Two Explorer Windows On Log In?

Apr 26, 2005

I have two Windows Explorer windows open for the same folder every time I log in to my computer. (Win 2000). I've looked in my startup folder as well as the Run and Run Once keys in the registry - nothing. My Windows Explorer also crashes very frequently. I've read most of the entries and tried several things to no avail (most recently the threads about Photoshop 7). I don't know if they're related. I just wish I could wipe Explorer out and reinstall it.

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Internet Explorer Not Working / Wouldn't Open / No Windows Based Functions Used Explorer Interface Would Work

Apr 4, 2008

I recently had a problem on my computer where Internet explorer was not working and would'nt open, and no windows based functions that used the explorer interface would work... So i downloaded the IE7 install package on my other computer and burned to disk to install. everything was going along fine, and when prompted to restart to finsih the installation i did so..... that is when "it" hit the fan.

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Explorer W2000 : Wont Open Windows Explorer From Desktop ?

Feb 17, 2006

Hard drive crash, transplanted HD to new computer which now has 2 hard drives, C & D. Problem is I cannot open Windows Explorer from desktop or any other location, from either drive. I get a message that says it "generates errors." And that it is keeping a log, presumably for use on some Day of Judgment. (I get around it for now by right-clicking My Computer and picking Explore from the pop-up menu.)I have gone to the usual download sites in search of WE, no dice.

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Opening Any Program: Windows Explorer & Internet Explorer Crashes?

Jun 22, 2005

every time i try to open anything that uses these programs i get a 'windows/internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close' crash i think i have a virus in my processes i have 2 strange ones one is n6tgoxae.exe the other is 86851316.exe norton fixes this is for a short while but then the problem soon returns i have also tried spybot search and destroy as well as running AdAware can anyone help me on how to fix my explorer problems and gettin rid of
these processes?

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Windows Explorer Crashes When I Right Click On File And Explorer

Dec 11, 2004

When I right click a file, windows explorer crashes and then recovers.

Right clicking on a folder works OK.

My OS is Windows 2000 Professional.

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Wont Open Internet Explorer And Windows Explorer?

Apr 11, 2010

internet explorer wont open and windows explorer giving problems as well done virus scan spyware nothing came back this is the error amgettingadrgipghze54 argdf has encountered a problem and needs to close and allso windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close error signature .update.exe appver.1515.8784.0.81

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Creating A Shortcut To Windows Explorer In Windows Xp Home..

Jun 24, 2005

I have a computer that is running windows xp home edition. I cannot create a
shortcut to the windows explorer application on my desktop, as the windows
explorer program does not appear in the programs window. I know that if I
click on the start menu and navagate to the programs icon, a second window
wil appear showing all of the programs that are installed on my computer.
However in the programs menu, I cannot see my explorer application anywhere.

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Explorer Needs To Close - Windows Explorer Has Encountered ..

Jun 14, 2008

Recently, upon startup, i have been getting an error message that says "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." It then asks me to tell Microsoft about the problem and i have the option to either send a error report or not to send one. Either way, after choosing one windows explorer terminates and restarts itself. Then the same error message pops up. Recently, when i keep sending the error report, after about the 4th or 5th time, my desktop will just freeze up

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Windows Explorer : Get Someone On IM?

Jun 5, 2010

I need help with windows explorer. can I get someone on IM?

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DEP Keeps Shutting Down Windows Explorer

Feb 24, 2007

The Data Execution Prevention (DEP) security feature in Windows XP sp2 keeps shutting down Windows Explorer (windows explorer is not to be confused with IE) at seemingly random intervals. This has been going on for a few days now and is getting quite annoying. I understand what DEP is and how to adjust its settings so it doesn't apply to Explorer, however my concern is this: because this started happening out of the blue, I'm concerned I may have picked up a virus that is causing the DEP to kick in, disabling DEP might be a bad idea. I cleaned by machine with full scans of both Avast and Microtrend House Call. They both found a Trojan horse and House Call found some security holes.

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Windows Explorer Has Encountered A Problem

Jan 27, 2010

When I started my PC today.I got this message Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience

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Won't Recognize New Drive Even On Windows Explorer

Aug 19, 2005

I've just installed a new WD 120 GB hard drive in the second drive bay of my Dell Dimension 8300 running XP (with all current updates). Windows refuses to assign it a drive letter and it can't be seen on My Computer or Windows explorer. Device Manager insists that it is installed and working properly. The problem persists whether the jumpers are for cable select or master-slave.

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Windows Xp Keeps Opening Explorer Tabs

Jul 12, 2006

its been about 3 or 4 months since i built this computer there have been no hardware problems but recently windows keep opening tabs. while playing a game it would minimize but there is no other window, there would be sounds that explorer would open new tabs. IF computer is left on long enough there would be 10 new tabs opened. whats teh problem with my computer?

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Remove My Documents From Windows Explorer?

Jun 5, 2008

How do you remove my documents from windows explorer?

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Open Windows Explorer My Computer

Nov 7, 2006

When I open windows explorer I see My Computer, My Network Places, Recycle Bin, and Internet Explorer. I no longer see My Documents. How do I get them back to show in windows explorer?

