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Media Test Failure

Aug 6, 2007

Media test failure, check cable Exiting Intel Boot Agent Disk boot failure, Insert system disk and press enter.

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PXE-E61:Media Test Failure - Check Cable

Nov 19, 2008

Toshiba Satellite A85 S107 has the following message:

"Windows Root>System32NTOSKRNL.exe. Re-install a copy of the above file." Can't get into Safe Mode or Setup and it will not boot to cd rom. Took out the HD and it's readable as a slave. Put it back in and now getting the following message:For Realtek RT8139(X)/8130/810X PCI FAst Eathernet Controller V2.13 (020326)

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How To Test RAM?

Jun 23, 2005

A friend had a virus and after seeming to get everything cleaned now occassionally gets, on shutdown, a message containing 0x0000007F and "something about a Kernal". Looking up that error code in the KB says one thing to do is test the RAM with diagnostic software. Can someone tell me what software I'd use? Is it part of Windows XP Home?

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Ping Test

Mar 4, 2005

I am hooked up wireless but cannot get anything done or checked in dos. Windows
help is useless. Frustrated after 8 hours
Have wireless hook up with adapter in computer with the problem. Have
windows firewall and Panda antivirus and firewall?

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Speed Test Your Computer

Apr 20, 2006

There is a website that I have been attending for 4 years now, in which you can play games, chat, ect ect.They have what is called a "Speed Test" to test your computer in many different areas (3-D, Text, Pixels, Math, ect.) that you can take for free, by just logging in as a guest.All you have to do is come up with a nickname, login, go to SINGLE PLAYER tab at the bottom left of your screen, click it, then go to the second or third to last game, on the bottom right of your screen, and click it (Greyish box).Up comes the speed test...Just click start (make sure you have everything closed out on the screen as it takes your computer through several speed tests)In no way is this some kind of promo or anything, its just a really COOL way to test your computer.

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IIS On Xp Home: Test Out My *.asp Pages Before Uploading?

Jul 31, 2005

How do I install IIS on my Compaq laptop with Xp Home? or is it not possible on the Home edition? I just need to test out my *.asp pages before uploading them.

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Test For Time Zone Change

Mar 8, 2007

Here is a little test for the time zone updates from Microsoft. Try it and by the way it works, please post the results back here.

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Unmountable Boot Volume - Diagnostic Test

Dec 18, 2006

I made the dreadful mistake of turning on my computer just to remove a CD and then quickly turning it back off again without properly shutting down. I was shocked on Saturday morning to turn on my Computer and receive the "Unmountable Boot Volume" blue screen. I have tried everything - chkdsk /r, chkdsk, /p and nothing seems to work. I ran a diagnostic test as my computer passed but I can't figure out how to make it boot up again. I think there may be just one little step I must be missing or is there any other alternative that I can try before I have to reinstall Windows all over again???????? In my gut I don't believe there is anything seriously wrong with my computer - just my poor judgement in not shutting down correctly.

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Transfer Pictures - Easy Way To Test USB Ports?

Mar 25, 2006

I tried to transfer pictures from a card reader (Sandisk) to my PC. I followed the instructions, but nothing happened. I have never used the USB ports before until now. Could it be that they are not working? Supposedly I have USB 2.0. Is there an easy way to check that these ports are operational?

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Need Virtual Machine To Test Operating System

Apr 25, 2006

I need a Virtual Machine to test an operating system stored as an .iso file, I've tried VMware Workstation, but it was too difficult, does anybody know if there is a good an easy tool?

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How To Test New Full Image Backup Program?

Feb 17, 2006

I just installed Paragon Exact Image 7.0 and sent a full image of my C Drive to a partition on my slave drive. I also created a recovery boot CD made from the same software. Is there a way to use my new recovery CD to boot to my slave partition to see if the puter will boot and to see if the "full image" really is a full image?

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USB Flash Drive Read Write Speed Test

Aug 12, 2005

I would like to test the speed of USB 2.0 flash drive read write speed test. Is there any software to test such drive reasonably accurate?

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Printer Wont Print Any Document Not Even Test Page?

