Cannot Delete Folder From Separate Hard Drive

Dec 18, 2008

I have tried without success to delete a folder from my separate hard drive which I beleive is corrupted in some way. I have copied it elsewhere and it runs fine. I have deleted all the individual files (jpgs) and the details show no files remaining. However I get an error message which tells me I cannot delete the folder as the the directory is not empty. I have tried chdsk and to show hidden files with the Tools command but without success. Any ideas? The folder seems to make my hard drive whir and run very slowly hence my desire to get rid of it. I am running Windows XP with SP2 but mt computer skills are limited!

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Install Xp From Separate Partition Same Hard Drive?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a computer that Im trying to fix, the only way to input to the computer at this point and time is the hard drives. I have a working computer obviously. So could I take the hard drive out of the broken computer, give it two partitions, copy the windows install to one partition, start the the install in the broken computer from that partition and install that onto the second partition? Ive heard of this being down but I am no expert.

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Separate Trojan Viruses - New Hard Drive

Aug 12, 2005

I seem to have three separate Trojan viruses running in my computer! I was
told that I need a new hard drive to get rid of these viruses. Is this true?
Is there any other way to get rid of this problem?

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System & Boot Volumes On Separate Hard Drives

Jun 25, 2010

I recently bought a new HDD because the old one appears ready to crash (clicking sound). My DVD-Rom is also dead, so I booted from the old hard drive & installed a fresh OS (Windows XP) on the new drive. However, I cannot boot from the new drive alone, because the 'system volume' is Drive C: (old drive) & 'boot volume' is Drive G: (new drive). How can I fix this? I don't mind reinstalling the OS, but I cannot boot from a CD & I don't know how long the old drive will last

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Can Delete This Folder? Placed On My C: Drive

Sep 16, 2005

Windows XP Home Ed. SP2. P4 3.2 GHz. 2 GB DDR RAM. Using my original Windows CD, I performed a Windows Repair. After that repair, I used another CD obtained through Microsoft containing sP2. After completion of the installation, a folder was placed on my C: drive. It has a long folder name: "4b50a7e303f1d0e0caeca2ce" with subfolders such as, "i386," "new" and "root," to mention a few. The files contained within those folders all end with an underscore such as: "accessor.in_" What is this folder and is it safe to delete?

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Daily Backups To Separate Drive

Oct 1, 2007

Is there a program that can automatically back-up your My Documents folder, for example, nightly to a second hard drive?

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Can't Delete Temp Folder In External Drive

Dec 22, 2008

I have what looks like a Windows System Update temporary directory in my external hard drive that I have been unable to delete since it first appeared on October 10, 2008. I've attached is a screen capture highlighting the said folder for your reference.Contents of the 1st two directories look IE-related. I don't use IE, and since the folder is just garbage among my personal files,

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Delete ALL Info Of Hard Drive

Jan 4, 2004

I bought a hard drive from a local computer store and they said if I wantedto exchange it for a larger, faster hard drive or a differnt brand I could.I want to get more space but I do not want them having my personal info, windows cd key, passwords.I heard you have to do a special formatt to clear all info is that true.

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Completely Delete Everything On Hard Drive

Dec 1, 2006

i have a brand new computer from crappy MDG and they have alot of stuff that i cant seem to uninstall or remove and id like to change the opperating system. to be honest i would like to just completely remove xp from the hard drive without having to reformat, i just want a clean hard drive so i can do a completely fresh install of windows xp, is this possible?

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Disk Cleanup Wants To Delete Hard Drive

Dec 30, 2005

Wow, this is kind of odd I ran disk cleanup and noticed that the size of the temporary files it wants to delete totals about 56 GBs, which is pretty much everything on my HD.It did this once before, only it just deleted Windows, which is pretty ironic.I've tried running chkdsk with the r parameter, and it found nothing, so I'm not sure exactly what to do with a Windows-specific issue like this, especially seeing as I have no restore points other than the latest one, which was just before I found this all out. Reformatting is NOT an option.

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Delete Hard Drive With Protected Files?

Sep 24, 2008

I have 2 disk partions on my computer my c: has around 10 gb and my d has the rest of my memory.I was has installed vista and my computers could handle it but I didn't install sp1 and it crashed.I had xp on the other partion.So i booted from the xp disk now i want to delete everything on the d: Drive but it has vista files which are protected.Is there any way i can clear it?

