Separate Multiple Entries In Environment Variable With Semicolons Automatically?
Feb 8, 2007
I'm trying to define an environment variable, CLASSPATH, to link to all the .jar files in a certain folder, C:cp. This folder contains 16 different .jar files. CLASSPATH needs to look like: file1.jar;file2.jar;etc Does anyone know a way to separate multiple entries with a semicolon automatically, rather than entering each .jar file? Perhaps using a wildcard (*) of sorts?
in my "program files" dir... i have a folder name "putty" in this folder is :putty.exe pscp.exe psftp.exe plink.exe i would like to run these programs from the command line... as thats the only way a few of them will run since they have no gui. anyways.. i know where to set the variable My Compuer > Properties > advanced > environment variables. i named it putty and thought it should be set to something like:c:Program Filesputty i think Im missin something... its not workin out so far.
I try to use the environment variable to open .bat file in particular directory. However, cmd state that " cant find the specified path". FYI, i still can open other file like txt, etc in the same dir.
I uses command line > regedit /s myhome.reg where the file myhome.reg is: myhome.reg Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USEREnvironment] "HOME"="G:\Recherche_ST\Charles\textes\" then I open a cmd.exe shell and try: > echo HOME it seems that the environment variable is not set.BUT if I go to the env var panel of the advanced / system dialog, I see that the HOME env var is set. If I press OK in this panel, then it is available in a cmd.exe shell.
I have a Windows program that reads an environment variable and depending on its state the program is configured differently. Where I can set the environment variable in the system properties and at the command line, what I really want to do is create multiple Windows shortcut Icons on the desktop, one for each possible environment variable setting. I can then select the desired runtime configuration by selecting the corresponding icon.I have tried the following on the Windows command line and it works, however when I put the same in the Icon properties->Target it complains"set ENVIRO_SETTING=1 && program_name.exe"
Does anybody knows how or where to setup a default user environment variable ?We want to create this variable for each user that logon in to the same pc?
I have an application that uses the environment variable ClientName to store some information. It looks like this env. variable is set in the registry in the hkcu hive. It is set for console, is this some sort of default and can I change it? Do I have to change it here or is there a control panel somewhere that handles this setting? I first looked in the System control panel, under Environment Variables but didn't see it there at all. I want to set this to the machine name cause I have a number of identical systems and they are currently all set the same, I'd like them unique.
I didn't see which one it was, but its silly that it gives you no warning and I accidentally clicked the delete button on the system variables than the user variables.I've restarted my computer and so far its fine, but does anyone know what I can do to get it back? Do I need it?
I'm trying to add a path value to my existing path statement for XP (via control panenel->system, advanced tab, environment) but it is truncated. If the size limit is 1023 chars, then I'm well under this.I change the PATH variable via:Right click My Computer, Properties, Advanced tab;
i had Nero 6 ultra edition and removed it but have still got entries in the registry causing problems with the reinstalling of it. i made a mess the license key entry and it won't reinstall. is there a way of removing all traces of the prog so that i can do a clean reinstall?
Have got some registry entries in HKCU root folder that I have never seen before I have recently installed Net Framework 3.5 and Visual Basic 2008 Express, these entries may have something to do with one or both of these installs.
I'm trying to set the output of a commandline program to a variable in a Windows batch file. For example, if I'd like to read the output of the "ver" command (which tells you what version of window) to a variable called "myvar", how would I do it? So "ver" outputs for me: "Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]" How would I read that into a variable called myvar?
this is part2 of my dilemmas - after finally getting my recognise the rest of 250gb hdd - not it wants to treat them as 2 separate drives - is there anyway of joining them together so I have 1 drive
I have tried without success to delete a folder from my separate hard drive which I beleive is corrupted in some way. I have copied it elsewhere and it runs fine. I have deleted all the individual files (jpgs) and the details show no files remaining. However I get an error message which tells me I cannot delete the folder as the the directory is not empty. I have tried chdsk and to show hidden files with the Tools command but without success. Any ideas? The folder seems to make my hard drive whir and run very slowly hence my desire to get rid of it. I am running Windows XP with SP2 but mt computer skills are limited!
I have a computer that Im trying to fix, the only way to input to the computer at this point and time is the hard drives. I have a working computer obviously. So could I take the hard drive out of the broken computer, give it two partitions, copy the windows install to one partition, start the the install in the broken computer from that partition and install that onto the second partition? Ive heard of this being down but I am no expert.
