After running the MS Bootvis utility, the file C:WINDOWSSystem32LogFilesWMI race.log becomes hugely inflated. The file shrinks on reboting but may rapidly grow to a few gig's in size, to cure the problem run BootVis again and click Trace-->Stop Tracing, the file will now stop growing and may be safely deleted.The MSBootVis utility may be found here:
it possible to trace the keys of the keyboard or trace the screens. I have to show the steps for some installation . The only way I know is to se Print screen button and paste that on the Word document, but that is time consuming. I am wondering if this is possible somehow with some kind of trace on ?
On my PC, I have C: and F: as my hard drives - and the F: is used for all of my music storage - there are 3 main folders on this hard drive. All of my music is stored in artist alphabetical order. The capacity of the hard drive is 80 gig (76.3) - whilst going into my music folder, all of the artists from A to G are listed, but beyond that - they have dissapeared! The hard drive has got 75.3 gig used, thus the files are still there. I have checked that the hidden files tab is on, and the files are still not showing - however say I do a search for an artist on the F: ie Pulp, no files found matching that name
I want to know how to find from logs or any other files from windows XP, whether a pendrive is inserted when i am away from my computer. I dont want to install third party software. what are the ways in windows to find it out.
I know it is stupid but i have put up all the defense i can, firewall, antivirus, but somehow these nasty buggers just slip through. I am no computer expert, just an average user, so i don't want to reinstall the entire windows XP and go through all the update process.So the question is: how can i track down whatever is causing this random, time-to-time IE pop ups? When i do my research the term active scripting comes up all the time (for pop ups). I wonder if this is the culprit and will this thing remains active even I don't have IE windows opened.
Is there a software which can detect all the useless files left after uninstallations and files that are not being used? If so, will it be possible to delete them off without any trace?
Anyone know of an IP tracker/tracer that will trace AOL addresses to the specific city the PC is in? Most I've seen recommended here trace only to Dulles, VA.
I have shared my folder in to LAN network on your company. I know someone access in to that folder and chane information the files. So, How to trace log in windows XP and know who has access and changed
i have shared folders on the server, and on the weekend a department group were here doing some work. next working day, i came to find out that some folders were deleted.. how is it possible to trace out who deleted the folders?.ip address, computer name, user name, etc .. can be helpfull. but how to find these information ?
Is there a way to trace the route that a posting to newsgroups takes from my computer to a destination news server? I am having a problem with one particular moderated newsgroup where my postings are not reaching the moderators and are simply disappearing.
Hi, I don't want Outlook Express on my system. I never used it. I recently switched from Outlook 2003 to Mozilla Thunderbird and it's way better but I still have OE files on my system after removing it in my "windows components" ptions. I guess the links are removed only.
In event viewer under application I get a warning which says trace level parameter not located in registry; default trace level used is 32. Can you please help me with this.
I'm using XP Pro SP2, and am trying to run a trace log to see which processes are starting/stopping and when. However, I get the following when I try to start the log:an't start trace log from Windows Kernel Trace provider event process creations/deletions). Error "The LOG_NAME log or alert has not started. Refresh the log or alert list to view current status, or see the application event log for any errors. Some logs and alerts might require a few minutes to start, especially if they include many counters."
Is it possible to track/trace down who accessed an insecure wi-fi connection using their computer or laptop? Say the MAC address of the wireless adaptor is spoofed, and the "Computer name" is not identifiable, is there any other way of tracking down someone who used an insecure wi-fi connection?
I have a Dell 9100 with Dual Core CPU and 1GB memory running XP Professional. This PC is very slow at boot time. Even once it is up it is slow and constantly making churning noise. The hardware test reports that all the hardware is functioning with not failures. I came to know about Bootvis which helps debug and detect issues that occur during the startup. When i ran the utilitiy it is complaining about "Number of Physical drives in the trave file is 0" when i am trying to analyze the bootvis trace file. Has anybody encountered this error or know about this error
when the patch 903235 is installed on a XP SP1 (or Win2000) system then Windows Registry is not updated by all.Neither the key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftUpdates nor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionHotFix