SFC Scannow Cannot Find Install CD

Jul 29, 2005

SFC /scannow says it needs to copy some files to the DLL cache but when I insert the CD it says it is the wrong CD. The CD is fine and is the correct one (MSDN subscription) and there is not a hardware problem with the CD on any disks.

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Scannow Sfc Running And No CD

Jan 24, 2009

I'm in the middle of troubleshooting an issue with an external hard drive, and someone sent me to an article about scannow sfc. The instructions made it sound like it's just another scan, but now it appears that if I don't have a CD ready I'm stuck in some process I can only safely get out of if I somehow find the proper CD. The process didn't get very far before it asked for a CD to copy files to the DLL Cache. I tried to cancel, but I get a warning that I'll need the CD later, and if I want to skip that step. I have no idea how and when I'll be able to get my hands on a CD for XP Pro SP2 (most of my friends prefer Mac). There must be some way to shut down this process.And could someone tell me if it's okay to at least unplug the external hard drive, so I can turn it off for the night, or is it also involved in this process?

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Sfc Scannow - 3 Blue Bars

Aug 18, 2010

I have run sfc scan now (because the startup of win xp was slower than before ( i count the 3 blue bars when xp is loading, and it was increased from 6 to 11) and asks the win xp cd. after the check, I rerun the sfc scannow, to be sure that everything is ok, but asks again for winxp cd (there is still corrupted files?). I run sfc /purgecache, then again scannow to refill the cache, and after i rerun the scannow it still asks for the xin xp cd!!! what is going on here?(note that i have win xp pro gr without sp2, after the installation i installed sp2. I re instaled the sp2, rerun the sfc /purgecache , then scannow, and again the scannow and still asks for the win xp cd.)

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Using Sfc Scannow Reformat Hard Drive

Jun 27, 2005

I'm having problems with windows xp home and am going to try to use sfc /scannow to repair it. I am in the middle of downloading SP2 to burn to CD so I can have that CD when scannow asks for it since it says that I have missing or replaced files that need to be fixed.Do I just burn the file directly to a CD or do I have to do something special to it to make it run automatically when scannow asks for it? WIll it erase all my data? If so I need to go get an external hard drive first to back everything up since my DVD burner isn't working correctly.

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Install Directx On My Computer: Find/ Download/ Install?

Aug 18, 2010

I need to install directx on my coputer, don't know how.

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New Windows Install, Cannot Find LAN Sp1

Apr 16, 2007

just booted and installed windows xp SP1. I have 4 other computers connected to a working wireless router, with this computer connected by an ethernet cable. The cable is working properly, because my laptop can connect to the network through it. I need to connect to the internet on my new computer to run updates, download latest drivers, etc...basically getting this beast ready to start installing my favorite programs and games. But, when I plug the ethernet cable into the port on the mobo, windows doesnt detect it. There is no LAN option in the 'Network Connections' folder, but a '1394 Connection'. How do I get windows to reconize the port This is either a problem with the MOBO (asus crosshair) or a problem with SP1, and i dont know which

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Find Programs After Install

Apr 6, 2008

I just reinstalled WIN XP Pro, and now I sitll have the programs on the hard drive, but nothing in the "START / All Programs" menu. I recall on other Win OSs' that they had a "search for installed Program" option. Does Win XP pro have anything like that ?
I am aware some programs will have to be re-installed due to regeistration issues. I am hoping not too many.

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Install Wont Find HD

May 16, 2009

Recently did a full clean up and reformatted my laptops(A51-m) HD(Hatachi ata/ide 60gb) now when i try and reinstall Windows wont see any HD.BIOS finds it fine but XP install CD wont.I looked around and most ppl say its a sata driver needed but with bios seeing it idk.