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XP Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working

Mar 19, 2010

I've got a computer running windows xp and have not really had any problems until this morning,when i started the computer a message came up saying "windows explorer has stopped is collecting more information about the problem this might take several minutes" followed shortly by "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available".i can't access anything as the screen is completely black apart from the mouse cursor which i'm able to move,but theres nothing on-screen.does anyone know if theres a way to fix this?

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Windows Xp Service Pack 2 - Explorer.exe

Jan 21, 2005

I have updated windowsXP with the Service pack 2 and now I am getting two error messages one is an explorer.exe error it says installed at 0x010055a8 and is referred to in memory at 0x00000000 and the other error is windowssystem32firewall.cpl

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Drives Separation In Windows Explorer

Dec 29, 2008

I once got my drives separated in my "Workstation" explorer window but I installed another drive and the separation disapeared... how to get it back?
If it's not clear, here is a little representation of what it should looks like...
HDD1 - Name1 HDD2 - Name2


USB device1 USB device2
USB device3 USB device4


Other device1 Other device2

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Two (2) Instances Of Windows Explorer Opening At Every Startup?

Oct 11, 2008

When my computer boots up there are two (2) instances of Windows Explorer opening and I can't figure out where they are started from. They don't show up in any of the Startup folders in the Documents and Settings. Where the heck are they? Can anyone tell me how to find the source so I can turn them off?

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No Right Click Menu On A File In Windows Explorer (xp)

Jul 8, 2005

I no longer am able to right click on a file in windows explorer and bring up the menu at the cursor. (cut, paste, copy, properties,etc)

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Windows Explorer Has Encountered Error And Needs To Restart

Jan 1, 2007

Windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to shut down" and I am getting script error messages.

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Windows Explorer Address Bar Refreshing Automatically

Aug 24, 2005

XP Pro, fully up to date SP/patchwise.

The windows explorer address bar is now 'refreshing' every 5 seconds or so.

Very unhelpful, as it wipes out the network location you are trying to enter.

It reverts to the previous address, and auto selects the full text.

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Shutting Down Windows - Corrupt Explorer.exe File

Dec 12, 2005

when I go to shut off the computer I get a box that says "Program not respsonding" It's for the file explorer.exe. I then usually have to hit "End now" and then sometimes when that doesn't work I have to hit "End now" again. I'm asssuming that this has something to do with a corrupt explorer.exe file right

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Getting Illegal Error While Opening Windows Explorer

Dec 27, 2004

I am getting illegal error while opening windows explorer.exe. Please assit how to resolve this.

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Windows Explorer Encounters A Problem And Has To Restart?

Jul 13, 2005

I keep getting a message when I start my computer that says that windows explorer needs to close i close it and it refreshes my desktop but it appears again for some reason it frezes on me when i try to go to my documents or anywhere else, any solutions on how to stop it from poping up?

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Right Click Folder In Windows Explorer - Halts

Aug 31, 2005

When I right-click a folder in Windows explorer, explorer hangs. I'm using Windows XP Pro SP2. How can this be solved?

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New HD - Will Also Make New Drive Letter In Windows Explorer

Apr 24, 2010

I have Windows XP Pro, sp3. When I got my first external hard drive (HD), I thought it would be a hassle to get windows to see it but it was very easy. I just plugged it in, via USB, and it put a drive letter in Windows Explorer (WE) and I could access it like any other drive. It was easy. My question is: if I get another external HD, can I use it along with my current external HD? That is, can I use the new external HD without unplugging my present external HD.

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Computer Does Not Have Windows Explorer In Program Files

Apr 15, 2008

My son gave me his laptop after mine quit, it has WinXP in it, as my other one did. However, this computer does not have Windows Explorer in the program files. (I know it's supposed to be in Program Files/ Accessories--it just is missing) I don't know how to do anything without Windows Explorer.

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Windows Explorer.exe Will Not Load Or Stay Loaded

Dec 22, 2005

It all started when none of my folders would open or "mycomputer" or any "explorer.exe" related things. So I restarted the computer, and after restart the logon screen come on. I tryed to log in but all I got was the "Loadding your personal settings".Then nothing. So Ctrl-Alt-Del the consol comes up. I tried to run explorer.exe manuly but it just blinks on the screen and then disappear.It is almost like something is killing or not letting explorer.exe stay loaded.

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WINDOWS EXPLORER Error: Computer Wont Shut Down Normally:

Dec 24, 2007

Everytime I turn off my computer by clicking on "turn off computer," I receive an error message popup that states "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to be closed." After that pop-up message, the computer freezes for about a minute and goes back to its normal format (desktop) and the computer DOES NOT TURN OFF. How do I turn off my computer without unplugging the computer? I try "ctrl+alt+del" to go to the windows task manager to "shut down" the computer but..the computer restarts again and doesnt turn off. Do I have a virus or a windows explorer problem? and how do i fix it?

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Explorer, Brings Windows Forward When Selected, But Not On Task Bar?

Aug 18, 2008

the task bar no longer brings windows forward, and only brings some forward when i minimize and maximize. What system files would i need to replace or what would i do to fix this little bug? i dont want to go through a whole repair install for this little quirk.

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