Hitachi Deskstar 80GB - Safe Keeping

Aug 28, 2007

I'm new to this forum.I have installed XP cleanly on several machines but I have now run into an issue.Machine: Self built MB: epox 8RDA3+ CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2700+
1 GB RAM.This past weekend I decided to do a clean install of XP Pro to freshen things up after having my kids install random stuff over the past two years. I took out the current master for safe keeping and made the current slave the new master.The new master is a Hitachi Deskstar 80GB (IDE) drive that was working fine as the old slave.The BIOS sees this drive correctly (size and model #)
During the fresh install from CD, I can get through the following without issues:
1) Boot from C2) Have the install see the drive and ask me where it should install windows.3) Delete the current partition and format the drive (NTFS)4) copies all install files to HD.5) tells me it will reboot in 10...9.. 8.. etc

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Free Driver For Maxtor Usb 80gb

Feb 11, 2010

i have Maxtor 80 gb usb Hard Drive but D'nt have it Driver to use it please if some have it then give.

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Xp Disk Check Ruined Over 80gb Of Flawless Mp3

May 9, 2006

i have 2 hard drives. c: i use for My Documents, which i store all of my music, videos, documents, pictures, etc in. d: i use for system files and so on.a few hours ago i reformatted. i set up everything, listening to music, and had to restart for a program to finish setting up.after the restart, a screen came up asking to do a disk check, stating that if i wanted it to be cancelled i should press any key. i didnt see the harm in this, and it went. at one point, it started saying "relocating (audio file) to sector 2397" or some **** like that, you get the idea.after the restart, i played some music, and it was totally warped, it had parts of other songs and samples thrown in for no apparent reason. its not just one folder, i went through my 10 000 or so mp3 collection and listened to like 20 songs from different subfolders.

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Upgrading To Xp X64 - Keeping The Old Files

Mar 24, 2007

i want to upgrade to windows xp x64 but i want to keep all my old files, is this possible? and what software will i need?

by the way i only have 1 hard drive, but it is partions 80 gig(windows installed on this partion) and 60 gig(for downloads and stuff)

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New Install Of With New HDD Keeping Existing HDD OS

Oct 22, 2006

I am going to be building a new rig sometime in the future and I have an existing install of XP on my current HDD. I plan on buying a new much larger HDD for a fresh install of XP with my new rig. Now I plan on keeping my old HDD but dont have anywhere to back up the data currently on it when I get my new rig.Once I get the OS intalled on the new drive I want to move the stuff I want to keep from my old drive to the new one then reformat the old drive to clear it all up. The new HDD will be a SATA while my old one is IDE, should I wait to plug in my old IDE HDD until after I get my OS intsalled on the new HDD? Or can I plug them both in and set the SATA drive to be the boot drive in BIOS and then do what I need to do with my old drive after installing the OS on the new drive? And lastly if I chose the former and intstall my old IDE drive after the OS on the new HDD will the fact that I have an existing OS install on the IDE drive mess anything up on the boot up after I install the old drive to move what I need to move to the new drive?

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Virus Keeping Me From Reformatting XP?

Oct 28, 2009

Let me thank anyone checking this out in advance for your assistance. It's truly appreciated. Here is the situation, I will try to be as detailed as possible. I have a laptop I am trying to re-install Windows XP on. I am not worried about backing up any of the data. The machine seems to be have been infected with a nasty virus that is keeping me from being able to reformat. The virus has locked the system registry as well as the task manager. It also seemingly has disabled the CD-Rom.My first move was to go into Command Prompt and go with "format c:" when I do that it tells me the file system is RAW. I was able to find a find for this and have tried "format C: /fs:ntfs".

The system then tells me that format cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. It attempts to dismount the volume by forcing a dismount and fails. It tells me it cannot lock the drive and the volume is still in use. I also tried switching the BIOS order so that the system boots from CD-Rom with both a XP install cd and a Vista install DVD with no luck. The Vista DVD fails to load and the XP leads to a blank blinking prompt. Again, I don't need anything on the computer, is there any way I can whipe this machine clean and re-install windows? Thanks so much for having a look.

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2nd Hard Drive / Keeping Files

Jan 5, 2006

i`ve just begun using a new computer,running windows xp, i intend to install a 2nd hard drive,from my old computer which was running windows 95.Can i still install even though the 2nd drive is so old....and if so, is it possible to keep all my files from the old drive and transfer them to the new.(all my programs are still on the old computer,i just can`t be bothered reinstalling all the programs and files.

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Computer Hanging, Not Keeping Time, Other

Nov 11, 2006

the computer will "hang". It stops keeping time and will not shut down via the on-screen start button. If you try to shut the puter off with the on/off button on the tower, it is very difficult to get it to turn back on that way...the computer comes on, but never boots up...monitor and keyboard/mouse never come on. I've found that unplugging the power cord from the back of the tower while the computer has power, and then plugging the power cord back in usually works to bring the puter back on and up without using the on/off button. Once the puter is back on, it keeps time again (but it has to be reset to current time). Once in a while, some settings are lost such as IE options. But in the past, settings were so messed up from this problem that it couldn't copy to CD and other such annoying things.

