StartUp Delay - Opening Splash Screen

Jul 20, 2005

A week or 2 ago my XP (sp.2) system started taking a long time to start, about 3 minutes. I can't think of any application I've added during this time.I removed all apps from the StartUp folders.After turning the system on the opening splash screen comes up and then promptlythe image for my wallpaper (in use long before this problem).Then it pauses for 1-2 minutes.Ctrl-alt-del can be invoked. It shows 3-10% cpu use, little I/O.The process continues with the appearance of the desktop icons and the taskbar.

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Strange 45-Sec Startup Delay - Manually Time Delay

Sep 28, 2006

When my Toshiba laptop (p4 2.8, 768mb ram) boots up, the desktop background appears, but nothing else does for about 45 seconds. In the meantime, I can move my mouse freely and invoke taskmanager to start programs (File... new task). I'm pretty sure that this problem is not due to an excess of startup programs but instead due to some setting or manual time delay.

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BSOD After Startup Splash Screen, Restart

Jun 15, 2008

Put the machine in standby. Came back to it, hit the power button and it wouldn't wake up completely, it stopped at the background, would load icons or respond to any keys or buttons. Pressed and held power until it shut down.When it tries to startup, it gets to the part where its a black screen and says Windows loading, with the scrolling load bar. After that I get the blue screen with the message below.Same result when trying to load using safe mode except the BSOD flashes quicker and is gone.Is there any way to get beyond this point, or is a repair from the Windows CD the only or best solution? I have backups of my most important data with Carbonite, so I'm not too afraid of losing data, but re-loading everything I have installed would be a major kick in the bits.

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Delay In Booting And Opening Os

Mar 2, 2006

Suddenly my PC is delaying (5 minutes or so) to boot an open the OS. It shows a black screen with a text about reviewing the memory while showing a blinking hyphen. I did enter through F8 to THE LAST CONFIGURATION THAT WORK WELL but nothing happened. After that the operation es absolutly normal. Any idea about getting back to normal startups?

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Constant Delay Opening Programs

Nov 13, 2006

My computer has a constant delay opening programs for the first time. For example, I'll open Internet Explorer (or any program) and my computer will take 30 minutes to open it. While it's doing that, I can hear my computer "working" which sounds like a grinding noise. Programs on either my C or D drive do this, so it doesn't seem like a problem with my hard drive. I can't do anything (or very little) while it's opening something. Task Manager won't open, for example. I've done a spyware/virus check and there is nothing. It's not a slow computer. It has 1gig of RAM and more than 2.6Ghz. This didn't use to happen.

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Speed Up Menu Delay Without Opening Regedit

Aug 12, 2002

Speed up the start menu delay1. Download and install Powertoys for Windows XP.2. Open Tweak UI for WinXP and select Mouse. Under Menu Speed move the slider all the way over to fast.3. Restart the computerThis also works using TweakUI 1.33 for Win9x/ME/2K

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Long Delay Opening MS Office Files By Double-clicking

Nov 6, 2006

I'm running XP home SP2. I have MS Office 2003 with all updates. The problem I'm having is when I double click on any MS office file (powerpoint, word, excel, etc), it takes about 1-3 minutes to open. When I look at the task manager, the CPU is 99% idle and no task appears to be using many resources. It's not the anti-virus SW because I've removed it from the system and still have this problem. It's also not network related because I've removed it from all networks and still have the problem. If I open the program that the file is associated with (ie MS word for a *.doc file) and then select file/open, it opens fine. I don't think it's just a MS office problem, because the same thing occurs when I try to click on a weblink within a document or application. It takes 1-3 minutes for IE explorer to open and go to the web page. I think it may be due to some security patch, but I don't know which one.

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Delay Startup Items - MSN Messenger

Jul 27, 2005

I can delay the running of some startup items? As an example, MSN messenger runs and attempts to log in before my internet connection is active and therefore returns an error everytime I turn on my PC.I would have thought that theres a switch I could add after the shortcut command.