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SATA Install - Cannot Find The Driver

Apr 13, 2010

I am having a heck of a time with this. I am trying to install Windows XP on a Lenovo R60e that has a SATA hard drive. I cannot for the life of me find the driver. I cannot seem to find anything resembling this driver on Lenovo's "Driver Matrix" or anywhere else on their site. Is there a generic one out there that anyone knows of? I want to slipstream this into an XP install, but I can't do it without the driver.

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Install Can't Find HDD - Restarted Itself - File Mup.sys

Apr 20, 2007

my XP install started acting up and whenever it loaded the XP boot screen, my HDD light stayed on, and after a couple of minutes, my computer restarted itself. To find the problem, I started XP in safe mode, and it went to load up till a file mup.sys(?), can't remember. I re-plugged my SATA cable (I have a Samsung SpinPoint 160GB on a MSI P965 Neo-F running a Core 2 Duo E6600 at stock clocks), switched the cable, and checked that my mobo's bios was emulating the RAID device on IDE. The thing is, every other OS finds my HDD (even Win 2000!): Linux, Vista, Mac OS-X (I was desperate). I'm running openSUSE 10.2 right now, and I desperately need Windows back! My dad won't let me install Vista yet.

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How To Find Registration Key In Original Install CD?

Feb 10, 2010

I Should re-install my Windows XP Professional. I have One problem. I bring the windows installation CD in Italy this summer to install also WinXP English version onto my PC I have there. Basicaly I do allways and often backup of everything. I have a backup of the install CD files since I bought my new PC(2006). But No way to find a notepad backup or any backup of the windows regkey who came with my windows Installation CD.
There is anyway to find that key in the files of the installation CD?

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Install Of SP2 Won't Complete: XP Couldn't Find Ntoskrnl.exe?

Apr 3, 2007

OK, I downloaded Diskkeeper premium the other night and it ran through my disk and defragged. Later, the system (running slow) so I uninstalled it. Still ran terrible. Did a system restore and upon booting, XP couldn't find ntoskrnl.exe. I never could get xp back up and going into the recovery console from the XP setup disk showed the windows folder was empty. I'm guessing the system restore wiped it and didn't complete reloading the contents which is why it was empty. I pulled the drive and hooked it up to another system as a second drive and was able to get some vital data files but most that

I needed were corrupt and wouldn't copy.i put the drive back in the machine it was in, started a fresh install of XP sp2 and it loads all files and when it starts windows to do the install, it hangs at 33 minutes remaining. Changed the drive and started with another good drive. Same thing. Got another XP sp2 disk in case some files were corrupt on the original although I had used it many times prior with no problem. Still the same thing. Gets to 33 minutes remaining on the install and just never gets any farther

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Install Windows Xp: Setup Wont Find HDD?

Oct 15, 2010

I recently purchased a Western Digital laptop hard drive for my HP Presario X1015US laptop - and got the part where it said : Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed on my computer. I have tried two new drives now and it is simply not getting past this point. I have gone in to the bios to ensure it is booting from Windows Operating System CD and it is still not finding. HP told me I have to check motherboard? Is there anything else I can do or am I going to need to buy a new laptop (the old hard drive is no longer working...started making weird noise).

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HP Compaq Won't Install - Can't Find A Hard Drive

Jan 3, 2008

I've been trying to install Windows XP on a HP Compaq 6710b. It's my friends laptop, it shipped with Vista and she hates it so I'm giving her one of my copies of XP to use, because I'm so nice and whatnot. It boots into Windows Setup, checks everything, and then tells me that it can't find a hard drive for it to install Windows on, and the only option is to press F3 to restart. Is there some step I'm missing to turn on the hard drive before I install? Is this a problem with HP products, or have I just forgot to press some button?

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Imesh Uninstallation - Can't Find Install.log File

Apr 14, 2009

I am running Windows XP and have tried to uninstall imesh. One of two things happens. One is that, in the add/remove programs, when i try to uninstall, it simply freezes up or...i get the "can't find install.log file" message. I redownloaded the program, but that doesn't help; nothing changes.

