Unable To Stop Taskbar Icons From Hiding?

May 11, 2009

I had to have Windows XP installed because it had gotten corrupted and now I'm having a problem with the Icons on the taskbar hiding.I made sure that the Lock The Taskbar option is checked but its still hiding icons. How do I fix this????

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Stop Certain System Tray Icons From Hiding?

Aug 9, 2005

How do I stop certain system tray icons from hiding? I have tried the properties/customize/always show options but this does not seem to work. Also in this list here are a number of icons that belong to programs that are no longer on my laptop. Is there a way to:

1) edit this list

2) make certain icons always display (e.g. ac/battery) but hide others.

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Unable To Stop The Display Of Icons?

Apr 15, 2004

Since I switched to WinXP, I'm having a problem. In many applications, when I go to "File Open", I am presented with a default view of pictorial icons, rather than text listings of the files directory. This did not used to happen in earlier versions of Windows. Is there a way to stop this, so that I would only ever see a List or Details view, and never a pictorial representation of the files?

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Unable To Change Order Of Icons In Quick Launch Taskbar?

Jul 4, 2005

Have XP Home Edition with all current updates. Do not have toolbars locked. By mistake, moved the whole Quick Launch Taskbar and lost it. When I went to Start > Properties > and enabled Show Quick Launch, I got it back with all my icons. The problem is that they are no longer displayed in the order that I want and I can not drag them to change the order. Sometime in the past, I was able to drag them to change their rder. Again, I do not have the toolbars lock set. I went to my application dataMicrosoftIEQuick Launch and changed the sort order of the folder but it did not change the
display order when I rebooted the system.

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How Get Rid Of Icons In Taskbar?

Mar 22, 2006

I have windows xp Home ed.When I UNINSTAL programs there are icons still hiden in the taskbar. If I right clik on the taskbar, then I choose PROPERTIES, then TASKBAR, then CUSTOMIZE, there they are, divided in two sections: "present items" and "past items". How can I get rid of them, especially of the past ones? But if possible of the present ones too?

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Getting Rid Of Taskbar Icons

Jun 18, 2006

I cant get rid of Quicktime or Safely Remove Hardware. They are always there I have done the Right Click/Customize Notifications and then selected always hide to each but makes no difference I have also made the others i want to see always show and this still doesnt rid me of these pesky icons?

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Add Icons To Taskbar

Nov 2, 2005

I would like to add some icons to the task bar on the bottom of the monitor. For some reason, they just don't want to stay there, keep jumping back. Have a Compaq Presario, windows, home, xP, sp2

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Add TaskBar Icons

Aug 29, 2009

how do i add icon / folder on my taskbar at the bottom of winXP.

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Web Icons In The Taskbar

Mar 4, 2005

Is there a way to put an icon like the Explorer icon in Windows 98, at the lower left hand corner in XP?
I have a client who refuses to upgrade to XP and this is one of his biggest complaints

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Wallpaper And Cursor Stop - No Taskbar - Clock - Start Button

Jul 31, 2007

My son's Compaq Presario SR1200NX running WinXP has a slight problem. When starting the comp it will get as far as the desktop wallpaper and then just stops. The mouse cursor is there and moves around but there is no taskbar, clock, start button or anything. I'd give y'all a hack file but I can't get far enough to be able to do that. I've tried ctrl-alt-del and that does nothing. I've tried running in safe mode and I still only get to that point. I've taken the HD out and connected it to my notebook and cleaned it up with an anti-virus program and anti spyware stuff. Physically, it's fine and I can run any program on it but only as an ext. HD for my laptop.

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Taskbar And Desktop Icons Gone

Aug 1, 2007

I opened that stupid E-card virus I think. Now all i've been getting is tons of pop-ups. I read in a forum to just let it run it's course and eventually it would stop, or to do a bunch of stuff that I didn't understand. So, I ran all of my anti-virus' and ad aware and ccleaner and regcure and still I'm getting tons of popups but I was just going to be patient and let it run it's course. But now I keep getting this new message and when I close the message it ends up causing my taskbar and icons to go away. I was continually restarting my computer to get them back and thinking I would just not close the message in hopes that I could at least copy my documents over to another computer. I have not been able to do that so far and I'm freaking out. I use this computer for work. I am very new at this and this is my first post so please bear with me. I did read a few posts and realized that most people do ask for that Hijack This report thing, so I've done that and will post it next.

