Transfer Pictures - Easy Way To Test USB Ports?

Mar 25, 2006

I tried to transfer pictures from a card reader (Sandisk) to my PC. I followed the instructions, but nothing happened. I have never used the USB ports before until now. Could it be that they are not working? Supposedly I have USB 2.0. Is there an easy way to check that these ports are operational?

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Audio Ports - USB Ports Not Working

Jul 19, 2005

Last week I was hit with a multitude of viruses. Since then I've followed
the KRC Anti-Spyware tutorial, I have ewido, spybot (tea timer running), Ad-Aware, etc. and cleaned everythign up, and my system is finally stable again. I even got Norton System works and that helped a lot too. I've been to Windows update and am completely up to date with installs.2 problems still: I still have no audio, and 5 of my USB ports are not working

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Transfer Files From Vista To XP With Data Transfer Cable?

Feb 3, 2008

I bought a new laptop with Windows XP in it, I wanted to transfer some files from my Desktop PC which has Vista to my laptop with XP, I bought a Belkin USB Data Transfer Cable to transfer files with help of Windows Easy Transfer but when I installed the software provided with it, it seemed that I can only transfer files from XP to Vista.

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How ToPut Saved Pictures Back In My Pictures Folder?

Jan 16, 2005

I want to put the pictures that I saved from the My Pictures folder back to the My Pictures folder. I have set one of them as the new desktop background. (It was before the format).I have typed in "Export Pictures from CD to My Pictures folder" without the quotes and I get a list of links pertaining to CD recording errors and other things like that. I did right click on a picture in Drive E (my CD-RW) just to see what would come up and I noticed that on the Send To menu that these pictures can be sent to the desktop.

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How To Test RAM?

Jun 23, 2005

A friend had a virus and after seeming to get everything cleaned now occassionally gets, on shutdown, a message containing 0x0000007F and "something about a Kernal". Looking up that error code in the KB says one thing to do is test the RAM with diagnostic software. Can someone tell me what software I'd use? Is it part of Windows XP Home?

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How Do I Save The Pictures In My Pictures Folder To CD?

Jan 14, 2005

I need to know how to save the pictures in the My Pictures folder to CD. I am going to format and reinstall XP Home and if I do, I will lose these pictures unless I save them.

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Sorting Pictures To A Sequence In My Pictures.

Dec 1, 2008

I have taken a series of pictures on different days and downloaded them into a folder in My Pictures. I need to put them in a sequence so I right clicked each picture and re-named it as follows: 001jpg, 002jpg and so on for 100 pictures. In view, I selected arrange icons by modified and all the pictures moved to the sequence I wanted. All is well and good until I copied the folder to a CD. All the pictures reverted to their original sequence instead of the sequence I put them in.

How can I copy the folder with the pictures in the sequence I put them in? Whenever I open the picture file to look at that folder, they are always in the sequnce I put them in

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Ping Test

Mar 4, 2005

I am hooked up wireless but cannot get anything done or checked in dos. Windows
help is useless. Frustrated after 8 hours
Have wireless hook up with adapter in computer with the problem. Have
windows firewall and Panda antivirus and firewall?

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Media Test Failure

Aug 6, 2007

Media test failure, check cable Exiting Intel Boot Agent Disk boot failure, Insert system disk and press enter.

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Speed Test Your Computer

Apr 20, 2006

There is a website that I have been attending for 4 years now, in which you can play games, chat, ect ect.They have what is called a "Speed Test" to test your computer in many different areas (3-D, Text, Pixels, Math, ect.) that you can take for free, by just logging in as a guest.All you have to do is come up with a nickname, login, go to SINGLE PLAYER tab at the bottom left of your screen, click it, then go to the second or third to last game, on the bottom right of your screen, and click it (Greyish box).Up comes the speed test...Just click start (make sure you have everything closed out on the screen as it takes your computer through several speed tests)In no way is this some kind of promo or anything, its just a really COOL way to test your computer.

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IIS On Xp Home: Test Out My *.asp Pages Before Uploading?

Jul 31, 2005

How do I install IIS on my Compaq laptop with Xp Home? or is it not possible on the Home edition? I just need to test out my *.asp pages before uploading them.

