Outlook Express sometimes freezes when I click on a hotlink in a message and does not open the browser. My Internet Explorer 7 browser often freezes and has to be shut down. Usually this happens when a second window or tab is open. I also have Firefox and it will also occasionally say an error has occured and it has to shut down. If more than one Word XP file is open, both will just disapear when you click on one in the bottom tray. And for the first time ever the other day Adobe Photoshop gave a message that an error had occured and it shut down.
I use outlook express for my email and I have a problem lately in that when I click on a hyperlink in an email it won't open. I don't have this problem anywhere else. I use windows xp pro sp2.
When I click on the Outlook Express icon, nothing happens. Also, when I try to access add/remove programs in the control panel, I get the following script error msg:
Line 47 Char 17 Error: Library not registered Code: 0 URL: res://sp3res.dll/default.hta
Then, I get: Line 21 Char 1 Error Object doesn't support this property or method Code 0
Just recently started that when I click on Outlook Express to check my E-mail, I get instantly dis-connected!A couple of times I stayed connected for several second and than I think when Norton antiVirus kicked into check for viruses than disconnected.Norton is updated. I am puzzled? I don't know much about PCs to start with.
When I click on a hyperlink in Microsoft Outlook Express, no page opens. I cannot get any other page. Nothing happens. What is the possible causes of this strange behavior?
Recently my Outlook 2003 will not link. If there is a link in the email to a URL when I click on it I get the following error message. "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator" I am logged on as the admin, Running Norton Systemworks with AntiVirus. I also have Firefox installed but not running. Control-click from Word will also not work - and gives the same error message
I am using outlook express to check my email but i want to use microsoft out look, and i want all my last emails to be transfered to micosoft out look. help me how to transfer my inbox, sent items and address book from outlook Express to microsoft out look.
I know procedure for backup and restore my email messages from outlook express. Now I want to switch to Microsoft outlook and I wonder if it is possible to transfer messages from outlook express to MS outlook 2003?
After installing Windows XP Home it disabled my Outlook & Outlook Express. When I try to open either program, a message states that it is an out-of-date version, then the windows installer comes up, then an error saying it cannot find 'omint.dll' cannot be found. I have tried to reinstall Outlook from XP, then from Office 2003 disks (original and a second copy with service packs), but I cannot get installer to install the programs
I intend to import express emails to outlook. what will i loose if anything, i have heard that i may loose the dates that the emails arrived in outlook, is this correct. i am transferring as i prefer to us outlook for the 'contacts' information which express does not have or does it?
the other day email (outlook express) were coming in with pictures and now I get red X what might have happened. The only thing I loaded was AVG and I did notice after that the Windows firewall got turned back on again.
how do i uninstall these programs. I cannot get my printer or scanner to mail from those sites. i have a pd hotmail acct and also gmail and windstream acct. i use incredimail too. I went into tools and selected my incredimail acct for emails but for some reason they are going to the outlook programs and will not mail from there. i tried to set up new email accts from both but they will not mail.. I have tried to email from my excel program too and the same is happening.
can anyone tell me what the difference between Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook is?I am trying to sync my email (contacts etc.) with a new Palm Treo phone and I think I may need M.O. instead of O.E., but I am not sure what the difference is or how to fix it!
XP, HP 515N: When I click on a link in email, all of a suddcn my desktop comes on and I can't get the link. This happens with ALL links I click on. I've tried turning off the popup blocker, but that doesn't always solve the problem. My antivirus software doesn't show any viruses.
when i have a web page up with an address link to click, or even on yahoo, if someone sends me a link, it wont open when i click on it, i have to copy and paste the link to my address bar and then press go, to get to it, is there a way I can fix this problem, it used to work... windpws xp home edition.
I have a problem with my windowXP and IE7. I donot know what it is. After using the computer for a few hours, I cannot make a right click on any link in the IE7. Sometimes I cannot right click on the taskbar either. It is even worst when I cannot open any new console window i.e cannot open new window explorer, cannot open chat log. Has anyone ever got the same problem? And does anyone know how to solve it. Note that I have just reinstalled my Window a few days ago. However, after installing since the svchost runs continuously, I followed some guides on the net to unregister/register some services. Not sure, if it causes problem or not but at least it can stop svchost from running continuously.
