Sony Viao Is Not Working Right

Aug 26, 2006

I just got a used xp.. its slow and i cant seem to get any thing to work on it like restore , defrag,and i cant get it to change from dial up to dsl. pls i really need some help im all new to the computer

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Sony Viao Recovery System Doesnt Start, Cycles, And The Computer Doesnt Start

Jul 15, 2010

Im new, so bear with me please. The problem is on my old Sony Viao Model PCG-6H4L XP. I wanted to start fresh and the recovery system for windows gives me only a limited number of dates. I thought that the Viao recovery would do the job.I was wrong. I haven't checked recent forums about problems with this, so I went ahead and broke my laptop. Before the Recovery system starts, my laptop says, with a black background.

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Unable To Find Working Drivers For A Sony Vaio Laptop ?

Jun 30, 2008

The Vaio is about 3/4 years old now, and I just did a reinstallation of Windows XP to clean things up a bit. Before the reinstall, I managed to track down this page on the Sony Asia website (, and downloaded all of the listed drivers onto a memory stick. Having formatted the disk and installed Windows, I installed the drivers in the order listed on the website. They all worked perfectly, except for the Realtek audio driver.No sound was played by the computer, and when viewing the sound preferences under the Control Panel, I was informed that there is No Audio Device.

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Not Able To Play Audio When Using Sony CD- Dvd Device

Nov 10, 2007

Windows media player or on any other media player, not able to hear audio but can view video on windows Xp operating system.
1.No issue with sound drivers as audio is tested and detected.

2.No issue with sony cd-DVD device. it is been tested and played on other system.

3.Media used is OK as it was able to play audio earlier

4.Codec was updated

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Computer Extremely Slow - Because Of Sony CDs?

Jun 29, 2006

My computer started slowing dow about a month ago. It got to where it took forever to load when I turned the computer on and even opening software took forever. Same with turning it off. It also hangs up on me. I can't even press Ctrl + Alt+ Delete to end a program when its not responding. I have to strictly turn the computer off just to get somewhere. I uninstalled and reinstalled Norton. I have the entire Norton system and catches nothing. It says all systems are working properly.
I was asked earlier if I had ever put a music CD in the computer that was by SONY, and I can say that probably close to 20 over the 4 years that I have had it. I was told that SONY puts this "thing" on the CDs that transfer to your computer before you even hear the music so that you are penalized if you try to duplicate them.

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Drivers For A Sony PCV-1112 Computer?

Jun 16, 2008

Need help finding drivers for a sony PCV-1112 computer.

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SP3 Running On Top Of NT On A Sony VAIO LAPTOP

Oct 15, 2010

My son has a Sony VAIO laptop running Windows XP SP3 which originally had Windows/NT on it. There are several issues with this machine including how it slows down to a crawl and kills Firefox so that it must be rebooted. I want to know this: there are several folders in the C:WINDOWS directory as follows

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PS3 Unable To View On New Sony DVD Player For My TV

Aug 19, 2005

I have burned this little 15 MB movie I created w/PS3 and I have no problems playing it on any PC w/WMP Ver 10, but when I burn a copy onto a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-, or DVD+ and try to play it in my new Sony DVD/VCR
multi-format player, it won't play. The Sony supports regular CD's, DVD+ RW/+R, DVD- RW/-R, JEPG, MP3, etc, it's brand new. So who do you call Microsoft who created the PS3 software, Toshiba (new laptop w/awsome
mulit-dvd burner drive), Record Now (software that does the burning) or Sony who manufactured the DVD/VCR unit (new).Each tech seems to want to brush me off on the other.Like, is there some simple switch or something I'm not doing that makes a big difference when I want this movie to burn to a disk to be played back on
a TV?

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Not Recognizes Sony CRX320E DVD Driver

Mar 4, 2005

I have a sony CRX320E and I was running windows 2000. After updating with Windows XP, my computer no longer recognizes the CD-rom at all? What can I do?