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Feb 18, 2008

I have a Dell computer with Win/XP Home on it and now it will not bootup, all I get is the following message:PXE-E61 MADIA TEST FAILURE, CHECK CABLEPXE-MOF: EXITING BROADCOM PXE ROM NO BOOT DEVICE DETECTED INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS F1 TO CONTINUE OR PRESS F2 TO SETUP MENU.

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Test For Time Zone Change

Mar 8, 2007

Here is a little test for the time zone updates from Microsoft. Try it and by the way it works, please post the results back here.

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Unmountable Boot Volume - Diagnostic Test

Dec 18, 2006

I made the dreadful mistake of turning on my computer just to remove a CD and then quickly turning it back off again without properly shutting down. I was shocked on Saturday morning to turn on my Computer and receive the "Unmountable Boot Volume" blue screen. I have tried everything - chkdsk /r, chkdsk, /p and nothing seems to work. I ran a diagnostic test as my computer passed but I can't figure out how to make it boot up again. I think there may be just one little step I must be missing or is there any other alternative that I can try before I have to reinstall Windows all over again???????? In my gut I don't believe there is anything seriously wrong with my computer - just my poor judgement in not shutting down correctly.

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Need Virtual Machine To Test Operating System

Apr 25, 2006

I need a Virtual Machine to test an operating system stored as an .iso file, I've tried VMware Workstation, but it was too difficult, does anybody know if there is a good an easy tool?

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How To Test New Full Image Backup Program?

Feb 17, 2006

I just installed Paragon Exact Image 7.0 and sent a full image of my C Drive to a partition on my slave drive. I also created a recovery boot CD made from the same software. Is there a way to use my new recovery CD to boot to my slave partition to see if the puter will boot and to see if the "full image" really is a full image?

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PXE-E61:Media Test Failure - Check Cable

Nov 19, 2008

Toshiba Satellite A85 S107 has the following message:

"Windows Root>System32NTOSKRNL.exe. Re-install a copy of the above file." Can't get into Safe Mode or Setup and it will not boot to cd rom. Took out the HD and it's readable as a slave. Put it back in and now getting the following message:For Realtek RT8139(X)/8130/810X PCI FAst Eathernet Controller V2.13 (020326)

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Better Easy IP Check

Aug 12, 2002

Use this if you just want to display your IP address and not the extra information (default gateway / subnet mask)Simply copy and paste the following into notepad@echo.@ipconfig | find "IP Address"@echo.@pauseAnd save as IP.BAT (save to your windows dir if you want to be able to access it anywhere)Now when you type IP you will see:---------------------------IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : x.x.x.xPress any key to continue . . .---------------------------(information about the code: @echo. produces a blank line, @ipconfig | find "IP Address" causes the output of ipconfig to be piped to the find command, which looks for the line containing "IP Address", find then outputs your IP address, @pause causes the terminal to wait for user input before continuing. The @ before each command tells the terminal not to echo the command being typed.)

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USB Flash Drive Read Write Speed Test

Aug 12, 2005

I would like to test the speed of USB 2.0 flash drive read write speed test. Is there any software to test such drive reasonably accurate?

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Printer Wont Print Any Document Not Even Test Page?

Feb 3, 2008

my hp psc 1100 series printer will not print, the scanner works,the copier works, but the printer will not print anything not even a test page,i keep getting this message, {SYSTEM ERROR DOCUMENT FAILED TO PRINT DUE TO A SYSTEM ERROR}, I am using Windows XP SP2 Media Centre Edition, the strange thing is the printer works perfectky on my other computer which is Windows ME edition

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Self Test Check Pc And Signal Cable Monitor Is Working

Dec 10, 2008

the monitor works fine(tried it on another computer) all cables are good the AGP video card works(tried it on another computer) mother board gets power, u can hear the HD and etc startup, but i get the error message on the monitor "self test check your pc and signal cable monitor is working" my knowlege is that, since the monitor and video card worked with another computer, and in my main computer the video card is powered, and the fan is on, somemother thing is not allowing the signal the mother board to the video card to the monitor

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Finalizing DVD-RW In Easy CD Creator