I sent a similar post the other day and got no response. Briefly, I click on a link and just get a "chunk" sound, nothing comes up. With my ear to the speaker, it sounds more like, "sshOOH!". Everything else seems to work OK.
Whenever I surf the net and click on a link on a webpage twice or more, windows will not respond.The other websites that I open all do not respnd too.Previously I do not have this problem,Only recently then I encounter such a problem.Then I ve to restart internet explorer all over again and all opened websites were gone just like this.It is very frustrating!May i know what went wrong?I am using windows XP Pro serv pack 2 and running on Intel pentium 3 processor,801 MHz,256MB of ram.
For some reason today I now have to click several times with the mouse on a link or heading before the page will open or redirect with my browser. I thought at first it was just Firefox but I have the same problem with IE7. Ihave to click several times for just about everything before anything happens. Some thoughts would bwe appreciated
Go to Download Link a file any website i'm getting some hang time and then an error. I have downloads enabled in the tools internet options security tab menu and am unsure why i'm getting this problem.
Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002, Dell Dimension 2400. I can no longer open any e-mail that is sent to me with a link in it to view further information. All I get is a large, blank, white screen. Not sure what I have done. And, on another note, I have lost the bar at the bottom of the computer that shows you, with green bars in a small rectangle, when a site is loading. I have tried system restore but am told that no changes have been made to my computer.
This is a continuation of the "Winlogon.exe causing 99% CPU Usage" thread as I can't find it.About 2 weeks ago, 3 computers on the network would freeze around 12:30 and 5:30 each day. I tried scanning with Norton, Trendmicro and all the antispyware software but couldn't find anything. The Task Mgr finds Winlogon.exe causing 99% usage and the computers would run very slowly.This morning I scanned one of the computers with Kaspersky's online scanner and it found several infected files, in Microsoft Outlook's email. I deleted the emails and ran the scanner again but it found the infected files again, this time in outlook.pst, give me the 411 on outlook.pst? Can I just delete it?
I have encountered many email addresses automatically opening with outlook express? How to use it? My Email server is set to POP 3,Which field I should choose to fill the following? 1)Incoming POP3,HTTP or IMAP server.2) Outgoing SMTP server I don't know about these?
I have Windows XP Prof with SP2 and use Outlook express 6 - However sometimes when people send attachments I cannot see them with the email even though the email size is showing a file larger than just text- I am assuming the attachment is there how I can see and open the attachments
i am trying to configure my outlook express account but all I get are errors.i am linking it to aol and have followed the step by step process provided but still recieved the following error.The message could not be sent because the server rejected the sender's e-mail address. The sender's e-mail address was 'DJP136@aol.com'. Subject '', Account: 'home', Server: 'smtp.aol.com.', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '556 CLIENT AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED. USE ESMTP EHLO AND AUTH.', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 556, Error Number: 0x800CCC78
I am running IE 6 .I can get online fine but when I click send/receive messages I get this error:An unknown error has occurred. Account: 'Mail', Server: 'pop.att.yahoo.com', Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Error Number: 0x80004005..I was on the phone with ATT tech support last night and they led me to knowledgebase for this error. I did exactly what it said.NOTHING.Kept looking and found where I was supposed to look for .mbx and rename .mbx old. I did that. all my inbox messages are gone. I closed Email and reopened. I am still getting the error message. When I search for .mbx in hidden files/folders there is no file. I went back to a sys restore to Wednesday, that also didn't work. is there any way to repair the inbox?
Microsoft Office Express v. 6 error"The spell check on this document was halted. Do you want to send it anyway?"I want the spell check to happen automatically - how do I fix it?
I can't open outlook express 6 without getting this error."There was a problem logging onto your mail server. Your Password was rejected. Account: 'mail.optonline.net', Server: 'mail.optonline.net', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR [SYS/TEMP] Service Temporarily Unavailable', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92"
I have an AT&T mail account and they recently paired with Yahoo on their homepage. My Outlook Express in Windows XP worked with my account fine for years until yesterday. I had to change the names of the servers to: pop.att.yahoo.com and smtp.att.yahoo.com. The port settings are the same 465 and 995. Also, my password is the same. The problem is when I try to receive or send mail, Outlook Express repeatedly asks me to enter my username and password for the servers. The password box is checked on the logon box that comes up repeatedly but not highlighted. What am I overlooking?