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Xp Regedit- Cannot Open Sony Creative Software

Nov 13, 2008

trying to install ACID7 on HP xw4300 workstation, all of my SONY software stopped working. I am trying to edit the registry to get rid of all references to Sony so that I can re-install the 7 or 8 programs that I used to have.but I get an error message: "Cannot open Sony Creative Software. Error while opening key." I find that a lot of registry entries are doing that to me, but the only ones I care about are the Sony ones. I can't change permissions because I can't open or save changes...Is that enough to be clear

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Explorer Needs To Close - Running XP On A Sony Vaio

Nov 13, 2009

I am running XP on a Sony Vaio. Recently, every time we boot it up and try to start ANY program, we get the"Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close" message. I would like to back up some docs, but have started it in safe mode with and without networking, and have been unable even to open Backup or My Computer to copy docs

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Cant Get To Reinstall On Sony Laptop - New Hard Drive

May 18, 2009

I'm trying to reinstall XP on my Sony Vaio laptop after having to replace the hard drive. It won't boot from the CD - it just tells me that the operating system is not found. I had that much figured out. I'm no computer whiz, but it looks to me like the drive IS recognized in the BIOS. I even loaded the XP onto a flash drive and tried to boot from that.

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Sony Told Me To Do Bios Reset But F2 Doesnt Do Anything

Mar 1, 2010

My computer has been taking like 5 times to start up. sometimes randomly shuts down and runs really bad. i got online chat with sony. they first said to do bios reset.f2 didnt do anything so they said back up and do system recovery.

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No Sound From Laptop - Drivers On Sony Sites

Nov 25, 2009

i have a sony vaio model pcg572m , it`s quite old .anyway i had to reload windows xp on to it ,and now i can`t get a sound out of it ,i can`t find what make the soundcard is,plus i can`t find any drivers on sonys sites ,in sounds and devices it just says, no audio device

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Reloading On Sony Machine Boot To CD And Keyboard

Mar 14, 2009

I am trying to reload XP on a sony Vaio machine. First off, when it comes up with 'press any key to boot to CD' nothing works. I have done searches on this and have tried both PS2 and usb keyboards. I have also tried to access bios but nothing loads it.I have tried esc, tab, del, f1-f12 and no matter what, windows continues to load. I know the keyboard works because once windows loads, I can type. So this is an issue with the usb keyboard and bios I assume but I cannot get to bios to enable the usb support.

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Sony Vaio PCG-VX88 Computer Acting Weird

May 4, 2005

So I have a Sony Vaio PCG-VX88, and the hard drive has been clicking and the computer has just been acting weird. I can no longer start photoshop, when I ran Windows Spyware check and began deleteing the files it started clicking and after restarting I can't get it back to normal state like I could before. When I started it up it says "no opperating system found" (happend twice) then finally after the 3rd try goes and starts up, the last time I tried it did a check on the file system of the C: drive, will a reformat help Or is it a hardware thing

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Blue Screen Error When Installing On Sony Vaio?

Oct 27, 2009

I have a Sony Vio model PCG-3E2L. I tried installing xp on my sony computer that had vista on it. It continually blue screened during the very beginning of the install process. So, I decided to remove vista. I could not get vista to uninstall so I finally ran an older bootable windows like 98 or me which got me to dos. In dos I deleted and reset partitions. I did not format as format was not on the disk I used. Now, with a fresh hard drive I figured that xp would install but it won't. The computer boots by cd but again it continually blue screens at the beginning of the install process b/f it asks any questions but after loading drivers.

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Sony Computer Wont Startup It Cycles And Repeats

Jun 22, 2005

My computer will not start up. It boots and and gets to a screen where it asks if I want to start windows normally. I do that and then the window xp logo appears and then it reboots and starts all over again. Right after the window xp logo appears something runs across the screen and disappears to fast to see what it is.I have norton internet and antivirus and the sp2 pack of windows xp installed. However, I have not installed anything recently. Just prior to the problem my comcast high speed internet went down and when it came on that is when I had the problem. I can boot from the CD-rom and have done a check with a cdrom norton and I have no viruses, but it is not the latest viruses on the disk and I dont know how to down load them onto the cdrom from norton site.

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No Sound On Sony - Same Yamaha Device Same Built In Computer

Feb 19, 2005

I am not aware of any change to my sys, except no sound at all. I've done all the help troublshooting suggestions, I have the same Yamaha device that came with the viao and am using the same built-in speakers.

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Sony Fire Wire Port Not Operating External Dvd

Jun 29, 2005

I have a Sony Viao (PCG-FX170) laptop, with operating system upgraded from Win ME to Win XP. Its firewire port will not operate external (LaCie) DVD writer and after buying a PCMCIA card with 4 firewire outputs, they don't work either. Problem seems to be: no voltage on the firewire socket to "turn on" the DVD writer. Windows says Firewire drivers are "working normally".Is this likely a hardware or software problem.