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Beeps On Startup Delay - Reset Button

Mar 13, 2005

I just put a computer together, and had a little trouble getting it started. When turned on, it starts to show the post check on the screen, then it stops and beeps once, followed by 9 more beeps. After a minute or so, it seems to warm up and start. Sometimes I have to hit the reset button. Once running, it is fine, but it is driving me crazy to figure out the beeps. I know that once upon a time, in DOS, different numbers of beeps meant something, but I can't remember or find a reference.It is irritating to have this sequence when starting the computer.

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Delay Startup Program Till OS Is Ready To Run

Aug 26, 2007

I'm not really fluent in M$. I have a couple of programs that load at boot time
that really should wait until the OS / Drivers / Support programs are loaded to
start. Is there any easy way to delay execution until the OS is ready to run?It curently is running from a registry entry and starts too early. It always fails,
and I have to terminate it, and restart it once the system is able to interact with appears that Windows XP logs in users before its really ready to
interact with them?

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Delay Excel Startup - DDE Data In To Spread Sheet

Aug 2, 2005

I have an excel spreadsheet that starts up from the start-up folder. The
problem is that it starts up before another program does that imports DDE
data into the spreadsheet. This would then cause the spreadsheet to hang. Is
it possible to place a delay statement in the start-up line that would delay
the excel spreadsheet for 5 or 10 seconds.

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Msconfig Keeps Opening After Startup, Having Disabled Startup Items

Jun 10, 2010

Try making my laptop less slow and not freeze all the time when doing the simplest of tasks.

However, my problem happens after trying to disable the Startup Items from the MSconfig dialogue.

-After I have unchecked the boxes I don't want, I click OK or Apply;

-It then tells me I have to restart for the changes to take place, so I do this;

-Then after completing its restart a message says that "The System Configuration Utility is in Diagnostic or Selective Startup mode, causing this message to be displayed and the utility to run every time Windows starts up."

-it then opens the MSconfig dialogue box again.

If I just close the utility or click ok, sure enough it keeps on opening every time I startup. Or else, what it's trying to convince me to do is to start up in Normal Mode. But I won't do this because then all the Startup Items I'd disabled become enabled again and the whole lengthy task was a waist of time!

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Blank Screen Freeze Up Before Splash Screen. Safe Mode Works

Oct 7, 2007

Very similar to the following problem but i do not have a raid, and it seems that this PC has a raid and i don't, plus it was never really determined what the actual solution was.

The basics: XP Professional Boot up screen, right before the windows loading screen, or direct after the F8 Menu if you hit "Start Windows Normally..." it will just lock up, no HDD activity, blank screen. now BSOD, nothing.

All 3 safe mods work fine.

Ran chkdsk /r in recovery.
Ran proper fixboot procedure.

Went into safe mode and checked the event viewer.

The only concerning message i got was: The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:

Formatting really isnt an issue since i can back up anything i need through safe mode. However its just the fact that the Windows gremlin has struck me again and i must defeat it once more.

I highly doubt this is a hardware issue as it is more of a driver/software issue.any help?

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Blank Blue Screen With Mouse Arrow After Xp Splash Screen

Oct 21, 2009

i'm having to boot into windows xp. on power up sytem goes through the windows xp splash screen (with progress bar) and then instead of login prompt it goes just into the blue screen with moveable mouse pointer arrow.

issue seems to be similar to:
but recommended solutions didn't help so far.

symptoms just before issue - was not able to run use some system features - utility to turn off the display, utility to bring up battery info - everything was working fine before this

what i've tried:
boot to Last Known Good Configuration - resulting in the same blue screen

boot to Safe Mode / Safe Mode with networking / Safe Mode with comman prompt - resulting in blank (black) screen with "Safe Mode" in the corners and moveable mouse test the hardware (hard drive / memory etc.) via build in PC Doctor - all seems to be working
i am able to use bootable XP CD from other machine to get into Recovery Console
i am able to boot to simple live XP using BartPE-XPE usb key and access the hard drive

