Vista Operating Hardisk - 80gb Usb Hardisk

Mar 29, 2009

i have 80gb usb hardisk, my problem is when connect in my laptop which have window xp-3, it des not access, kindly suggest....

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Hiding Hardisk In Xp

Sep 22, 2005

Anybody can help me pls. this is my problem.. how can I hide my hardrive in windows xp is such a way that kids cant open or format???

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Partition Magic 8 Hardisk - Blue Screen On Startup

Feb 22, 2006

i have a major problem. I used Partition Magic 8 last night and the program crashed halfwayn through. Now i am getting a blue screen on startup probably because of damaged sectors. I am unable to start xp to run a chkdsk or to install any partition doctor type tools I then decided to re-install my Xp. But during the start stages before installation an error comes up saying there is no hardrive on your computer. please make sure it is switched on or presesnt(or something like that)

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VISTA Operating System

Aug 15, 2005

I know this isn't vista room but I want to give my opinion on the up and coming new operating system , So far from what I saw I don't like it. I hate the folders / Graphics IE7 looks really bad. I hate all the graphics so far , It look like a cheap made of a old operating system and Whats with the name too "Vista"? M$$$ XP looks way better then Vista. Please I hope you change the way it looks before it get release.

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Operating System Vista Latest Version

Apr 13, 2006

I've heard many bad things about vista but also many goods things. I can now get any version of it i wish and was wondering if it was primary-os good yet? Anyone with experience with using the latest's build's opinion would be much apreciated.

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Free Driver For Maxtor Usb 80gb

Feb 11, 2010

i have Maxtor 80 gb usb Hard Drive but D'nt have it Driver to use it please if some have it then give.

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Hitachi Deskstar 80GB - Safe Keeping

Aug 28, 2007

I'm new to this forum.I have installed XP cleanly on several machines but I have now run into an issue.Machine: Self built MB: epox 8RDA3+ CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2700+
1 GB RAM.This past weekend I decided to do a clean install of XP Pro to freshen things up after having my kids install random stuff over the past two years. I took out the current master for safe keeping and made the current slave the new master.The new master is a Hitachi Deskstar 80GB (IDE) drive that was working fine as the old slave.The BIOS sees this drive correctly (size and model #)
During the fresh install from CD, I can get through the following without issues:
1) Boot from C2) Have the install see the drive and ask me where it should install windows.3) Delete the current partition and format the drive (NTFS)4) copies all install files to HD.5) tells me it will reboot in 10...9.. 8.. etc

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Xp Disk Check Ruined Over 80gb Of Flawless Mp3

May 9, 2006

i have 2 hard drives. c: i use for My Documents, which i store all of my music, videos, documents, pictures, etc in. d: i use for system files and so on.a few hours ago i reformatted. i set up everything, listening to music, and had to restart for a program to finish setting up.after the restart, a screen came up asking to do a disk check, stating that if i wanted it to be cancelled i should press any key. i didnt see the harm in this, and it went. at one point, it started saying "relocating (audio file) to sector 2397" or some **** like that, you get the idea.after the restart, i played some music, and it was totally warped, it had parts of other songs and samples thrown in for no apparent reason. its not just one folder, i went through my 10 000 or so mp3 collection and listened to like 20 songs from different subfolders.

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Dual Boot Vista/XP - Vista/XP With My HP Media Center Purchased In 2007

Sep 17, 2009

I'm trying to make a dual boot system Vista/XP with my HP Media Center purchased in 2007 with Vista pre-installed. Inside Vista I created the partition for XP (disk D and rebooted with the 'XP Pro SP2' inside. After selecting its correct partition for installing it copies all files on hard disk and it reboots in order to start its installation, upon rebooting and starting first time from hard disk, it says that there is an error in the system and stops. If I install only XP on the system it works correctly even though some newest hardware is not recognized. I had already made a dual boot two years ago with a 2007 XP Student Edition and it smoothly. If it is due to the XP version being too old that maybe cannot deal with the boot record created by Vista
Or perhaps such an old XP cannot recognize a boot hard disk that is not C:?
Is there a way to bypass this point (perhaps fixing the boot record) in order to continue correctly the installation?
Thank you,

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Dual Boot XP+Vista - Originally Had Vista Business Edition

Dec 31, 2007

I originally had Vista Business edition on my laptop and decided to dual boot with XP. So far I created a partition on the same drive (C: ) as Vista and installed XP on it. how do I choose between Vista and XP when my computer boots up? When I turn on my computer it boots straight into XP and doesn't show that menu where it gives me a choice of which OS I want to boot

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Dual Boot Vista And XP - Risk Of Vista Interfering With The XP Partition