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Boot CD Can't Find Window Install For Recovery Console

Feb 24, 2010

My motherboard went kaput. I got a new motherboard and was going to avoid formating by using a repair install. I did the repair install and booted to windows (in safe mode) but it crashed on agp440.sys, which seems to be a fairly common problem with outdated chipset drivers. I know I can disable this driver in the recovery console, but when I boot to my XP disk, it cannot find my XP installation, It just goes straight to the screen where I can pick a partition to install onto. How did my XP install get lost? I recently fixed up my boot records and everything was fine, I was always able to use the recovery console. Obviously the install is there since I can start booting to it.

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Clean Install / CT Network Adapter And Can Not Find The Driver

Sep 4, 2007

I am going to install a new OS Windows XP , Home with sp2 on my computer , at least try. Now i remember that the network adaptor is one of the things i need to d/l drivers for , well i have already run into trouble i have a Intel Pro/1000 CT network adapter and can not find the driver for it.

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No Sound After Fresh Install - Cannot Find The Drivers Disk

May 4, 2008

ve just reinstalled the operating system on my pc as it was running very slow and kept hangin,all is working fine but i now have no sound through my speakers at all,and cannot find the drivers disk for my motherboard how can i get my sound back

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Install To Test Some Software / Did Not Find Addressed On Microsoft Website

Apr 12, 2007

I am getting ready to install this to test some software and I wonder about the uninstall process. I did not find it addressed on Microsoft's website.If it works, I will be getting some new hardware and I will not need it on the original PC any more.

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Impossible To Install - Setup Did Not Find Hard Disk Drives

Dec 9, 2006

I'm going crazy with this issue and I cannot find any possible solutions. I hope someone in here can help me somehow.Let me explain what's my situation. I have a SATA drive (WD 160GB) I had Windows XP installed on my machine until yesterday that I decided to try a beta version of Vista. Now, I want to get rid of Windows Vista and install XP again. However, when I insert my CD to boot, after it loads all the files,etc...It shows me this message Quote: Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer.

Quote :Make sure any hard drives are powered on properly connected to your computer,and that any disk-related hardware configuration is correct.This may involve running a manufacturer-supplied diagnostic or setup program. Setup cannot continue. To quit Setup, press F3.

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Can't Find Missing Harddrive - Find Access To Drive

Aug 28, 2005

recently we had power failure and when I turned my computer back on, my bios came up.I tryed to exit out but some how disconnected or turned off my second hard drive and can not get it to go in the active state again, how do I check for the missing letter E that the drive is on orfind access to this drive

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How To Find The Find The IP Address On Computer

Feb 16, 2005

How do you find the IP address on a computer and how do you keep it safe from others accessing this information on your computer?

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New Hard Drive Xp - New Install - Doesnot Find Hard Drive

Jul 2, 2008

i have a Compaq nx 7400 .i was hahving a lot of problems with the computer so i decided to put a new hard drive in and reinstall XP .
well i have the new hard drive in and started up the machine and changed the bott options to run from the dvd and all went fine until i should press the ENTER ( return ) button to install XP now . as soon as i did that the next window said no hard drive found . this was also happening on the old hard drive that was in the machine .

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Install Won't Go Away / Install Went Into The Actual Install Mode

Dec 5, 2009

while trying to fix another problem, by repairing WP on an Averatec 3200, the Install went into the actual install mode, rather than the repair mode. As I don't have the security key (someone who will go un-named, but I have my suspicions, threw away the plastic CD holder with the key taped to the back) I can't continue the install and I can't get the install off the computer. The reason that I was trying to repair is that I have the Log-on Virus which makes it impossible to log on and do anything about the virus. Can't even get to SAFE mode to try to remove the virus with Spyware Doctor.

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Turn Off Computer Supposed To Install An Important Security Update - Wont Install

Dec 2, 2006

When i click the turn off computer button it is supposed to install an important security update. The update thing never goes away even though it looks like the update has been installad.

