Hiding Hardisk In Xp

Sep 22, 2005

Anybody can help me pls. this is my problem.. how can I hide my hardrive in windows xp is such a way that kids cant open or format???

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Vista Operating Hardisk - 80gb Usb Hardisk

Mar 29, 2009

i have 80gb usb hardisk, my problem is when connect in my laptop which have window xp-3, it des not access, kindly suggest....

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Partition Magic 8 Hardisk - Blue Screen On Startup

Feb 22, 2006

i have a major problem. I used Partition Magic 8 last night and the program crashed halfwayn through. Now i am getting a blue screen on startup probably because of damaged sectors. I am unable to start xp to run a chkdsk or to install any partition doctor type tools I then decided to re-install my Xp. But during the start stages before installation an error comes up saying there is no hardrive on your computer. please make sure it is switched on or presesnt(or something like that)

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Desktop Keeps Hiding

Oct 11, 2009

I'm having a problem with how my desktop is displaying in windows XP. Anytime I open a new window, then close it or minimize it to the task bar, the desktop disapears. I have to right click on the taskbar and click on the option to 'show desktop'. This is so friggin annoying and I have no clue how to keep the desk top displaying at all times. I'm sure its an easy fix, but, I am just too frazzled to figure it out at this time.

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Hiding Boot Sequence

Aug 15, 2007

I´m looking to hide the whole boot sequence, meaning that I don´t want to disable memory tests and other things in the BIOS, just hide it visually.. The same goes for the windows XP boot screen.. I want to keep it all from being displayed; only let it run in the background and just display things when the system is up and running..

Any tips or links for this?

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Hiding The Recycle Bin Works

Dec 14, 2007


Down to the step where is says "Hiding the Recycle Bin," I want to make sure that this will work even though he article is five years old.

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Hiding The Recycle Bin The Easy Way?

Feb 20, 2003

An easy way to hide the Recycle Bin is just to create two .reg files.... open your notepad and copy and paste the listing below and save it as Hidebin.reg and click the .reg file to enter it into the registry. You have to refresh the desktop to see the changes.

To bring back the Recycle Bin, open notepad and copy and paste the listing below and save it as Showbin.reg and click the .reg file to enter it into the registry, once again refresh the desktop to see the changes.


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Hiding Your System May Be At Risk Message

Feb 21, 2009

The thing constantly appears at the bottom right corner of my screen.I'm not the original PC owner (was second hand) so I'm not sure about the origins of the software.However, I'm not interested, and would like to hide this message.When I visit the site it sends me to, it won't let me select the option to simply hide it.

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Hiding Files And Folders Without Subfolder

Jun 21, 2005

Though i use a laptop their are my private works or profile so i need to know the better folder lock. And how can i hide my file without any sub folder.

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Unable To Stop Taskbar Icons From Hiding?

May 11, 2009

I had to have Windows XP installed because it had gotten corrupted and now I'm having a problem with the Icons on the taskbar hiding.I made sure that the Lock The Taskbar option is checked but its still hiding icons. How do I fix this????

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Stop Certain System Tray Icons From Hiding?

Aug 9, 2005

How do I stop certain system tray icons from hiding? I have tried the properties/customize/always show options but this does not seem to work. Also in this list here are a number of icons that belong to programs that are no longer on my laptop. Is there a way to:

1) edit this list

2) make certain icons always display (e.g. ac/battery) but hide others.

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Hiding Installed Program From Add/Remove List Manually?

Jul 22, 2010

how to hide an installed program from the Add/Remove list without removing that Program... I don need any software for this thing... I want to know how to do that manually.

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Hide File Attributes Without Hiding The File Itself?

Aug 25, 2005

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to hide the attributes of a file, without hiding the file itself. I've got a file in a folder, and even if I set the advanced security properties so that the 'Read Attributes' permission is denied, anyone with access to the folder can still see the access times etc

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Hiding File Extensions For Known File Types

Sep 15, 2005

solution for hiding file extensions for known file types... even after reboot? I know nobody likes to hide them, but I do and I have tried EVERYTHING! I have checked it under Folder Options, I have tried setting it in my registry, I have increased BagMRU Size to 8000+, I have even tried silly batch files suggested through web page research and no matter what I do windows xp pro will never remember the setting after reboot and show the extensions. Is there anyway to fix this annoying problem so what I set in folder options or in my registry remains as I have set it after reboot.

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Pro On Peer-to-peer Lan - Hiding Somewhere

Jan 26, 2006

I have xp pro on peer-to-peer lan.All the computers now are xp. I deleted a file located on another computer on the lan.Where do such files go? I can't find it in any recycle bin.ARe they just gone?Or hiding somewhere? I need to try and find it and restore it.

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