Jun 8, 2006

Can i put Vista on a computer as a second operating system and dual boot with XP? Is there a risk of Vista interfering with the XP partition

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Dual Boot And Vista - Vista Based System And Then Load XP

Jan 28, 2009

Is it possible to have a Vista based system and then load XP on the same system and switch between the two. I know mac's have something similar to this but i have an HP dv7 pavilion notebook with an AMD Turion x2 Dual-core mobile RM-70 2ghz processor, 4 gb of ram, ATI Radeon HD 3200 graphics chip set, and 156GB of free harddrive space

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XP-Vista Dual Boot Set Up - Free VISTA BUSSINES Upgrade

Feb 13, 2007

just ordered a new pc that is on its way pre loaded with WIN XP PRO SP2. It also come with a free VISTA BUSSINES upgrade. I want to set up a dual boot system when i get my VISTA disk. should i use partition magic and set up a new partition for vista or is there a better way of doing this

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Dual Boot: To Vista - Created A Separate Partition For Vista

Dec 13, 2007

I initially started with XP and created a separate partition for Vista, installing Vista on the other partition, Vista sees the (XP) Earlier version of windows. When I choose XP, I get the following error: NTOSKRNL.EXE is missing or corrupt. If I repair the XP with fixmbr - I end up screwing up Vista. Then when I repair Vista, it end's screwing up XP

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Internet With Vista Cuz Of Bs Security - Dual Boot Xp/vista

Dec 15, 2006

does ne1 know if vista can dual boot with xp no problems yet only wonderin cuz we are very close to vista, and i want it. i cannot use my dorm room internet with vista cuz of bs security shit.

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Get Rid Of The Vista Boot Loader: Removed Vista?

Jul 26, 2008

I was dual booting XP and Vista but didn't want Vista anymore. So I got rid of Vista, and that's all said and done now. Problem is, the boot loader is still coming up telling me to choose between "Earlier Version of Windows" and "Windows Vista". How to I get rid of it without using Vista's boot manager?

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Dual Boot With Vista - Currently Running Vista

Mar 3, 2008

I'm currently running Vista on a raid 0 array, and want to dual with XP. I have two partitions, one with vista and the other that I tried installing XP on. After it finishes the initial installation and restarts it says to press any key to boot from the CD. I wait without pressing anything and than it says that there was an error reading the disk. If I remember correctly, after it restarts it goes strait into windows setup. This happens every time I try restarting, but I can get back into vista by putting the hard drive to boot first. In vista I can see the other partition where XP was installed, and inside is just a folder titled WINDOWS and it seems like all the windows files are in there

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Vista To Home Go Back To Vista

Jun 18, 2008

It had Windows vista in it and she had someone put Windows XP in it. It now has a virus and my friend wants Vista put back in it. I have a cd here that says TOSHIBA recovery and applications / drivers, Satellite A130/ A135 series, Windows Vista Home Basic 32-bit. I put this cd in the rom and restarted. it did nothing. just loaded XP up again.

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Keep Pro 32 Or Go With Vista Home 32 Or Vista 64?

Dec 7, 2007

Hi All. My problem is this. I have a legal copy of XP Pro (OEM) installed on this computer. The hardware is very dated (about 6yrs, AMD 1800+, AGP 2, PC2100 ram) and I want to upgrade to new stuff. So being a good citizen I called Microsoft and ask the question, "How do I legally install the legal copy on my new equipment while uninstalling it from the old?" The old hardware is not going to be reused, just to old and slow. Two reps from M$ told me that I could not use my legal copy with the new hardware while one said that I could but had to uninstall it somehow while online so they could verify and activate it for the new stuff. They never got around to telling me how to do that. I take that as a no that they won't allow the 2nd use. So what OS would you choose at the moment? I think I am going to try to reuse the current copy. If that doesn't work I'll repurchase, but which? XP Pro, XP Home, XP 64, Vista, Vista home, Vista 64? I understand that SP1 for Vista has gone into beta so it shouldn't be long to get that. If anyone has some input or experience I would greatly apperciate it. Does anyone think that this is wrong? I'm not trying to cheat M$, as I said it is a legal copy. Any Microsoft employees out there? If I want to reuse a piece of hardware no prob right? Seems to me to be the same thing. Anyway tell me what you think and thanks.


PS: By the way I use the machine for general purpose computing and gaming which is why I need to upgrade. I have been getting Fragged alot in UT2K4.

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Error Loading Operating Operating System

May 31, 2008

I'm trying to fix my friends Hp and I usually know what im doing. But here I have no idea what to do. I tried going into the bios to change the boot order to cd to format and I can't. Can anyone tell me what to do.I changed out his hard drive with mine and it does nothing. just posts and goes to a black screen instead of trying to boot and blue screening as it usually do when you change hardrives between two computers.Changed the Ide cables no luck.