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Delete Partition On External Hard Drive

Jun 2, 2004

I copied my data files to my external Maxtor hard disk before I tried to reformat my internal hard drive and reload Win XP. However during my partition, I didn't realize I still had the external drive (160GB) plugged in and it showed up at the top of the list and the original internal (80GB) below it. So, I followed the instruction mistakenly and went through the process of deleting the partition(on the external hard drive) and tried to partition it into two drives. Then I got an error message as I continue to try to format the hard drive "Your computer's startup program cannot gain access to the disk containing the partition or free free space you choose . Set up cannot install Window XP on this hard disk." I stopped, reboot and tried to go through the delete partition several times with the same error message. After several attempts, I realized that the external hard drive was still plugged in.

So I unplugged the external hard drive and reboot to go through the process of reformatting and partition the internal hard drive into C drive and E drive and loaded Win XP. Now even though I plugged in the hard.After I installed the external hard drive's
software,driver and restarted the computer, I connected the external hard drive and don't see the drive in my computer. I could find it under Control Panel/System/Device Manager/Disk drives but it doesn't show up as an external hard drive under "My computer" with a drive letter. Under the disk management, I see the drive as Disk1 but it was unallocated. Did I lose all my data due to the delete of partition? Can I recover my data and drive ?

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Weird Folders On Hard Drive That Can't Delete

Jan 12, 2005

I installed service pack 1 and 2 for WinXP and ever since, these folders have appeared on my hard drives. Windows gives me "Access Denied" everytime I try to delete these folders.

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Can't Delete Files From Hard Drive / Locked

Nov 9, 2006

I only have 12% free space on my D hard drive and when I try to go into the drive to delete some files/programs, I get a lock icon and I get a message that I can't delete. It's a back-up for the computer and it is locked. How can I go into the drive to delete some items. I know I don't need all those files/programs backed up. I have a HP Media computer and I have XP.

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Can't Delete Files Off Of External Hard Drive

Sep 27, 2007

I am really annoyed cause I can't delete most of the files on my external hard drive, nor can I format it. I tried using this program that has always successfully deleted files off of my C and F drives. It seems there is no way to delete these files.

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Sure Delete Fills Hard Drive With 300 Gigs

Oct 10, 2008

I've heard a lot of good things about Sure Delete, which is used to delete files from your computer permanently (I'm really paranoid about identity theft). When I used it, I just expected it to clear these deleted files from my system so they couldn't be brought back, but what actually happened was much different. I came back to my computer to find that my 400 gigabyte hard drive that was originally less than 90 gigabytes full now has 397 gigabytes used and runs at an astoundingly slow speed. The readme for the program claims that if such a case occurs to delete the sdel.tmp files in the directory cleared, which in my case was C:. Unfortunately, they don't exist there, or anywhere else. I've done over 15 full system scans, used the Windows XP Disk Cleanup tool 3 times, as well as 2 3rd-party disk cleaners, attempted a System Restore (Which didn't work), tried to email the makers of Sure Delete (Which returned an error every time), re-ran the program twice, and uninstalled the program, restarted my computer, and checked again. Nothing has done anything. If you wanna check out Sure Delete,

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Hard Drive Won't Format Or Delete In Install

Mar 4, 2009

I just put together a desktop with an Asus A7V880 mobo and after I installed XP on my Seagate SATA Baracuda 7200.1 120Gb harddrive I was running windows and it shutdown and said it had to shutdown to protect my computer and now I think there is some corrupt data onit that will not delete off the hard drive.I have tried many many differe nt things to delete the drive so I can reinstall windows onit.It shows up in my computer in the bios but not in windows windows and will not format either.I just bought a seagate 40Gb hardrive just like it for the computer also I have installed windows onit and it runs good ,but it sometimes tells me it has to studown to protect computer to but it will still reboot.I have ran Seatools on the hard drive and it finds errors on the drive and ask me if I want to repair them and I do and it shows them as repaired.It says passed after repair right,then I try to rescan it again to see if it fixed them ,but it the errors still show up again just like the first seatools scan.I have just about ran out of options on how to delete the hard drive.

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How Do Delete The Partion To Reclaim Hard Drive Space

Jul 5, 2005

How do I delete the partition between my drives C and D to reclaim the hard drive space? I am running XP Home on the computer. I have already formatted my drives C and D. I have also made my Recovery CDs and my Recovery Tools CD. Therefore I don't need the data on the hidden partition that HP created

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Delete Files On Hard Drive, No New Free Space

Dec 6, 2006

Have a P4, 3.0, 200g HD, Xp Home. 2 partitions. I deleted and moved files, computer
tells me that I have the same amount of capacity on first partition before I deleted and moved files. I have gotten rid of over 30g of files. Where is my free space

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Delete Extra Windows Instalation From Hard Drive

Jan 21, 2007

I have an extra operating system on my C drive that I want to get rid of. Can this be done without reformatting the drive

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Backed Up Hard Drive Folder Wont Die

Jun 18, 2006

I recently had to format my hard drive, and it created a backup folder for the old hard drive stuff for me. Now i realise that i dont need it, so i decided to delete it. I have been able to delete all of it apart from My Documents. Access is denied: make sure the drive isnt full or write protected.