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Deleting Duplicate Files - Keeping Those Which Are Not Duplicated?

Aug 19, 2005

I'm running Windows XP, which has been fairly unstable as late, and thinking it might be because of an overful hard drive, I recently moved several gigabites of music etc. off my main drive (C and onto my second drive (F. Unfortunately, this now means that i'm wasting a fair bit of space on my F drive, as I already exported most-but-not-all of these files to my iTunes music files so I could put them easily onto my iPod. I'd like to free up this space again, but since the files are all in one large folder and not very well organised, it's gonna be a nightmare going through them all and just deleting the ones that are already in iTunes. Does anyone know a simple and effective way of deleting these duplicate files, but keeping ones that aren't duplicates where they are? I don't mind downloading freeware/shareware but I can't afford anything retail at the moment

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Vista Operating Hardisk - 80gb Usb Hardisk

Mar 29, 2009

i have 80gb usb hardisk, my problem is when connect in my laptop which have window xp-3, it des not access, kindly suggest....

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Removing Default User Profile And Keeping All Users Profile?

Oct 13, 2010

At my job we have about 500 networked users on WinXP 32 bit. Each user has an individual log in - there are no roaming profiles. We're in the process of creating a new image andI'm having a disagreement with a new tech here. He says we should get rid of the Default User Profile and only use the All Users Profile. Every time I've created an image I've set up the image the way I want and then copied that over to the default profile - so that when new users log in - they see exactly what i've set up in terms of the standard desktop shortcuts we use. This new tech thinks the default user's profile redundant and not really needed. I'm having a hard time finding information the default users profile and if it's needed or not.

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Chk Dsk Keeping Restarting & Computer Keeps Restarting?

May 19, 2008

After I used Fix-it Utlilies the program erased essential system folders. So now when I do check disk it reboots, flashes a blue screen real fast (so fast I can't even read it) then restarts the computer, restarts check disk, restarts the computer, and on & on. It won't stop doing this till I interrupt check disk at the start by hitting any key but then I end up with a black screen with instructions which include safe mode, safe mode with networking, start windows normally & last known configuration

I can't boot from an installation CD to do a "repair" since Windows was preinstalled in the drive so I have NO CD. Does system recovery work?, who knows, I'm a noob and have no idea how to use it. The only thing I've tried to fix it was 2 things : 1) use system restore which failed; 2) use run> sfc /scannow but this file checker is also broken and will barely start before it errors and stops. I don't know what else to do besides reformat

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Scanning And Running Is Safe In Safe Mode?

Mar 9, 2006

That is my simple question...How it was name safe mode? is it really safe?what happens during safe mode as compared to normal mode and all of the experts suggest to do these(scanning, running, etc) in the safe mode?can files be affected in this mode?

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Is This Safe Download?

Dec 3, 2007

I need a virtual desktop program since my desktop seems to get cluttered really easily. Would that be nice or is there anything else that could be better? I need something low on RAM that will supply at least 4 virtual desktops.

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Cannot Get Into SAFE Mode

Mar 25, 2008

Have had the Blue Screens of Death but cannot get into SAFE Mode no matter what I try.Can get to Logon Screen but then it clicks to BSOD and error messages ending in 21A and 80 appear.Have tried repairing with my Recovery Disk but it won't copy all files back over.Microsoft tell me to go to SAFE mode to remove this and that but what happens when you cannot get in?

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Can't Get Into Safe Mode

Nov 26, 2008

I have Windows XP home. I sometimes want to go into safe mode. I press F8 and it just continues to load in the normal mode. I have another computer that goes in to safe mode. Could it be something lacking in the windows application or perhaps something wrong with the keyboard? Is there another way besides F8 that will get me there?

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Can't Get Into Safe Mode

Jul 22, 2009

I have a HP Pavilion a520n with XP Professional Service Pack 3.As the title says, I can't get into safe mode. I've tried smashing the F8 button, holding it, and simply pressing it repeatedly at my first screen, which is a blue background with the HP logo.I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. This is my first time going into safe mode since my last reinstall of my C drive.Also, right after that first screen, I get another screen saying that my Floppy drive isn't connected, which I know. I'll fix it later, but is it somehow messing with getting into safe mode? Before reformatting my hard drive, I could get into safe mode quite easily.

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Where Is Safe Mode?

Mar 16, 2006

On my new system there is no option for entering safe mode on bootup! If I press [delete] I go into BIOS, and if I press F8 I get a box that asks me which hard drive I want to boot from and then it goes straight on to windows!

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Can't Get Into Safe Mode F8

Jun 2, 2006

I have XP Home. My printer quit the other day. I re booted and can't get back in.Now when I restart, I go to the blue welcome screen. I have a choice of either administrator icon or one with my name. Both now acknowledge they are searching for settings, then the start up music plays and it logs off.