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Delay Before Logon Screen

Apr 2, 2008

Having looked at a few previous threads on your forums, you seem to be pretty intelligent so I guess this is the best place to post my problem, Recently I purchased one of those quadcore machines (Q6600) with a blank HD, so installed XP Pro + SP2. There was errors when installing SP2 (and SP1, when I tried that), where by it gets so far, then just freezes. Having left it for hours to try and resume, it didn't, and I was forced to end the task. When I rebooted the machine I was prompted to uninstall SP2 as it wasn't installed correctly? This wasn't an option for me, as I NEEDED to install msn IM lol anyhow.When I boot my machine up, just before the logon screen loads where it says something along the lines of "Windows is starting up...", it just stays on that for ages (several minutes!) before continuing to load the logon screen. Once the logon screen appears, everything else is fine.

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Black Screen With Moveable Cursor After Splash Screen?

Feb 11, 2009

Was working fine this morning but this afternoon - Upon startup everything runs fine until after the windows splash screen everything goes black and the only thing visable is a cursor, but nothing to click, cannot ctrl=alt=del, cannot right click. Cannot enter safe mode at all, last good configuration doesn't work either. Computer is still running, fan whirring, lights flashing. Fan has been cleaned and power supply checked, no change. Cannot get into anything to run explorer or virus check. She is running Windows XP SP3. I'm unsure of when sp3 was installed. I understand this may be an issue, along with video and graphics drivers, display settings, corrupt registry, flat CMOS battery or loose internal connections.

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Delay Before XP Loads To Login Screen

Mar 6, 2005

bios runs good, then i get huge delay before xp loads to login screen.

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Long Delay Between Welcome Screen And Desktop Icons

Apr 21, 2010

haii all techies i have a problem which has been pissing me for almost 3 weeks... As i start up my computer i become stuck with the desktop background after the welcome screen and the desktop icons and start button arrive too late almost taking more than 8 minutes... i am sure windows has loaded and i could hear the start up sound but not the icons and taskbar which appears only after long time.i have analyzed this problem for all these weeks ..i have come up with the conclusion that its a RPC(Remote Procedure Call) which is creating this problem..i diagnosed this when i could still start up task manager when i have desktop background and i end an svchost.exe process....Suddently a shutdown screen with a time down count of 1 minute appears saying that(RPC has been unexpectedly terminated..the system is going to shut ur work..blah blah) ...But then all icons starts appearing and taskbar gets loaded...i rush into run command and type "shutdown -a" and the screen closes and i continue my work..

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Getting Black Screen Between BIOS And Win Splash Screen?

Jan 7, 2008

Ive done a fair amount of searching online and tried a number of things myself, needless to say, they didnt work.Ok, so here's the issue; When I go to turn on my computer, I make it to the XP splash screen with the 3 blue bubbles moving left to right... But nothing from there.Additionally, between the BIOS screen and the XP splash screen, theres some weird black screen with what looks like a long barcode-esq bar, where a solid white line fills the gaps moving left to right...

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Long Delay For Boot Up Few Mins Blank Screen

Jan 22, 2008

When I turn on my lap top, Acer Travelmate 2355LC, there are a couple of quiet clicks, then nothing. If left for about 10 minutes, it starts up normaly. Sometimes it starts normally from the beginning.It has an Intel Celron M360 processor (1.4 GHz, 400 MHz FSB, 1MB L2 cache) 40 BG HDD 256MB DDR, I've cleaned everything up. Should I try and repair? I would like to avoid reformatting if possible.

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Splash Screen At Welcome

Feb 22, 2007

How can i change or remove it?? can i do the same with the shutdown screen?? also does anybody know how to get rid of i.e.s icon?? i use avant browser.

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Splash Screen Hangs Up

Mar 16, 2006

I boot my xp machine but it hangs at the xp splash screen.It's not like it's frozen, the blue bar under the "windows" just scrolls and scrolls and scrolls, etc. The same happens when I try booting to VGA mode.I am able to boot to safe mode, just not completely. I get to a screen that says " Safe mode Microsoft (R) Windows XP (R) (Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.05001-119: Service Pack 2) Safe Mode.I can also see the mouse moving around, just nothing else. Nothing was added, removed or installed.