Without creating a separate user account, Is there a way to configure XP to ask for a password everytime before something gets installed? My 7 year old daughter is starting to use the computer more and more and I do not want her accidently installing anything from the web.
I am running win xp the computer is connected to a network but not a server all logons are made to a local computer there are two admins on the computer me and my dad. He insists on having admin rights but with admin rights he can reset my password without knowing it even though we are apart of the same group so when I go away he removes my password and goes through my files and stuff. Can I make separate groups or something to stop him being able to remove my password.
Now I cannot boot without the 120GB plugged in (tried unplugging the drive and booting and it said the it was Unable to boot from disk or something). I eventually deleted the partition on the old drive in setup and then canceled setup, and I still couldn't boot. So I reinstalled winXP on the old drive and now it boots fine. Of course what I have to do is reinstall XP with the drive unplugged, but do I have to completely redo everything, or can I somehow reinstall without starting from scratch? I've tried using the setup disk in windows with the drive unplugged (I know it isn't safe to unplug drives with the computer running but I had run out of ideas), but it said that it couldn't reinstall windows because there was no valid System Partition (which is on the other drive.
I seem to have three separate Trojan viruses running in my computer! I was told that I need a new hard drive to get rid of these viruses. Is this true? Is there any other way to get rid of this problem?
I lose internet connectivity after a variable period of time of being logged into my computer. I can actually ping and do tracerts to verify that I can "see" the internet. But, my any other methods of accessing the internet do not work! I can't surf using a web-browser, my IM clients do not work, and I can't play any of the online games. I can still share files with computers on my local network.
I would like read an online manual "cover to cover" to find what I am looking for.Which brings me to my current problem. I want to use IIS (Internet Information Services). Are there any directions anywhere? The first thing I wanted to do was set up three separate virtual directories. Searched Microsoft web site for "virtual", "directory", "virtual directory", and "IIS".
I recently bought a new HDD because the old one appears ready to crash (clicking sound). My DVD-Rom is also dead, so I booted from the old hard drive & installed a fresh OS (Windows XP) on the new drive. However, I cannot boot from the new drive alone, because the 'system volume' is Drive C: (old drive) & 'boot volume' is Drive G: (new drive). How can I fix this? I don't mind reinstalling the OS, but I cannot boot from a CD & I don't know how long the old drive will last
I was going to upgrade my wifes Gateway to w2000 as a surprise, kept getting NTDETECT failed error. Before I could work it out or find a solution, she caught me. Lesson learned, Dont mess with wifes computer when she is not here. replaced ME on her computer and reinstalled all of the backups I had made before I had this brilliant Idea. Problem, I have a $200 system that I am dying to install on something. I have a dual hd each 40g and I have nothing on the Drive D. I have XP home on C: drive. I would like to install this W2000 on the D Drive. can someone tell me Is there a way to reformat Just D: drive and install w2000 on it without messing up C: drive. and then being able to pick which OS I want to boot to? This is by the way a Full system CD.
I have gone through the above thread. I have a specific requirement to count the files in a folder and set it's count value to a variable in the batch script. I will then use this value later in the program. e.g. for /f "delims=" %a in ('dir /a-D /B /s "C:codedepotinstallData File DistribProductName" |find /c /v ""') do Set tempVar=%a I am having trouble with the space in the path. I tried using escape with slash '' but didn't help. Can anyone correct my above command and get the count in the tempVar?
I've been trying to get something working with batch files and been running into a problem with env variables. First off, I have a batch file which is launched by cruisecontrol and this batch file would set a couple environment variables. then it will call a second batch file which would setup some more environment variables and exit.
I was adding a path to the environment variables today and deleted the path line. Now I'm having some system problems. Does anyone know how to fix? Is there an easy way to rewrite the Path line? I'm running Windows XP and have zero knowledge of C Shell or executing shell commands, BTW.
hello, i am from Turkey-istanbul. i am using xp (sp2 - ie7). i have got some problems with Java Runtime Environment. because of my job, i am using java applications on explorer. this applications dont run with Java Runtime Environment. they want to remove Java Runtime Environment on my pc. they works with Microsoft Virtual Machine. other programs works with Java Runtime Environment. what shall i do? how can i run all my programs together?
When I first downloaded initially no problem. Now I go to a webcam it says click to view then it shows only an advert then a grey screen and not the Java controls but java is installed and internet options marked correctly -any ideas of problem. I use xp 2002 service pack 2 internet explorer 6