Aug 3, 2005

I'm saving picture and video files on separate DVD-RWs. I have Easy CD Creator 5x basic that came w/ the computer and updated it with the patch I pulled my first DVD from a year ago out and added pictures onto it from this year's trip. Original files were there as expected and additions were no problem. Secondly, I started a 2nd disc of all video wmv files. I filled that one to the hilt and do not wish to add to what little room is left.My settings are set thusly: "The selected Record Method finalizes the session. The CD itself is not finalized so additional sessions can be added later. To change this setting click options."Actually, this is the setting I prefer, but in the case of the second disc, it's full for me now and if I wish to possibly play it on my DVD player it needs to be finalized.Problem is, this option isn't available (appears all faded-out) when I click on file, and appears the same to the lower right when I'm looking at disc properties. Only real option in bold black at these times is ERASE, and I don't want to do that! The discs play great on my computer, all material is recognized, etc., but this inability to finalize has me confused. Certainly in theory, a RW disc by its nature will never be truly finalized. Is that what's holding things up? I do believe I should be able to finalize these,

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Hiding The Recycle Bin The Easy Way?

Feb 20, 2003

An easy way to hide the Recycle Bin is just to create two .reg files.... open your notepad and copy and paste the listing below and save it as Hidebin.reg and click the .reg file to enter it into the registry. You have to refresh the desktop to see the changes.

To bring back the Recycle Bin, open notepad and copy and paste the listing below and save it as Showbin.reg and click the .reg file to enter it into the registry, once again refresh the desktop to see the changes.


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Easy Re-install Of Applications

Aug 12, 2002

If you need to re-install a hidden Windows component, there is an easy way to do this. Open the INF folder in your windows folder [C:WINDOWSINF] Find the *.inf files. Find the application title you need in the filename [for example messenger is msmsgs.inf] If you are unsure of the installer, RIGHT CLICK on the file, then select open, at the top of the file should say what application it is:; MSMSGS.INF; Setup INF file for Messenger When you have found the file the right click on it then click install.Tip:  To reinstall Microsoft Outlook Express, Right click and select install on MSOE50.inf.

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NT Backup Install Easy Way

Jun 20, 2003

NT Backup is, by default, installed only with XP Pro.To install it in XP Home Editon doubleclick this file on your XP cd:VALUEADDMSFTNTBACKUPNTBACKUP.MSI.Start>run>NTBACKUP.

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Install To Test Some Software / Did Not Find Addressed On Microsoft Website

Apr 12, 2007

I am getting ready to install this to test some software and I wonder about the uninstall process. I did not find it addressed on Microsoft's website.If it works, I will be getting some new hardware and I will not need it on the original PC any more.

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Easy To Remember Strong Password

Apr 17, 2010

I found a Guide to Easy To Remember Strong Password on this site

Now i am curious to know how long should a password be

Also please suggest your ideas of Secure password

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Win Xp Adaptec Easy Cd Creator Drivers

Dec 8, 2007

I have updated to win xp from win me. The Adaptec Easy CD Creator will not work as a message comes up saying "Drivers are not compatible and could cause problems" so they don't load when I have reinstalled the program.This came with my computer when I bought it with win ME. I have the original disk. I have looked at the web site which now is Roxio, but cannot get a straight answer as to what and where the drivers are to download. They keep wanting me to buy their ver. 10 which is $70. All I want is the program I had before no fancy technical program. I just copied some floppy's and cd's. I don't need all that photo stuff that is on the new program. Also do not need to copy DVD's.I read about registry, but don't want to mess with that after getting my computer running smooth now that I have the Win XP installed.What drivers do I need? When I find a web page their are so many I don't know what to do.

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Burning MP3 To Disk With Easy CD Creator?

Jun 24, 2005

I have Roxio Easy CD Creator but can't burn MP3s to a CD. The Roxio Drag and Drop always has the CD drive locked. I get an error in Easy Cd Creator about this. I can't find any way to turn off Drag and Drop.

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Free And EASY To Use PDF Creator Software

Aug 3, 2006

I am looking for a free PDF creator program that is easy to use. I need to deploy this on about 50 PCs in my office and it needs to be idiot proof, I looked at some of the open source PDF creators and they work well but have too many options for users to screw up. I just want something that lets you print to the PDF printer and then save the file as PDF.

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NTloader Missing After Easy BCD Sets MBR

May 20, 2010

I installed XP Pro 64-Bit to run alongside my Windows 7 install - unfortunately XP did not detect Windows 7 and I used EasyBCD in XP to create the start-up dual-boot 7 (C) - default Windows XP (E)
3 seconds

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