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.5730.0011)

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Monitor Drivers Unable To Install On Fresh Windows 2000 Install

Apr 18, 2005

HI, I just installed windows 2000 professional onto my computer. Everything works fine except that the resolution is really grainy. On some web sites I cannot even make out what the words are. I found out that when I go into my monitor settings in display properties I am unable to install the drivers for my monitor. Does anybody know a way in which I can get around this.

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XPsp2 Fresh Install / Doesn't Prompt To Install New Hardware

Sep 25, 2007

I have just installed a fresh copy of windows XP sp2 on 2 machines. Both Dell Optiplex desktops. Usually it prompts that it has found new hardware for each device it hasn't found drivers for. Device manager lists them with a yellow exclamation icon.Problem I have now though is that the fresh install of XP does not show these prompt at all, although device manager lists them and if i go in there and update driver the device works.The problem I have is that basically i usually copy a driver heirarchy to the systemdrive and point the registry at them, which results in automatic installation on boot. This no longer works and I assume they are related as it doesn't look like it's automatically trying to install these devices.Is there a setting somewhere, seems very strange, what with it being a fresh install?

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Install Directx 9.0 - Extracts Files But Doesnt Install Components

Feb 24, 2008

i also get the same problem with my windows xp update and the service packs.

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Trying To Install Printer / Rpc Server Is Unavailable Error / Won't Install

Mar 19, 2005

I'm trying to install my printer, usb, lexmark x75 all in one. When I try to install it I get a weird rpc server is unavailable error and it won't install it.

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Fresh Install Windows Home / Locking Up At End Of Install

Feb 14, 2005

I have two computers, one I use for gaming, the other for school. Both computers had 60gb Maxtor (school with lots of room, gaming with about 10 gb free). My school HD took a powder (the evil clicky noise of doom), but I was able to back up my files prior to that. Me being a quick thinker, I decide to upgrade my gamer puter to a 120gb (don't wanna go too nutso, as I am considering building a much superior computer), and put the good 60 gb in my old Athlon 700. Problem? I cannot get Windows XP Home to complete install on my gamer computer. (Athlon 700 installed just fine with 'good' 60gb).Gamer Computer: Athlon 1800+, 512MB DDR Ram 2100, KR7A Raid MOBO, GeForce3 Ti 200 (128MB DDR RAM), SB Audigy 2(AGP).

It is a RAID mobo, but i do not use the raid functionality, I did not have a problem before(I have my HD and my 2 roms on ide now). I go through the install steps, and I get to the very very end, where it states you are about to start Windows XP, and then it hangs, and thats it.I have tried to ensure there are no conflicts, I pulled out my sound card as well as my network card, and 're-seated' my video card and RAM. I have tried looking at using a winxp bootup floppy, booted into safe mode (the only error it detects is the missing RAID, no conflicts detected there). Heck, I even swapped out mouse and keyboard. I tried putting back the good 60gb back in the pc, and reformatting, but still get the same thing(sometimes the screen is black, sometimes the icky blue of xp, but that's it).I have no idea now. I did make sure that my bios was up to date before taking down the system originally, and it was, so no change was made there. Even swapped out the ribbon cables to ensure nothing was damaged on original removal.

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SP3 Install Gets Stuck On Running Processes After Install

Jul 8, 2008

I just installed sp2 but forgot that there was a third service pack. Started the install sp3, 2 or 3 hours later. It appears to be stuck on the stage of "running processes after install". I have gone all over the internet looking for a proper answer to what I should do.I have terminated a few processes that are not needed at the moment. e.g. Google Toolbar something something, iTunes Helper and iPod service. I feel the solution is to end a certain process somewhere but have no idea which one. The cancel button is also grayed out and I am updating through windows update.The computer is not completely frozen. I can still open other windows and move the mouse.

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