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Sony Vio Extreamly Slow Startup - Ran The System Defragmenter

Aug 1, 2007

I have no idea, but about 5 days ago, my computer started acting very slow on boot up.I play a sound upon boot up and the them song plays angonizingly slow.From power on to full access its nearly 7 mins.

Ive ran the system defragmenter.

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Blank Screen On Sony Vaio Laptop Running SP2

Jun 12, 2010

While running about a week ago, the monitor simply quit displaying anything. Now, when I boot up the laptop, it shows the BOIS icons and the Windows XP splash screen, but when it should show the logon screen (I have two user accounts on the box) the monitor goes blank. I know the laptop is still running because after a couple of minutes the screen saver music starts to play, so it must be a monitor-specific issue.I've gone into setup and reset the boot sequence to no effect, took out the battery and rebooted to no effect and now am at the end of my limited hardware diagnostic abilities.

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Sony Vaio Wont Boot And Continues To Restart (doesnt Even Work On Safe Mode)

Mar 27, 2008

A family members sony vaio will not boot up, the computer doesnt load windows XP (The windows XP loading screen appears but will then goes blank and reboots automatically.) When the computer first turns on a blank screen appears with text saying "we're sorry for the inconvienice, etc..." then has a 30 second timer for which option i would like to choose.These are my options below (which none work).
It doesnt work on Safe Mode, Safe Mode (Networking), Safe Mode (Command Prompt) or even the "last known to work configurations". Im totally lost on what i can do from here. I need assistence people!!

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Internet Is Working For Some Programs / Firefox Is Working But IE7 Is Not

Dec 26, 2007

Whenever I start up IE7 "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" pops up. The problem is my internet is working for SOME programs. Firefox is working fine, but IE7 is not. Also Steam, Ventrilo, and AIM work fine, but programs such as, UBI Internet, and Gas Powered Games Internet, and almost all games do not work. It says Winsock error problem, but I have fixed the registry keys and followed all instructions.

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Tablet Part Not Working, Recovery DVD Not Working

Aug 8, 2008

I have a Gateway CX2618, w/ windows XP tablet edition 2005 version 2002, sp2. And wanted to wipe it clean and reinstall just the things I use. Plus my Tablet side of things hasn't worked in a long time and I was hoping the clean install would fix that. But my recovery DVD isn't working (could be user error). I DO have apps that I need to keep and I think I've backed them up to my external HD correctly.

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USB Mouse Not Working, Yet Keyboard Is Working?

Apr 13, 2010

I just recently reinstalled Windows XP on my computer, my USB keyboard is working fine, but my mouse is not working, I tried it in all the USB ports for it and I am getting no response, I am getting a curser on screen but no movement nor am I able to click.

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HTTP Not Working - FTP - HTTPS Working?

Sep 17, 2008

I de-infected a windows XP system with SP3 and IE7. Once I did that, http no longer loaded in IE. It does not work in portable firefox either. I can type in ftp:// ftp address and IE works. Likewise I
can use https:// and the page loads! What is going on: I tried:

1) Reset ie7 as per MS
2) Removed IE 7
2a) IE6 would not load http either
3) reapplied SP3
4) Repair install win winxp cd.
5) Deleted and re-installed network card

This is where I am now. Still no http://. Since multiple applications are affected, I do not think it is a browser helper.

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Changed ISP DSL 330 ICS Before Working Now Not Working

May 14, 2007

I'm using Speedtouch 330 DSL modem single port when i changed the ISP cannot browse the sharing Internet but i can use Yahoo Messenger. Windows XP, before 3 computers working fine when i changed the ISP internet card thru DSL modem with single port i cannot browse the other with.

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Tab Key Is Not Working

Jun 10, 2010

I have two computer that have issues with there 'TAB' Key not working. One is an XP 64 bit machine and the other is a windws 7 system. Every now and then there 'TAB' key just stops working. Then later on in the day just start working again.

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CD Not Working On Pro

Jul 30, 2005

I recently moved from Minnesota to Texas and when I powered up the computer here, my CD drive no longer shows up in My Computer.. I have a dual-boot system (win 98SE and XP Pro)..It was working before the move.. It also works fine on Win98SE.. When using XP Pro, looking at hardware profiles it says the driver's are installed, but it can't find hardware.. I've tried deleting it there and rebooting and it finds new hardware, but still says it can't see it.. I've already tried a different CD drive with the same results (works on 98SE but not on XP Pro.

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Alt+tab Is Not Working

Aug 1, 2005

I'm running under Windows XP and I'm having the following problem. The "alt+tab" hot key on my computer's keyboard is not working.

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