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Desktop Icons Gone And Taskbar

Nov 26, 2009

I have a problem with my Windows XP computer. All my icons and taskbar has dissapeared. Its usually can be fixed by opening explorer.exe which wont open. I have tried multiple ways and the only way to access programs is by task manager.I currently haven't got a HijackThis Log which I will upload a.s.a.p. There are also no viruses and no hardrive errors so I'm pretty stumped on what I should do.

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Move Icons Around On Taskbar?

Jan 4, 2010

How do I move icons around on taskbar?

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No Taskbar And No Icons Just Picture

Jan 7, 2006

at start up my toshiba laptop(winxp pro) will bring up my desktop picture but not my desktop icons or taskbar.

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Taskbar - Icons Missing

Sep 7, 2008

My taskbar and icons are missing. I've tried to run a piece of software called Task Bar Repair Tool Plus! to sort it out. But nothing happened.I've run Hijack this and attached the log file.

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Taskbar And Icons Not Display

Sep 20, 2005

Basically from what i can gather is that my sister d/led some rather shoddy spyware via a searchbar that installed itself on my mozilla browser. I spybotted this last night and after i restarted i had no icons, no taskbar.what ive done is this: Ran ewido, did the complete scan, fixed all problems, saved logs from that, adaware, spybot and hijack this.in the other thread someone mentioned the lack of explorer.exe (shell?) in the reg edit, i followed the advice and found i too lacked this shell (im not sure if thats its real definition) and was wondering really what the next step is.

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Shortcut Icons On Taskbar

May 3, 2009

There are unwanted shortcut icons on my task bar (not the system tray).They are on top of each other and when I right-click on the one on top and select "delete" it gets deleted along with the corresponding shortcut on the desktop. I went through many answers on several forums, but they did not describe the same problem.
Also, the problem appeared lately (do not remember exactly when). Other than the windows updates and service packs (SP3) and AVG8 updates, nothing got installed. I would like to get rid of these unnecessary shortcuts because they take away space for the icons of open applications.

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Very Slow Booting - No Taskbar And No Icons

Nov 13, 2007

This is new install of XP (less than a month). Recently something happened where it now takes over 2 minutes to boot up to the desktop. A large majority of this time occurs after the xp splash screen and login screen where my background picture actually comes up, but there is no taskbar and no icons on the screen, only the background. I timed it last night, and it was about 90 seconds from when the background picture comes up until the taskbar and icons appear! I've done spyware scans (ad-aware, spybot, windows defender), anti-virus scans, and made sure all my drivers are up to date. I've cleaned out my startup folder, and stopped unneeded and unwanted services from booting up. I even downloaded and used winboot (or whatever that software is that M$ no longer supports that is suppose to speed up your boot time). I "optimized" my system with it, but it still takes forever to boot up. I know my computer is fast enough.

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Advantages Of Having Icons In Taskbar Rather Then On Desktop

Jun 27, 2006

What is the advantages of having icons in your Taskbar rather then on your Desktop...

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Taskbar Missing - Icons Still On Desktop

May 10, 2007

I just turned my computer on today and my taskbar is magically gone. I can't right click where it is on the screen and I know it's not hidden etc (i'm not a moron). I can hit the windows key to bring upt he start menu but I cannot see the bar, clock, etc on my screen. I've tried a bunch of things and nothing has worked. I thought it was just that explorer.exe wasnt on, but my icons and such are working just fine, and when I control+alt+delete it shows explorer.exe as running.

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Lost Taskbar And Desktop Icons - Using Sp3

Jan 31, 2010

I logged on to my laptop this morning only to find I no longer have a start botton, nor a taskbar and all desktop icons have disappeared. I did a search and found a 2007 thread with some suggestions and none of these have worked for me. I'm working with windows xp, sp 3

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Lines Through Desktop And Taskbar Icons

Jul 12, 2005

About a week ago problems started happening with my screen saver. It would be normal when it first came on, and then it would start getting distorted and would have lines going through it. Then when I clicked back to
the desktop all the icons on the taskbar and desktop would also be distorted and have vertical white lines going through them. Today the problem is worse since now icons in the Start menu also have the lines going through them. It now also has lines through my programs and some web pages. I haven't been able to get rid of the problem

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No Icons / No Start Menu / No Taskbar?