Feb 3, 2008

my hp psc 1100 series printer will not print, the scanner works,the copier works, but the printer will not print anything not even a test page,i keep getting this message, {SYSTEM ERROR DOCUMENT FAILED TO PRINT DUE TO A SYSTEM ERROR}, I am using Windows XP SP2 Media Centre Edition, the strange thing is the printer works perfectky on my other computer which is Windows ME edition

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Self Test Check Pc And Signal Cable Monitor Is Working

Dec 10, 2008

the monitor works fine(tried it on another computer) all cables are good the AGP video card works(tried it on another computer) mother board gets power, u can hear the HD and etc startup, but i get the error message on the monitor "self test check your pc and signal cable monitor is working" my knowlege is that, since the monitor and video card worked with another computer, and in my main computer the video card is powered, and the fan is on, somemother thing is not allowing the signal the mother board to the video card to the monitor

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Install To Test Some Software / Did Not Find Addressed On Microsoft Website

Apr 12, 2007

I am getting ready to install this to test some software and I wonder about the uninstall process. I did not find it addressed on Microsoft's website.If it works, I will be getting some new hardware and I will not need it on the original PC any more.

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Computer Won't Recognize Hard Drives - "Tuff Test", Running At Boot Up

May 19, 2007

The Dell 8250 Pentium IV computer will not recognize the new master 160 GHZ or the origional, now slave, 40 GHZ, Hard drives. All the connections and jumpers are installed correctly. I tried a new motherboard and a new cable, both did not resolve this problem. Even ran a diagnostic program called "Tuff Test", running at boot up and the RAM and all other items checked OK, showing all working properly. The BIOS, now set to boot up correctly, off the proper drive, seems to recognize both removable drives and the floppy, but not the hard drives.
When I received the computer it was password protected. after asking and waiting for a week, with no response, I therefore, in safe mode,entered the BIOS and chose for it to boot off of the CD Rw that I thought was the proper and shut the Hard Drive off. Here the CD RW was a slave and not the master. No luck in installing the OS. I bought a new 160 GHZ HD with the thought that I could load the OS, again no luck. I replaced the battery and tried again with no luck.

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Name At Bootup Win Pro

Aug 17, 2008

When booting up XP Pro it displays the name of the previous owner of the laptop. How do I change this to my name at bootup. It didn't work by going to Control Panel and changing user names.

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How Many Do You All Have On Bootup?

Oct 19, 2005

When I boot up I have like 19 processes, sometimes 18. I am wondering what other TSG members have on their startup? How many processes, maybe even what are they, or even how many MB do your process take up? I would make a poll but the poll only has 10 options. Maybe I will make a poll after I find out how many I really ought to have. heh. 18..I am thinking that is way more than I need at all!

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64 Bit Version - Beta Test Version

Jun 30, 2005

Does anyone know when the 64 bit version of XP will be coming out? I know there is a beta test version floating around, but I was wondering about an official release.

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Bootup Hanging At Mup.sys?

Dec 23, 2006

For some reason my system keeps hanging when booting up on the windows splash screen, then when i try to start it in safe mode it hang on /System32/Drivers /mup.sys . The problem started when i switched the case of the computer due to the power button beeing fauty. There has been no update of hardware apart from the case.

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Win Locking After Bootup

May 26, 2005

A friend of mine asked me to look at his computer, after he was noticing a significant slow down in system processes etc. Its a 3 yr old Dell, 1.79gHz with a 30 gig HD and 256 megs of memory, running WinXP Home Edition. He never really knew much about computers, and as I discovered, he hadn't run his virus checker in almost 2 1/2 years, so that was certainly a dead giveaway that he was having problems.I managed to get AdAware and SpySweeper loaded onto it and ran them both, between the 2 programs I was able to wipe out a good majority of the cookies, the spyware and malware, however when I rebooted, the system immediately slowed down as soon as the desktop appeared and then ground to a halt entirely. The mouse moves, but that's it. I'm unable to Ctrl+Alt+Del, in order to shut it down I have to unplug the power cord, since it doesn't have a reset button.

I haven't yet been able to run HiJackThis! on the computer, I'm hoping running it in safe mode might afford me the ability to do that, but since I'm unable to decipher what it says, I'm going to be needing assistance on that level as well.

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Need To Having Acctmgr Running Upon Bootup

Jul 20, 2005

I am having problems updating Norton Antivirus 2005. Symantec says I need to having Acctmgr running upon Bootup. Using Msconfig, I do not have Acctmgr as an option to check in Startup and viewing Microsoft Services, I see nothing pertaining to Acctmgr I could check. Am using XP Home with SP 2 Installed. ANY SUGGESTIONS AS TO HOW I CAN ACTIVATE ACCTMGR UPON BOOTUP?