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Resets Itself In Safe Mode

Jun 7, 2005

Everytime it I boot in safe mode it resets itself after the loading of Mup.sys and hangs in debug mode. I have tried to reinstall XP but mid way through loading the initial files it resets itself.
I have monitored the hardware in the BIOS for 5 mins and there is no spike or heat problems with the motherboard or processor, could this be a hardware problem

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PC Always Start Up On Safe Mode

Jul 15, 2010

stop working was a Microsoft update error or i deleted something wrong using regseeker. I had to install another system but i want to use my old windows media version. Every time i try to use my old system it automatically boots on safe mode. I press F8 on when i'm booting up and press run windows normally but it still runs in safe mode. I can't do anything. I tried checking the disk for errors and nothing helped. I tried too restore my system right after the system failure but for some reason there were no restore points. I took some screen shots of the 1st few system and application errors shown in the event viewer.

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Won't Load Even In Safe Mode

Nov 22, 2009

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk partition (1) windows system 32

also xpress recovery2 GIGABYTE CD TITLE

Windows XP won't load, keeps recycling, tried to enter safe mode, won't let me. I have minimal experience.

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Want To Start In Safe Mode Or Normally Or Whatever ?

Dec 19, 2005

I have been trying to get a game to run on my computer, while attempting to do this I stupidly shutdown some tasks and then my computer shutdown. When I tried to restart it, I got a screen to say do I want to start in safe mode or normally or whatever. If I want to start in safemode it tells me to use the arrow keys but when I attempt to use them they don't work. It does a bit of a countdown and then trys to start in normal windows mode but it can't.

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Can Only Access In Safe-mode

Apr 29, 2006

PC is Extreemly slow to logon taking over 15min to display the background and icons. Launching even the Task Manager then takes 3-5mins and even longer to update. Action Taken to-date: all executed in *SAFE MODE*

Un-installed numerous suspicious apps (eg 3 copies of Kazaa), re-created the hosts files which was blocking access to all AV sites. Using CWShredder, Ad-Aware, SpybotE, Ewido Antimalware and AVG's "vcleaner.exe" I have removed all "extras" from the Start-Up menu, removed 6 viruses and isolated at least 2 "auto-dialers" as well as eliminating a number of wacky non-windows services.I have run SpyOnThis and HijackThis to produce some logs but this is off-course in SAFE-MODE

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Can't Access In Safe Mode

Jan 22, 2008

I have some nasty virus. My computer rebooted after a serious error and after I could not start IE nor could I run virus scan I tried several system restore points but each time the computer was not able to restore. I tried to open in safe mode but after using F8 on reboot my arrow keys would not work to select safe mode and the boot continued with normal startup. I went into cmd and selected safe mode startup but once again my arrow keys wouldn't work to select safe mode anything other than normal which is a highlighted on page. Since I selected safe startup in cmd and I cannot choose safe startup on the boot page my computer is in a loop of constantly trying to bootup

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Cannot Logon - Can Get Into Safe Mode

Dec 29, 2004

The problem started when I read a magazine article about removing the "Logon Box", when the system boots up. It said you should go to the "Run Command" and type in "Control userpasswords2"

That took me to the "User Accounts" and on the first page there were two users listed. The first was the "Administrator" and the second was "Me"(Which was myself)

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DVD Rom Works ONLY In Safe-Mode

Dec 23, 2006

I've installed Windows XP SP2 Fresh after I had some other hardware problems. Everything seemed to work fine until I managed to get into Windows. The OS refuses to read ANY dvd/cd that I put inside. If instead, I boot to Safe-Mode, the DVD-RW works fine. Of course I tried to switch the DVD-RW with another one but the results were the same.

My system specs are....

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Mar 26, 2010

i have similar problem mentioned here URL... but the only difference is that i can use the PC normally without any problem. it gets BSOD only when i try to goto safemode by pressing f8 it says STOP 0x0000007B 0xF789E524 0xC000034 0x00000000 0x00000000

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Can Only Connect To Net In Safe Mode

Jan 11, 2009

It seems as though something happened overnight and now I can only connect to the internet in Safe Mode. When I start in normal mode, I can connect to the internet for just a moment if I open my browser as soon as it boots up but as soon as everything loads up it wont connect at all.It shows me as being connected to my network just fine, but wont load any pages.

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Always Defragged In Safe Mode?

Jun 1, 2006

When I used Win98 SE, I always defregged in safe mode. (Sorry, not sure where I read that was better) . So I just wanted to ask any of you as I am now using WinXP does it make any difference how you defrag?

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Wont Go Into Safe Mode

Mar 3, 2006

win xp and when i choose to satrt in safe mode it goes like this i tap f8 key it lets me choose safe mode than the big icons come up with user name administartor which is me than i click on admin and when it starts up it in normal mode.

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