Trace Log - Have Shared My Folder In To LAN Network
Aug 6, 2010
I have shared my folder in to LAN network on your company. I know someone access in to that folder and chane information the files. So, How to trace log in windows XP and know who has access and changed
I have a shared folder which contains many folders for many users on my network and to make users folders recognisable we chose to fix a folder picture of every folder with the picture of the folder owner. The problem is that those folders never have a constant folder picture on all of my network computers as the picture always changes for some reason, I've tried to set permissions on thumb.db file
From my XP SP2 (Media Center Edition) computer, I can access shared folders on my other computers (a Vista, a W7, and another XP computer). However, those computers cannot access shared folders on this computer (the XP SP2 machine).The shared folders are visible from the other computers, but when they attempt to access them, they get a dialog box to log in with userid and password. I have tried various combinations of userid and password, including "thiscomputernameprimaryaccountname" with the associated password. Authentication fails.I am using simple file sharing.
In previously highlighted issues regarding backing-up shared documents to my Seagate Freeagent hard drive, I simply decided to move the My Music Folder from the shared documents folder, but Windows is disallowing me from doing this stating that My Music is a Windows system folder & cannot be renamed or removed? Any help please on getting around this to move My Music from the shared documents? I'm running XP with servce pack 3.
this problem is a little tricky to explain.I have 2 computers (A and B) on a home network, connected through a router and hard-wired with Cat5 cable. They are both running Windows XP Pro SP3 and file/print sharing is turned on. Simple file sharing is turned on.Both computers can Ping each other successfully. Both computers can "Net View" each other successfully.Both computers can see the other's shared folders in My Network Places.Computer A can access the shared folders on Computer B and transfer files, etc.
I have a new pc freshly installed with XP SP3. I used it as a server, I shared the two harddrives and mapped them as drive F and G on the network. The sharing and mapping is successfull, however, after a few minutes of being started (or after the pc has been restarted), the sahred folders and harddrives were self-disconnected for unknown reasons. My colleage timed it, and the sharing lasts only 15 minutes after restart then it is disonnected from the network. When i say disconnected - i mean i can't be seen from other PC's connected to the network, i need to restart the pc (again and again) in order for the harddrive and folder sharing is restored. I can say it is disconnected because the sharing icon (a hand with a disk drive on the palm) disappears and other PC's cannot access it.
I have this problem trying to connect to my laptop or desktop (both ways).I am able to see the shared folders, but if I want to access them I get a password prompt. It asks me for a password and nothing works, I've tried enable/disable guest account.
I am having a problem sharing a folder on my local network. Both PC's are using Windows XP Professional.Both PC's can see each other fine. I have simple file sharing disabled.When I try to access the shared folder I get the following error message:Quote: \CATHYTemp is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.Access is denied. Of course, if I grant permissions to 'EVERYONE' in the security tab, I can connect to share fine.
I am working in domain with 30 desktops and one server. Every user is able to access shared folders from every other system as per rights assigned. But in one system, whenever an user tries to access shared folder he gets the following message: "\*.*.*.* is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.The account is not authorised to log in from this station."
Brief synopsis:I recently did a new Windows XP install (after a crash). Now I cannot get my printer to install. The printer is a SHARED printer (HP Deskjet F380) on another machine on the network. The printer was previous installed on this machine before the crash and reinstall of WinXP.After nearly 2 hours on the phone w/ HP support, it's been determined (by HP support) that somewhere in the XP install, a missing XP driver is keeping this install from properly allowing any printers to be installed. The printer will 'appear' to be installed, but any attempt to print brings an error saying printer drivers aren't properly installed.
I ve got a simple network where i can see shared folder in the workgroup folder. Everythink works fine but i have created a new account for my friend and when accesing with that account i cannot access the shared folder any more and prompts for user name and password.
I have xp home and my computer and laptop are connected wireless.Had it set up to share the printer and an extra hard drive that I have (but not C Drive).This all works fine However I have looked at my Shared Documents on each computer and even though I can open them and no error message comes up, I cannot see files I put in them from either computer.I have Zone Alarm on one and Norton on the other Disabled them but no change What am I missing here?
I/O Device errorI have a Dell GX240 running windows xp professional 40GB hard drive, 512 memory with pentium 4 processor. I have a Maxtor 250GB external hard drive where I store my music files at. I tried to do a disk cleanup on the external drive and all of a sudden when I try to open some of the folders I'm getting this error message.g:my musicshared folderpaul mccartney is not accesible The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.