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Hangs At Splash Screen

Apr 25, 2005

This problem started several days ago. On restart the XP splash screen loads but freezes as the progress bar is in motion. After rebooting several times it does load to the desktop, but on restarting again it hangs.
I have searched reference articles, forums, etc and have found others have the same problem and have narrowed it down to nvidia drivers and hardware conflicts that load after 'mup.sys' in the boot up process.I had installed a nvidia graphics card and driver before this problem began but then uninstalled, deciding to keep the on board sis igp. I have downloaded driver cleaner and removed all traces of the nvidia driver but the problem persists..I am running XP sp2, p4 3ghz, foxconn motherboard, sis 661fx graphics.

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Stuck At Splash Screen

Sep 14, 2009

My PC has developed a problem and I'm looking a solution. What I'm seeing is that when I boot my PC, it gets to the splash screen and I see the scroller moving but that's it. No color changes no BSOD, etc. At this point, I've been able to restore my system using an Acronis full system recovery but I would like to know what's going on behind the scenes when the progress bar moves but nothing.

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BSOD After W2K Splash Screen

Feb 14, 2008

I'm getting a BSOD. Everything seems fine--it is at least getting to the boot.ini since I get an OS selection--W2K or the Recovery Console. The W2K splash screen comes up, the blue hash marks scroll about half way across the bottom, halt, then BSOD "INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE". I tried the Recovery console, but that BSODs as well. I used ERD to run CHKDSK --- no errors. Possibly the hdd? ERD took a loooong time to read what OSs were on the hdd--five minutes.

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Splash And Blak Screen Comes

Jul 15, 2005

i used it all fine about 2 hrs ago and shutted down fine. i just now go 2 boot up and after i get the BEEp, bios screen, it says vereifying dmi pool data for a split ssecond and gives a blak screen for a split and does the Splash. but my issue is, it doesnt give me a just sits at that blak screen.

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After Splash Screen, It Reboots

Jul 27, 2005

When im tryin 2 start her up, after the splash scr een l oads, just as it enters the next stage of boot up it flashes a blu screen and reboots. i cant boot under ANY start up options.

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No Display After Splash Screen

May 8, 2010

I am new here and I consider myself very knowledgeable on a computer but this one has me pulling my hair out. I have seen posts for similar situations but nothing identical to mine. What I have is a Dell E520 and we had a power serge and the computer shutoff. When the computer was turned back on it P.O.S.T. fine, loaded to splash screen and then once that is done loading I get a blank screen. Nothing. I reset go to safe mode, works fine, loads into safe mode. I try to load safe mode with networking, will not work. So I went back to safe mode and tried to do a system restore, told me it was disables and I would have to go back and enable it in regular mode.

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Stalls At Splash Screen

Jul 23, 2005

I am running windows XP Home edition with SP2. When starting up it stalls at the XP splash screen with the flashing bar below it. I can start in safe mode but haven't had any luck with the system restore.

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Freeze At Splash Screen

Oct 3, 2009

I have a Dell Dimension 4600. I got a new 80gb hard drive and wanted to clone it with the current 20gb drive. I took both drives and connected them to a different pc that had norton ghost on it. After cloning, which went fine, I placed them back into the Dell with the 80 gig set as master, and the 20gb set as slave. The computer would post normally and boot to a black screen with a blinking cursor, this happned right after verifying dmi data pool. It would hang at this screen never getting to the windows loading screen.

I returned the 20gb to the master drive and set the 80gb as the slave. It booted fine. After getting into windows I saw it was reporting the 80gb as C: and the 20gb as D:. I changed the drive letter of the 80gb (in safe mode) to G:. After changing it the computer would freeze at the XP splash screen, however I still had control of the mouse. I believe this was caused from windows search for the page file on C: which no longer existed............

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Lost Video At Splash Screen

Aug 29, 2005

my PC that the screen goes black at the XP Home splash screen. When I boot into the safe mode I get to the login screen then the screen goes black.

I have removed and replaced the video card and also tried using the VGA mode. Same problem. Any thoughts?

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