Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002, Dell Dimension 2400. I can no longer open any e-mail that is sent to me with a link in it to view further information. All I get is a large, blank, white screen. Not sure what I have done. And, on another note, I have lost the bar at the bottom of the computer that shows you, with green bars in a small rectangle, when a site is loading. I have tried system restore but am told that no changes have been made to my computer.
XP, HP 515N: When I click on a link in email, all of a suddcn my desktop comes on and I can't get the link. This happens with ALL links I click on. I've tried turning off the popup blocker, but that doesn't always solve the problem. My antivirus software doesn't show any viruses.
Computer boots up normally and everything runs fine until I try to right click on a file or folder, anywhere on the drive. The first time I do it I get the context menu like I am supposed to get. the next time I click on a file or folder the screen goes blank for a half a second and then comes back on and has to reload the programs in my systray. I have already run my nortons AV and it finds nothing. Can't complete a scan from trend micro but it doesn't say it found anything (hangs prior to summary page). pandas active scan finds nothing. Adware finds nothing. Also if I highlight a folder or file and push the delete key, have the same results. Only deletes every other time the key is pushed.
when i have a web page up with an address link to click, or even on yahoo, if someone sends me a link, it wont open when i click on it, i have to copy and paste the link to my address bar and then press go, to get to it, is there a way I can fix this problem, it used to work... windpws xp home edition.
I have a problem with my windowXP and IE7. I donot know what it is. After using the computer for a few hours, I cannot make a right click on any link in the IE7. Sometimes I cannot right click on the taskbar either. It is even worst when I cannot open any new console window i.e cannot open new window explorer, cannot open chat log. Has anyone ever got the same problem? And does anyone know how to solve it. Note that I have just reinstalled my Window a few days ago. However, after installing since the svchost runs continuously, I followed some guides on the net to unregister/register some services. Not sure, if it causes problem or not but at least it can stop svchost from running continuously.
I sent a similar post the other day and got no response. Briefly, I click on a link and just get a "chunk" sound, nothing comes up. With my ear to the speaker, it sounds more like, "sshOOH!". Everything else seems to work OK.
Whenever I surf the net and click on a link on a webpage twice or more, windows will not respond.The other websites that I open all do not respnd too.Previously I do not have this problem,Only recently then I encounter such a problem.Then I ve to restart internet explorer all over again and all opened websites were gone just like this.It is very frustrating!May i know what went wrong?I am using windows XP Pro serv pack 2 and running on Intel pentium 3 processor,801 MHz,256MB of ram.
For some reason today I now have to click several times with the mouse on a link or heading before the page will open or redirect with my browser. I thought at first it was just Firefox but I have the same problem with IE7. Ihave to click several times for just about everything before anything happens. Some thoughts would bwe appreciated
Outlook Express sometimes freezes when I click on a hotlink in a message and does not open the browser. My Internet Explorer 7 browser often freezes and has to be shut down. Usually this happens when a second window or tab is open. I also have Firefox and it will also occasionally say an error has occured and it has to shut down. If more than one Word XP file is open, both will just disapear when you click on one in the bottom tray. And for the first time ever the other day Adobe Photoshop gave a message that an error had occured and it shut down.
Go to Download Link a file any website i'm getting some hang time and then an error. I have downloads enabled in the tools internet options security tab menu and am unsure why i'm getting this problem.
I started having this problem about 2 hours ago where when I go into my Outlook Express and into my "inbox and start reading my email. Upon reading email some would have a URL underlined and I would put cursor there which turns into a hand and I would click on the url but the browser wouldn't send me nowhere??? Now outside Outlook Express I can click on any url (say google or anything and my browser works just find. By the way, I am using Internet Explorer 6.0.
All of a sudden my laptop computer has gone absolutly barmey! In normal mode it won't load up Windows at all the screen just goes blank. I can manage to get Windows XP booted up using Safe Mode but the screen goes absolutly mad like a sort of snow storm: Screenshot. At first I thought that this was a faulty monitor but it can't be because the poor picture quality shows up in the screenshot. The picture is also blocky when the computer is loading up on the boot screens. I've got avast! Pro and Zone Alarm Pro running, both of which are up to date.
When i start the laptop both the lights and the fans come on but the screen is blank. Tried replacing ram and hard disk but that doesn't seem to work. Sometimes the loading screen does come on but always freezes at XP loading screen and goes blank. Most of the time the screen stays blank when start button is pushed. Tried going through other monitor but doesn't still work.
I recently installed suse on my computer and I also have windows xp installed on a seperate partition. Since I am an idiot I was on windows xp and I decided to delete the suse partition trough windows. After I deleted the suse partition, I restarted windows and like ususal it said Grub loading, but I got an error because obviously suse is no longer there, so I put in the win xp disc and tried to repair windows. I thought if I deleted the 956 mb swap partition it would correct the system from trying to load Grub, but it actually made things worse and now I cannot even load the windows xp disc. Now when I try to load the xp disc it says inspecting system configuration then the screen goes blank.
I have an ongoing probem that I'm still trying to fix, one thing I have done is used Revo uninstaller to remove McAfee which I thought might be a problem. It removed all traces of McAfee and this and also seems to have taken system restore point with it!When I open system restore I just a blank screen.