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SVCHOST Hangs CPU 100% On Bootup?

Mar 4, 2005

I have upgraded all of our pcs to SP2 (WinXP). Since then only some of the pc's exhibit issue. SVCHOST maxes at 100% for 5-10 minutes on bootup then resumes normalcy. I've narrowed it down to the Internet Connection Firewall causing the issue (if I kill it the prob. goes away). I need to have this enabled. (Besides, why is it only happening on some machines and not others?)

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Very Slow Bootup On SP3 With All Updates?

Aug 29, 2008

When I reboot my PC it takes a good 3 minutes to get from the "Welcome" screen to being ready to work with only 4 items on System Tray, volume, Sunbelt Vipre, Zone Alarm Firewall, and Win Patrol. The, "RECGUARD" isn't shown but is there also RECGUARD, Vipre, Win Patrol, and Zone Alarm is all that's present under msconfig Startup. I have ran CCleaner, Defrag, Disc Cleaner, and Registry Mechanic to no avail. Under, "Startup Programs" under, "System Information" there is one heckuva bunch of programs listed if that has any bearing on my problem, I can maybe do a Copy and Paste of the list if needed?

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Deleted Everything Listed - Cant Bootup Now

Jan 4, 2009

I just finished reinstalling XP Pro SP2 (original recovery from Dell) on an Optiplex 330. Now at bootup it is showing 2 "Windows XP Pro" and is asking which one to run. I followed the directions when I started and I thought I had deleted everything listed. Can I solve this without Zeroing out the HDD and starting over?

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Bootup Error With WinPro SP2

Aug 11, 2006

Instead of getting the graphical splash screen with the blue dots moving from left to right across the screen before the user login screen presents, I am able to select Linux and boot up properly there. Each OS is on its own hard disk. I had earlier saved off each MBR in case I ever had a problem with it. I have checked the MBR for the WinXP disk (i.e. the 0th (1st) sector) on the disk consisting of 512 bytes. It checked out OK with no binary differences, so I am confident that there is no problem with the WinXP MBR or the partitions in it. Obviously there is a problem after control is transferred from the WinXP MBR to bootup WinXP.My strategy now is going to be to run the bootcfg /rebuild command from the Recovery Console after checking out the boot list from the bootcfg command - if I can get that far with the Recovery Console.I do not seem to be able to get into Safe Mode or the Advanced Options screen selection by pressing on the F8 key. My boot.ini file was edited OK and had an extra line to boot into Safe Mode, but that does not work now.

So, my theory is that if all was working as before OK, I should be getting the selection to boot into Safe Mode vs normal bootup with the changes I made to the boot.ini file. Since I am not getting that and experiencing the problem as described above, I am assuming that something is out-of-kilter with the boot.ini file.Also, my last shutdown in the morning yesterday went Ok. What I was doing before I shutdown for lunch was shredding files - everything went OK with no apparent problems, but I wonder whether something went adrift without being noticed and corrupted some files on my system - notably, the boot.ini file - at least this is what I suspect.Anyone see a problem with what I have in mind to do or have a better idea how to fix this problem?

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Os Choices On Bootup Screen

Jan 12, 2007

I tried upgrading my os to vista then decided I wasn't going to but ever since then I have been having problems with windows xp. When I boot up, I am given an option of choosing windows xp, or windows xp setup. I then have 3 situations:
1.If I choose windows xp my computer runs normally.
2.If I choose xp setup nothing happens I get a blank black screen.
3.If I do nothing I get a black screen that has one message, at the top it says windows is missing <windows root>system32hal.dll..How can I set my computer back to its normal state?

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16 Bit MS-DOS Subsystem Error On Bootup

Aug 9, 2010

I am running windows xp home, sp3 on a Geteway desktop with a pentium 4. A while ago, after doing and un-doing a system restore, I am now getting and error message everytime I boot up. In front of a larget DOS window there is a smaller gray error window that is tiiled '16 bit MS-DOS subsystem'.

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Dos Command Prompt At Bootup Still

May 22, 2005

Still getting the dos prompt shutdown command box after scanning and removing malware, spyware, trojans and everything else you can think of. Here is what it looks like. C:/windows/system32/cmd.exe

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Eliminate Password On Bootup

Sep 17, 2005

I have no reason to pass protect my home computer. I would like to turn the unit on and go directly to my desktop without going through the password screen. I'm sure there is an easy way to do this but I can't seem to get pass the sign-on page.

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