Nov 29, 2003

Running Windows XP Pro. I have no icons, no start menu and no taskbar. The only way I can run any program is to ctrl-alt-del and start a new task and I can run Iexlporer and get on the internet. However, I try and run Regedit, it comes up for a second and closes. I've ran Housecall, Virus Scan, and Regedit in Safe Mode but have found nothing. I've been getting "Project1, It's Time" popup and sometimes I get the RPC 55 second countdown to shutdown as well. I figure this must be something new or these virus programs are not finding my problem.

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Taskbar Icons Disappeared / Won't Come Back

Feb 12, 2007

Win XP Home SP2. I have applications that should and did have icons in the taskbar. They are no longer there. Also, when I check the box for having an icon in the taskbar for Windows features like the speaker (volume control icon), it is ignored by windows. I am not a newbie, I know about hiding inactive icons, etc... I do not have hiding icons selected at all. I have checked and unchecked, started and restared the computer and the apps to try to trick windows into showing the icons, all to no avail. This happened when I removed a couple of Security applications: Comodo Firewall and Spyware Terminator. Both had HIPS enabled. The icons were there before I removed these apps, now they are not. I have subsequently reinstalled new versions of theset two apps.

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Reducing The Number Of Taskbar Icons?

Aug 15, 2005

How do I reduce the number of icons on my taskbar?

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Block Text On Taskbar Icons

May 8, 2005

Is there any way to turn off the help text that appears when you float the mouse pointer over the permanent icons you put either in the Systray or on the other end of the taskbar? To me, they're annoying/get in the way.

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Either Taskbar Or Desktop Icons Inaccessible

Jan 31, 2007

Either the taskbar on my laptop (2 user accounts [1 admin, 1 ltd.] + inactive Guest) doesn't respond on startup or the desktop (icons) doesn't (often I can get the taskbar to respond to the mouse by switching user accounts back and forth, but then I lose access to the desktop icons). This laptop is primarily used for playing dvd movies (WinDVD 3.1).

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No Taskbar No Icons Just Desktop Wallpaper

Jan 8, 2009

No taskbar no icons just desktop wallpaper on a Dell Precision 490 running XP Pro SP2. I had a work-around when this happened, I hit ctl-alt-del, ran task manager then started explorer.exe and all would be well. At first this problem was intermittent but now it's every time I boot. Also when booting into Safe Mode.Now even running explorer.exe won't bring up taskbar or icons. I've run Symantac and found no virus.

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Desktop Icons And Taskbar Not Working

Oct 17, 2010

We ended up with a virus AV8. Got rid of the file but now the start button, desktop icons and taskbar are not showing up or working. I have read a lot of the suggestions that people have been giving and I renamed the explorer.exe and can use that, but can't get my desktop restored nor my taskbar back.

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Taskbar & Desktop Icons Missing?

Jul 6, 2005

A friend gave me his daughters computer to fix and I've been working on it for a week now and I'm more or less stuck on what to do, although I have a pretty good idea what the problem is. This system is a Dell with XP Home SP1,Initially it was infested with virus's, trojans, adware and spyware. you know the usual teenage stuff and the symptoms were pretty much the same as now after selecting the user name from the list you'd get a black screen (no matter who logged on) and that would be it. I could bring up the task manager with Alt-Ctrl-Del and run programs from there and so I was able to Run the add / remove programs applet and get rid of the Norton Anti-Virus and install NOD32, updated and cleaned the hard drive.(internet connectivity works find) Install the latest Adaware 1.06 and do a full system scan, remove all the various garbage.

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Taskbar Or Desktop Icons Don't Load For Over 20+ Min

May 14, 2008

Whenever I boot up my computer, in Normal mode, and I click on my or any other username, it takes at least 3 minutes to log in. Then, after it finally logs in, my taskbar nor my Desktop icons appear, but Explorer.exe is already loaded. This happens for all usernames, and I created a new one. I can load Task Manager, and I can load individual programs and files from there. If I kill Explorer.exe and then restart it, it still doesn't work. I have no Restore Points, by the way. I can go on Safe Mode, which is how I'm posting this. There is like a 10% chance that its a virus, but I highly doubt it due to the fact that im a computer "guru" and I maintain my computer well. Im guessing its just corrupted registry settings. Also, I cant run HijackThis in Normal nor in Safe Mode, and I tried reinstalling too.

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