In receiving emails & wish to click on highlited inserts or address, both included in the body of messeage, no longer do they work by transporting me to the desired area. Always worked before.
when I went to log onto my pc, after turning on the screen, it remained blank in a stand-by sort of screen. I had left it on the previous evening while running basic Windows Disk-cleaner. So, I couldn't get the PC to respond, and rebooted it. Upon rebooting, I recieved an error message saying that the file "system32c_1252" was missing or corrupt. I tried booting off of the original system setup cd, and repairing the installation, but it didn't work and I recieved another error message stating that "system322052" was missing or corrupt. After that, I managed to get access Dos console and ran "CHKDSK" and "FIXBOOT." Fixboot completed successfully, while chkdsk first hung at 50% and then, when I tried again, completed with unfixable errors. I exited and got back to the original bootup screen, where upon I got the same message as before, only this time it informed me that my windowssystem32configsystem file was missing or corrupt. Now it seems as if there are new small changes each time I try to start up. I'm at a total loss regarding this. I have virus protection, firewall, and I hadn't been downloading or surfing any unfamiliar sites.
I am trying to install Windows XP Pro on a second hard drive in my computer, but when i insert the disc it says something about setup scanning the system or something of that nature.Then the screen goes blank and doesn't do anything else. The reason why I dont want to just upgrade is because some things I use dont play nice with XP pro and I want a clean install of it. How can I get my computer to install this second OS properly?
I just came back from vacation and turned on my other computer only to find that right after it flashed the "Dell" screen, it showed a blank screen with random letters/numbers flashing in green. It just freezes there.
It's possible that someone else was on it and may have messed it up but I'm not sure. I'm hoping its still salvageable.
When I click on Yahoo Mail it just goes to a blank page and acts like it is going back and forth through 2 pages. It never gets me to a sign in screen. I go to another computer and try it and it works fine. You can hear clicking like it is going through pages back and forth.
I have lost my device manager when i click on device manager it opens a blank box with no devices in it help plz i also after finding this i decided to try and format xp home i get the message saying the windows vertion i have is newer than the vertion on disc.
Recently my Outlook 2003 will not link. If there is a link in the email to a URL when I click on it I get the following error message. "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator" I am logged on as the admin, Running Norton Systemworks with AntiVirus. I also have Firefox installed but not running. Control-click from Word will also not work - and gives the same error message
Trying to establish a new wireless network using Linksys router and PC card with speedbooster. The desktop PC has always had only one user (administrator). Never has had a password. When trying to install the router software it fails because I don't hav administrator privileges. How do I overcome this? Can I re-set administrator privileges? I'm using XP Home with all MS updates and SP2
Very similar to the following problem but i do not have a raid, and it seems that this PC has a raid and i don't, plus it was never really determined what the actual solution was.
The basics: XP Professional Boot up screen, right before the windows loading screen, or direct after the F8 Menu if you hit "Start Windows Normally..." it will just lock up, no HDD activity, blank screen. now BSOD, nothing.
All 3 safe mods work fine.
Ran chkdsk /r in recovery. Ran proper fixboot procedure.
Went into safe mode and checked the event viewer.
The only concerning message i got was: The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: AmdK8 Fips nod32drv
Formatting really isnt an issue since i can back up anything i need through safe mode. However its just the fact that the Windows gremlin has struck me again and i must defeat it once more.
I highly doubt this is a hardware issue as it is more of a driver/software issue.any help?
When i turn on,first Windows screen appears,then a blue screen blinks,then hp screen,then a blank page with cursor on the top left,then a screen with the message"we apologise for the inconvinience but Windows did not start successfully.there was a hardware or software problem.I tried to run it in Safe mode, Windows normally,last known configuration but no luck......Then someone suggested to Get into the Recovery Console by making a Recovery CD with ISO image but the machine is not responding to any of it.Is it with CD/DVD ROM drive or any major hardware problem???...I ran a self hard drive test and it seemed fine
I was playing a game and I rebooted my computer. When i went to start it it went to the a blank blue screen before the account screen in the beginning of XP. I know i can restore to new but i will have lost so much information that it would take about 3 months to retain it all back. It says it can not find operating system. I need help in a serious way. all advice and solutions are requested.
Using window xp pro I on computer.I'm using pentium 3..
It's fine loading bios and till window xp logo..
when it starting to load the welcome window screen.. (which it didnt reach the welcome screen at all)
It just stuck at the black screen.. so i try to run in safe mode, weirdly it able to open.. okie
i tried to reformat... but it doesnt seems to work, it happens the same thing..
b4 this happened.. it all started one day.. i let my computer to download some personal stuff.. then computer got hanged, and i just shut the computer just like now, i cant reach the welcome screen at all..
i'm having to boot into windows xp. on power up sytem goes through the windows xp splash screen (with progress bar) and then instead of login prompt it goes just into the blue screen with moveable mouse pointer arrow.
issue seems to be similar to: but recommended solutions didn't help so far.
symptoms just before issue - was not able to run use some system features - utility to turn off the display, utility to bring up battery info - everything was working fine before this
what i've tried: boot to Last Known Good Configuration - resulting in the same blue screen
boot to Safe Mode / Safe Mode with networking / Safe Mode with comman prompt - resulting in blank (black) screen with "Safe Mode" in the corners and moveable mouse test the hardware (hard drive / memory etc.) via build in PC Doctor - all seems to be working i am able to use bootable XP CD from other machine to get into Recovery Console i am able to boot to simple live XP using BartPE-XPE usb key and access the hard drive