I have Windows XP Sp2 whe i try to chanhe ip in "Local Area Connection" i got following message:" Network Connetion Folder was unable to retrive the list of network Adapters":i checked "Services" .Ok working fine then what 's the problem??
My problem is that, the Shared folder and "User's documents" folder in My Computer window, in XP Pro are not visible. I think it s possible that the registry keys are missing.
i have a problem with my network folder.It seems that I can't see my existing network connections in the folder! I first noticed this when i click on my dial-up connection the connection window won't come up.When i open the network connections folder in the control panel, an error message comes up with this message:The Network Connections Folder was unable to retrieve the lsit of Network adapters on your machine. Please make sure that the Network Connections service is enabled and running.
im using winXP i go to desktop and double click "My Computer" in my computer i see: Shared Documents pc1's Documents (Local Disk C:) (Local Disk D:) i have already manage to change the target folder location of "My Documents" (c:Documents and Settingspc1My Documents) --> (d:Documents and Settingspc1My Documents) now the problem is; i want to change the target folder location of "Shared Documents" from(c:Documents and SettingsAll Users.WINXPDocuments) (d:Documents and SettingsAll Users.WINXPDocuments)
We lost electricity for about 2/10ths of a second. My son was on the computer when it happened. The computer shut off and came back on. When it resumed, we were unable to connect to the internet. The first thing I did was check the Network Connections folder. To my dismay.This happened several months ago, and I was not able to fix anything and ended up using my 9 HP recovery disks. All I could find on the net seemed to involve fixing connections that you could see in the folder. I did a restore to the day before. Nothing. I did a system restore which put all the crap back on my computer that I don't need but still did not get me anything in my connections folder. I used the network connection wizard which says my broadband is working fine but won't connect. I checked my network adapters which were all working fine (although always hidden, is that normal?) When I did the system restore, it removed several network adapters, but since I don't have anything in the connections folder to connect, it doesn't really matter at this point.
I recently upgraded my computer's CPU/Motherboard/RAM etc however, after plugging in my old hard drives, Windows failed to load. In an effort to save my old files I reinstalled windows XP on my secondary hard drive, hoping to access my original hard drive's files through the reinstalled version of windows. Everything went according to plan except when trying to access the old My Documents folder, and the computer says Access denied, probably because that folder was declared private on my old network and because the user account was password protected.
My computer and MY Wife's computer are networked and we can share 'MY Documents' from both computers. All was fine until yesterday when she asked "what all all these files here in My Documents" I recognized them as files/folder from MY PC. Apparently our PC's now have duplicates of each others MY Documents' on the others PC. I do not want my wife's documents on my PC and I don't want mine on hers. How do I turn off MS Folder Synchronization ? I recently ungraded to Microsoft Office 2007 and I see this MS Office Groove. Is this the program that is doing this?
I am trying to set up remote access to files located on a webserver in my office. The server is Windows 2000 Small Business Server. I ahve created the appropriate shares and have created a "My Network Place" to be able to view the files in that location. Howver, I am also trying to connect my bookkeeping software (QuickBooks) to the data store that resides in that folder. When I connect locally through the network at work, it seems to work fine.
have a new installation of WinXP SP1. When i try to browse any folder, the explorer either hangs for a long time or crashes occasionally. This happens when my machine is connected to network. If my machine is off the network, it shows the folder contents immediately. I removed all the network shares connected to my machine and still the problem persists.
After running the MS Bootvis utility, the file C:WINDOWSSystem32LogFilesWMI race.log becomes hugely inflated. The file shrinks on reboting but may rapidly grow to a few gig's in size, to cure the problem run BootVis again and click Trace-->Stop Tracing, the file will now stop growing and may be safely deleted.The MSBootVis utility may be found here:
it possible to trace the keys of the keyboard or trace the screens. I have to show the steps for some installation . The only way I know is to se Print screen button and paste that on the Word document, but that is time consuming. I am wondering if this is possible somehow with some kind of trace on ?
On my PC, I have C: and F: as my hard drives - and the F: is used for all of my music storage - there are 3 main folders on this hard drive. All of my music is stored in artist alphabetical order. The capacity of the hard drive is 80 gig (76.3) - whilst going into my music folder, all of the artists from A to G are listed, but beyond that - they have dissapeared! The hard drive has got 75.3 gig used, thus the files are still there. I have checked that the hidden files tab is on, and the files are still not showing - however say I do a search for an artist on the F: ie Pulp, no files found matching that name
I want to know how to find from logs or any other files from windows XP, whether a pendrive is inserted when i am away from my computer. I dont want to install third party software. what are the ways in windows to find it out.