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To Vista Or Not To Vista?

Feb 24, 2008

Ok well i have 3 days left of my computer (windows xp home edition) due to the fact that i recovered it too many times and used up the serial number, and it costs $100-$200 for a new serial. So should i just get vista or should i just get the new serial?

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Buy Now Or Wait For Vista?

Aug 1, 2005

buying a new Media Center PC and should I
wait for Vista to be released? Is it better to buy a Media Center PC with MCE
pre-installed by the company or is it better tp buy the CD-ROM when it comes
out and installing it over my Media Center 2005 edition?

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Downgrade From Vista

Dec 23, 2008

I've got a Lenovo X60 Tablet, which came preinstalled with XP. Last year I installed Vista Ultimate (OEM version), but of different reasons I do not want Vista anymore on my PC and want to downgrade to XP Tablet edition. I have now a XP Tablet edition that I want to install, but it crashes just after it have started the process.
PC is turned on, it boots from the USB CD-Rom drive, it starts to install the drivers, but when it comes to where it says "restarting windows", it crashes and gives me a blue screen telling me that the disk can be corrupted, should be checked for viruses etc. etc. This have happened three times now, and now I have been searching the internet for information of how to work around this. I haven't found any good sources yet and hoped some of you guys at this forum could help me out

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New Build Vista - Now 32-bit Or 64-bit?

Oct 8, 2008

I have been running windows XP SP3 and have been happy with it. But I was going to go with Vista on the new bulid (I can get it at a student discount) in order to have a 64-bit OS and have better access to memory. But this week's news has me convinced that I should should stick wiht XP until Windows7 comes out.

I do moderate gaming and lots of multitasking (many open windows, ITunes pumping to my home stereo, etc.)

So, here is are my questions:

-Is windows XP 64-bit even available anymore?
- If so, is it worth it to install the 64-bit version? (will the diferences even be noticable?)

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Replaced Win Vista With Win Xp Pro

Aug 18, 2007

ive just brought this pc about a month ago,it had windows vista basic home os,i didnt like it,i installed a copy of windows xp pro on it,everything went on ok,but i am not getting any sound at all,when i go to control panel and look in sound and audio devises it says no audio device!

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Tried To Reinstall Vista

Dec 27, 2008

last night i decided to format my pc, so i formated it and tried to reinstall vista, the reinstallation worked fine but then it said i had to have a old version of windows for me to activate, because its an upgrade version.i then formated AGAIN and tried to clean-install XP so i could then upgrade to my vista but during my reinstallation of xp it stopped working. this is where it may get confusing haha, after the first part of the xp install it restarts (the first part meaning where it formats and copys all the files to memory) but just after it restarts it comes up with the screen "press any key to boot to CD." i let it go because ur not ment to boot to cd after that, but on that same screen it comes up with a few different coloured boxes on the screen and it just hangs.

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Vista Ultimate Over Pro

Jun 28, 2007

Can Vista Ultimate be installed over xp and pick up all the programs in it?

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Pro SP3 Or Vista Ultimate?

May 12, 2009

I just ordered custom parts for a PC I'm building. They'll be here next week.The basic configuration is:
Asus Striker II Extreme
Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9650 (3.0 Ghz)
2 x 2GB Corsair XMS 1066
BFG GeForce 9800 GT (1GB)
Western Digital Caviar 1TB (SATA)
I'm gonna using this PC for gaming and video/audio editing primarily + programming/coding/development secondarily.My main concern is should I install Windows XP vs Windows Vista? 32-bit vs 64-bit? Why?

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Vista Worth Getting?

Feb 19, 2007

I have heard lots of bad things about vista but not one good thing. Maybe this is because of who i have asked, but i need to find out!

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And Vista Installation

Apr 20, 2006

Does anyone know how to install windows vista? are the old drivers compatible with the new OS? i'm runnning p4 3.0ghz 2gigRAM,nvidia graphic card,cmedia 3d audio...i guess there is c with the new Vista about the anti virus software compatible compatible?

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Vista Cannot Run Some Of My Old Apps

May 12, 2007

My first post - I hope this is the right forum, since this is a problem installing XP.

I have an emachines T5088 (full specs are listed below) that came pre-loaded with Vista, but since Vista can't run some of my old apps, I want to load XP onto it from my factory non-OEM XP disc. I booted from the XP disc, and it went through the usual act of pre-loading all the drivers, then when it went to actually start the installation I got a BSoD. Sorry, I didn't have the foresight to document the actual error messages on it. If need be, I can go through the process again to get that info

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