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Temp Folder Filling Up Hard Drive ?

May 14, 2010

I have a friend who has Windows XP SP3 running with Vipre Anti Virus, the problem that arise is his temp folder seems to be filling up with these types of files..

C:WINDOWSTEMPSBS_7ZIP_OPEN_20100414122513.234_ 7461

He has a 300GB hard drive and only about 20 or 30GB is used but the rest of the Hard drive will get filled with the above temp files until the whole drives runs out of space..its'll go down to 1 MB or less so the rest of the 200GB is full of temp files..and the low hard drive notifications popsup.. I always have ro have him run CCleaer to clean out his temp folder.

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Hard Drive Partitions - Install Them In The Appropriate Sub Folder.

Sep 28, 2007

Sometime early next year I will be building a new system. The system will likely have one large hard drive. As of now I will be installing XP Pro. I was curious how everyone else splits up their drive. How big of a partition is generally created for the OS. And do most people partition the remaining space.Now a file architecture question. When non OS applications games, utilities, MS Office, etc.) are installed do most people put then in D:Program Files Or create separate sub-folders for the broad categories and install them in the appropriate sub folder.

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Folder Disappeared - Installed Second Hard Drive

Jan 24, 2009

installed second hard drive,moved program files from c drive to folder i created in new drive.installed farcry onto new folder.but farcry files where scattered allover & not in folder of its own.uninstalled farcry with program called my uninstaller.pc then froze couldnt get into task manager,so switched off pc.when i restarted,disaster, folder in new drive had gone along with my programs ,mostly games,

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How To Make Hard Disk Drive As My My Music Folder?

Sep 22, 2007

I have this idea however I don't know if you can do it. What i want to do is to make my Hard Disk Drive as my My Music folder: Whenever you click or go into My Music, it will act as a shortcut and head straight to the Hard Disk Drive. The reason for this is so I have a Hard Disk Drive full of music while my original HDD has all the other stuff. Also My Music is a special windows folder so I would like to keep that if possible when doing this.

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Hard Disk Drive Icons - My Computer Folder Changed

Jun 14, 2005

The Hard Disk Drive Icons in the "My computer" folder changed from an XP look and feel to a Win 98 look and feel. I right clicked on the Icon but I cannot change from there. Does anyone know how to change back the icons?

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Bat. Delete Folders In A Folder Not Delete Folder

Nov 30, 2004

I have a batch file to delete temp files but it will not delete folders. DEL /s /q c:"Documents and Settings"Username"Local Settings"Temp If I use the following it deletes Temp file also. I do not want that. rd /s /q c:"Documents and Settings "BillandWezzie" Local Settings"Temp I hope there is some other way, because I have other folders that I do not want to lose. I think the above folder will come back when needed, but I am not sure.

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Cant Copy Files From Internal Hard Drive To External Hard Drive Using Linux

Mar 5, 2010

I have a Dell computer where one of the loading .dll files came up 'missing' one day, so it won't boot. I want to get all the photos and other docs off the hard drive. I had downloaded one version of linux and was able to see the files on the internal hard drive, but was unable to copy them to a memory stick or external hard drive. Now I've downloaded ubuntu and booted off a memory stick... this time, it's telling me that the internal hard drive has all kinds of bad sectors and won't let me access any of the files on there.

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Having Big Temp Folder / Delete The Contain Of This Folder

Sep 24, 2006

delete the contain of this folder without cuzing problems C:Documents and Settings Local SettingsTemp on win XP it is 750 MB

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Transfer Files From Removed Laptop Hard Drive Into New Hard Drive

Aug 5, 2010

My laptop died and I removed the hard drive.i hooked the hard drive up to my new laptop via a SATA/IDE cable.

I can see the old hard drive in the E drive and it appears that all the contents are there by the size of the hard drive (same as when I had it in the old laptop) but I can only see, actually view, a very small percentage of the drive.

My goal: I want to transfer all old music, word documents and photos from old laptop into new laptop.

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Convert Slave Hard Drive To Primary Hard Drive

Oct 13, 2009

current HD going bad, have second HD installed and using as back but now i need to make the second HD my primary, can i do this without having to reformat in order to add booting files.

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